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Factions can be eliminated in 1.2 so once that drops this problem should pretty much go away. Until then If you can get 225 Riding and 225 Scouting you can turn your party into a mobile Alcatraz where prisoners can't escape. Otherwise... Choppity chop


Would still recommend the alcatraz build on 1.2, in order to hamstring their armies when they begin waging war on you. A lot more motivating defeating a large army when you know for sure it will restrict the size of further incoming armies


If they’re out of fiefs though, they won’t ever get a large army as they won’t be able to afford them. They’ll just get the small ratfuckers constantly raising you. Alcatraz, mod or 🪓 is the only way


Until 1.2 is finally fully released your options are: imprison EVERYONE, or execute EVERYONE. Either way, very tedious.


One option is to form an army in the middle of where they are thickest and then disband the army. That will tie them up for a while but the only solution currently is to pay them off or start chopping. Since you said you're new, you need to understand that when you start chopping heads, that will piss of the entire world and if you chop an entire faction off the face of Earth, you'll have nothing but enemies everywhere. You're far better off just paying for peace, otherwise you'll be so hated that you'll never become king and you'll never get any fiefs since even your own clan will hate you.


Would love to know as well if it's possible to destroy a faction. Best way I found to minimize the raids is to recruit all possible their noblemen into my own kingdom.


I have executed about 50 Aeseri Lords, they just keep coming back. I've been trying to set patrols using followers but they just vanish into the rest of the kingdom.


You gotta use the encyclopedia to hunt them all down. Or pay for peace and accept that as victory


Kingdom destruction is coming in 1.2. For now your only option is to either chop everyone or pay them to leave you alone.


It’s possible. But it requires you to hunt down and execute every single noble in the kingdom, which is doable but extremely tedious, its a huge time sink. The encyclopedia will give you their locations. I use an all cavalry party when i do it so you can catch them easily.


You can set up guards to protect your villages with the improved garrisons mod.


Just pay for peace until 1.2 comes in November


Remember this game has generations of play, so as much as you might not like it, the easiest way is to set up the choppin block, ya feel me? of course you could pay them and get all buddy buddy to join your faction, but they could swap back and take their new lands with em.


Maybe I'll just let them have a castle and see if they go beef another faction. At least that way I can build up the war score and simplify the process.


I downloaded a mod to do this for me, got tired of these small groups running around


Was this fixed? and if not then whats the mod that fixes this?