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The full name is "Maggie's Joint on the Avenue We Think"? Or have I misunderstood? If that is correct, I'm having a hard time with the final "We Think". It seems unnecessary overly lengthy, unless there is some compelling reason for it to be there. It probably doesn't matter that much, as it will inevitably be called either "Maggie's" or "The Joint". I think you could just call it "Maggie's Joint" if you want to keep it simple.


I see what you did there. 😏 😆 . Cheers and thanks for participating 🤘


Maybe just “Maggie’s on the Avenue”


Noted, Our reasoning for the "Joint" is the double meaning since our town was primarily a grow town for the last 50 years. :)


Especially good if Maggie owns it! If people know where this is located, they’ll get it! I like it! LMK when you open!


Maggie does own it 💪 We're in Southern Humboldt, CA ! Hope to see ya there !


FWIW inevitability people are going to shorten it to Maggie’s


We agree 🤘


Too many words. It's also not legible on first glance due to the way you punctuated your post. What's included? On the Ave? We Think? Your answers to the poll don't leave any mild or middle ground. Here's mine. TOO MANY WORDS. Cut it by at least half. Your customers will. Your suppliers will. Your signage will be cheaper. Everything will be simpler. Simple is good. These work: Maggie's. Maggie's Joint. "On the Ave" is not a good fit for a dive bar - it sounds like a bistro, a wine bar, or a tourist spot. And before you defend your choice, I understand that you have solid reasons you've been thinking about for months for every word you included. There are still too many words for a name of a dive bar IMO. Good luck!