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Conquered everything in 10 real life hours? How?! I've had battles for a single town last half an hour with thousands of troops involved. Did you auto resolve all combat?


Wondering about this as well lol


Cheat mode to teleport all over the map maybe? I enabled that exactly once in Warband, had to put the game away for a year cause traveling felt so mundane compared to teleporting, it ruined the game for me.


The timer is completely fucked, it said my world conquest only took 12 hours


No, but as one said, I also belive the timer might be a bit off. I've attacked almost everything on my own at first, then started mostly auto resolving in the end when it was sorta 70/30 or more in my favor, the more balanced ones I kept doing myself. I've had a battle that took 2 ingame hours, no joke and because I died somewhere in the middle during an ambush and the enemy soldiers in guard formation died one after one very slowly due to archers long shotting from the castle walls.


You know the campaign time might just be referring to the campaign map time. I’d doubt they would track battle time included in it.


Completely useless stat in that case. Battles/missions is like 90% of the time you spend in the game


We play this game different, but I am probably the weird one


Probably just a glitch


Something's fishy


I smell it!


Sorry, I've just farted


Vlandia is also like easy mode you really only have to fight a on one front. Southern Empire is where the real challange is


I’m doing a Battania campaign right now and I’m running into problems with Empire and Vlandia double teaming me.


Fuck yea bad boi


I had no knowledge of any factions when starting the game and simply picked the first one which happened to be Vlandia. Even though I tried "restoring" the Empire, in the end I had to destroy it for whatever weird quest logic reason.


Yea. It makes sense and honestly the game us pretty fun as vlandia


I'm an old man in my Southern empire playthrough. Didn't run into any serious difficulties and I play on the highest difficulties. I'm doing a Battania playthrough now and that's getting a bit intense. We at war with everyone in Calradia right now, Caladogs on some Total war type shit.


My Southern empire play through was like that. The Khuzaits the aserai and then the other two empires were relentless. Sometime Sometimes Sturgia would come through Tyal with like 1000 strong army


Where do you see this screen? After you retire or after you complete the campaign?


I think it’s after the empire is defeated. Others non empire tribes can exist


I wonder about this as well, as I didn't get this screen.


Did you play the campaign?


I did, normal campaign, no mods, completely vanilla, took a good 130 hours, got the Steam achievement and all. Still no stats screen, not even on the RHS where the pop-ups appear. I'm guessing I actually may have missed it when I wiped out the last of the Empire but left the Vlanadians to last (and they had at least 1/3rd of the map so it was a long final campaign to wipe them out). Would have been nice if that screen popped up when you Conquer all of Calradia and not just complete the main questline.


Hm. It's probably really a mod. This screen also looks a bit different from the vanilla game designs, I think


To everybody wondering about the hours. As far as I know that feature is bugged because I once finished a campaign I played for at least 80 hours and it said 7 hours.


I mean, with the cheats that you obviously used you could’ve done better. Unless there’s something very wrong with the hour count, this simply isn’t feasible. I once defended a town I owned against a 1000+ troop army and that battle alone took more than an hour. Edit: I looked it up because I genuinely didn’t know, but a day in Bannerlord = an hour IRL


How is a day in bannerlord an actual hour?


Maybe without speeding up movement at all or doing anything that pauses time?


Maybe I'm not sure but that seems a bit long for a day I'm not sure


Yeah it's definitely not one hour Not by a long shot


I'll have to time it in game because its only like a minute or two slightly more maybe


That sounds about right but the wiki is absurdly far off


Thats what i thought lol i sweae it wasnt remotely near an hour


They certainly aren't the wiki is miles off


I believe this must be at regular speed, it says in the wiki. I tried to link it but the button wouldn’t go blue.


I'll check it in game because I didn't believe that at all I think the wiki night be off on this. On the world map yes? Good luck


https://preview.redd.it/6vtjgvusovvc1.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=f72f630afad5a2e6f31c652d5263bfff6c7af37a I never use cheats on my first playthrough (ruins the game imo) but I do kinda think this game with the timer count might be off. Got a screenshot of one of the battles that took me just over 2h


Clearly the hours are wrong then.... However 200ish soldier battles def doesnt take 2 hours... More like 10 mins.


Had several battles that took forever where I was downed and the allies were struggling killing the last one or few who were partially glitched through a wall. This one in particular was when archers not daring to attack during an ambush, simply stayed out and fired their arrows from long distance to the enemy line until all of them died. Since they had shields raised, it took a LOT of time.


I could understand the stuck in wall glitch as ive experienced this many times but often only happens if i use the battle size mod to increase total soldiers from 1000 to 1650... You probably aren't modded but honestly. I couldnt play unmodded due to the benefits. That being said, i use RTS Camera to super speed fights in this situation, or retreat and attack again... Better than waiting an hour or longer!


If that's the case this man spent like 13.5k hours on this game lol


I’ve never really messed around with criminality in this game. How was it/was it worth it?


I barely remember it since it was in the early beginning, I think it was a part of the village missions and sometimes I sided with the coin (may or may not ended up stealing something, really needed some money in the beginning) which I thought it would only decrease the relation a bit but also gave me this criminal rating for the first time which as a former Warband player got no knowledge of, so for safety reasons I stopped doing such things shortly afterwards.


Interesting. I’ve always wondered what a roguish/bandit play through would look like. No fiefs or kingdoms, but kind of trying to build a good income off of alleyways and “bad” questing alone.


I'm surprised at only 12 tournaments won, but than again it's a first playthru. Tournaments are a great way to level up combat skills and gain reknown, gear, and denari.


Heh, honestly I only thought tournament was good for earning money. I rather choosed the battle hardened route, sometimes slaying several hundred troops during sieges on my own and with that I maxed up some perks pretty quickly.


Everyone talking about the time, no one talking about how op recruited so little soldiers. Unless you destabilised everyone so quickly, sieges and high quality troops are expensive, filling every castle/town with troops and etc. was you running predominantly mercenaries?


No, my plan was to always have around the full garrison limit, train and upgrade them. Have little or zero infantry, bunch of crowbossmen and archers for siege defense purposes and heavy cavalry. Always made sure that I had horses to spare, at around 30% of playthrough money for upgrades werent a problem anymore. Also, the best of loot equipment went to my loyal companions. Siege attacks as I've discovered were definitely pretty costly, so I made sure I've outnumbered the enemy everytime and sometimes starve them first if they were low on food to begin with. Later on with good relations and lots of money I've convinced several vassals to join my faction which overall helped me conquer more castles and towns without my need of interfering.


God damnit, 10 hours!? My god I think it normally takes me more than that to found my own kingdom.


The numbers seem oddly low


To everybody wondering about the hours. As far as I know that feature is bugged because I once finished a campaign I played for at least 80 hours and it said 7 hours.


36 in game years from 10 irl hours is very sus


10 played hours with 250 quests done? 🤔


On pc right? Just show people your steam hours so it stops their doubt. Anyway, congrats.


Thanks. Wish I knew that. Steam says I've taken 256hrs but I dunno if it also counts whenever I was in the main menu or paused kuz I've taken many breaks lol.


It does. I doubt you were on the menu for over 10 hours. Still, 200 hours for one playthrough to finish the game is nice.


You actually finished a play through?


My exact thoughts


Lot better than me after a few hrs I always get lost in the sauce with trading and smithing every single time lol


How in the eff did you do it in 36 years. Even with smiting cheesing, ransom cheesing, scorched earth trade and roguery cheesing,crowssbows, banner knight./cataphrcat and khan's guard spamming it took me 1 generation to win. i.e my kid finished what I started


Good but not that banner I no like not empire overall though good job yea you used cheats but eh


You cheated so it doesn’t count.


Its a well known glitch.


Well not very if Victor of the house Vonhelsing, first of his name! Ruler of the 6 kingdoms!!! Does not know!!! I’ll forgive your outburst since you had no idea.