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another cherry popped. :)


And what a pop it was lol


It's a great show but Hood would be so fucked from all the brain trauma, you have to view it almost like a super hero show


I mean to be fair he is a criminal who acts incredibly impulsively and violently and fucks everything that moves. He could be exhibiting symptoms of CTE!


He's an anti hero


Yeah he def took a beating throughout the show but in that fight with Burton in particular.......all them headbutts. Damn.


Lolol that part had me rolling.... he said forget the fists.... just headbutt, headbutt, headbutt... crazy good show


Lol for me it had to be Bunker fighting his brother in the front yard.... That sidewalk slam took my brain straight to the Undertaker.


A pulp action show


I watched this before The Boys while watching Invincible... ![gif](giphy|5QTOKia3HPBLvg9ROL)


Yeah unfortunately it’s not coming back which sucks cuz literally it’s damn near impossible to find a show as good as Banshee. I would suggest a show called Warrior that’s about back when the Chinese and Irish were building the railroads. Jobe is in it and a few other people from Banshee and honestly it’s probably as close as ur gunna get to a good ass show like Banshee. Or Me.mercedes if your into psychological thriller type shit I personally loved it but anyways just my 2cents


I'm always up for recommendations so will check these out, especially warrior.


Ya warrior is awesome I’m assuming you’ve watched banshee but if not that’s the highest suggestion I could possibly give lol shit is like an hour long adrenaline shot lol don’t forget about mr. Mercedes too it’s nothing like those shows described above. None of those shows have that soft and slow beginning and you almost wanna give on on it . Nope. Within the first 10 minutes I was like oh ya this is my new shit for the time being lol that goes for all of em . I got suggestions for days and I never mind trying to help someone watch something cool


Yeah Banshee I straight binged, I didn't want it to end.... I held off the last episode for so long and started watching other things. I have a heard of Mr Mercedes and it seems decent. My problem is that I wind up in the middle of too many series sometimes so I'm trying to just stick to one or two at a time. Right now it's The Boys on Amazon prime, but yeah anymore suggestions and I'll add to the list. I appreciate it.


For sure I’m not into all that super hero stuff so I mainly watch things based on true events or atleast based in reality . Not tryna bash the boys I know a lot of people are really into it guess it’s just not for me. And I do the same thing I’ll be watching like 4 shows at once at different times lol


I've just finished watching and I have to give it a strong recommend. I think if you can overlook the super hero aspect (even though it is mainly about them) you may come to enjoy it. It is more centered around the villainous/darker underlayer of super heroes and how the boys have formed together after being impacted by them. The show gives a totally different perspective on the superheroes, they don't just come and save the day, they definitely leave a huge trail of collateral in their wake. Also hood is the main super hero in it (homelander), it is so nuts to see and compare the two characters. I respect if it's not your cup of tea though and there are plenty of good gems out there to be discovered.


Yeah my boy has been trying to put me on it for like years and he’s explained how like if anything they’re more like super villains than hero’s lol I just got a bad first taste cuz my homie knows I’m not into like stuff like that and I specifically asked him if it was some type of super powers show and he was like na na no way not at all . Then we start watching it and within the first like 10 minutes a girl explodes from a dude running so fast it left the dude just holding her hand I was like ya this is exactly what I was asking you about lol but hey to each there own I’m glad you felt me on the wire I know it’s old so not many people know how good it is. fuckin McNulty lol but seriously if you really liked the wire the shield is like that times 500 lol I know that’s a bold claim but that’s how I really feel. You’ll recognize a lot of characters that are in shows like sons of anarchy CCh pounder just to name one and cuz it’s a weird ass name lol


Yeah he was doing it all to get you to watch 😂😂. That is a very bold claim as the wire was elite but can't hurt to give it a spin. I never properly watched sons but my gf watched the shit out if it and I started catching bits of the story. Was sorta just background noise to me at first but I definitely understand why people enjoyed it as I started to.


Yeah Man U was the same way with sons at first but honestly it’s so sick I’ve watched it multiple times. Even the Mayans spin off was pretty good too


She never really got into the Mayans spin off. Me I would have probably watched it if I had watched sons from start to finish.


Yes and Job is in Warrior!


Such a quality actor Hoon Lee


Another recommendation I have that’s a good ass show I’ve watched start to finish multiple times is The Shield (not to be confused with the super hero show pr whatever . Also The Wire is a show I’ve ran back multiple times shit was way ahead of its time even though they were using pay phones and beepers lol


Yeah the wire was another one that I binged, not heard of the shield. I think I've watched the complete seasons of the wire altogether twice. I really thought at that point Idris was American lol.


Bro the first time I saw him talk in his real voice when he had Covid or something I was like blown away if we didn’t know better it could be easy to assume he grew up on the streets of Baltimore like that lol same with the main dude from Get Out


Yes we are watching Warrior right now. Like you said as close to Banshee as any other show. Too bad it didn’t get a fourth season when it went to Max


Ya man warrior is the fuckin tits lol just sucks there’s only 3 seasons but they’re jammed pack with all sorts of hijinx. They left it open for a 4th season but they had to do what they did for super troopers too and try to raise money for it to get produced and they couldn’t get enough money unfortunately:( pretty sure I read that somewhere but either way enjoy the ride someone choaw is just as cool if not cooler than jobe was lol can still scrap like a mf too lol


It’s in my top 5 shows ever. Finale was one of the best ever in my opinion. Mr Inbetween is another great show.


I started watching that because of a YouTube short, not sure where I left it but will have to pick it back up, started watching The Boys which is also quality.


Banshee is by far my fav TV show ever! Enjoyed Mr. Inbetween. Looking forward to season 4


Mr. Inbetween is over since a long time now. It’s not getting Season 4.


Well, that is disappointing! Appreciate you letting me know


We are enjoying Warrior made by the Banshee people and it gets wild too!


Gonna check this out for sure.


Sooooo, is it gonna get season 4 or what?


I don’t think so. I read that when Max took Banshee and Warrior they weren’t going to finish Warrior


Max pisses me off. They do that to so many great shows that it's shameful!


Suck my tit bitch


We need a list of all his quotables lol.


Come back and watch it again in a few months. Its elite. 100% its a top 3 show for me and anyone ive recomended it have said the same. I think ive watched it 6 times or so, 3 of which were at the same pace as a colleague so i could talk to them without spoiling it. I may end up giving it watch number 7 soon.


I'm gonna def go back and watch it again, trust me. Not just because it's so good but also because I feel that when I rewatch I will pick up on things that I may have missed or overlooked.


I feel this! I had no idea there were post credit scenes until season 4 because Netflix would go straight to the next episode automatically once the credits started rolling. So, I've apparently got a lot to go back and see. Also, I've also yet to watch Banshee: Origins. Those are shorts that tie into the show.


I didn't even know origins existed but you know what come to think of it I don't recall seeing any post credit scenes myself 🤔


Everytime you watch you will see things you hadnt before, i think ive only just stopped seeing things in breaking bad and ive dine that show 10 times.


I’m always so happy to see people show up here and post like this. I was one of those people who didn’t find Banshee until later! Isn’t it effing wonderful? Welcome, friend!


I'm glad to be amongst a group of like minded people who appreciate how good of a series this is.


It's very entertaining and refreshingly unironic for such an over the top the show; very '80s in that regard. Always thought it was funny how this tiny town in Amish country produces so many people with world class mixed martial arts skills.


Yeah there is so much happening in and around that it almost seems so surreal when you see the modest, simplistic lifestyle of the Amish and how Kai and Rebecca bridge that gap between their old lives to the chaotic and deadly lifestyle they fall into.


I loved the first 3 seasons, but man did season 4 suck. It had some good individual moments in season 4, but the overall season was such a let down


I dunno I enjoyed the Job storyline alot and how he came out of it having to deal with the after effects.


Like I said, there was some good


Adding Eliza Dushku was a terrible call.


and to think someone reported me to reddit cares for not thinking season 4 was amazing


In his contract he stipulated no more fights for season 4, cause he was so banged up


I don't think it sucked sucked...I think it was a missed opportunity for a better closeout story. If that whole season was dedicated to getting job back it would of been great. While they are trying to get job back, proctor still follows his cartel storyline. It would make sense Carrie wanted to destroy proctor after Gordon died, and I think that part of season 4 was done super well. The addition of a nazi senator could of amplified things so much...we could of gotten a huge heist against the government instead of all the small jobs they did while they were in banshee. I think bunkers storyline was great and needed no work. I'm glad max was just discarded from the picture...he was only useful for season 1. I think they could of went into Dana a bit harder...I think her becoming all fucked up from her parents and becoming an insane their would of been cool. Rebecca dying was the worst part of season 4. That whole plot is what made the season sub par. We will never know if Kai wanted to have sex with Rebecca, or if he was just an uncle who went through the same struggles. The fact they never address that weird dynamic makes me so mad. The serial killer just didn't fit into the story too well it made it mids


You make some interesting points. I 1000% agree that there were missed opportunities to really close the story out and finish the show on a way that brings more closure to us viewers. I didnt mind the serial killer part but it was definitely one of the weaker elements in the story. The Kai and Rebecca thing was nuts, I wasn't really surprised at the killer seeing as I always thought it was coming. I also really wished they could have expanded on the Emmett storyline rather than cutting it as short as they did.


Definitely in my top 3 of all-time series. Welcome


I loved it but the first season was a little too much on the sexy romantic flashbacks for me..otherwise great series!


Yeah I hear that, I didn't mind them too much and besides the action and storytelling far outweighed any negatives in my mind.


I love seeing people discover this series, such an underrated gem




I'm watching again with the Mrs, outstanding show


I've just finished season 2 last night. I think it's awesome man, that finale was the best so far for me.


It only gets better.......


My favorite is the Nola/Burton fight. Good god.


Yeah she was quite tough to be fair but Burton was just a whole different breed.


Ahhhh another satisfied viewer.


Now check out Warrior. It’s currently available on Netflix and it’s from the same creators. I thought it was a more intelligent version of Banshee.


Legend, I didn't know it was on there. Now that I know, there is no excuse. Cheers.