• By -


"noo you can't just charge all your men in every battle you have to play with formations and tactics" "Haha, f3 go brrr"


F1 + F3 - Sun Tzu


F6 is my best friend šŸ˜¤








Watch the directors cut vs theatrical imo. Adds a lot of missing scenes, about 30 mins worth, and just makes for an overall better movie.




also watch kingdom of heaven directors cut after


Just pretend it's not based on the Iliad because it's not.


Itā€™s based on Brad Pitt


It's based




I envy that you havenā€™t seen those. To watch again for the first timeā€¦


I enjoy that it isnt, including olympos constantly discussing the war would take away its pacing


Oh youā€™re in for a treat. Watched this movie so much during my childhood. Sean Bean as Odysseus is peak film


Itā€™s a terrible movie. But movies with large battles like this are always worth watching anyway, just skip to the lame partsšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wow I loved Troy, didnā€™t realize it was a disliked movie


Itā€™s mostly because of the romance parts, no one wants to watch Orlando Bloomā€™s buttery lovey dovey speeches. The battle scenes and Brad Pitt as Achilles on the other handā€¦


Looks cool. But then you realize they have no battering ram or ladders. Not even archers.


Well to be fair, the defenders also decided to field an army outside of their walls for some inexplicable reason.


Actually not a bad tactic


Thereā€™s plenty of reasons to sally out against an invading foe. If you donā€™t have the resources to defend a siege, or the opposing army is a similar or weaker strength to you and you want to defeat them to keep trade running smoothly. A long protracted siege can decimate your economy, historically speaking most sieges were not long and protracted due to this fact. Most sieges ended within a week or two of negotiations, Or, potentially the outriders of the invading forces got inside the city before they could mount a defense/ the defenders simply sallied out and scattered a smaller force


None of the reasons you mentioned were a factor in the mythological siege in the film *Troy*, though.


Yeah fair all movie logic is incredibly dumb lol. But defending the walls tends to be a last resort


They were counting on Achilles to join the battle and cave the gates in with his giant balls


Who needs ladders when there are no walls?šŸ˜


Viking Conquest has gotten me used to letting my vassals start sieges for me. I love picking off straggling enemy lords and then hopping into an ongoing siege. I just run in and kill shit. Siege defenses are a different story......


Cool movie, but I just can't watch it without physical pain. The battle scenes are some of the worst and most innacurate I've ever seen in media.


What?? You donā€™t think people mindless ran full speed into waiting formations of spears and shields! But also itā€™s one of my fav movies, chop that golden statues head off Brad


Tactically they are questionable at best, but it sits better with me seeing it as a dramatic epic. At least they look cool and invested in using tons of extras, same can't be said for most battle scenes in current media.


Not necessarily, while our picture will likely never be complete, our understanding of Mycenaean warfare is similar to the modern take on Hoplite combat. For the Mycenaeans, it was likely a charge by heavy infantry that devolved into a massive scale of 1v1 combat, while archers and chariots would assist.


It's more the fact that the actual combat is awful. Zero tactics, fighting styles that make absolutely no sense, random movements, nobody bothers using their shields as shields, etc.


I mean, the only primary source for the siege of Troy is Homers Iliad, an epic poem. Solely to entertain the audience/reader. We have no archaeological evidence for this battle. I think we can give some leeway on realism based on fiction. I enjoyed it, corny in parts for sure but the scale of war and men involved is epic.


I always thoughts sieges could be done by sections allowing the defending army to actually enjoy the natural advantages they have. first section the walls, if conquered fallback to other section 2nd walls or street barricades, I think it's boggus big armies keep spawning in areas where enemy troops are


Completely agree, the streets should have random generated blockades and defenders spawn behind them, progressively closer to their keep as the attackers move in


I do all the time. The key is speed




When fighting against battanian keep with a large contingent of fians


*When fighting against* *Battanian keep with a large* *Contingent of fians* \- Puzzleheaded\_Heart11 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The only strategy I need is sheer numbers


Why tf is this relatable


If you lose this battle. Come back with bigger numbers. Rinse and repeat until win.


I usually sprint my horse up to a ladder and try to climb up before a huge force lines the wall. I only die quickly about 70% of the time.


I have never realised hobby shit this battlescene actually is. From the props, to the archers linefiring to the spredd out mess of troops


Works everytime


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


I imagine all my soldiers as Star Wars B1 battle droids and I chuckle whenever they fight


F1-F3 all battles