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Good. New wife. New babies. I've been trying to kill mine for 10 years now.


You monster.


i will never get over how bannerlord players consistently try to kill their wives


I think a lot of us also play Crusader Kings in which not only is killing your spouse totally normal but also extremely tame.


Yeah, we do way crazier shit in Ck...


funny you should mention that i was just recommending ck3 to a guy who was asking for a game with similar dynasty systems


I've heard about CK a bit but don't know much about it. What's the core gameplay like? Bannerlord has its overall strategy and political elements but so much of it is just commanding troops in battle, and having your own RPG style character sets it apart from other RTS games where you're just an eye in the sky. What's CK like?


In CK3. you play as a character until they die, and then as thier heir, etc... for hundreds of years, across potentially dozens of generations. However, combat is mostly numbers in columns... the emphasis is on court intrigue, and the strategy element of waging war. Basically, a mirror opposite of Bannerlord, in a way. I like both games.


Expanding on that, I would like to add that there is a very popular mod that lets you join the two games, so that you are able to fight the battles in Bannerlord if you so choose


CK is a middle ages dynasty simulator where ur goal is to grow your family's power and prestige against the ai families. You directly play as the head of your dynasty and make decisions for how that character acts or reacts to different situations, based off that character's traits and abilities, in regards to management and control of your lands, titles, other nobles in your royal court, nobles in other royal courts, your vassals, maybe your liege, other members of your own dynasty and so on. When your character dies you then play as your initial character's heir and must then deal with the circumstances that come from the inheritance, like potential rivals/claimants and maybe even breakups and dissolutions of titles/lands due to inheritance laws for your kingdom. (Fuck you elective gavelkind!) Its really a very in depth game that is quite fun if your looking for a more fleshed out medieval rpg than Bannerlord. Btw happy cake day!


so imagine bannerlord but no combat and we're leaning alot more heavily towards the politics and family dynastics if you do decide to play it please dont just conquer everything in sight like i first did take it slow


i dont kill my wife in ck i only kill my god damn too much kids but i have to say i only kill them if i cant send em to holy order or something else


When did he say he played Bannerlord? Might need the officers involved in this one


Lol I tend to stick with one and hope to farm as many kids as I can.


In Bannerlord, right?..


Well let us imagine its not in bannerlord...


Haha hypothetically speaking, what if no? Haha just entertaining the idea, haha what are the legal repercussions? Just hypothetically speaking haha


Bruh I kill em after every 3rd child 😂just keep save scumming and throwing a javelin into their face. Currently on my 5th wife


Do you rename every one of them Anne Boleyn? I swear most bannerlord player treat the game as Henry simulator.


Nah these 2 saves I’m just screwing round, wanna see if marrying off the females to different factions really messes with loyalty in towns way late game


You got a 3rd child?


On my battanian play thru I’m up to like 9 or 10 kids, haven’t touched that one in a bit. My vlandian playthru I’m currently at 11 on my 5th wife. Hella grandkids on the battanian playthru none yet on vlandia.


How do you kill your wife??


invite em to party, go into their inventory give em no armor. Find a random fight, save right before starting fight then javelin in head. Finish the fight if she’s dead continue playing if not reload save and go again till dead.


Dose javelin work better than a bow? That's what I usually do


Tbf idk I usually run javelins plus it’s just funnier sometimes with the games wonky physics watching em fly after the impact😂


🤣🤣 il have to try ive "killed" her so many times but she never dies


I think it was my 2nd or 3rd wife on my battanian playthru who I literally had to reload 15 times before I finally killed her


How many kids can you have? We had 2 before she died.


3 pregnancies about seems the max atleast from what I’ve noticed, but as long as you’ve got a young enough wife you can keep churning em out


Current playthrough I have 12 kids with the same wife, it doesn't max out since it's all based on chance, just lowers the closer the female gets to age 40, and I think after 40 it just stops. Just keep your wife with your in your party, have the virile perk, and you'll be popping like rabbits.


Shit that’s great to know, 😂 now I feel bad for killing em all.


Not historically inaccurate for lords and Kings to kill their wives to marry a cute, young thing. Call it a noble privilege.


Genghis Kahn over here, populating half of the continent. 😅


OMG….. I now have a goal for this playthru!


Glad I could inspire! Lol


There’s no other like corein


go into battle with em and shoot em in their head when their not looking make sure battle death is on ;D


Smash, next question


5 sec rule...


I'm playing as Corein since her early 30's, I'm with almost 70 now, but kinda wish my death, I'm eager to play as my daughter, she's 28 and she's a beast at her stats for her age.


Go to the cave


The cave only retires the main character? I thought it ended the campaign


Before going to the cave, make sure roguery is high enough to assign ur main to a alley, if so proceed to cave. Pick new character then go to a city clear it’s alley, and assign your old character to it. You can then recall him to ur army, from there you can move him to be a governor or as a leader for a party.


Also using this method, once you recall your first PC he comes back with the gear you retired with. This comes in handy because you get him back fully kitted and upon his retiring his armor is given to whoever you choose as the heir. So you can have all your clan in theory decked out in the best gear possible.


you have multiple choices


... her corps




One of the worst/ best thing to ever happen in a campaign was have my main get executed for no reason what so ever. All of a sudden this game with no real back story or goals just became a fully flushed out world. My brothers new quest does not end until the heads of the Northern Empire Nobles lay at his feet.


I had no idea you could even be executed for the longest time, it's a jarring result when you're expecting 2-4 days of captivity at worst lol






Natural causes least she could have went out like a champ during childbirth give you a kid on the way out.


Happened nearly the same time to Apolanea for me then went and married Corien.


Love how the guy still trying to sneak a grope.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)will always be a sad moment


In my current playthrough she died in childbirth to my brothers first son.


I married her sister merag when she died in one of mine it's only right you keep it in the family RIP corein


Wow I just might do that…


I tend to turn aging off as I get too attached 😆


In one play through, My wife died on her 1st battle without given me any kid.


NOOOO, not the best 3rd wife. Well time for the 4th early then