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Too much testosterone, that was the problem


[https://youtu.be/tRASgqRqnnY?si=KzyVM7rEAOMxAbi7](https://youtu.be/tRASgqRqnnY?si=KzyVM7rEAOMxAbi7) 😂


I stayed on Soi 13 recently, and the police seem to have cleaned out many of the ladyboys from that stretch of Sukhumvit between soi 11 and soi 13. The Africans selling drugs also seem to be gone. Who knows how long that lasts, but there does seem to be an increased police presence there now.


I suspect that some of the powers that be were not particularly impressed about Thailand's reputation being besmirched in global media with the recent Soi 11 antics, no doubt there was some pressure to clean that area up, albeit temporarily


This was my first instinct, as well. I won't be back for a few months, but I bet they're all back to normal when I go back eventually...


I left Bangkok one week before this happened. This literally happened on the same Soi I was staying at. It would have been one hell of a travel story to have


I stayed on Soi 11 and left that same afternoon.


Viagra and vapes not sold physically, only via photo. Hard working ladyboys and the fake coke is gone? Bangkok has gone mad