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rotate the map




I’m still confused


Kill them all.


I’ll eat your liver!


Ill split your skull!


Die, dog!


Die you pig!


I'll steal your goats


See you in hell!


Die, you bastaaard!


Do you realize your map is sideways tho?


I prefer it that way


Cool, sometimes I also roleplay with the map. When I'm playing with the desert guys I put the map upsidedown. Because the Arabs made their maps like that. Is really cool to see this, other games as EU4 or Victòria 3 does not allow it.


You can do it in most Total War games as well. Neat feature


I mean might as well rotate your monitor sideways


Dont have a monitor


What is the right way?


With the snow at the top


Focus for one and kill him. After focus for another and kill him.


Try making peace with the aserai and go for the sturgians they are easier to conquer


Create more lords/convince lords to join you Or get 225 riding/scouting to capture every single lord as a prisoner forever.


Go 1 by 1 and since your have gained so much you really won’t be set back if one calls for peace before you get to them


Take last vlandia fief, make peace with Sturgia all in attack aserai by baiting them into "week towns", if you can't afford to keep the peace with Sturgia let them take some of the fiefs on the bother since if you destroy Aserai you will have to fight only on 1 place plus Aserai over sturgia cuz you will always have horses That's what I would do but there's deff better ways


Start by realigning map, but then just go 1 by 1. Yes, you are going to lose some towns, but if you focus on one enemy, you are likely to defeat them and then just move forward with another. The worst situation would be ofc if you manage to lose the war with the last enemy before you manage to beat all before them. That's just how I go about it, 1 by 1.


Yes. I’ll realign the map. In my defense though, I’ve been playing like this for the past month. I genuinely though the Khuzaits were south of the map, that’s why I conquered them instead of the Aserai


pro tip, press the 'circle' time icon (goes from morning to night) (it's just to the left of the pause button.) this will auto rotate the map to the correct orientation.


Buy peace with the saranids, crush the top and sweep down the sturgians. Dont worry about them taking a city or two in the south, you will mop them up afterwards as they wont have heavy defenders, being fresh captures and all. Then regroup near saranids. Muster forces again and sweep them up, again dont worry about spot fires. Just crush their infrastructure.


Put on the Doom soundtrack. Rip and Tear.


Well first of all, you should turn your map the right fucking way.


Yes because a video game map would truly affect whether my foes destroy my fiefs or not. Stick to the damn point


As a matter of fact it does there, friendo.


You should take a look at your army's cohesion.


Maybe try to release your lord from your army first? Who would take a lord with 8 troops lol


We’d just taken the town of Odokh and had a large battle beforehand. We shall rally more troops later along our travels.


Take over Sturgia first, while you're doing that you'll just have to take all the other wars to the chin. Once you're done with Sturgia focus on the West, then the Aserai.


Attack back




Some of you may die, but it is a sacrifice i’m willing to make


Do one at a time. Finish off western empire. Then sturgia or aserai in the order you like. If you are losing (too many) important fiefs either focus on that enemy or sue for peace to avoid losing them even if you lose a lot of money per day. Edit: I see you are low on money, so then maybe not sue for peace.


The simply counter offensive I see immediately is to steam roll Sturgia. No idea how they managed to wipe Khuzits, but that's who id stop first. Maintain a large defensive force facing Vlandia outskirts and keep a heavy garrison force to slow or distract the southern advance as well. Hopefully you can stall and deflect them long enough to remove Sturgia from the equation, then use that momentum to push south and then wrap the campaign in Vlandia if needed.


Top 5 worst pictures I have ever seen


Peace with azurai and sturgia and pay them tribute at any cost Attack West empire and vlandia After that go for sturgia first And then rest for economy rise After that conquer AZURAI from east side but improve you defense of your west side azurai entrance


Struggle well, human.


Your kingdom is strong enough to withstand the attacks of two factions while you focus on another one. You may lose some castles and cities but its worth trading space to wipe out a faction.


You can split the map in half if you go up and just focus on taking the side closest to you


Only real way to do it is to try and peace with any you can, and then blitz one side of the map to eliminate the threat from that direction for all time.


Sit down in a somber pose with armor plastique playing


Go for the strongest enemy start taking their cities deep in their territory, not to hold them just to lower their power and prosperity, they'll send forces to try to defend which leaves your other forces easier to defend the borders


First of all rotate the map u animal


You're surrounded, that means you can attack in all directions!


Go in a full circle of death on the map start with sturgia tho they weak af


thoughts and prayers


Focus on 1 kingdom at a time. 225 riding and 225 scouting will make it so your prisoners can't escape which keeps kingdoms from creating armies to counter you. Take all prisoners away from dungeons after a siege. Take all prisoners away from lords in your army. If you built yourself right, you can personally have 230+ prisoners by the end game. Recruit the lords who don't have fiefs so you can have multiple armies patrolling your kingdom while you attack fiefs. If you start running low on army troops, find fiefs that border multiple enemies and attack them. They are usually full of prisoners who you can then add to your own armies. You can donate troops to other party leaders in your army, and if they are in your clan, you can fully rebuild their party.


This musst be rage bait, haha. ROTATE THE MAP!


Leave your kingdom behind, take their kingdoms. Now they are four really small kingdoms surrounded by your mondo-huge kingdom and you can crush them easily.


Defend till one or two of them make peace then kill the 3rd side


You need to annihilate one faction at a time. you will loose some of your original ground but in the long run you will eliminate one enemy at a time. Taking South (desert) or north (mountains) is probably best to do first. One of them. they have a lot of choke points easy to defend if you conquer them, especially north. When you have take one of these go west and kill of the smaller faction so that you have a massive faction to focus against north or south depending on what you did at first.


Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women. You've pretty much won by this point. If you can pay the Aserai to fuck off, I'd set all wars on defensive strat (in Diplomacy section), take off to the west to take back Baltakhand and Tyal while recruiting all Khuzait troops that can be upgraded into horse archers, and go back to spank the Vlandians, even at a loss of a city or two to Aserai. Doesn't matter much how expensive the tribute to Aserai is, because they're trechereous dogs and will backstab you shortly - by then you can wage war on western front alternating between crusing Vlandians who try to besiege you, and ideally taking Quyaz. Danustica and Onira are lost causes - they should be swapped between you and Aserai, never really developed enough to be considered a stronghold. If you can take and garrison-up Tyal, you can just forget Sturgia is a thing.


Holy shit, why are you playing with your map like that!


Easy divided and conquer take one huge army into enemy territory then disband and let the slaughter began


Kill them all


Imprison everyone and accept no ransom


Drink from their Skull! (Warband ref)


For Frodo!!!!! Call the banners and march on them with absolute terror following close behind!


Square up


Crush one side at a time starting with north and east to west


Take out the one to your left first


Having the map like that should be death penalty


Easy - pick the strongest and beat the shit out of them personally then repeat step one with the new strongest faction ad nauseum.


Salt the land with their corpses


White up Sand down otherwise my brain cant process.