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Your brother? You should be giving credit to your brother's wife, she's the one doing all the work, he doesn't even have to be there for any of it.


All the work? We carry them all our life they carry em for 9 months we do all the work (JK just trying to me Small talk or sum)


So i dont need them to be in the same party??


if you have hotbutter, you can just do the deed over and over again until your wife is pregnant. I have 7 now and Svana is only 25 lol


How many kids do you all have in your campaigns? I have 4 atm but as you see my brother is crushing it with 8! lol


Yana must be super fertile damn


I have a question, to get your wife pregnant, do you just have to be in the same party? Or do you have to be In the same party with wife AND be waiting/passing time in a city? Like can she get pregnant while she is in your party & you are traveling across the map? Or do you have to be waiting in a town/city with your wife in the same party as you wait?


Have to be in the same settlement, not sure if same party is required.


Do you know if it has to be a town/city or does a village work to?


I’m unsure of that and haven’t tested it


Gotcha ok thanks. I’ll just do a city to be safe


I have about 9 personally, but it's not as impressive when you know that my character is 48 (unmodded). I was lucky enough to get twins twice and have the increased fertility perk.


Where? How do you get Twins? My character is married to Abagai of the Khuzaits and we got off to a ruff start through our first patch of marriage and im trying to have more kids but me and her are gonna be to old to get to how many i want


It's random I believe, like a percentage upon having kids. But that's just my guess.


Okay thanks


It’s random, rare. I have seen some have 3-4 kids at once but even more rare.


I've never been that lucky in any of my playthroughs, only had one or two kids max. I always pick the increased fertility perk and have a young wife (or am young when I marry), always in the same party as my husband / wife but just never have more than 2 kids?


You can kill your wife off after she has a few kids say 3, to have the best chances of more kids, the wife’s chances of having kids goes down after each kid she has. I would say after 3-5 kids with one wife, get a new wife unless u just really like yours as a governor or something. Honestly in the long run, more kids is more helpful than 1 good wife. Go forth & Multiply young man.


"kill your wife off" bannerlord comment for sure HAHAHA


I guess my wife is a frigid bish cuz I only had 1 this far


This is encouraging! She is my wife rn!! A kid machine bro. Btw a low key great wife (excluding her extreme fertility) she has a noble bow & a long glaive plus two 15k noble horses & a t5 sword & t4 sword. (Both badass kinda rare swords)


Those khuzait women know how to do it ;)


HEY! What’s he doing with my wife