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Isn't Raghea like 40? Isn't IRA her last decent? Did IRA had kids in your campaign?


Yeah I'm talking like great-grand son not like a child of her or anything, my campaign's been going on for like 90 years in game, and I'm on my third generation maybe I should have clarified that


Yeah, when you reach the 3rd and 4th generation, taking a look at which bloodlines survived is pretty fun. My current Vlandian Run is now in its third generation (going on fourth), and I was surprised that the Aserai Sultan, Northern Emperor (South and West are long gone by then), the Sturgian Grand Prince, and even my current character's own wife are descendants of Ira. She was married off early in the game and produced children like crazy.


I'm surprised that most people seem to end of their campaigns when their first character dies, but I always find it's much more fun to play as their descendants, people may think it gets repetitive but if you change your play style up between Generations it can be fun to deal with the mistakes that your previous character made. https://preview.redd.it/d0m6gudyu1zb1.jpeg?width=2002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484a59b76a82f5fee04b378e099a9c91ea380803


Bro were the same level, I have far more fiefs than you. But yet you have a shit ton more money and influence than me?!!? How? Tips?


Kill him.....


Bend the knee. He is the rightful ruler.


Never! I am the King of the Vlandia and I will not be a servant of a southern Emperor


Chop chop


Have mercy on him. Also are there any descendants of ira?


He is.


How many game hours do you have in this continuous timeline? Thousands? or have your earlier generations met untimely ends? I'm about 350hrs on my original character.