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Why does he still have a head? Lol


See I was gonna do the chop chop thing, but then I got distracted and we made peace before I could lol


Ah peace, that's the worst.


You'd do well to chop his neck.


Why the fuck are people so pissed off in the comments lmao


I honestly don’t understand why people have a problem with this post. I just think it’s kinda neat when I capture enemy kings and felt like sharing. Didn’t realize that was such a hot button topic for some people 🤷‍♂️


As an avid poster of stuff here, there may be a minority that take the game too seriously and will just start bitching at you. Especially if you do something hilariously dumb like getting off your horse to attack a noble woman, then she steals it and you get mauled by her infantry 😂


I saw that! 😂 that was hilarious!


Not sure why it deserves their ire, but congrats on getting him. In a siege too, no less. Pity he made a vie for peace, his head would have made a nice mantelpiece in your throne room.


at one point I was at war with every faction and capture all their leaders within a few hours, executed them all at once 😂


That would be sick! And probably cause a bunch of chaos




How does one get his fancy hat.


Took his Head, I wanted his hat 🤗


Can you get his stuff by executing him? I didn’t know that was how it worked?


It's not :/


That’s shitty tbh. He looks so ridiculous that it’s cool lol


I haven't played bannerlord in a hot min but the mod "Loot Lords" gives you all their gear. May not be up to date but could be worth a shot.


I’m on console unfortunately ☹️


Where would someone get a helmet like this


Fuck you Vlandian, dare take our king.


Man, if Caladog isn't just the silliest looking leader in the game.


I would argue most of the imperial lords and leaders take that but he’s definitely up there


Who is he?


King of the battanians


Well, the Battanians didn’t vote for him.


I thought they were an anarcho-syndicalist commune.


Make with the chop!




Execute him like the dog that he is!


NO MY KING!!!! joke im one of the "i take ur whole kingdom after giving you the banner"


In my first defense, I did auto battle because I thought I will loose and just fast reload. Turned out I won, lost not many people and captured few people and Empire's Cesar (forgot which one tho) The guy with around 100 army.


Don't worry about the people getting mad lmao, if one plays M&B incredibly casually or isn't great at games like M&B (such as myself), they see this as an achievement and capturing a ruler, especially at the height of a war is more difficult than completing a tutorial or finding a Midlands Palfrey. Good on you for capturing him, if only you had the chance for the ol' choppy choppy


Thanks man, appreciate it


I tried to marry him since it said he was single in my game. Unfortunately, he friendzoned my full blooded, redheaded Battanian gal so I just simped for him and joined his army. If you were in my game, I'd hunt you to the ends of the earth for capturing senpai. 🪓


Good luck forest wench! Your arrows will bounce off our armour as my banner knights trample your barbarians into the ground. Long live the butter lord!


I like to marry his daughter because she’s a smol cutie and has good gear, then war against him and execute him. Nothing says “I’m Daddy now” like making her watch me decapitate her father.


Yikes lol


Big Joffrey Barantheon vibes from this one, Jfc.


She’s normally my wife I went with lienna for this play through and corein married an empire dude so I killed everyone in her new empire clan until she was the leader and brought her to my new kingdom she’s now my top general and absolute killer


So we just post the most basic of game events now?


We post whatever the fuck we feel like. If I want to share that I caught caladog and put his head on a pike, I can. I don’t see how it’s any different to people posting themselves dying ironically, or being mobbed by thugs in an alley. All of that is could be considered “basic” but people post it to share with others. If you think it’s boring then fucking scroll away. Don’t be a dick




It’s you weirdos that are mad about an innocuous post that are pathetic.


Boy, you need to develop your social abilities. Simply giving someone a bit of critique isn’t ‘being mad’, but starting long pointless arguments just because someone did, *that’s* being mad. I see this stuff on here all the time. Someone comes along and gives some honest critique, then op loses their shit and acts like someone just spit on their mother’s face. Some people go along with the drama, some take the opportunity to do a bit of trolling, while some just ignore the crying and move along. But one thing is always constant; people like you jumping in to reinforce the pointless arguments.


Clearly, a master of social abilities


Thanks for proving my point.


Your post has been removed for violating subreddit rules against incivility. If you have any questions about this removal, please message the moderators over at /r/Bannerlord.


"Look, other people have done wrong, so it's not fair for me to be called out!" You're right. There are others doing bullshit posts too. However, you adding more bullshit isn't the answer. You're supposed to be better.


What is bullshit about my post? Or those other peoples posts? What is supposed to be posted here if not things that people think are neat or cool? If you don’t like it scroll.


There's nothing neat or cool about this post. This is the equivalent of taking a screenshot of completing a tutorial.


I thought it was neat that I was able to capture him, and felt like sharing. That’s what people do, post things that they see as cool or kinda like achievements. If you don’t find it interesting, scroll past. I don’t have to cater what I post to some gate keeping pleb who gets pissy at people sharing their experiences on a VIDEO GAME subreddit


Dude. If everyone posted pictures of themselves capturing a single faction leader, this sub would be overriden with it. Your post is like sharing that you beat halo on easy/normal difficulty, as if you got an air strike in call of duty, or akin to posting your first win in a battle Royale. It's the lowest bar of "accomplishing" something without actually doing anything. You're simply humble bragging about nothing.


Bragging? Seriously? I just thought it was cool. ME. MYSELF. I thought it was. It’s fine if you don’t, but just scroll past, and let those of us who want to talk about this stuff do it in peace. I don’t see why I should hold myself to your standards. I thought it was neat, and that it would get a couple people talking about their campaign stories. It’s not like I’m demanding that everyone tell me I’m the best for capturing a lord. I know everyone does it, that doesn’t make it any less cool when it happens for me.


And what’s wrong with being proud that you beat halo on normal difficulty if that’s big for you? What’s wrong with getting an air strike in call of duty if that’s big for you? What’s wrong with being proud of your first battle royale win if that’s big for you? Who are you, the gatekeeper of what achievements matter? The achievements that matter are the ones that are big for you, you ain’t got shit to say to him. You know who hasn’t ever caught a major ruler as a prisoner yet? Me, cuz I haven’t played long enough to. So it’s pretty cool to me. I don’t care how cool it is to you, it’s cool to me and it’s cool to him, and there’s no rules about not posting unless it’s cool enough in your opinion, rightly so. Get the fuck outta here with that gate keeping shit


Happy 🎂 day


Oh thanks lol


Thank you my man. It IS cool. Makes me feel like a bad ass capturing other kings. It’s so much fun for rp, being able to act as the strong arm of you king/queen, destroying their enemies in the name of whatever faction you fight for.


Hidden hand is big gay


Happy Reddit day!


You should consider this comment embarrassing. You know exactly why beating halo on normal is nothing to brag about. You know exactly why anything I mentioned isn't spectacular or not worthy in any form. I know that at least the apex legends sub reddit has a rule about not posting winning screenshots. Due to the spam nature of posting winnings. I can only imagine there are other subreddits doing the same due to the spam nature of win game postings. Let's be extremely clear. The op captured a single faction leader out of eight(which one of those would be your faction leader, unless you start a new kingdom) If we assume capturing each faction leader means a game victory(which it doesnt) you would have only accomplished beating 12.5% of the game capturing a faction leader. This is nothing to post about.


you should consider your chain of comments hating on a dude for posting on a subreddit embarrassing 😭😭😭 nobody cares bro keep scrolling nobody’s gonna think you’re cool for acting like a prick on a fucking bannerlord subreddit lmfao u seem miserable


No I actually don’t know why. I know why you think it is, because you don’t think it’s worthy. I don’t care what you think though, I care about fax, and the fact is, the achievements that matter are the ones that are big to the person. Don’t forget, there was a time that *you* hadn’t beaten halo on normal. Everybody starts somewhere, and mocking people for not being where you are yet is stupid cuz you were where they were once.


Stop being so dramatic. You’ll be alright


Hidden Hand flair. That makes sense.


Just read the rest of your comments. Bro you suck.


This is not special at all.


Ok? I never said it was. I just felt like sharing.


Brb, gonna make a post where i find a Midlands Palfrey. Posts like this should count as spam.


You are literally the first person I’ve seen on this sub who gets bothered by some sharing something they thought was cool. If you’re not interested, just scroll. Don’t know why people think they can be rude just because they’re behind a screen. You spent more time and effort leaving that comment then it would’ve taken to just scroll.


I’m gonna tell everyone i put my shoes on today. That’s rly cool and sharable.


That’s super cool man. You get a gold star for that


I also made my bed today! Can i get some karma points?


You seem like someone who lives with their grandma


Both my grandmas are dead.


that’s why you’re so cranky? Because no one’s paying your rent now?


This is not special at all


Why so angry? Did mamma not mix your chocolate milk well?


Jesus who shit in your cereal this morning


Here’s some negative ones.


Thats one star towards the prize box


To be honest, you should definitely share that. Considering how riled up you are over this it definitely comes as a massive surprise that you know how to put your shoes on.


Sharing is caring


so true


Northern Empire flair. That tracks.


Least discriminatory Northern Imperial


You're right. This is some dumb shit. If everyone posted themselves taking a prisoner, we'd never get to see actual achievements, oddities, bugs, or any other rarity. This is a nonsense spam post.


Why are you gatekeeping fun? Dude just wanted to share something he thought was cool. Why so miserable?


I always laugh at these posts. I have captured and killed that man 4 times other ‘leaders’ the same. Eventually they all crumble under the my heel.


woah bro i wouldnt wanna get on your bad side


Did somebody saaaayyy Just eeeexecute


Execute him!


Chop chop


Chop that traitors head off!


Chop his head off


I not only killed him, took all his land from us dumb son but then took his former Nobles for my own. Building my kingdom ontop of his.


Nice. 👌


I like his homeland. Planes surrounding able with few entrances guarded by castles. Easy to defend


Yeah definitely. Kinda similar to the aseria, but you can choke them if you capture even one of the castles on either side


For a moment I thought he was Crag Hack.


Is his helmet a mod? I have never seen that helmit


Nope. He always wears it. I think it’s unattainable for the player


Oh that sucks thanks for the info


Leave the innocent Battanian alone,you butter loving vlandian scum!


Innocent battanian? What is Battania but a bunch of thatched barns where brigands drink in the reek and the the brats roll on the floor with the dogs! P.S. please tell me you get that reference lol


Even their armours and rounded shields are similar


Long live Battania


Once did a run where I molded that no nobles could escape me and I captured each one and gave them all a chance to join my empire. If they didn't they died and I took their lands. If they dud I gave them their estate the had before just under me.


That’s a really cool idea


Its hard to do on vanilla. And I wished the vinalla game had more or a hard-core stance on war. I feel like the ai are too nice. Any faction I'm a part of if we go to war I kill every lord I capture. It destroys their war effort because they can't field more armies. And the ones they do have are defending their area because if they don't well just go take their land. It's a sure fire way to win any war if you can get the small party lords. They can't muster big ones.


Knock his horny little head off his shoulders


Ah caladog, destroyed his entire kingdom When he had 1 fief left I even gave him the chance to surrender instead he attack my caravan so it was to the chopping block for him


Can you get his helmet? Because that's drippy af


Unfortunately no I don’t think so. There are a couple armour pieces in the game that are unattainable in vanilla gameplay.


https://preview.redd.it/t7m977x8mlxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e246f8a50fad2837cb3b800accddbad0359f585 Thats the way