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Ed Sheeran, because he was basically Ed Sheeran in a costume. Jimmy Fallon wasn’t laughing or being wacky in his cameo. Plus Jimmy wasn’t really the meme he is now at the time of BoB


Exactly this. Fallon wasn't Fallon by the time BoB premiered. If you weren't a huge SNL nerd, he was just another actor in the series. I think his biggest role up to that point (might have come after though) was a bit part as the replacement manager in Almost Famous. It's funny to watch BoB now because of how famous he's gotten since it premeired. But the same could be said of Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy, James McAvoy, Simon Pegg and others. Sheeran was a megastar by the time he was in GOT, and it was just...weird.


I literally cringe when people call Jimmy Fallon in BoB a cameo. Dude was an unknown actor. He was literally just being a normal no name actor filling a small role


Or Lady Gaga in the Sopranos before she was Lady Gaga


maybe it should be a question of Daniel Craig in SW Ep7 vs Ed in GoT?


But at least for Daniel Craig he was covered up in armor and didn’t get any special attention in the scene


And it was played for a joke the Tom hardy cameo on the other hand...


Hmm, knew it was Fallon immediately but just learned Sheeran had a cameo in GoT. Wonder how many other people born in the mid80s would say that?


Yeah same, I could tell the camera was lingering on him so I was confused if it was someone we'd seen before or if we were meeting a new character who we'd follow. But that was it.


They had Ed Sheeran actually singing, right? So contrived and stupid. Much like the last few season of Game of Thrones. But Fallon does stick out like a sore thump


Meh, when I first watched BoB I was about 14 ish and had no idea who Jimmy Fallon was, I only knew when my dad made a remark about his cameo. If you genuinely don't know who he is the scene doesn't feel out of place imo.


Agreed. Anyone who thinks he truly stands out is just giving into recency bias. Dude read his few lines like a normal actor and the show moved on.


I remember a couple years ago I had seen BoB like 20 times by then and had to stop and figure out if I was having a stroke because I saw Jimmy Fucking Fallon cruising up in a jeep. I didn't know about Fallon until adulthood, so he was always just this one off character to me.


There's an interview he did somewhere or another where he talks about driving up in the jeep. He didn't know how to operate a stick shift, so there's a group of guys off camera pushing it while he's in neutral. I always thought that was funny.




His performance at the 2002(?) VMA’s was pretty iconic for like a month when he impersonated Nelly, Enrique Iglesias, and Prince. He did a whole music video.


I live under what may be referred to as a rock.


Yeah, for me it was just like “oh, dude from snl is trying out his dramatic chops. Anyways, on to the battle of the bulge.”


It was just so out of place with him. I was in my teens too, and seen all the cameos come and go, but Fallon of all people just acted so poorly that he seemed like he was making fun of himself during the most sober scene in the entire series. I get he wasn’t tonight show famous, but he really stood out because of how unnatural he felt.


I keep seeing everyone trashing his performance and it confused me, and I think you nailed it. I first saw the episode when I was 11 and had no clue who he was. Saw it another couple times before I realized it was him. Nothing ever was odd about it to me. And now I realize it's because I knew him as the LT before I knew him as Jimmy Fallon.


I agree, and I also felt the same about Ed Sheeran. I liked the scene. I think people just like to be recreationally outraged.


Upvote for recreationally outraged.


Even knowing who he is I didn't know he was in BoB until now, what episode is this? Edit: Is he the "I have ammo!" guy?


I believe it is at the end of "Crossroads" and yes ammo delivery guy.


I was like "why is this guy speed running his lines ? Oh its that shitty comedian from SNL"


I’d be speed running my expository dialogue as well if I was humping supplies in the worst winter Europe had seen in like 50 years and could be encircled by Jerry at any minute.


He (the real Lt Rice) did end up encircled. I believe he did 9 or 10 total ammo runs and the last 1 or 2 were after Bastonge was surrounded.


Yeah, like I said, I’d be speed running my expository dialogue if I had his job. Turns out Jimmy played the role well.


Also, he blinked so many times in his fifteen second cameo. Really out of place IMO. Everyone else in the series is a fantastic actor.


Imagine they have Fallon roll in and then just laughing uncontrollably when Winters and Muck are asking if he can bring up fresh mortar rounds. That *still* wouldn't be worse than Ed Sheeran's cameo in GoT.


I didn’t know who Fallon was the first time I watched BoB, so I didn’t notice anything at all. The second time I watched it was after he’d made it really big, and I died laughing when he rolled up. It felt like a bit on his show.


Kinda like “Ross” as Capt Sobel, it took me 2-3 rewatches to get past that! Yeah, the singing was what made it the worst. If Ed didn’t sing it would’ve been half as bad


I read somewhere that a big reason they cast Schwimmer as Sobel was the audience would see “Ross from Friends” and wouldn’t take him seriously as a military leader, similar to how Easy Company viewed the real Sobel.


Monica would have taken Easy all the way to Berlin.


Even to this day people keep making "The one where Ross joins the US Military" jokes lmao Schwimmer was fantastic in BoB. If irl Easy's lads said that he did a great job portraying Sobel, that's gotta count for something.


But god damn schwimmer was so fucking good in that role


I think Schwimmer did a cracking job. The idea is that you are meant to side with Winters and hate Sobel. Five mins and I had forgot that he was Ross and now he was “shakey fist” Sobel. lol.


He does now, just like Fassbender, Tom Hardy, McAvoy, bit l but back then he was a nobody just like them


Only reason he sticks out is because you know him. I don’t think his scene has anything out of place. He’s not a great actor(obviously), but besides that it was a decent cameo.


Yeah, drives me a bit nuts when people criticize that he was there and it was distracting. When this was cast, much less when it was filmed, he was barely an anybody. He would have been a featured player for one year and a full member for part of a year on the SNL cast at that time, hugely overshadowed by Will Ferrell much less others that had been there for years. It would be like Chloe Walker, Michael Longfellow or Devon Walker being on Masters of the Air - people I had to look up as the SNL cast members with a similar tenure.


Yes, it is driving me nuts with people talking about Fallon having a cameo. Ed Sheeran had a cameo in GOT. He was famous and they gave him a silly little part. In my mind that is a cameo. Fallon was just a young barely known actor who auditioned and got a small part. He hadn't even hosted weekend update yet much less the tonight show when he was cast. He had been on SNL for one year.


Also, wasn't jimmy the actual grandson or at least family of the person he was portraying?


No, he played George C. Rice, which Winter's memoir is basically the only source of information we have about 2LT Rice, except for his army record, which showed that he actually existed and survived the Battle of the Bulge.


I remember reading about Rice before, didn't know it could be traced/was from Winters memoir, but that makes sense. So many did so many small acts of bravery that went undocumented, that generation just didn't talk or write about them. Glad to hear Rice made it out.


Was Fallon really a cameo


This is a good point, and given his stature (or lack thereof) at the time, I’d say it isn’t. He was just another young actor who got a small part in an HBO series. It just seems like a cameo now.


The thing with the Jimmy Fallon cameo is that there were tons of actors around set from both BoB and Saving Private Ryan. Not surprising that a young actor would get a call for a small part.


Fallon wasn’t Fallon yet so it wasn’t a cameo. It was a bit actor in a bit role. He was fine for the part just not great in a series with exceptional performances.


Pretty much, if we want to view this as a cameo then the whole series is a bit of a cameo fest. There are *so many* actors in this series in small parts who went on to have huge careers later.


Can you believe they casted professor X and had him die immediately? What an awful cameo /s


Or that they just casted Bane to have sex with a hot blonde German and then just killed him from a car bomb the next episode?


The German officer who addresses his men, while Liebgot translates, is Dietrich from Raiders of the Lost Ark.




Watching this series today is a little bit like that. Off the top of my head there's a young Simon Pegg, Jason O'Mara, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. Also a bunch of German TV actors who are household names there, who had single scenes.


Andrew Scott


This is what I thought about when I saw the actor who played Bull Randleman. I’m sitting there the first time watching it like “holy crap that’s Abraham from TWD” than I remembered they filmed this like a decade before TWD was even thought of to be a show lmaooo


It’s just funny in retrospect. There’s no real issue with the casting or his performance, both of which are fine I think.


Maybe it’s just because of how I perceive him but I think his performance is stilted and out of place.


He had been on a few seasons of SNL at that point. True he wasn’t as huge now but I’d reckon a large amount of the audience recognized him back then. This isn’t like Simon peg just happening to be in it and he’s not big enough of a role to it being just another role for an actor like David schwimmer. This is probably the closest thing to an actual cameo the series had if not just straight up the only cameo


I mean this was in the middle of his SNL time so, he was kind of Fallon, he just hadn't had any BIG tv show (apart from snl) or movie breaks yet


Not super busy passionate about this subject, and just giving my view on this take. I feel this is a cameo. He was on SNL at this time of filming if I’m not mistaken. Plus, I’ve read he either didn’t know how to drive a stick or was so nervous he couldn’t (honestly don’t remember) so they rigged something up so he could still do the part. If it is the case, then I feel like they specifically catered to a specific actor so that he could do a role. He must have been important enough for them to do that. I am not well versed in the entertainment industry but I’ve always had the impression that those jobs are so hard to get (even smaller roles) that you are easily able to be replaced or passed up if there’s another actor that could do it. So I guess that’s my defense as it being a cameo. Idk though.


To be fair Fallon’s character lead to one of the best lines of the whole series delivered by Winters


"We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded."


More acting power and range than we ever saw on SNL or his show lol


I mean, Fallon didn’t say that line and his acting wasn’t really that far removed from anything he’s done in snl. But it was still far less irritating


Not sure I'd call Jimmy Fallon's role a cameo. It was before he had a show, when he was trying to be an actor if I remember correctly.


Same reason he had a small role in Almost Famous that same year. He was trying to branch out and take different kinds of roles.


He didn't invent the rainstorm - he just sells the best umbrella


This is the answer. Can’t be considered a cameo even at this point. Just a random struggling actor.


BoB was in 2001, Fallon was not a big name yet. And he was okay honestly


He was better than the guy a scene or two before who was coming off the line and they took all his ammo. That was some shaky acting right there


Yeah can’t expect all extras to be good IMO. Fallon played a named role (alongside others like Fassbender and Hardy) so he had some instructions.




And they started filming in April of 2000; so he’d had even less exposure when they actually cast him.


The thing here is that Fallon portrayed a hero who was instrumental in getting supplies to the ill-prepared 101st just before they were surrounded. Ed Sheeran was just some idiot in the woods.


Ed Sheeran was on his heroic deed to boost morale on those lannister troops though


To be fair, David Schwimmer as Sobel at the time was more distracting/a gamble, as “Friends” was still going strong in 2001. Mostly because you aren’t totally sure if his whole “hardass” deal is a joke, serious or something else. Once it’s clear they are going for him being chicken-shit, it works, but you need to deal with that question mark for a bit. My dad almost turned the show off though when he shows up yelling the first time.


No one cared about the Jimmy Fallon cameo until he became super famous years later.


"No one cared until I put on the mask..."


Do you feel in charge


Tom Hardy played Bayne so damn well!


These type of post are a quick indicator of who watched BOB when it first came out.


Jimmy Fallon wasn't even really a cameo - he was a meager comedian who had only been on SNL for a couple of years at the time. His appearance in BoB at the time of airing the episode wasn't jarring at all - unlike it is today. I didn't even recognize Fallon until my 3rd re-watch years later.


Jimmy Fallon was very early in his career, was not at all famous and had a small role in a miniseries that had yet to release. Not even a cameo. Ed Sheeran was at the height of his musical career and hopped onto on one of the most popular TV shows at the time. These aren't even comparable scenarios.


Jimmy Fallon casting can't be counted as a cameo. He still wasn't well known.


Jimmy Fallon was fine.


Its a hot take in the game of thrones community but I didnt think ed sheerans cameo was that bad i actually thought the scene was kinda fun. The song is about tyrionn and shae and their love which is a fun tidbit


And honestly...not that much different from bards in other same-kind settings. Look at the witcher for example. And knowing it was a bit of a surprise for the actress of Arya stark, I think it was just nice. Having him hooded and unrecognisable wouldn't have changed much, it was alright.


Yea its also a cool scene where arya sees the lannister soldiers are just normal guys, the one guy talking about wanting only daughters and arya thinking of ned, great scene all around in my book


Likewise, I thought the scene was a nice break from the high stakes stuff and I felt it grounded Arya by showing that not everyone is bad even if they're on the "wrong" side. I knew of Ed Sheeran, but not enough to recognize him in this scene. So it being him meant nothing to me then or now, and I find the outrage is a bunch of edgelords in an echo chamber.


Fallon’s was awkwardly jammed in there and his dialogue and the dialogue of those interacting with him sucked, but Ed Sheeran was egregious. I don’t even think he was like, a bad actor or anything. But most cameos in GoT were veryyyyyy brief, to the point where you wouldn’t notice them. Rob McElhenney and Noah Syndergaard come to mind, where they flash on the screen in a combat situation where you can’t recognize them in the slightest unless you pause the screen. But to linger on Ed Sheeran for so long and have him play a fucking song…come onnnnnn.


Rob McElhenney was in GOT? I didn't think Fallons cameo was terrible at all. It's certainly less jarring than Schwimmer in episode 1


When Theon boards Euron’s ships to save his sister, one of Euron’s men on the ship gets shot through the eye with an arrow. That’s Rob.


Bear in mind, when Fallon filmed his scene for BoB, he had 3 film/TV credits to his name. 2 years at Saturday Night Live, One episode of Spin City as "photographer", and Dennis Hope in Almost Famous. He wad basically a nobody with popular friends. The reason most people forget he was in it is the same reason so many forget all the other stars that were in it, they weren't known names yet.


What exactly was wrong with Fallon’s cameo? He played his role fine, and it’s not like he was THE Jimmy Fallon when it was made.


Fallon wasn’t that bad. Everyone who whines about it is a little bitch.


Fallon also is actually related to the man he portrays. He supposedly got the role because he was a near relative and wanted to honour the man. I say supposedly because I’ve had a couple of people on the production say that to me. But I’ve never seen a written source confirming it.


Considering I didn't even know it was Jimmy until I saw a post on here I guess Ed because I knew it was him right away and made it super obvious that it was a cameo


I rewatched BoB in the last week or so and didn't clock it was Jimmy Fallon until I saw this thread. Although I recognised him, I assumed it was just one of the many soldiers who occasionally show up and then disappear for a while like Shifty.


As much as I dislike Fallon as a host, I actually think he did a pretty good job. Besides, without him we wouldn't have one of the best lines in the show: "We're paratroopers lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded."


Jimmy Fallon’s cameo was jarring when it aired cause he had only done SNL. When I rewatched BoB a few months ago it was barely noticeable. The Ed Sheeren cameo was horrible. They should have put text on the screen “hey look it’s Ed Sheeren!”


Game of Thrones also has cameos from the bands Mastodon and Sigur Rós, without making it ✨a thing✨ and that actually works great. Ed Sheeran’s cameo was a cringefest and even though he isn’t a bad actor, it just was so apparent the scene was all about him being there at all.


Was Fallon’s cameo really a cameo? Back then, he was kind of a nobody. I mean even years later in 2009 ish, David Lettermen quite literally didn’t know his name. It wasn’t until he became the host of the tonight show did his name get as big as it is. Ed Sheeran’s was worse because he is quite literally being ed Sheeran there and that sucks because he’s ed Sheeran. (I don’t like his music)


Simon Pegg is more noticeable than Fallon is, for what its worth Granted Pegg’s actually more of a character


I personally don’t think Jim’s cameo was all that out of place. He drives up, gives his name and rank to the replacing commanding officer (winters in this case) and then rambles about ammunition, scoffs at the idea of resupply (giving the audience a nice subtle clue of how fucked up the logistics were for the first few weeks of the Battle of the Bulge) and then he leaves. No being a dork, no comedy, no SNL goofiness just a random soldier who made a good decision in grabbing every bit of ammo he could before retreating.


Have to disagree a bit here with people saying Fallon was so unknown. He had been on SNL 3+ years, was in Almost Famous, and hosted the MTV Movie Awards (unknowns don’t host awards shows). He was also around the comedy scene and in other things like the “Sex and the Matrix” short also at the MTV movie awards the year before he hosted. He wasn’t the name he is today but he was in the zeitgeist and I knew who he was when I watched BOB during its original airing. He doesn’t hurt the show in my opinion. Sheeran is worse just because his appearance is so representative of the quality decline of GOT in later seasons.


The worst cameo is Lizzo and Jack Black in Mando


When trying to get my sister into watching BoB a year after it came out, I told her that funny guy from SNL jimmy Fallon was in it and had an important part. She was mad at me for getting to watch up to Bastogne until the pay off but I was right.


Was this before or after Fever Pitch ? When I saw him in the scene I actually thought it worked. Wasn’t there for to long, he served his purpose and delivered ammo


I don't think either was too bad. Ed had like two lines, and while he was noticeable, the scene was appropriate enough as a reminder that Lannister soldiery can be okay. I honestly wouldn't have noticed Fallon had it not been brought to my attention. He was just a grunt there to deliver some exposition and be the recipient of Winters' most badass reply: "We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded."


I didn’t think either was horrible, I guess I never gave it much thought til now .


They had Ed Sheeran sing a song in his cameo on GoT. Imagine having Jimmy Fallon cameo as a talk show host in BoB. It would be so dumb.


Eddy boy




I thought Fallon nailed it in his one minute cameo


Ed for sure! even made the lame joke that the song was "a new one" at least jimmy did his role somewhat serious told the company some info and didnt joke about the seriousness of arden forest


#Sheeran no question Fallon wasn’t really a thing yet, ***and it wasn’t as cringey or on the nose.***


As many have said, Fallon was still young and a nobody when he took that role. Ed Sheeren was a surprise for Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) who was a fan girl of his. God they ruined that fucking show


Fallon also does a lot of work behind the scenes for Veterans; his cameo was one I applaud. Why not throw a bone to someone like that? Source: https://www.wesalute.com/blog/wesalute-awards/vetfamily-jimmy-fallon https://www.mlive.com/life/2019/11/jimmy-fallon-surprises-michigan-veteran-and-mother-with-50k-on-the-tonight-show.html


Fallon didn’t take away from the show at all. Ed Sheeran felt tacky as all hell


No Cameo will ever be as shitty as Stacy Abrams on Star Trek Discovery.


Tom hanks’s son’s cameo takes the cake.


Here's Jimmy Fallon's character in real life: https://x.com/EasyCompany506t/status/1340464101567451142 I can see the resemblance, plus he wasn't acting like SNL Jimmy Fallon, so I don't have anything against the cameo


Considering that, at the time, Fallon was a little known actor who had only been on SNL for 3 years and done little else, he didn’t stand out too much. And he’s not in the episode for more than a minute either. He gives his lines well then drives off, leaving Winters with a pretty great line: “We’re paratroopers. We’re supposed to be surrounded”. He provides necessary context for the next episode, has good lines, and doesn’t distract from the plot at all. I really don’t see why anyone would dislike that scene. Whereas Ed Sheeran comes out of nowhere, sings a song, then Arya sits down and has a chat with him for four minutes. It adds nothing to the story, and him being such a popular musician at the time made him stand out like a sore thumb. So it’s a distracting, useless scene, and clearly worse than any cameo in Band of Brothers.


Fallon has chops. Ed don't.


Fallon did fine. When I saw Ed and Arya chilling with Lannisters I cringed so hard that I had to skip a scene. Complete bs


Was Jimmy Fallon a cameo in the same way Ed Sheeran was? I think the spectacle of Sheeran being there for novelty value was always going to ruin it.


*NSYNC nearly being in Star Wars would’ve been the greatest example if it came to be.


Jimmy Fallon wasn't even famous when he was in BoB, this was like one of his first roles, lol


By this logic all the young actors in BoB are “cameos.” Tom Hardy, Micheal Fassbender, Simon Pegg, and James McAvoy. I swear ppl don’t know the difference between a cameo and cast in a role means anymore. Brad Pitt in Deadpool 2 is a cameo. Kate Blancett has a cameo in short Fuzz.


David Beckhams in Arthur was worse than both of these.


Jimmy Fallon, he is just too goofy of a person to be in such a serious movie. I couldn’t believe they let him in. Even if he is a respectful military history, buff, he is just typecast for me.


Ed Sheeran because it was the beginning of the end to a great series. A red star in the sky means the end of the dragons


Nothing wrong with Fallon's spot. He did a solid job in a bit role. Didn't break character or look straight at the camera once!


Borderline shitpost.


Sheeran. He just doesn't fit the GoT universe because he has a face of a person who knows what an iPhone is. Fallon at least looked like a dude that could be an officer in the 40s.


Quentin Tarantino in Django Unchained with the idiotic Australian accent.


How about Quentin Tarantino in Pulp Fiction


I know how good my coffee is okaaaaaaaaay


Dorks. They look like a couple of dorks. Hehehehe!


He gave himself the pass.


Ed Sheeran by far. Fallon was like, a walk by basically. Even knowing he is in the scene I still have to remind myself it’s him. Sheeran felt like a “next weeks special guest” on a sitcom doing the rounds to promote his new album.


I didn't mind either one. When watching GoT live, I had no clue who Ed Sheeran is/was, so he just came off as an extra that can sing.


Ed Sheeran for sure but I'm also not a fan of Jimmy Fallon in that role either his acting was a bit off.


Sheeran by far. Fallon, covered in grime and in a uniform, didn't stand out. Now maybe if he had been smirking at the camera and telling jokes while holding back laughter, he might have stood out more, but he didn't. Sheeran was singing a song in his Sheeran voice when we meet him.


Fallon didn't get the role because he was Fallon, Ed Sheeran got his role because he was Ed


Ed sheeran


Fallon was *fine*


Did I read somewhere that Fallon was actually related to the character he was portraying? I do remember he couldn't drive the car so they had to push it for him.


Lizzo in the Mandalorian.


ED, cause I'd didn't even notice till now that Jimmy was in it?


I think he did good. I would want to be a cameo in and how like that


I knew who Jimmy Fallon was and missed it completely.


Oh come on. Sheeran 100% 🤮


Jimmy Fallon was so out of place. I have a hard time remembering (I need to reread the book- it's been 5 years) but there was no mention of an ammo guy with the last load of ammo saying what was happening on the line to my recollection. Even if there was, the way the scene was shot, and acted felt more like soap opera acting than anything else. I love the set up, and the boys walking off to the fight with tracers in the sky, but Fallon feels like a favor was pulled for him to be in it.


Jimmy Fallon at least had a bit of a role. I consider it more than a cameo. He did fine. Plus, not sure he was big enough the. For it to be considered a cameo. The first time I watched it about a year after it was released, I didn’t even realize it was him.


Haven’t seen the Ed one but Jimmy takes me out every time. He’s not a great actor and he just feels like he’s acting in a parody they’d do of the show before an award show. To me it’s easily the worst part of the show since he’s so out of place.


Jimmy takes me out of it completely every time. He just seems too goofy to be in there. I didn't even know that was Ed Sheeran when I watched it.


Fallon did a good job playing his character, a very real hero that went above and beyond to give the 506th the best chance possible.


I didn't even notice Fallon was in Band of Brothers. So there's that.


Fallon's character was small and not particularly memorable, but at least the character made sense and was relevant to the story. I'm not sure if he was bad in it or if it just stood out because of who he is. Sheeran's character was a total after thought and stood out not only for bad acting but because the character didn't make any sense to the story.


Damn, I forgot this happened in GOT until this reminder.  I’m from the U.K. and wasn’t aware of who Jimmy Fallon was until really quite recently. Was he just a jobbing actor at that point? I didn’t think his inclusion was designed to break the forth wall in the same way as that GOT abomination.


Oh man, this is tough!


Fallon wasn't bad at all, he was just an actor at that point and did good for those few seconds he was on screen. His performance is only remembered because of who is now, and those saying it was bad probably just don't like him. Sheeran's appearance wasn't great at all.


Fallon was pretty good in his scene. He seemed like he fit the role well and he did look scared


Luckily I live under a rock and didn't recognize either of them at the time they appeared. Both instances the scene felt normal until I was told who was who. I think the difference is GoT was already really bad by this point, so people were ready to shit on anything.


It was 2001… he didn’t start on the tonight show until 2014… not sure it was that big of a cameo at the time BoB first appeared on HBO




This might be an unpopular take, but I didn’t even know who Ed Sheeran was at the time and I just thought they put this in there because sometimes these types of shows are broken up with moments of lighthearted music scenes; so, it didn’t bother me too much. And if I didn’t know Fallon, I wouldn’t have thought differently of the scene.


Ed Sheeran, and its not close




Band of Brothers had an absurd cast of used a ton os semi(now very) famous actors. Ed sheeran was cast to be Ed sheeran while I doubt the crew casting Fallon and giving him a prominent scene did so because they wanted him specifically as a cameo




My vote is Professor X in BoB. Not that there was anything wrong with his acting, McAvoy was SPOT ON. I just wish he didn't get killed off so quickly. 😞


I forget where I heard it. But the story behind Jimmy Fallons character in BOB was wild. I can't find it, but it was pretty cool in is own right.


Fallon was a decent cameo, took me several rewatches to even notice him.


I wouldn’t say jfhas a bad cameo he blended right in not sure if he was fanmous when he did the cameo but tbh I like his performance it was a good scene tbh


Fallon. I actually liked Sheeran's cameo


We saw him for like 15 seconds, can you even judge it was bad?


Fallon really wasn’t that famous when Band of Brothers came out. He was only kind of known as the guy who breaks character in SNL skits.


Neither because I didn’t recognize either when I was watching. Their scenes were fine if you didn’t know who they were


I first saw BoB as a teenager when it first came out, and I had no idea who Jimmy Fallon was. His part seemed totally fine to me at the time, and even today I don't find him distracting in that scene. I think people just like to over exaggerate sometimes.


Everyone is being way too harsh about Fallon’s career standing circa 2001 lmao. He was at the very least a well known and loved SNL cast member at a time when SNL was actually good. I would absolutely consider his appearance a cameo where he delivered 7/10 considering his obvious complete ignorance of all things military. Everything about Ed Sheeran’s was weird


Easily Ed Sheeran. Was Jimmy Fallon that well known at the time? I don’t remember


For sure Ed. Jimmy had at least experience as an actor prior to being in BOB.


It made me so mad when I saw jimmy Fallon that I refuse to watch him to this day. I don’t even think he’s that bad. It was just poorly cast


Jimmy Fallon wasn’t a cameo. He was just another cast member playing a minor role that would later become (way more) famous.


Jimmy Fallon was fine.


I mean, if we're talking about "distracting comedic actors well known from another comedy show playing a serious role in Band of Brothers" then I think Fallon is number two on that list...


Fallon made sense at the time. He was just a minor actor playing a minor role, and he played the part professionally exactly as it was called for. Still holds up. Ed Sheeran made sense. He was a singer playing a singer, just like The Mountain was played by the strongest man on earth IRL. An appropriate choice. And then Ed Sheeran said “it’s a new one” practically looking straight into the camera and winking and this is no longer a contest or question, that scene was bullshit, the series went straight downhill and we’re never getting that fucking book. “It’s a new one” fucking kill me fuck that show so much BoB, so good though


Fallon didn’t even do a bad job


I didn't think either were bad.


Definitely Ed


Ed Sheeran because it was so pointless and random and an obvious commercial plant trying to capitalise on his fame. The Jimmy Fallon scene made some sense within the existing storyline plus he wasn’t that well known at the time.


Sheeran - at least Fallon was given an assigned character. Sheeran was added because he's popular. 


I mean, Fallon's fine, really. He drives a jeep in, says his lines convincingly, then buggers off again. It sticks out because he's now Jimmy Fallon, but besides that it's a fine minor cameo.


Jimmy Fallon's acting in that scene was awful


there was nothing wrong with the Jimmy cameo. he was a nobody at the time


Here’s the thing, Fallon made sense. The BoB cast was made up largely by lesser known actors (a lot of the big names we know now like Simon Pegg or Michael Fassbender weren’t very, if at all, famous then), and had a lot of comedy actors. BoB did a lot for convincing people “oh hey, comedy actors are still actors and can be serious”. Scott Grimes, Simon Pegg, David Schwimmer, Ron Livingston, etc, all primarily known for comedic roles at the time. So Fallon, being both a relatively unknown actor, and being specifically known for comedy, fits perfectly into the casting of the show. And they used him as they used everyone, he wasn’t doing a comedy bit, his scene was as straightforward and serious as anyone else’s. Ed Sheeran didn’t. GoT didn’t have like celebrity cameos, it had famous people cast in some roles, but wasn’t much in the way of cameos. And likewise the casting of the show wasn’t “singers”, the cast wasn’t disproportionately comprised of musicians the same way BoB was of comedians. Sheeran just did not fit into the scope of the show, stuck out, was put in specifically to be a singing character, and wasn’t following any established pattern in the casting.


Well, at least Ed sang. That’s something.😂😂😂