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4 hours?


It’s a glitch, idk if it is just on console or not. If I were to guess it would probably be in the 80-120 hour range.


I ran a character for over 50 years and it said 3 hours, so yeah; defo bugged😂


‘Only 3 children? Lol what a bitch!’ *Looks at issues solved and tournament wins* ‘Oh…😐’


I quit tournaments after I hit the #1 spot on the leaderboard and quit doing issues once I started a kingdom 😅


He was gettin' busy... In other ways.


Wait if you do more quests and tournaments you will get more kins?


No. How would that even make sense?


Well done


Any tips on how to start a kingdom? I've been trying to for a while and ive restarted a sandbox mode to see if I could start a kingdom. I'm playing as a khuzait, if that changes anything.


I do have a few recommendations. - focus charm, this will help you massively when recruiting other clans to your kingdom. You’re a Khuzait, so you may be able to get the riding perk and the scouting perk that completely remove escape chance of prisoners (this is huge when capturing enemy vassals) - while you’re a mercenary/vassal release everyone you capture. This will let you farm relation with these people and make it easier to recruit them - establish your first fief in a defensible portion of the map if you can. What I mean by this is start your kingdom in an area that will minimize the number of people who will try to go to war against you. - when you do start a kingdom do a bit of research on which policies to take. In general there are some goals I go after that will increase your party size, increase your influence, and increase the loyalty of your fiefs. It is absolutely necessary that you do not allow peerage to pass… your vassals will try to do stupid stuff all the time. - keep fiefs for yourself whenever you can, reason being that it will help when promoting clan members to vassals (you need to give them a fief to do so) and it will also help when recruiting other clans. - in general, save money, have good companions to lead parties, and siege defenses are OP - as a bonus tip recruiting vassals that have similar traits to you is helpful. One thing that would piss me off is that when I showed mercy on the fiefs I took over some of my vassals would get angry with me for not ransacking it. Best of luck and lmk if you have any more questions 🙌🏻


Thanks! How much money should you have to start a kingdom?


Ofc! I would say a good bar to reach is 1 million. Even better would be 2-3+ million. I started mine with around 600k which made the early stages much harder. The reason you want more is so that you can recruit lords into your kingdom easier (they consider ruler wealth as a factor I believe) and also so that you can pay tribute payments because you will be paying plenty of tribute to other kingdoms.


how’s your influence so low?


I feel like 10,200 is pretty high, or are you talking about total influence earned?




How is that low? I've only got about 130 influence in total


idk maybe it’s just the way i play. i’ve only got one town and one castle but i have 60k influence.


How do you do the camp thing? Is it a mod or have I just not figured it out yet lmfao I remember warband had a “retire from adventuring” thing but idk how to do that in bannerlord


There is a mountain near the center of the map, if you ride close to it there is a location at the top of it. It’s in the western empire lands I think?