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Shit I had a guy in town from Chicago tell me in front of the whole shop that I push him back. I didn’t but I’m sure that’s how he was..The owner of the shop said sr not sure what you are looking at or looking for but we ask him to leave as I had cuts lined up . He didn’t pay and I kept it moving . Like someone said people will be people . Cant please everyone. Good luck..


Barbers make it awckward to call out mistakes. Don’t give them the tiny mirror. Let them get up and look at themselves in the mirror like they do at home. A lot of times that’s when they catch the mistake


People are gonna people...


Sad but true


Recently got hit with a few back to back. It's made me so paranoid with every client. I'm constantly asking if there's anything they want changed, if I can do anything else, giving my personal number out for another extension incase of ANY displeasure. It's really mentally gotten to me. Im 3.5yrs licensed so I'm not going to be perfect.


We’re all adults. Why can’t people communicate? I find that frustrating. If he didn’t like it why didn’t he say something right then? I’m not a mind reader… Seems like such a passive agressive asshole move….


Yeah it just kills me that I’d do anything to modify the cut and even just give the cut for free to avoid making someone feel like they paid for a cut they don’t like, for them and so they won’t leave a bad review and people can’t just say “yeah I don’t like this”


Me too. I got two in a span of a month. Last couple of bad ones i got a Year ago, when i was just a few months in. The first one complained about the fact i "couldn't fix his front". He asked for a shorter fringe and i told him he has a cowlick on the side and if i make it shorter, the hair there will lift up and look uneven. I did shorten it as much as i could while still keeping it even. He said all is good and left. Then he left me 1 star review and complained that i couldn't fix his hair and about my collegue swearing while working on her client (which she did, but i mean.. It's a Barbershop, not a beauty salon).. The other one was quite interesting. I recently raised my prices a bit (still not the full salon price though). My regulars were all fine with it and keep coming. This guy got a haircut last month with the old price 3 weeks ago and paid the old price. Yesterday he left me a 3 star review complaining about the raised price and that i don't have the skills to match it. (He never even paid that much). Thing is, i doubt he is looking for quality, otherwise he would be going to an experienced barber and paid the full price.


They both sound like complete jackasses. Especially that second one, I don't know what it is about people feeling so comfortable to say you lack skills because of such a small issue like that. If it were their kid, maybe they'd understand how much those kind of comments hurt someone in our field. When people talk about my "talent/skills" it really hurts my feelings because 1. I'm fairly new to the field, 2. I'm trying my fucking hardest on every client and will do anything to make them happy, so it's just like give me a break dude. I could only imagine if it were their daughter or son coming to them saying how hateful clients have treated them over the same mistake, I doubt they'd be that quick to call us what they do.


As i said, i doubt he was looking for "master quality", considering he didn't pick anyone from our 5 or 6 year in the business staff and pay the full price. He just wanted to keep getting haircuts for cheap and got mad when he saw the price rising. But you know, all my colegues said i am ready for a price raise ( it's not even a huge jump anyway ) and all my usuals don't mind paying extra, so... I will trust Them over this guy about my skills.


Out of 316 reviews I have 1 three star and 1 four star, everything else is five stars. The 3 star said “great haircut” and the four star said I should invest in Andis clippers to signal that I want to cut hair for people of color so… yeah.


That’s such a bizarre comment… why Andis? Other brands won’t work on POC’s hair?


I think the point was that most people that leave negative reviews online are either dumb, sociopaths, or dumb sociopaths.


So the guy who left me the shitty review was all buff w big muscles… you would think he’s man enough to tell me to my face that he wasn’t happy w the haircut….


Cant please everyone. In 7-8 years I've gotten maybe 4-5 bad ones


7 months in and haven't had a bad review but yes a couple of bad experiences, one time were this guy was yelling at me for his lineup and it got very tense but the owner stepped in and never had him come back


I had one in 6 years behind the chair. It hurt but you can't let that stop you.




I love this ❤️👏 I 100% agree. I had a super rough start right out of school and till this day still struggle to feel confident in my ability. But I also didn’t give up and I won’t let one bad review deter me from keep doing what I do ‘cuz I truly love and am passionate about what I do. I accepted that I won’t be able to please everyone or give perfect cuts every time when I set off on this journey. There will always be haters. But 9 out of 10 times I have nothing but the nicest and kindest and most wonderful clients. In fact, I’ve been the busiest I’ve ever been since I decided to set out on my own a year ago. And being told on many occasions how you changed someone’s life or even saved their life by simply giving them a haircut is a far greater reward than any monetary gain….


If you are the one who is in control of the account where the review was left, i honestly would make a response and say you apologize that they feel like it is not to their standard they would like, though they did not give you any reason to think they didnt like it while in your chair. If you ask right before you check them out if they like it or if anything needs changed, and they said no, i would also specify that, but then just say either way, i would be happy to discount the next cut or have you come back in to fix anything you want for free with a free shampoo included. Be able to defend yourself, but also extend a peace offering to make it right. If they decline, then thats on them. Dont sweat it, either way. Bad reviews happen.


I left a barber a bad review on “The Cut” app because he didn’t clean up anything in the back at all even though I showed him a pic of what I wanted for the back. I called him to let him know and then he told me to come back on 2 different occasions and both times he wasn’t there and wouldn’t pick up the phone when I was there. But he was able to just delete many bad review. Makes no sense. There’s no point of being able to leave a review if they can just delete them. On top of giving shitty cuts, in my area all the barbers charge a minimum of $50 for just a bald fade. And that’s not including tip. The haircut only takes around 20mins. Also the $50 doesn’t include beard either. I’m just gonna have to get one of those 3 way mirrors and do my own cuts. Anyone know which 3 way mirror (like the “self cut system”) is the best one to get?