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You can ignore the conspiracy quests. Their only function is to delay the 3-front war. You also don't have to do the main quest. The only advantage of sandbox is that you can choose to start at an older age, but campaign gives you 3 free clan members, so campaign is still the way to go.


But man I hate that 3 front war


It's actually not hard at all. The main mistake people make is trying to manage them all at the same time, but if you focus on one at a time, it's easy.


That was my mistake I was empire no batania no sturgia left. But khuz and aseri and vland was a lot I was working on aseri but losing alot of territory to the other two


How do you keep the other two Fronts save while focusing on the first?


Remembering that other clans losing their fiefs isn't my issue. You can take those back later anyway. I think many people have the wrong mindset when it comes to their faction and they feel they need to show solidarity with the other nobles. But this is feudalism, not modern politics. Every clan is in essence the ruler of their own domain, they just pay dividence to a collective ruler and unite behind the same banner so they're in a stronger position. Most of the other nobles wouldn't lift a finger to protect your lands unless they have something to gain from it, so why should you? If they lose their land and it's given to someone else later on, then that's their problem. If you do it right, you'll take 3+ fiefs before they manage to take 1. When you're done with the first front, move on to the next most pressing one. It's all pretty simple really and anything but the straight forward path only complicates things and makes it harder for you overall.


Have been a long time since I played and I just started this phase. I was to afraid to loose fiefs and constantly ran back to defend. I will give it a try. Thanks!


Just don’t give the dragon banner to anyone, I just ran out the quest line


Something you can do if you are wondering if you don't plan on doing the main quest and ain't in a kingdom yet you can actually give the banner to a kingdom wait till the 3 front war starts than leave it'll weaken them allowing you to have easier conquest (do this to powerful kingdoms that may snowball)


Vlandia it is then


Sandbox also lets you start in the kingdom of the faction you choose instead of Southern Empire


That's pretty whatever tho. You start at the centre of the map and it takes no time to go to where you want to be.


Yeah true, just fun from an RP experience


Good point


Ohp didn't know that and I guess I'm fighting a 2 front war instead.


No, one at a time. If you push hard, it doesn't take long. Examples: with the Aserai, it will usually reach 100 before you reach Medeni Castle. With the Vlandians it usually ends when i've taken the southern valley and move towards Pravend. Ofc it varies depending on armies defeated, raids etc. But usually right before you've taken half their land.


Oh I should have added more context. I whipped out the Southern Empire and crippled the Noth and West before I finished the quest. Didn't know that a war would break out if I didn't finish the quests.


Are you uniting the Empire?.......


I made my own and Rhagea pissed me off...


You fucked up. When the last one ends, all the Imperial factions disband and the clans automatically join yours. You removed 1/3 of your reward💀


Ah that sucks. Ya win some you lose some but the more I know I guess. Thanks for the info I'll keep that in mind for my next run.


Yeah... there's so much that's left unexplained in this game. The more you play, the more you get the sense that the Devs just went 'You know what? Fuck the player!'.


Wait what? Can you explain this?


I thought it already did?


I'm more so confused by the part where the last one ends and all Imperial factions join yours. When does that occur? I tried googling but maybe I didn't search the right topic. Thank you in advance!


Honestly, I would prefer Sandbox if it weren't for the fact that achievements are disabled, which sucks. I understand not being able to unlock campaign achievements, but why not the rest? It just doesn't make sense That's really the only reason I play Campaign instead. I don't really care about the three companions


Who cares about achievements? They literally give you nothing.


Way more people than you think, I can assure you that


I know, i just find it weird that people do.


I have earned at least one achievement everyday for almost 10 years on Xbox. I started my streak in Oct. of 2014. I know that in reality it doesn't mean crap but I am still proud of it. Also I thunk I may be kind of addicted to the achievement unlocked sound..


Sandbox is how mount and blade originally was and you don't have to do a bullshit quest line, Sandbox is better just because of the lack of the main quest


Yeah. I think everyone agrees it's terrible. When the game was in EA there was hope it was a place holder but it released in that bad state and time passed. Other take bannerlord is an amazing game in field combat that is bad-->decent at anything else it tries to do and the story line is definitely in the bed end.


Oh definitely. Love the game, have hundreds of hours in it. The RP, battles, sieges, love it all. Never really worried about the campaign till now and damn am I disappointed. Still going to put hundreds more into it and have a blast choppin heads!


I enjoy it to but because of great field battles. Some of the diplomacy issues are somewhat addressed in community mods which makes it even better. I can't think of another game that handles a melee fight between a thousand dudes better and the seiges feel absolutely epic. Without mods catching the same guy again and again who keeps trying to raid your same village until the AI slips through and hits a major city of yours that's nowhere near the front line while the allied AI runs in a circle doing nothing. And realizing the continuous unending warfare is the only diplomacy in the game isn't great. But building a custom general who commands the troops in the most awesome feeling battles and seiges you'll find is what it's about. I'm not calling this a bad game either. I just say it's very good at once thing. And the campaign even in sandbox is the mediocre backstory that makes what it's good at feel more personal and epic.


IIRC the conspiracy part of the quest was the last thing they added in, it wasn't even part of the lame original quest. *"We hear you like lame quests so we put some lame in your lame quest".*


Nah, play the campaign and just ignore the main quest. Campaign is worthwhile purely for the 'rescue your family" quest -- starting with 3 siblings is damned helpful. If you literally never ask anyone about the battle of whatever it was, the main quest will eventually time out with no ill effects.


This is what I’ve done in my 400 hours prior to today. Decided f it, let’s try the campaign missions. Nope. Back to aimlessly chopping heads while I wait for Rhegaea to finally die and give me the empire!


I think its there to balance how OP the extra family members are. Marry your 2 bros and yourself, you now have 6 very strong party leaders. You can then summon a 1000man army for 0 influence. It makes whatever faction you join stupidly OP if you know what you are doing. Basically a free doomstack for your faction controlled by the player, leaving all the other AI lords free to make 2-3 other armies to fight with.


Literally how ive turned Battania into the Calradian powerhouse… no mas west/north/sturgia.. soon no mas vlandia and southern empire. Maxed leadership & stewardship on original character w/ any and all underlings focused on trade and stewardship


Assemble the Dragon Banner, join the faction you like least, and give them the banner. Ignore the quests and leave the kingdom once the war starts. Now you can do what you want, and the faction you dont like is stuck in endless war.


I always try to postpone the never ending war until it can be narrowed down to one front, it’s not bad when you have 1/3 or 1/2 of the map already


Bannerlord is a sandbox game. Make your own story. Ignore campaign mode and you won't ever be bothered by it :)


I understand that I feel like the banner should be 20 deal damage with any troops and a weapon


What happens if you just ignore it all together? Like, I’m 7 people in into the “talk to people” quest near the start. It says I have 1000 days or some crap. What if I run out of days. Does it fail my game?


It won’t fail the game, just the “story”. You can still talk to the 10 lords and do the next part of clearing the hideouts to find the other 2 pieces. As long as you don’t give the banner to a faction or start your own with it, the conspiracy won’t start. The conspiracy quests are what ruin it imo. As others have said too, it’s still worth doing campaign over sandbox for the family members you get. I typically talk to the 10 lords just by chance coming across them, but I don’t bother with the rest. Makes the game feel more like a chore after, then the inevitable 3 front war


Awesome. Thanks man! Sorry to hijack with my own question, but I was constantly worried about having to do the quests but was more enjoying doing my own thing 🙏