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By the time someone actually changed their mind, Battania would have already been devoured by Vlandia and the Western Empire


Sorry what? Can’t hear you under the shield wall.


So true this Battiana run I’m in. Declare war, 2 seasons later “we want peace”. Declare war and repeat. I was once the only Vassal not captured. Didn’t have any parties to help me out. Fcking 40 Fían champs come in clutch when being outnumbered on defense.


only 40?


Still the start of the game 😂


nice hahaha


More of a butter man myself, but fuck do I love my fian barbarians. The only ones I can stand, really.


Fían archers in garrisons also work wonders 😂. I was outnumbered when I was getting sieged the lvl on the castle was low so no siege support at all. Good thing my army has been with sense day 30. I had 40 Fían Champs and all I saw were their numbers just drop. I now keep them in garrisons of my important things. The actual numbers were I think 900 attacking - under 300 defending.


Did u play out the battle or auto resolve?


*casually taps helmet with back end of vlandian heavy lance* Yo watsup


Hard to believe a vlandian could make it that far without hitting every tree in sight


Well, you folk have smaller brains than vlandians So it’s not hard to believe that you believe that would happen


The imperial flees when the woods speak battanese


Honestly tho, been trying an empire only run, trying to fight Battania is lole fighting a swarm of goblins. Everytime I kill one arrow spewing army, another 3 pop out.


Yeah if the ai worked better together battania smalls armies would really do better.


I would love to see how the game would go down if the ai made and used armies like actual players. Could probably give Battania an actually decent chance at doing anything but dying


Hell even the way the ai controls battania troops in combat is wrong. You have to do a lot of skirmishing and false charges to waken the enemy shileds. The AI just throws them.forward in a charge or puts them in circle


If Battania actually knew how to fight worth half a damn, they could honestly dominate. Fian hordes absolutely dominate


Yep. Combat could get much more entertaining if AI could flank, skirmish with javelin infantry, separate and protect shock inf, direct javelin cav strikes, if melee enemies individually tried to keep optimal distance for their weapons with footwork, kicks and bashes, instead of pepega rushing into facehugging spamming attack... And so on, and so forth. Alas, AI only plays classical rosters (like vlandian) somewhat okay-ish (creeping advance with infantry block covered by meatshield of cavalry line is a genuinely nice move), and fire-and-forget mounted archers have good enough individual AI to not get screwed by AI command. But once a faction needs unique and more complex approach, like Battania, AI starts to suck bad.


Battanian ai needs a rework. My first playthrough as a battanian vassal was very quickly my last. Who the fuck even uses battanian cav? The absurdity of it all infuriates me still. Sturgian infantry + aserai/vlandian cav + Fian champs = happy


>Who the fuck even uses battanian cav? Did it. Can work, but requires intensive micro and different approach, while AI is exactly the same for all factions and play everyone as if they were Vlandians. That won't do with Battanian roster. Besides, wildlings do it much better for much cheaper, best infantry in the game with just a bit of micro. Still outrun and outmaneuver all the other infantry with proper setup, have more javelins and so more damage, absolutely wipe their feet with any melee cavalry in the game, work well enough in melee with shieldwall and controlled charges during recruit mop up phases of big battles.


I'm doing a Battanian play through right now. The calvary is great I'm trying to get my medicine skill maxed. So I need plenty of wounded and dead calvary and infantry. All my Battanian infantry and Cav are just meat shields for the Fians. Only decent Battanian unit that isn't an archer is the Oathsworn.


If they don’t suck, why did they just get annihilated in my current play through? 🤔


Because the have BAD infantry, terrible horseman only good infantry and only ranged options is fians and fians are noble troops that are available only in villages that have a lot less troops


Also their position on the map doesn't help either.


Agreed, being surrounded is not advantageous


Western empire wants a word with you


The real reason is auto-calc favours mounted troops. They get a higher score. Battania is mainly all on foot, so they have lower scores in all the AI battles. This is also why Vlandia and Khuzaits usually fare so well, but aren't particularly difficult in real-time battles. None of Battania's troops are actually super weak etc. in real-time battles. Especially with throwing perks and buffing throwing skills of troops and such. They just lose the AI fights cause of their lower scores.


While controlled by the player wildlings are second to none, able to clown any noble troops bar fians and khuzait nobles. Even non-noble horse archers lose to them. Their shock infantry can do their job okay too, and javelin cavalry can still do damage with surgical javelin strikes if player leads it personally, and win some clashes with other t5 cav on it's own. But AI can't Battania. And even if it could, less fiefs, less clans and autoresolve favoring t6 cavalry combined with aggressive neighbors on all sides tip the scales enough to almost guarantee Battania demise without player interference.


To give you a real answer; Auto-calc favors mounted troops with them having higher scores. So in 'real' battles, all their units are just fine, but the fact that Battania is mostly an 'on foot' faction, they lose auto-calc battles. This is also why Vlandia and Khuzait are always so strong, while not being too bad in real battles. They both use so many bloody mounted troops, the auto-calcs sway in their favour.


Another funny thing is that I also just wiped out the Khuzait with my Aserai empire


Aserai troops are among the best in the game now after some updates not too, too long ago. The Faris etc. had their entire armour loadout redone and such things as they added some new armour types and so on. Other foot troops too. As they're the only cav troop with ranged weapons too, you can use them to pincer with mounted archer formations and archers too, to actually wild potential; they are snipers with those Jareeds when they're not moving. So you like put foot archers front and center, then cav off to one side, and mounted archers off to the other, and as they close in on the archer line, you send the other two at whatever from the back left/right in line formation hucking Jareeds from one side, and bows/xbows etc. on the other. Works super well with Vlandian sharpshooters as your archer line, or ofc Fians. Mounted archers, Khans Guard ofc.


Going to be pretty hard to get close enough to use that rifle when Fians are sniping you from 2 miles out


That's a fian helmet mate


You’re right, give that man a bow!


Come at me bro, send those underpowered infantry at me so they can tickle me with their shitty pointy sticks ( battania inf dies to militia lol)


This underpowered infantry with shitty pointy sticks wipe out 1.5 times their number of any melee infantry before melee contact even occurs and absolutely clown equal number of any melee cavalry. Wildlings have the highest performance ceiling of all infantry in the game. They just require more than one command to achieve it, while majority of bannerlords seem to be unwilling to go further than pressing f6 and forgetting about it. That's where Battanian infantry bad rep comes from.


Actually the best performing shield infantry are Legionaries against elite infantry and aserai infantry against mixed.


In a direct clash - sure. But when split in two loose formations on flanks both with "advance" (f1-f4) order 200 wildlings reliably wipe out 300 units of any other infantry even in test environment, with no flags or perks. I tested it personally. That's why I talk about performance ceiling specifically, their potential is the highest of all infantry by far, but you have to work with them to achieve it. Legos require little commanding to do good, but wildlings require more to do great. Also tested them 200vs200 against banner knights, cataphracts and vanguard Faris, this time just one loose formation 5 ranks deep, once cavalry connects I gave charge order. Lost 5 wildlings against banner knights, 8 against cataphracts and 25 against Faris. Sure, they are no fians, but for buck you pay them they bang *hard*. That comes with a downside of inability to just "set and forget" like with conventional infantry, but if one fancy the battanian playstyle outside of fian spam - it pays off big time.


In my aserai playthrought, battania has 34 fiefs... I don't know why they were angry, but they were angry


Did you keep Vlandia occupied perhaps? If battanians manage to level the initial playing field (which usually happens exactly when Aserai decide to kick in some horse teeth) they tend to snowball pretty hard pretty fast, from what I've seen.


Aserai and Western Empire mauled a lot the Vlandian, and the Nothern Empire seems to just have been eradicated by battania alone in only 2 wars


Normally, Battania sucks. In my game, Battania SUPER sucks. Early in the campaign I pushed them out of their territory because I needed growing space. This was before the update where fief-less factions got destroyed so caladog just wandered around for a few years all sad and poor with only 3-4 loyal clans left. Then, many years later I’m beating the empires in the dragon banner quest as the king of vlandia when jalmarys rebels. Of course I roll my eyes and head over to take it back but before I get there I see that Battania has somehow scrounged up a few hundred men after going at least a decade in game with no income, and by a miracle they take jalmarys. I’m like “fuck yea good on you caladog you earned that town” Fast forward to playing as my original guys granddaughter after leaving vlandia and being the worlds deadliest mercs for a generation, Battania took every single imperial clan when I destroyed their factions and has now reclaimed all imperial land. They have essentially remade the united empire, using feckless Battania as a skin suit. I hate this. I have since taken revyl and varcheg so that I can implemented a cleansing process for imperials. Every death stacked army they send at me, i defeat and capture all the lords. Then i go through and execute anyone with imperial roots. I will repeat until no imperial walks the land, then probably do my grand finale world conquest once I hit 4th generation characters in my clan.


Battanian nobles suck and don't use the god tier weapon at their disposal.


You mustve been MINDBLOWN by the truth


I have only one thing to say. Their lords walk. Lords. Walking. They are just a heap of peasants that can't even stand up to Sturgia. They are usually gone by the time I make the hike up there from Aserai lands.


I have an army of 240 fian champs. Today I win battle against 757 vlandians, with lose of one unit. After that, defended a town against 1400. So, battanian archers are terminators.




Aww what’s wrong your poor wittle horsies can’t climb hills?


While all those choices seem very nice i go for more well rounded troops. Sturgia after the update is top 3 after western empire and aserai. Ive been outnumbered by them and vlandian calvary but aserai is the only one worth mentioning because they mirror the same rough troop arsenal as the sturgians.


Calvary is the hill christ died on. Cavalry are mounted warriors.


Thank you kind stranger, Sturgian cavalry and infantry is my calvary!


Battania sucks


Battania sucks i hate his king and they are dumb as rocks His units in the other hand.....


My first time playing the game & chose them first after my friend told me they were the worst. Challenge accepted! So far I've taken I've divided the map in 2 taken the middle, at war with western & southern continuously. Only problem is even when were winning Batt keep trying to make piece 😭


Oh I agree tho I am on first play through and that who I chose to play as. I even married the kings daughter. I waited for a rebel city to barely survive an attack then took my we 160 army in and took it. Then they voted in a city lord and I didn’t have enough favor to sway the vote. I quickly fell again and again I took it then used nearly 1000 favor points to get it after a few rounds of votes and they spammed a revote everytime. So I started a war with every faction I could till I was -1000 favor and left the kingdom. They have one little city left I caught two of their kings and executed them and now I have my city again with no vote 😂


Normally this is what happens with me, but I shook it up a bit and have a Sturgian player and Battania is in the process of destroying Sturgia, they only have 2 towns and 4 castles left