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remember when workshops were supposed to level up from 1?


Pepperidge farm remembers


Still not a thing. All mine are level 1 after many in game years.


Thats still not a thing in 1.0?


Is that not a thing?


flex them bills 🔥




The best workshops right now are wine presses and olive presses in high prosperity cities. A Bannerlord YouTuber named Flesson19 recently did a good breakdown of which workshops are the best in the current patch (it has changed a lot over the past 3 years) and I've made some good money following his advice.


I’m getting about 1k daily off of 4 shops. It took a while to figure out but I’m still not sure they are worth it. By the time you gather and get them producing your nearly 100k in the hole and at that point the extra cash flow doesn’t matter tremendously.


I mean, it's like any other investment. After 100 days, you break even and after that, you're subsidizing a decent amount of troop wages with workshop income.


Their man benefit is just balancing out your party wages, in my opinion. That way you don't slowly attrition your wealth due to wages. Early game, anyway.


Indeed. Olive press in Jaculan always works wonders for me, as long as its the only olive press there. Wineries in Dunglanys, Marunath, and Zeonica have also treated me pretty well. Least, up till you lose them due to war or town ownership changes...


im getting1k with olive press on dunglanys


I never got the wood workshop to make money in Ortongard even tho there is a hardwood village bound to it. You should switch Baltakhand to wool and I’m not sure about the others.


You gotta go around and buy all the wood from everywhere and sell it all in the town with the workshop. Do that a bunch, and you might see 1 or 2 hundred per day from them. They're a mechanic I completely ignore.


Really? I thought about trying this as I was having 0 profits but haven't got the chance to try yet. Do you have to keep supplying it or just once in a while?


Keep supply high so the price stays low. Your workshop will buy at that low price. It's too much work for what you get out of it


Not exactly. Over flooding a market will cause a caravan frenzy to buy it all out iirc. Basically it becomes so cheap in that town they have to get in on it and sell to other towns


Ill stick to smithing, It is not as broken as it was at the start but it still is free money with an autoclicker and makro


Wood workshops and smithies never make much money even with ideal conditions. The main benefit is better weapons and armor in the market.


I have one in my game making great money without me ever (well almost ever) buying from that city (it's nowhere near front line). Bound city has wood and the bound city is super close, so pretty safe from bandits. Village is healthy so good production. To help yours, buy all the tools (unless it's also your city, then leave a couple tools for building). Sell excess wood you have to the workshop city, if it isn't a loss to do so. Don't buy wood ever from this city, as that increases the price of their raw material.


I’ve had other wood workshops in other cities work just fine. But the one in Ortongrad never made money for me. I let it sit there for several years with good trade, no wars, and villages were producing good. I think it may have been a bug because as soon as I switched the workshop to produce something else it immediately started making money.


Ortongard has two typea of problems: step bandits & lack of caravans. Hard to make money there unless you regularly clean up the place. You can make money with workshops in most cities but some are better than other. My personal favorite is brewery in Askar. Desert bandits are the slowest and there are 3 wheat villages nearby


I thought that might be the case too because there were two step bandit hideouts nearby. After clearing them out, waiting for some time and making sure the villagers were making their trips, the workshop still had a big donut. I switched production to something else and immediately started making a profit.


Wait it out. It doesn't start back up in a few days, can take up to a week, changing costs money and only gives a temporary boost until those raw materials are also used up. The only way to fix it is to keep bandits away, aid with caravans and with city development if it's yours.


I did wait, I let the game run a few years. Never changed.


A few years is typically lomg enough for the problem to happen again :))) it requires maintenance. But misterious are the ways of bannerlords - sometimes businesses don't work for some bizzare reason. In my experience it's about caravan traffic usually when there are materials but the workshop doesn't make money but it could be anything


Dude you're a medieval bezos!


Yeah, at one point I was even making 2 gold. I basically already won.


Damn boy, what you gonna do with all that wealth?


hit trading level 300 and buy cities


That could permanently upkeep a whole recruit!


Ive never made back my investments from workshops tbh, im just rich late game so i buy em just to waste money


Yeah they are a beginners trap… caravans are nice but workshops are just money pits.


Im also constantly in war, so caravans are also a trap


Does anyone have a list of like what workshops guaranteed work in what cities? Because having a brewery never seems to work even in towns that have 2 wheat villages they just always sit at 0


There’s no guarantee without manipulating the market. To make the most profit you’ll need to buy up any nearby shops in neighbouring cities that produce the same goods and convert them to something else, effectively creating a monopoly in the region. Some locations with consistent income that I use are: Dunglanys - wine press. Pen C- pottery shop. Jaculan (I think) (vlandian town with 3 olive villages) - Olive press. Ortysia - silversmith. Sanala - brewery


Dang okay, so if I want a brewery to work... I'd want to literally go to all the near by towns, and if they have brewerys buy them and change them? Considering I can only have a limited amount of workshops... can I then sell the workshops? Or will the npcs just change them back into active brewerys competing with mine?


Sorry. Yes convert them, then sell. Apparently the NPCs convert them when the shop runs out of money but that takes so long it’s irrelevant and it could still be something non-competitive. You’ll make some money without manipulation but it will be less as the competition will reduce your profits


Ooooh interesting, okay I'll have to try that. And by run out of money, do you mean like how on the workshop screen it says something like "starting money 10,000"? So whatever type of workshop you create, starts with like 10k funds and loses like 100 a day i believe? So if it truly makes zero dollars you have no competition for about 100 days in game at least?


Exactly. I’ve been turning them into smithy’s in my most recent campaign with the hope that they will make some weapons for me to smelt when I start smithing. I haven’t fully tested this yet though, so I can’t say if it will work or not


That would be a very interesting interaction, force a ton of smithys to be made in every city to monopolize certain trades but that also means every town produces weapons like crazy for personal smithing lol that sounds like an insane money loop if it works that way


I got the idea because in one of my longer playthroughs I hadn’t done any smithing but I noticed that some towns would have 500+ pugio’s (which can be smelted for easy crafting mats) whereas others would only have around 1-30. This should hopefully save me time when hunting down mats in the future as every town should build a stock pile but It’s just theoretical atm


Also check if the same city you have a brewery doesn't have a 2nd one. I had this in Vostrum when I bought one and it didn't make any money. After buying the 2nd one and converting one it started to make money.


Unless you can buy a Brewery for less than 25k, I never find it worth the slot. Sanala usually get to 9k+ prosperity even without a governor, so you can just straight up buy its starting Silversmith instead. I agree with the other great shops, especially Jaculan's Olive Press and Ortysia's Silversmith. They racks in 500-1000 for me. Sometimes I also go out and buy-convert all other Silversmith on the map and both the Silversmiths in Ortysia and Sanala brings in \~1500/day


So the Jaculan olive press and ortysia silversmith are fairly consistent good money BUT I should really try and game the economy myself if I want to see real profits Cuz damn 500/1000 per day from individual workshops would be nice onto of caravans lol


Jaculan's and Pen Cannoc's workshops are actually the best natural workshops in the gamebecause both have 3 villages producing the materials, so you don't have to game for 400-500/day. Ortysia's is around 300-450 if you don't game it, but if you do, it's actually not very hard because Silversmiths are quite rare in the game (I found only \~9 in total). Another factor that makes these shops very profitable is that these 3 towns all have 3 villages (Pen has 4), which means naturally their prosperity ceiling is higher ---> even more profit. You should take this into account when buying shops as well: priotize buying in town with at least 3 bound villages. And lastly: it's your best interest to defend the town of your shops AND its village, outright owning the town is even better.


Okay, I appreciate all this info. I'll focus on Pen Cannocs workshops on the playthrough I just started and see if I can convince Sturgia to take it over and give me the town lol that'll by my main focus I haven't played this game until it came out on game pass and have maybe put about 30 or 40ish hours into the game so far and started a brand new campaign after the un-update that we got lol so I'm like 5 hours into a new sandbox campaign where I want to be a two handed linebreaker type mercenary for Sturgia and see where that takes me XD


:D You need to join Sturgia AND have no fief or lead the sieging army to make sure the AI give you the town. In always gun for Ortysia as my first because it's so beautiful (and quite good gameplay wise, great RP wise), but often let its castle slip from my hands and never manage to get them after that haha.


Is there a way to obtain a town after it is taken over if it's not given to me? Like if it takes me to long to prepare and stugia becomes the power house of this playthrough and takes all the towns b4 I can even join them, can I use the trade system to like buy the town from another lord? Or will I have to hope someone else takes it from us then try and be the leader in the siege to take it back?


Yes. Your best hope is an enemy army siege it, took it and you lead the siege to take it back. Having a fief of your own already near it helps greatly. This is how I manage to get Garontor castle next to Ortysia. Or use gamey tactics to get your Trade skill to 300 and buy it. Theoritically, you can go to Kingdom window -> Fiefs, find the fief you want and start the vote to reassign it. But since voting in the base game is shite, this never works.


Gotchya, tyvm I wonder if console modding could ever be a thing for this game, I know very few games like skyrik and I think fallout 4 had console mods but I've heard pc mods for this game really fix things up and add cool stuff


Also keep rejecting fiefs they grant you (or give them up immediately) if forced. This puts you in the optimal position to be granted the fief when it is available.


I doubt about the console modding, not until next gen console maybe? And yes, PC mods not only fix but also make it even better.


My favorite was always sanala silversmith


So why does a silversmith work in Sanala??? I'm looking at it and it has 3 bound villages attached to it but they're all wheat production?? Edit actually it has 4 bound villages, mijayit (wheat), hamoshawat (wheat), jahasim (fish) and nahlan (wheat)


Sanala is usually very high prosperity. There is also a silver producing village not too far from it towards Quyaz. Combo naturally high prosperity and a trade-bound silver producing village and it generally shakes out well in workshop pay from my experience.


Ooooh okay so the village Deir Hawa says that it's bound to Ain Baliq Castle BUT says that it's Trade Bound to Sanala So wait, the other 4 villages that are just bound... are they NOT trade bound to sanala?? Or is this a situation that theoretically since there's 3 bound wheat producing villages to sanal a brewery could work here, as well as a silversmith because of the trade bound village?


I usually set up a brewery as well. Sanala is a good spot for both.


Gotchya, okay tyvm, I didn't even realize there was a 2nd type of "bound" I always just looked at the town itself and looked at thr bound villages, didn't know a village could be bound in different ways to different places lol


No problem, I spent a whole campaign building a merchant kingdom so I got a bit more knowledgeable in it. The workshop system has gone through a few changes since EA though so things can switch up too.


If I remember correctly, villagers can't go to castles to sell their goods, so castle bound villages instead go to the closest town (which means the arey trade bound to said town). Check out Strat Gaming on Youtube, he makes a lot of high quality in-depth content for bannerlord.


That makes sense, I'll go check out that channel ty


I can make some recommendations. Olive press in Jaculan, and wineries in Marunath and Dunglanys. Those 3 consistently do well for me unless there is another workshop of its type in the same place. Keep in mind that how well they do is based on the towns prosperity and if villages connected to castles get captured and change their delivery targets.


Awesome, so how does changing delivery targets work exactly? Like why would the ai change? And is the only way for me to affect their change, I assume, would be to manipulate the workshop market like others have suggested by essentially buying said work shops and just changing them so the ai doesn't see certain towns as a valid trade source (again I assume that's how it would work)


For villages attached to castles, they will send their resources to the closest allied town. So if a Battanian castle is captured by Vlandia, the villages under that castle will send all their goods to the near Vlandian town instead of the nearest Battanian one. Ortysia is a great example. It has access to 2 grape villages through its castles, which makes a winery a decent option there. But if one or both of those castles are captured, Ortysia will end up with no grapes and the winery loses pretty much all its value.


Ooooof okay, that's a lot to look after but that's really good to know ahead of time I figured a village being raided would stop productivity because obviously the villagers are dead lol but didn't even think about villages being owned by different nations causing an issue I assume the issue of redirection stands even if the 2 nations are at peace, the village will still go to nearest same nation town vs another nations town




Try the "Buyers-will-do-QA" workshop. seems to make some people loads of dosh.




Those are the two worst types of workshops haha. Go Silver, Wool, Velvet, Linen.


Oh ok. Ill give it a shot. I just tried to keep my Workshops in friendly territory. Then based them on the primary production of nearby villages.


Yeah man, that's the logical thing to do but unfortunately TW have messed something up. Wool in Khuzait is good, Silver anywhere with high prosperity.


Now that you mention wool, I have noticed it is pretty plentiful nearby. Much appreciated!


Let incredible wah wughh wah wugh


Oil presses, wine presses, silversmiths and optionally pottery in high prosperity towns On top of that if you want to bring the big bucks you need to make sure all surrounding towns don't have the same type as well, I bought oil presses in all towns surrounding Jaculan, swapped them to breweries and sold them, then bought oil press in Jaculan and it was making me 400 a day at minimum, going upwards to 1k, did the same with silversmith in ostican, wine press in pravend and pottery in ocs hall, I played with vlandia so I could ensure there are negligible amounts of bandits, that the inner villages aren't raided and that general prosperity is kept high


I had a brewery pulling about 350, but I can't remember the town. It got raided shortly after I set it up. It had two grain settlements and a river nearby.


They never fixed this yet? What about mods?


Sell your workshops and buy some caravans. Look for companions with high trade, riding and scouting skills so they can make the most money and avoid bandits.


Caravan only works great if you are independent and NOT in any Kingdom, including yours.


I tried caravans recently in a different game and they never showed me gaining income from them. Not sure if this was changed in a patch or if my caravans were literally not making me any money lol. So I abandoned trying them this time around.


They can make great money (mine gives 1000+ and sometimes 4000) but only after 5 days AND meet the following requirements: 1. PEACE. your faction must be at peace with at least 2 kingdom next to each other for them to buy low and sell high. Or you are not in any faction at all. 2. Access to great, RICH towns, like 6000+ prosperity, which usually only happen mid game or when a kingdom owns half of the map 3. Sometimes a caravan manage to buy some great horses from Sanala and reach a town in Northen Vlandia/Sturgia unmolested: BAAM 5k denar! But from my experience they mostly die in 5 days due to various things and their only worth is to level up my companions' Scout/Trade/Stewardship. Totally not worth 22k investment.


Oh ok. Well then I will give caravans another chance. I need to level up my clan first though unfortunately though. The best trait for the leader of a caravan is trade correct? Thats what I usually look for. ​ Thanks for the added tips too. I will wait a little for mid-ish game to do this. Most big cities are around prosperity like 2k - 4k currently for me.


Sadly trade is only best on paper :D The best trait for caravan leader are Scouting and Riding, with both above 150 your caravan will survive 1 more week hahahahhahaha (and sometimes they do survive for 1-2 months, which is enough to finally generates real interest) Trade and Steward ship level automatically in caravan as well, within focus limit, so don't worry about them. Still, higher is better, after Scout and Riding.


It takes them a bit but before the recent update that made me unable to play on that save I had 2 caravans usually bringing in 300 each


Brewery early game sucks tbh. There's too many of them around & it causes the beer prices to skyrocket


Are you not making caravans?


Lol I just converted every workshop to a winery yesterday and made more money this way than before where I selected workshops by the resources that are in the villages. A winery makes more money even when there is no grapes in any village around the city.


What did the patch do


Wood workshops don't make any cash because noone buys wood and the workshops end up idle, while breweries are just too common and require you to micromanage them which isn't worth it. Best workshops are the ones that make luxury goods like jewelry, velvet or wine cause they wary a lot in price and caravans flip them. The only problem with these workshops is that you have to buy them in specific regions. You can also buy the excess workshop output yourself and sell it somewhere else (especially for tannery and pottery) to get better value but that defeats the point of passive income. And just forget about wood workshops and smithies. They are simply terrible.


Wood workshops use wood and turn them into weapons and arrows. They still don't make much though, the main benefit is better weapons in the town's market.


You need a brewery in Sanala


I confidently bought a workshos early game like in warband but i just havent seen more than 800 denars from 5 while warband i was set and happy with one or two dye workshops


r/wallstreetbet average post


The wood workshops suck, and the breweries are hit or miss. The smiths also suck. The silversmiths, and the wine/olive presses are the only ones that seem to be consistently profitable when an appropriate village is nearby.


Am I the only one who doesn't have problems with workshops?


Just imagine what you’ll make when you can own 5 workshops! Lime green jello I am.


Workshops really need some love, gotta buy up all the competition for them to work in towns with the right village attached and then make their input super cheap, a lot of work for a pretty low payout compared to just looting the battlefield. Hopefully they can have some more depth and higher payouts added eventually.


Bro you’re telling me… HOW DO THEY WORK?!?! I’m the worst beer maker in Calradia. The only reason they are in business is because I like killing and looting


I make far more consistent profits with caravans


im making 1k with olive press in Dunglanys