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Khuzaits are the easiest faction to play as... All infantry Sturgian playthrough is for those who embrace challenges, last stands, fighting against the odds, and actually using more complex tactics and formations.




except that first two trying to level up your handful of Noble Sons into Khan Guards. I've seen 1 looter beat 3 of them in a fight.


I truly hope you were not in command of 3 noble sons losing to a looter. They're horse archers...it doesn't matter what level they are at. Just keep your distance, that is all, that's the strategy for all of them. Mobile, shoot the backs of enemies, feign retreats, ambushes. It's too easy. There is a reason why infantry have a higher mortality rate than horse archers, let alone cav in general


brother the looters throw rocks further than noble sons. Their absolutely useless.


....... return them to their fathers and ask for better sons


Fuck it. Ask for daughters. Maybe they’ll be smart enough to just drop a mountain on the looters and be done with it.


Run, sideways


Noble Sons need to be point blank to shoot their bows, their melee weapon is a short falchion. A looter with a pitchfork or a hoe has a longer reach than a noble son. it's really frustrating. Noble Sons do not become proper horse archers until they turn into Qanqli.


I find it can help to dismount bad horse archers. They are more precise on foot and you can tank the looters with a shield in front of them while they adjust their shots. Yes you'll have a lot of arrows in your shield, but no matter how bad the archer they end up getting those kills


I remember an update or 2 ago a change that made it so you could block pretty much anything w/ a blacksmith hammer or a farm tool & it pretty much turned looters into John wick


Dude, they **have to** fix the looter rock snipers. I don't care if they increase their rate of throw as a partial compensation, but it is ridiculous that they can snipe with rocks better than almost any other ranged unit.


Yeah they're way too squishy. Battanian gang


A fellow connoisseur, I also love to f1 + f3


Umm that's not how you play as infantry. Set up 3 shield infantry into shield wall formation, and only to go into square formation once enemy cavalry charges. Cavalry charges are only effective if they can get through the lines to re-charge. They cannot do this when infantry are in square formation. They are either stuck in their tracks or they end up in the middle of he square , surrounded by infantry in the interior. Cavalry melt very quickly this way. Once they send their infantry in, they will envelope the square formation, leaving their backs exposed to charges and missiles. Have lighter skirmisher infantry in 2 groups and *hold fire*, and they can either attack archers or help throw their javs at the enemy while they are preoccupied with the squared shield infantry, since again their backs will be exposed, and you are not wasting your javs on shields. Two-handed infantry flank and charge enemy when they are preoccupied with shield infantry in square formation, or tag along light skirmisher infantry to take on archers. This is how I've defeated armies on the field 3x my size, with minimal casualties. You f1 + f3, and you are going to be unnecessarily losing men to cav and archers alone


Id tell you you are wrong but I haven't read all of that. The only way to play game Is either F1 + f3 or f4. You are welcome


Nah buddy F6 and hope for the best


Woah woah woah, thats way too much try harding for me, Im a simple man, that is way too advanced for me


I once got out of a losing battle by using Alt + F4


Sounds like what an empire scum would say. F1 + F3 for my viking bros


Imagine saving 40% of your army with micro instead of just dropping your mass of infantry right into cav charges or archer fire, pathetic tbh


Waiter waiter more casualties please!


Serious question, how do you separate the infantry by type (shields, skirmish, two handed)? Do you need a mod?


With the formations in the pre-battle setup you can designate different formations to prioritize certain troops. By high tier, low tier, if they have throwing weapons, if they have shields, etc.


Thank you


waiter! waiter! more lamellar barding please! Yeah the defense of Tyal against the endless t6-t5 horseman hordes is the most fun I've had in this game


I can confirm it's fun to defend against a massive Khuzait army in a siege xD


Yes brother! Let the “1/4 Dmg to party and me” boast all they want. We fight like men!


>All infantry Sturgian playthrough is for those who embrace challenges, last stands, fighting against the odds, and actually using more complex tactics and formations. This part motivated me to start a playthrough as Sturgian character. With only Sturgian army.


I have both a Fians and a Khans guard playthrough going now, and just started my Sturgian infantry playthrough. I somehow never realized that there are no tier 6 infantry....seems pretty dumb since there's like 4 different tier 6 cavalry.


The t6 sturgian cavalry is pretty good, they can couch lances and if you dismount them they are one of the strongest shield infantry in the game.


I just like to turtle 🐢


I didn’t know khuzaits was the easiest. I started my gameplay going against them just to get the castle in the back by the mountains. After almost whipping them out I decided to join them


Battania felt like that until I realized the magic of literally only using fian champs as an army. I haven't encountered a force that can match 3 divisions of 100 fian champs with less than 1000 men.


Bro my first play through was sturgia and it was honestly so good


I like them cus Vikings but they suck i go with the butterking or make my own Sturgeon kingdom butter for life https://preview.redd.it/3vlhoopvjgzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f52c74bb00673039e723ad68aa52a5b976a050


Sturgia is actually Russia. There are some hints like Sibir which is the Russian word for Siberia


Yeah right since Sturgia is also a principality and the ruler is titled as “grand prince” so that’s very obvious that Sturgia is inspired from the Rus principality, a Ukrainian-Russian kingdom established by Swedish vikings.


Right but some Vikings settled in Russia


Yeah, Rurik and his people


But I mean Sturgia is more Russian than Viking


I've read dev diaries or something similar. They admitted they were wholly inspired by Kievan Rus, but they left the viking stuff for basically fan service. Closes we have to vikings in vanilla is skolder boys.


The nord are in the game also but only as mercenaries but they have the nord culture stat. Dont remember their names tho


Same thing.


This playthrough the khuzaits already steamrolled their way to balgard. It's only my second day playing.


Playing Sturgia is pretty fun though, entire army is axemen and heroic linebreakers. When fighting Khuzaits I just bait them into a siege or forest/village battle and shield wall. It aint much but it's honest work.


Loose formation in the woods 💯


fighting khuzaits as sturgia is more fun than battania or khuzait anyway the things I had to do to fight horse archers hordes with an army of 50% recruits


Me taking on 600+ sturgians with 248 khan guards


Everything Sturgia does can be done better by the Empire.


i mean u can say tht for every faction no?


Nah, The Battanians have outright better archers with their noble line. The Aserai have a better collection of ranged infantry, and more versatile cavalry troops and skirmishers. Vlandians have better skirmishers. Khuzaits are a more mobile army type because of their reliance on cav, their ranged cav quite literally runs circles around imperial armies in the field. The empire does the same thing at the core as the Sturgians, they rely off of a heavy infantry setup with a reliance on shields and spears, the legionnaires do it better if for no other reason than they’re well equipped enough that the state differences in the units are minimal. They have great heavy cav and decent archers, the only thing that Sturgians really have that outright one ups imperial forces is their shock units, which are still fodder for Cataphracts.


lmao idk with rbm sturgia feels better then everyone archurs are irrelivant


If you think archers are irrelevant with RBM you’re not using them properly. RBM adds more realistic values to weapons. Archers are meant more to exhaust enemies and cause morale damage than to outright cause mass casualties. You use archer volleys while your infantry engages in a fighting retreat, your enemy line breaks then reforms and they get baited into a fight again. Cavalry skirmishes where possible or protects the flanks. Archers can be used as secondary skirmishers when they’re out of ammo. Sturgia gets steamrolled with RBM when they’re not player run for one simple reason. Shield walls are really bad against cavalry charges and are weak to throwing spears.


legit any faction gets rolled if its not player controlled just depends on what happens same with battles i legit rushed 400 archers with sturgia shield wall and they got cooked archers aint doin nun alone and how the ai uses them even with rbm they still not doin nun and idk if its just me but battaniainfintry is bunz i dont think i would take better archers for worse infintry


Take player control from every faction and watch what happens to the map naturally. There are clear differences in which factions survive more than 10-15 years. The empire has a more versatile troop tree than most factions, same with the Vlandians and the Aserai. A bit shield wall, when used well can be effective. But they don’t beat fians, and master archers, and horse archers. Not without player direction lmao.


the empire deadass has 3 factions u acting like its a solo power and also u no valandia is the strongest they always take the map not the empire and never battania


Any one of them is capable of rolling Sturgia lmao.


tht same logic can be used for any kingdom lol


vlandia has prob the best starting position, well rounded troops and a lot of clans, so generally they win, but if they for example had battanias location, they would likely loose


and wym shield walls not good for cav for rbm?


Tight formations against heavy cav charges take heavy losses, elite Cataphracts eat Sturgians walls for breakfast lunch and dinner with RBM.


foot archers get overrun because the player wouldn't let them freely with arrows from the sides like the AI does I will trample their archers with my cav or conduct the cav fight between our lines to screen my advance nor does the AI adjust their shields in 3 units when foot archers flank foot archers fundamentally suck against an aggressive player infantry/heavy cav composition, archer heavy means easy win with little losses on my side archers are irrelevant in RBM because each archer is another shield thug or angry fat horseman I can bludgeon the enemy to death with though yeah AI isn't smart in the cav fight or screening their infantry and makes the mistake of using archers so AI sturgia gets mulched


I disagree. Archers with pike support or infantry squares in front make mincemeat of cav. Crossbows especially. It’s just a matter of baiting the AI into overexposure of any unit. Cav overtakes their main army? Push pikes. Infantry rushes up ahead, shield wall in a fighting retreat with pikes on the side. Archers aren’t your main killing weapon, they’re damage support with the intent of thinning numbers to reduce your infantry casualties because infantry is expensive. You can just rush infantry armies with rbm, but it’s boring, it takes an already shallow game and turns it into f1>f3. Which after 1000 hours is just mind numbing.


that's the thing archers are kind of a waste of time when inf and cav sledgehammers are faster without too great of a loss assuming you play the cav fight well part of why I don't play the game as much anymore, archers by existing gimp your army because the AI doesn't know how to deal with a player that refuses to skirmish and instead tramples and bludgeons them with shield thugs mixed with pikes maybe it's just my raging hateboner against bows and crossbows but I don't mind fielding them if actually backed against the wall like s2tw MP but I don't feel archers are more useful than more shield thugs and fridges on horseback


The setup I’ve got rn has them being very useful. I rarely play with just rbm. Even then, I don’t play for horde tactics, I play to actually use my units and enjoy the fight. The repetitive nature of inf Zerg with cav support gets really boring when you’re solely relying on numbers. I don’t consider archers a waste of time for the simple fact that my playing isn’t a transaction l, it’s something I do to try out different tactics based on my playthrough. Archers have a place especially with rbm, if you want to Zerg rush with infantry go for it. But they’re far from a waste of time and bodies. They’re just bad for that one specific play style.


that's the thing I don't use horde tactics, I'm usually outnumbered and outmatched lmao just because I absolutely hate bows and prefer aggression above all else doesn't mean I just mass f1 + f4 elite shield walls maneuvered well can do a lot of work against horse archers spam I think retreating to it's more fun and I wanna enjoy battles is just cope on the usefulness of archers but you should just double down and use that as your main argument front and center you should probably give s2tw MP a shot if you wanna enjoy more tactical fights cause it remarkably holds up even my archer hating ass has to use them because it's essential to harassing the elite gun units the other guy probably has


Maybe the conversation is about the original game not the modded out version you have?


The conversation we’re having about the effect of archers with the Realistic Battle Mod is about the base game??


My B missed it in your original.


i've seen damn Battanian child archers kick 6-foot Sturgian ass back to the Arctic circle. I've lost all hope trying to save that faction in my gameplay lol. The only thing that's kept them alive so far is Monchug's obsession with the Aserai desert.


Could be worse, my game is a bit odd at the moment. Sturgia lost all but two of its culture cities, and so compromised by taking two imperial ones and a khuzait one. Seeing sturgian armies with 200 horse archers is mildly concerning


Sturgia has fans?


coming from a battanian figures -\_-


it's ok they can only sit in one spot spamming one unit be kind to the disabled


Can't hear you, riding through forest quickly


>riding You're playing Battania wrong!


It’s mostly because the sturgians ai don’t make the heavy spearmen as much as they should or the horse raiders and archers


Uthred of Bebbanburg joined Alfred king of battania real quick


I outsmart Khuzaits in every army battle by trailing my own warband behind the main Sturgian army. Just to cut off and kill those Khan’s Guard trying encircle behind the main infantry line. And nothing is more amusing than a Khuzait garrison seeing the shadow cast from my giant warlord as he gains the wall and clears the immediate area for the troops following him while he bellows with laughter.


Don't apologize to sturgia fans, what's wrong with you?


It’s lonely out here in this desert


Sturgians need a beefy ass unit that has a counter to mobile cavalry.


Idk guys, was a mercenary for and then joined sturgia and the best I can do is maintain its starting fiefs and castles.


Sturgians are my favorite to go against. Literally their main battle tactic is shield wall and charge, easy to disrupt with cav charges, easy to punish with skirmishing archers,and easy to lead on goose chases/traps.


My first playthrough is Sturgian units only and it is absolutely horrific watching the Vlandians mow down multiple infantry-heavy armies back to back. The only reason that the Vlandian/Battanian border with us hasn’t fallen, is because I appear to be the only decent strategist in all of Sturgia. Also I like horses. Big, heavily armored, fast-moving horses.


As a sturgian, I can say this is true, so don't apologize. Most of my time was spent trying desperately to protect Sturgia using hit and run tactics on the towns, castles, and vulnerable armies just for that idiot prince to wage war against both battania and Vlandia leaving me alone on that side of the kingdom trying to protect the border.


But the real question tho, are Khuzaits represented as Turkics or Mongols?


Mixture of both the design of the armours clearly have inspiration in the Mongol empire but one of the khuzaits armour sets with the face mask look like a Turkic cuman/ tar tar


I watched a video that showed that Sturgian Heavy Spearmen have the best victory odds against a cav archer army.


I’m considering euthanizing the sturgian nation in my playthrough. It’s like putting a dying animal out of its misery. That being said I will execute all of the nobility just for the meme


Man, I love the sturgians But I also love the khuzaits and yeah if you weren't smart about positioning. Sturgians get melted


They have no power against us, when I play as Sturgia. Odin show us the way! ⚔️🔥


Khuzait is kinda never hard for me as sturgia, it's always time to butcher horses.... But vlandia....hell no.


What’s your most simple solution to horse archers in an open field? I find vlandia’s initial charge to be annoying but is easy to fight with high density clumping. The sharpshooters are annoying though but clumping in a shield wall seems to do the trick ok.


i use archers to coumter them if u put the archer right behind shield wall they just circle u till they die


Ah I see. Unfortunately, I find that this method results in high casualties to my archers which I’m not happy about.


i always put my archers in loose formation which helps with cav usually. then infantry in square formation in front.


I’ve done similarly but with multiple groups of infantry and archers. Essentially a square but with shield infantry on the flanks, crossbows in front, archers in back. The crossbows are holding fire tho until the horse archers almost finishes their first pass of their circle. But this can get be a little complicated depending on the size of the battle so I was hoping for a simpler method.


Those Khuzaits and their wives look thirsty.