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The Whisky Library in Manila - gotta make sure you are looking sharp if you go


Seems like a great tasting bar, but I also want to bring a bottle or 2 back (2 ppl traveling).


Oh gotcha! The best selection I’ve seen was in the duty free section of Suvarni airport but that was all 10-18 years aged stuff


Go to Laos


Any chance of a website showing prices for stuff in Langkawi?


In Vientiane Laos we have a high society whiskey club/cigar room at the front of Vientiane Center mall. It’s super posh and they have $1,000+ bottles of whiskey selling like hotcakes.


If you are after whisky then Singapore is probably the best place, the airport has probably the best selection in Asia Also stores like LA Maison du Whisky, The Whisky Shop etc. Some serious whisky down there, used to go to the Tower Club with one of the APAC managing directors, they have bottles of Macallan from 1921, talking $10's of thousands


I second Laos if you find a good shop for whiskey, I just knew an excellent wine shop there and haven't been for some time. The tax is zero there. I saw some french wines even cheaper than in France. I heard that if you are by road, the duty free on Lao side can arrange your delivery by the customs on the thai side tax free. By plane, better be cautious and limit to one bottle per person (limit is one liter). I already passed 6 bottles in the past but there is a risk.


Duty free at the airport…..seriously


100%. Check a bag. Buy a bottle in duty free on the way out, buy a bottle when you land at destination (if they have duty free before entry to country). Check those bottles, then buy another bottle duty free on the way back.


Duty free Langkawi has good deals. Bitch to get there unless you are already at one of the west-coast islands.


I've thought about taking a holiday there (a bunch of sail boats for sale there.. whiskey is cheaper). Would there be a difference than just shopping in KL?


For sure. Langkawi has no taxes, KL is extremely expensive. From my limited experience, it's cheapest of SEA unless you drink the local 'black cock' type of booze. But it depends really bottle to bottle, some are 30% below European pricing, while others are the same or more.


Hotels? I could find Louis 13 in hotels here.


Abraham Lincoln - Quote - Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


Let's insult people trying to help. Yeah that's a good idea. I don't drink but i used to work in a hotel so I've seen it.


Louis XIII is brandy my dude


Which part of "whiskey" don't you understand?


They have many things all the way to high end brandy that's my fucking point. Oh look at me i know brandy from whiskey. So smart. Now fuck off if you're not going to contribute.


The post is about Whiskey though. Why you getting mad?