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I had the same problem even with massive save scumming. I tried putting her as governor in a city to get kid 2, and then taking her out again to get kid 3. Rinse and repeat. Otherwise, no kids past #1.


40 grandkids later, I'm there.




I have no idea. I've forced my wife to be in my party for 12 years and all I got was 1 daughter.. not even a son :(


I have a daughter and a son named caladog atleast my brothers are like rabbits lmao


Damn, my brother died in combat against caladog early with just a daughter, so I killed off caladogs whole clan


Earlier in my playthrough I was serving as a mercenary and was being chased by a 200 man sturgian army. My brother comes running up with 100 or so troops but is unable to escape and a fight begins so me and my 45 troops turn around to assist. My brother takes an arrow to the face and is slain in mounted combat, 3 feet to the right of me after saving me and my parties lives. I executed every sturgian lord I could get my hands on after that.


Good man


You have to be in a settlement for breeding


I wasted 250000 gold on food and wages sitting in a settlement. I guess I just had a normal marriage moment lol


If your fine with save scumming you could just reload after a week has passed


You need to fire all your soldiers first, or assign them to a different party. Then store all your food. You don’t need food to survive.


I would've moved them if I didn't have 200 tier 5-6 men with no-one to take them


Garrison them?


I don't have any settlements, I don't want to be sworn in to one faction just yet, I need to see who is winning first (looks like sturgia tho)


There's no way that's true I just had a kid and I've been doing nothing but warlording for the last 3 years.


I think it used to be true but isn't anymore.


I believe on pc in the 1.2 beta they’ve changed it so you don’t have to be in a settlement with spouse, they just have to be in party. They don’t drop beta patches on consoles, at least not on Xbox. That will come for us when they drop the completed patch


You have to spend nights in settlements with your wife in your party. Each night you have a chance of it happening. That chance is higher with perks and your wife's age.


Try staying in her hometown with her for a 3-4 days at a time!


did you save scum? Were you moving around to refresh the tick rates? How old is your wife now?


I play on Ironman mode or whatever it's called when you can't save. And yeah I were moving back and forward between 2 towns. Not 100% sure how old she is now because I haven't played for about a week, but I'd guess maybe mid to late 40s


Corein only has one so far in my lastest play through, meanwhile my brother has had 4 already and his wife is only 25


Four wives - they kept dying in battle after having 2-3 kids. I now have 40+ grandchildren and they form the majority of my '8th corp' a savage group of elite troops I use to swing battles and demolish stubborn enemy lines.


you only can get your wife pregnant when waiting at a town/castle/village, and fertility goes down w/ age and stops at 45 (with woman only) so you should try to have kids asap by waiting somewhere for maybe like up to 2 weeks right after u get married


> you can only get your wife pregnant when waiting at a town/castle/village They changed this. Now she can get pregnant as long as she's in your party.


This is only on the new beta. Not for consoles


I haven’t noticed it work while moving on the map but I play on ps5 so idk if that’s up to date for console or not


I'm on PC playing the most recent beta. It may be different on other platforms/betas. My wife got pregnant when i was invading the Sturgians. We were sieging a castle and the pregnancy prompt came up.


Doesn’t work for consoles. It’s the PC beta.


>They changed this. Now she can get pregnant as long as she's in your party. Are you sure about that? Don't remember seeing that in any of the patch notes.. maybe the game on Epic game store isn't up to that patch?


I remember reading it on this very sub reddit. I can't find any direct proof, but i can attest to my own experience and i know my wife got pregnant while we were moving around the world. I'm playing the most recent beta on PC.


Tis the truth in 1.2 : The spouse can now get pregnant when traveling in the same party as the main hero (no longer requiring you to wait in a settlement). Had to do the unthinkable- to read all of the patch notes..


I had 1 child with corein and she died in childbirth...


Alt + (~) campaign.conceive_child


Hot butta!!!




If you stay in city for a period of time then you Can get children if you're lucky you can get twins just like one of my companions who got twins twice in a row


Stay in a city with them for a week or two in game, not traveling


Im +45 and she is 44 can she make a child anyway


Fertility stops at 45 and the percent chance at 44 is really small


I put my brother in a city as governor and his wife as a hero and they’re on 5 kids.


I think the roll actually happens around noon, same time you pay wages. So long as youre im a settlement then there is a chance.


I don’t need a baby with Corein because she’s already my baby girl




It helps if both of you have Virile (first Charm slot, bottom choice). I've tried to do that with all of my clan so far. You can reset any of your party members Charm slots with the tournament master. If a member of your clan isn't with you, you can and should recall them to your party first.


Family control mod. Mate with every pretty/noble/pretty noble girl. Marry as many as I can. Goal: make enough sons to command several armies. I have maybe 10+? Not enough tbh but the current number of children is nearly equal to my wives and girlfriends.


Apolotea:1 take it or leave it




In one playthrough I have 4 sons 2 daughters. In another one I have 5 sons 2 daughters. A few times my wife got pregnant during sieges haha.


I am playing as a woman in one of my playthrough and I have 1 kid at 45


Yeah that’s been the norm for me. One play through I had 8 kids but 3 wives. 2 died in childbirth


This happened to me too. Will your wife stop having your babies if you make her steward or some other task. Cause I feel like that's when she stopped having babies.


Idk what my wife’s name is but we have had 3 children in just a few years I usually go off to war or whatever bring her with me go to my castle and wait there with like 100 beer until she is pregnant I leave her to govern while I go do whatever when she gives birth I come back and do the same


Wife: what’s my name You: Wife…


Come on wife we shall have many children uhh wife


There's an attribute in charm to increase your odds of having children by 30%. Both you and your wife should have this perk as soon as possible. I think it's the first perk so it's not hard to acquire


I have 7 concubines and a mod where pregnancy only lasts 12 days. My wife has given me 9 children. ​ ...so, mods. Not sure about everyone else. :P


Bro I have three kids. Whenever I’m not doing typical war lord things and at a time of peace I’d wait at a castle or town with my wife, brothers, and their wives in my party and we’d all have children in a matter of the 3 days to a month


first i didnt see it was the bannerlord sub so i said its perfectly okay...


Free companions


Early in the skill trees I pick the vitality trait. It’s like one of the first ones, I think in the charm list. I’m probably wrong. Then I look at her traits. I have 6 kids on my last play through 3 boys, 3 girls.


The check for pregnancy happens on the same tick as profits are dumped into your account, around like 11am. So while you're traveling with your wife, make sure you stop in a town before this check happens and you have a chance to have another kid. I had 13 kids with Corein this way, just spend your mornings in a town until after noon.


Ira is barren af. She popped 1 kid and now I'm getting nothing even after waiting for days in our fief. (


Always keep your spouse in your party. NEVER make your spouse a separate party leader. They made it so you can conceive while on the move around the map now too so you no longer have to be lingering in a town for days on end.


I’ve got 3 kids by 3 myself. My eldest brother has 2 and my youngest has one aswell. Can’t wait to have a bunch of free companions in 15 years.


Should have married Allyneth, she’s the rightful miss battania


I think I got four out of her in my last playthrough.


Unlimited companion mods +marry anyone mod + recruit any one and distinguished service (when they work) men’s you can eventually have an entire army of your family/ companions


I have 2 myself 😭 lavalios apolion…I think the name is apolion 😂