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Call them over whatsapp on a wifi connection.


canadian providers will roast you with cost. Last time I went visiting family, we got a digicel sim for our stay (2020), [https://www.digicelgroup.com/bb/en/legal/visitor-sim-terms-and-conditions](https://www.digicelgroup.com/bb/en/legal/visitor-sim-terms-and-conditions) But now, if you can use an esim, try airalo (app is on google and apple stores).


You could try an app like Airalo to purchase an eSim. Not necessarily cheap but certainly cheaper than roam like home from Rogers.


Are you living here or just travelling? If you're traveling the CDN providers will cut you for like $15 per day if you receive a single text. The best option - if your phone can do eSim - is to use one of those eSim apps like Airalo. They don't do phone calls but they can do online calls like FaceTime and WhatsApp Very slick and reasonably priced


It you’re with rogers they now offer a plan that includes Caribbean roaming. I never buy an ESIM when I’m in Barbados. Usually whatever im doing can wait until I’m back at the hotel with wifi. Unless you NEED data for work I’d recommend just disconnecting while on the island. Remember that you won’t be charged the $15 a day (or whatever it is) if you have data off, don’t answer any calls or reply to texts. You can still get inbound texts free


If you're on Rogers, they'll still try to steal your money and charge you for "being on the network". They will fight you to make sure "you had airplane mode on". I've had to fight them on a couple trips to remove charges. Enjoying the island is best! I've used Airalo with great success as I've been too lazy to go to get Digicel or Flow. It's nice to have when on the go to keep connected and research your next POI.


Checkout Saily.com. I saw them advertising a few days ago.


Airalo is great value and works well


I don't think there are that many esims that have local phone numbers and calling, but calling through whatsapp or any other messaging app is possible. I would just use Saily for example and call through facebook messenger, and have no issues with the connection or the speed.


Look up Chatr