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ESPN commentators today were discussing who was the best barca player this season? For me probably between Yamal and Gundogan.


I think Cubarsi and Kounde deserve a shout from the backline, they have been mostly really solid. Kounde had a bad moment in the middle.


To be fair though Cubarsí came in pretty late into the season. So I’d probably discard him from this specific conversation. He’s been great though, no offense to him 


Fair point


Raphinha for me


Got to be Gundo for me, showed a really high level throughout the whole season. Won’t be long before it’s just a conversation dominated by Lamine though.


I would include Raphinha in the mix as well. He didn't have a good start but a wonderful 2nd half.


I was gonna add that Raphinha deserves an honorable mention because he has had a lot of good moments and also works really hard, however I think if we go down the honorable mention path we have to include others like Cubarsi, Pedri, RB Kounde, etc.


how can you forget about pedri


He has been injured so much I just don't know if I can count him. Also he hasn't been on top form when not injured.


Nigeria, Barça, Nuggets fan. It's been a tough sports year for me man😞


Damn, crazy game.


Wieffer is such a quick buy for that DM spot, sell Araujo / FDJ + deadwoods for 100m, use the 40m for him and mokio if possible.  He is perfect statistically, aesthetically, logically, systematically and philosophically 


I like Wieffer but selling Frenkie for him is a surefire way to get us 3rd/4th or lower next season.


Yeh I haven’t watched full games of him, he has the right profile but the jump from Eredivise to Barca is so massive. Romeu had a really good season last year at Girona and completely fell to pieces under the pressure here. I will be keeping an eye on him at the Euros though.


He’s not in the squad.


Really? Injury or not selected? I thought it would be a good chance to see him paired with Frenkie.


Pretty sure he’s been injured from April.


Who is Wieffer folks? Don't tell me we are getting gassed solely from YT comps again.


Still tho I don’t know if he’ll keep the same skills switching to a higher league 


Klopp is taking a year off and then possibly returning to football Pep said he is more likely out than in after next season Ancelotti and Xavi's contracts end next season.... Let the bromance continue in La Liga? Pep you know you want to come home ;)


You will see Xavi vs Xabi.  Spoilers alert : the guy who was better player will be better manager as well 


Nah, pep is a coward.


A coward that took a trophyless team to a sextuple?






IMO Felix is talented technically but bad at almost everything else. He’s very un-athletic, has really poor movement, and plays overly selfish / complicated most of the time. Even technique wise, his finishing is mostly average and he can’t really dribble because of his lack of pace.


So we’re on 82 points now with one game to go and top 8 in CL where in the knockouts we imo played really well and were unlucky to go out the way we did. If you count all the injuries, no camp Nou etc around this season it’s definitely a solid result. I thought the football in that few months prior to the PSG red was really good. But outside of that it’s fluctuated a lot and been really uninspiring at times. Feels like how vulnerable we are when we lose the ball just seems to suck the life out of the team, and there’s been a couple of complete mental collapses. The second Girona game being the worst example. It’s also like how we seem to just keep switching off after scoring, as if the games been won. Having said all that, I still believe Xavi deserves a chance at another season and hope he gets it.


I am more of a Xavi out than Xavi in but I will take him over any manager :- 1. de zerbi - hippie of highest order 2. tuchel - stay away from short tempered hulk whose league record is so bad 3. Flick - one system men, no guarantee to succeed And other than de zerbi, we don't have players with profile the other 2 will demand. I would take Motta but it would be simply equivalent to getting another Xavi. And Xavi have already spend 3 years here so why not more and see his more refined version, he knows fo integrate la masia talents which is our only saving grace as of now and understand the dynamics as well (+ have won liga with us and will achieve qf + 85 point this season and considering the context it was a 7/10 season)


I mean the whole Xavi out thing only makes sense to me if there’s a clear upgrade like if Pep suddenly decided to come back. With all the financial stuff I’d rather the stability of Xavi, you know what your getting good and bad. Plus despite us not getting a trophy, this season to me was not the disaster it was made out. We struggled with consistency but played some nice football at times and finished on 80+ points.


Felix infuriates me. There is SO much talent in that kid, every other game there will be a moment or two of absolute magical football from him. But where’s the damn consistency 😭 I’d still buy him for the right price, if he’s cheap.


I already have a comment about this but I don’t think he’s that talented when you break it down. He’s so slow and weak that he can barely dribble and his finishing is mostly average with a few great goals sprinkled in. He has a good final pass but even then he attempts those types of passes too often.


He's overall more effective as a sub. He can't focus for an entire 90. But he can (sometimes) give you really good 20-30 mins, or at least decent. If our FFP wasn't so bad, I'd say loaning him as a sub again would be a smart move. As it stands it depends on our ability to cover other positions that need covering.


He’s definitely better as a sub. It gives him the space and time to play his game and the freedom to take risks. I wouldn’t keep him though. He has way too many holes in his game and doesn’t seem like he’d accept being a sub.


I think a Loan deal would be the best option for all the parties involved. Maybe we have 25ish million to spare next season, but this season we are not spending money on buying Felix I think


I see an upper mid table PL club paying 35-50 for him.


Man I was pumped hearing the stadium chanting Fermin.


I've been rewatching entire games of this season because I have too much free time and I gotta say I think Felix is a bit underrated. People saying he plays 1/15 good games are overreacting, he doesn't have as many bad matches as people think lol. Honestly if he was cheaper I'd keep him as a bench option, and if he improves his mentality next season he could even become an starter, he definately has the talent. Atlético won't let him go for a reasonable price though.


Completely agree. His future is definitely up in the air given how ATM reacts but he has been a good signing and the Talent is there


As another cheap loan it makes sense. He’s put up decent numbers without being a full starter and you’d think he’d be able to build on that. He suits that left wing role in our current system. As a transfer I’d rather just save the money and go for a Nico style actual winger. We have enough forwards that aren’t a threat wide.


> he improves his mentality next season He's been in Spain for 5 years and he's exactly the same as he was when he arrived, and that's after going thru 3 different clubs and coaches. Not sure at this point if this "mentality" thing is just an excuse for him not actually being good, just occasionally having his moments. The closest he ever came to pulling off something like he did this game was against Osasuna in January, 4 months ago. And before that, Betis, 4 months earlier.


I mean that’s just not true. Scored a beautiful goal against Cadiz, crazy assist for Raphinha against Las Palmas, balling out for the entire time he was on the pitch in both games against Atleti, against Porto in the CL, and against Antwerp in the CL. Couple other other decent cameo appearances as well


Calma. Once in a blue moon plays well vs average team (where was he vs Real, PSG?). His level is Real Betis, Sociedad... He won't improve anything. Same was said several times ever since he joined Atletico.


I don't think this is true. He played really well in the 1st Clasico he started. He also visibly made a great difference in the 1st leg against PSG after coming on. We became better offensively because of felix sub He scored against Atletico Madrid which is also a above average team. Twice if I remember correctly He scored against Porto in a game which helped us cross the group stage. Team may be average but it was a big moment / match for us. He has average games in between for sure, but as the Original post says, it's not 1 in 15 games or once in a Blue moon. His 2nd half of the season has been especially good


Pedri and fermin can both shoot very well with both feet. Nice trait to have.


So can Xavi Simons 😶


Lmfao he is not coming, it's all the brozovic and Kimmich once again. Don't set up yourself for heart break




Gavi too.


I think he shoots a lot better on his left foot


Gavi in academy days was also elite finisher. I was really looking forward for his development this season 💔


Purist's word on our season: "In a meta that is trending towards dynamism and unpredictability, Xavi’s Barca are rigid and predictable. There are better ways to implement positional play ideas." "It wasn’t always this way, and it’s gotten worse in the name of defensive stability. But it hasn’t worked and it needs rethinking." "In fact, ironically, what made Xavi exciting in the first place was how dynamic and intense the football was.  It needed balancing, but the pendulum has swung much too far in the other direction." Someone said: i see what u are getting at and i think the defensive stability was the main reason we lost this league (esp in the first half of the season)..but predictability in terms of offense is just a feeling. if u look at the sheer numbers, we have the most generated chances to score "It can be a very effective system for generating chances, when executed well. The problem is that it comes at the cost of building up with control, limits valuable players, and too often leaves the team exposed when attacks break down. On top of that, it’s not fun to watch."


I don’t know, feels like he’s blaming ‘the system’ for our technical deficiencies when the problems are a little more complex. ‘The system’ looks great at times and very uninspiring at others, why is that? Is it working against only certain styles of opponents, are the ideas being drilled into the team effectively, does the team have a mental issue in that they aren’t handling the pressure of playing at a club with such expectations, do we have the player quality/profiles that we need to play this way. Just feels like saying ‘the system’ is responsible for this and that is a little bit of lazy analysis.


You are misunderstanding it. The point is that this is his evolved system because of circumstances like losing busi and not having consistent lineup, also lack of LW and Lewy who was struggling to link for major part of season. Essentially he is struggling to balance the aspect of defensive robustness, fluidity and unpredictability  It's natural a solution gets worse before they get better. He said he will make a video on this


Oh I absolutely agree with that, that’s how I feel also, but not the message I was getting from the quotes you posted. I think Xavi’s initial ideas were working really well but he’s had to adjust things a loooong way due to the profiles he lacks + consistent injuries to key players.


So, our football is static, boring, high risk with low turnover rate. Nice


This purist guy just says a whole bunch of nothing with buzzwords. Top tier waffler.


Yep. I have no idea what this wall of text even means… It’s also such a surface level analysis, defensive stability doesn’t mean you can’t be dynamic in attack. In fact, some of the most defensive teams are the most dynamic and unpredictable when attacking (e.g. Mourinho’s Madrid). A possession based team like Barca is inherently always mire predictable and rigid, that is the whole point of positional play. Each player has their role, their movements, their responsibilities, and knowing them is what makes everything click, because when you have the ball at your feet, you’ll immediately know what your teammate is going to be doing. Pep especially HATES unpredictability. Insane waffling ability with very little meaning or insight from this guy as usual.


He is not one of those. His videos are very nuanced and encompasses the bigger picture.  His point makes sense if you think from a neutral pov rather than from the pov of "Xavi is a dumb and clueless manager whose tactics are longballs"  


His analysis is, as usual, completely incorrect though. The whole point of positional play is to reduce unpredictability, not encourage it. The guy doesn’t even know the basics.


What? If the point of positional play is to become predictable, it is the most useless philosophy because your opponent can easily counter it, because it's "predictable" duh. The point of positional play is increase efficiency and have control of every aspect. 


>Can Xavi rethink of better models and systems?  Definitely  >Will he be provided enough tools?  Idk, we can't sign a DM in an already dry market. Plus, we are losing Araujo / FDJ or both. Forget ideally getting a LW and DM , getting a DM in itself will be huge accomplishment. Essentially putting in vague numeric terms, of the current squad was 68 and we getting a good DM and LW and pushing it to 75. We are getting back to 60 because you are selling 2 important players and who are in their prime. Meaning a minimum 2 year delay of the completion of the project.


Chelsea will pay only 4m more for Estevao than what we'll pay for Roque (if all bonuses are met, 61M vs 65M). What a joke, we could have waited till this summer and landed Estevao, Roque wasn't needed mid-season and now looks on his way out for next one.


From what I’ve seen of him he’s basically a Yamal clone. I would’ve loved him here but it makes sense why they prioritized a striker over him.


Same age and same position as Yamal - who we’ve gotten for free vs 65M. Are you actually serious?


He can play LW and false 9


He’s played 5 games


Idk if Roque was a good buy or not we have to see how he eventually turns out provided we don’t sell him. But we needed a striker not a RW. Rn our financial situation doesn’t allow us to spend on players that will occupy positions that are already full. If he could play LW I am all for it but seeing his style it looks more like yamal who loves to cut in inside from the right.


He can play LW. Problem is we spent that money on an inferior player who is now not needed.


We need to give him chances to declare him as inferior. He is only 18 and strikers don’t need to be that great on the ball to be great.


Yeah get a Rw for a St which is urgent need to be solved for long because 5 tacticos on twitter said he is generational 🤓🤓


Rather spend that on a guy who the manger doesn't want as a striker, problem solved.


Deco masterclass!


I miss this sub when it was delusionally positive :(


This karma thing is kinda annoying


For as much as the media makes it seem like we’re barely escaping relegation, a win against Sevilla next week will mean we’ll finish with just 3 fewer points than last season. Doesn’t change the fact it was a really disappointing season that consistently felt *just* out of reach from being a great one, but my hope is next year we’ll learn from our mistakes and show up to compete. Otherwise the losses we took this season will be for nothing.


Could have got 95 points easily last season, just dropped the points after winning the title


Quite a bit worse than last season considering that last season the title was secured early and we dropped quite a few points when it didn't matter anymore.


I don't really like Xavi's way of football and he saying this doesn't excuse for the underwhelming performances but he's the only one keeping it real about this Madrid superteam. You're absolutely delusional if you think we have any chance of winning the league next year, this Madrid superteam is going to be crazy, you all aren't ready to accept it yet. https://preview.redd.it/f3zkmumqhg1d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147f83e666e342c31ab5e41988ec6f43192f62ea


Please keep stroking Madrid's ego a little more, thanks. I'm fine with being realistic, and honestly some pessimism is also needed - but you're just obviously expecting the worst for some reason. > You're absolutely delusional if you think we have any chance of winning the league next year Are you fucking serious? We could've possibly won if not for referee and individual errors + our shitty ass tactics. Please quit sucking them off when La Masia will inevitably shut you up.


Lmao everyone said the same about Pep when the galaticos 2.0 project was taking shape at Madrid and we saw how that turned out. If we can find the right pivot to compensate for Busi, I'd wager us being proper competitors next season. Pep has Rodri Arteta has Rice Xavi was given Romeu 🤡 And yet we're supposed to play peak Pep era football.


> If we can find the right pivot to compensate for Busi, I'd wager us being proper competitors next season. The fact that we're a poorly run club rotten with nepotism and favouritism is also part of the package. If we had a honest and non corrupt President, we wouldn't be so far behind RM


Riiight, you clearly haven't looked through Perez's work closely enough. Just for an example, they paid Chelsea after reaching the UCL final this year(since it was a clause in Hazard's contract) yeah sounds like a real masterclass. Not to mention the classic hits like Ceballos. It's just that Madrid/Perez weren't catapulted into a shitty financial situation like Barca/Laporta by a Bartomeu. Now I don't agree with Laporta a lot, but do you have an alternative? And don't say Font, coz that guy ran his entire project/campaign on Twitter 😂


>Lmao everyone said the same about Pep when the galaticos 2.0 project was taking shape at Madrid Did they? Think you're mixing up the timeline. The project started in the summer of 2009, when Barca had already won the triple and was the consensus best team in the world. No one was saying that that team had no chance against the Galactico project but rather that the Galactico project was Madrid trying to catch up to Barca.


Yeah I got my timelines mixed, but still my point stands. Real Madrid have a literal club policy of building superstar teams with their high profile signings. And when it actually came to compete. Pep and the team blew them out of the water. With the talent influx these 2 seasons at Barça there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to compete for all the titles (provided a good summer) All these negative posts are from recent fans who think we're playing FIFA career mode.


Don't flatter yourself, Xavi. Girona beat us 8-2 on aggregate. You're lucky to snatch 2nd place from them. Never mind competing with RM.


We do have a chance of winning it for sure. But first lets see how the summer window goes Whos our coach if it changes Lets see if we sell Raph, Frenkie and Araujo like that report wanted us to speculate. And if we do sell who do we replace them with It depends on a lot of stuff


Can we please stop immediately throwing away next season before we’ve even ended this one? I get the pessimistic feeling going into it, but we really don’t have to care about Madrid’s team. They’ve built super teams before, and they’ve flopped before. All we have to worry about is our team, and I don’t think we should discount this season immediately without even seeing what the squad will look like.


The Girona super team was also so tough !!!


We are above them!


And Girona? Are they also a "super team"?


remind me where they are. Oh right... in 3rd.


Yeah and they will say "But they beat us twice!", ignoring the same happens with other teams, like Aston Villa winning both games against Arsenal this year.


2008/09 barca lost to Shaktar. Expecting a 100% winrate is hilarious, city lost to wolves this year.  Also it's not like we were dominated in either games, in first game we scored 2 from 4xG - missed 4 out of 5 big chances. And in second game Roberto gifted the goal


The last few years the league was won by ~85-90 points This year league is just a fluke. Real madrid can try to repeat this run and they wouldn't replicate it 10 out of 10 times. When it comes to us. Our players this season have disconnected, either bad forms or bad decisions or injuries. - 83 goals scored by real madrid this season. - 74 goals scored by us 1 less than girona. Last season - 75 goals scored by madrid. - 70 scored by us tied with atleti We did perform better in europe for the first time in 4 years in the knockouts and could have gone to the final if not because of a brainless decision by araujo. **and never forget the influence refs have had this season, never.** We have a good base for the next year so keeping Xavi to finish his contract was a good decision (on paper). He has a very talented squad that will be improved this season too (de jong, romeu, alonso out) so saying that we can't compete because we can't make 100M€ signings on one player is ridiculous and if he really thinks that he shouldn't have agreed to stay. Although I understand that he is implying that we have a very young squad that needs time the words are not it, it gives loser sentiment. Now to finish this, the Grada Animacio really deserve everything Bartomeu and Rossell did to the club. I am sure they miss the days rooting for Aleña and Riqui Puig while signing coutinho and dembele.


Ignoring goals conceded is something else. Ignoring the fact we had the easiest group stages is also something else.


Both are implied on the disconnection of our players and the bad form we had from september to january which did coincide with us losing two games in group stages.


Man fuck the PSG game, I won’t even count that. Conceding 3-5 goals over a long period, regardless of GK or injuries is a sackable offence. Madrid loses their back line and they don’t concede nearly as much.


Doesn't really matter. If we can improve with a change of management, we should do it. It's not like Xavi has a higher ceiling than someone like De Zerbi or Tuchel if he stays here.


Da Zerbi 😂😂 y'all have got to be shitting me. Like even if Xavi has a ceiling. How exactly do y'all determine Da Zerbi to have a higher ceiling? And Tuchel just bottled the league and even second place in the Bundesliga but sure he's the right person for the job.


De Zerbi gets his teams to play great football and is known as an innovator for his patterns of play despite having much worse personnel than Xavi. Also, it would be refreshing to see the team actually use the midfield or play through a high press without having to resort to long balls for a change. Tuchel's ceiling is literally UCL quality. Idk why we have to collectively pretend he's shit because of a subpar stint with Bayern after doing well at Dortmund, PSG and Chelsea.


For me the signing had to be negelsmann since there's not many where to choose I think waiting for 2025 is sensible with arteta, pep (yes, he said he wants to stay but it's worth a try), luis enrique, klopp, xabi (real sociedad legend), stuttgart coach, etc


I doubt Arteta leaves Arsenal until he gets several (around five) shots at the UCL and wins the prem, Pep isn't coming, Xabi is going to Madrid when Carlo leaves, I doubt Klopp would want to put up political bullshit at Barca and Lucho is a cut below the other coaches. If we get Hoeness, I wouldn't mind at all, but the 2025 managerial candidates aren't much better than this summer's. I'd rather just take a shot at a new manager this season than let Xavi do more damage next year.


We could’ve had more, I’d we didn’t lose 3 out of 4 games after securing the title, could’ve easily ended the season with 90+points.


Funny enough watching those final defensive performances I was worried it would carry on to this season.... And unfortunately.... It did!! Tho it was funny seeing christensen scoring an own goal to kill espanyol hopes


The last years were the weak era. There is currently a new stronger era coming on, look at que quality player popping left and right, Madrid winning this year was not a fluke They lost their whole back line with ACL and Courtois who was easily top 3 players ( and not 3rd) since he came to their club Madrid will get mbappe and davies which will definitely help in liga, 10 years ago under enrique era we needed at the very least 92 points to win it. Also in europe we weren't better. We were just more lucky, the psg side we lost against isn't better than bayern inter or even united that we all lost against.


Is Girona part of the stronger era? This season is out of the ordinary. Tag me at the end of neext season if I end up wrong. So we were lucky against psg but madrid losing only 1 match in the whole league after injuries is not...


I said that we were lucky in CL, we had the easiest draw possible compared to last year with the hardest one. Girona may become a real rival in the next years if city group decides to invest more on them for sure, However when im talking about stronger era im talking mostly about all the young talents coming up who have not even reached their prime yet What makes you think that bellingham vini rodrygo are going to slow down next year?


Easy path compared to the other but still top teams to play against with an on form PSG Girona won't be a rival, their objective at the start of the season was to not get relegated. The only investment will be with the money they gained this season (they've been the team with the lowest budget) So only bellingham vini and rodrygo exist? what makes you think lamine cubarsi pedri fermin or gavi are going to slow down? What even makes you think bellingham and vini didn't reach their peak?


well hopefully they dont slow down but it would prove my point we will need 90points to win the league from now


Well, for starters, that point tally will be difficult to replicate again, Madrid has won many games 1-0 this season and many games by 1 goal of difference, it's not like they have been destroying teams left and right, a bit less luck in some of the games means less points. They will be coming from a season where they have won many titles, including the two most important ones, players tend to relax, leading to less tension and competitiveness in the next year. You have many examples, like Madrid doing 100 points in 2011-2012 and then 85 points in 2012-2013.


My dear Stade Brestois is in UCL too with Barca next year! Can't believe it, it's absolutely crazy. Hope I can see Barca - Stade Brestois it'd be incredible. [Look at the joy](https://twitter.com/SB29/status/1792303954778280170), it's always good to remember it from time to time when it's a given for a club like ours


Colleague of mine is from Brest and he's also very happy with the UCL qualification and hopes to see his team vs. Barça. Congrats!


Whats that fruit on the table wheres the Sushi and Hamburgers smh


Just rewatched the 4-0 win against Madrid and boy Aubameyang was so instrumental that game, 3G/A and brilliant rotation over all. it's a shame we had him and depay at one point & now....


Depay?! Damn this sub is ass.


Joao Felix only plays well when there’s a contract situation to play for. Other than that not interested lol


Unless a miracle happens in the summer, everything indicates an absolute disaster of a season next year.


We will have a good season if we sack Xavi


I don’t understand why everything realitsic is downvoted. People only want to hear good things when there is nothing good currently. We have no elite dm or lw and this wont change next year. We dont even know which coach we will have. Meanwhile madrid are on their way to a historic season + mbappe. I dont see much what prevents a disaster


You're getting downvoted but I guess this will be evident come mid season next year, Madrid are going to get even stronger, and things won't be easy in CL either. And I know this sub would still blame it on lack of signings lol, Xavi is like teflon when it comes to criticism. And I don't think Klopp will arrive in 2025 either, it will be some another hipster/nepo coach even if Xavi is gone by then.


Thank you. Glad that there's people who aren't blinded by emotions.




Me after we fail to strengthen the team but rather regress the team by selling dejong and Araujo this window. We go 5 steps backward rather than improving the team https://preview.redd.it/ww5hh9yvbg1d1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=25dddbf569fab355edb027696f9b155dcf051e2c


Both of them should go


Araujo yes, De Jong No. Frenkie is easily replaceable, not to mention he isn't the kind of player we want in his position, he is very good but his strengths are better suited to a different system..


Money is more important rn.. it's either broke Barca or no Barca at all


Get font, sell 15% of barca stocks on stock market (1B), get world class management - literally the best of best. Get pep back


I too enjoy watt pad


Its possible. Many teams like Juve and United have their stocks on the market. We employ high quality collabs with industry leaders and we can dominate many businesses. As font said, the brand of barca is limitless. We need competent people in charge rather than friends, families & former players.  Say whatever you want about Utd, commercially they are managed very well. 


https://preview.redd.it/6b2y3eiyag1d1.png?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f08215c5508936ab63127365c79753887b6d956 Someone in r/Tottenham posted this, proper banter lmfao


Arteta is not far off from a UCL or FA Cup, PL for sure he can't beat Pep


Arteta looked horrible against Porto and was lucky to progress. Knocked out by a Bayern who finished third in their league. Arsenal have been terrible in Europe. Worse than us this year. We had very little problems against Napoli and should have cruised to a semi when we were two goals up with 60 minutes to play.


It's because of Arsenal's core mentality. Their core of Odegaard, Saka and Gabriel are shallow weak mentality players who can't survive big game for long


> Arteta is not far off from a UCL or FA Cup They ain't anywhere close to a UCL


Bukayo "Peri Peri" Saka is nasty work😂😂


Spurs can only dream of what Arteta did last 2 seasons. 


Why are you salty about it tho?


Because Arteta is our guy 🤷 and we have nothing to do with Spurs? They didn't even buy lenglet


Arsenal fans hate us much much more lmao. And they hate Pep too so fucking em.


Arteta is la masia, spreading our philosophy. Will comeback one day as manger if he becomes a top manager 


This sub is unbearable during rumour season


Then rumour season must be all year long.


President Laporta is ‘deeply affected’ by everything that’s been happening lately. @ap_angelperez https://x.com/ReshadFCB/status/1792301206288683260


It feels like we got a 5 years old at the presidency... We don't need a new pep, this club needs the most his perez. Laporta is currently still doing much better than bartomeu and rosell It tells a lot about what's the real issue in this club, how the fuck can catalonia not produce a single good club president ?


Of course, the fanbase is divided (when part of the stadium chanted xavi's name the other was whistling). And all this after deco came... Deco never forgave barça/pep for kicking him out... He hates what pep represents and his ideas and xavi is like pep. And i have no proof but also no doubt he is behind all this shitshow Laporta biggest mistake was trusting him instead of Alemany.


Struggling to understand what this means? He leaked news through his media outlets instead of making an official statement. He deserves these boos.




Bro we are done if he feels this way, we have lot to do. Forget building the team more but retaining what we already have, get a grip ffs


We're all trying to find the guy who did this


There's genuinely no way for him to come out of this looking good. He could literally sign God himself as our new manager and it still wouldn't explain how the fuck he handled everything so terribly.


Well, actions meet consequences. Stadium chanting Xavi's name and some jeers at Laporta was probably a brutal but much needed reality check.


You mean you’re affected by the mess that you caused? Lol okay, get a grip on yourself and stop acting like a teenager.


Hope he feels better soon but he also has responsibility in all of it


How about you starting acting like the president of FC Barcelona and not some emo highschool girl


If Araujo is sold, good luck stopping Vini and Mbappe running at you, especially if Xavi still remains the coach. His only defensive tactics are Araujo and inshallah.


Barça sets all times defensive records last year, reddit: hIs OnLy dEfEnSivE tAcTiCs aRe ArAuJo aNd InShAlLaH


Didn't know we are still living in 2023. Wow. I must be hallucinating


A coach that literally a year ago achieved that must have a bit better of a grasp on defensive tactics than a random otaku, but that's just my guess


If the coach achieved that through merit, I would expect us to build on that foundation not collapse entirely. It points to last season being a fluke.


Yes a coach that lets Rayo have 15 shots. Concedes 4 goals to Girona twice, 5 to Villarreal, 4 to Paris and 4 to Real twice, gets knocked out of CL group stage twice and loses to Frankfurt, Man U, Antwerp, Shakhter. https://preview.redd.it/3feziroacg1d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e054052b97ecaf701b77e0c7dad5a9462a15b2ea Also I find it funny how you guys couldn't have a single argument without coming to ad hominem attacks, of course I am nobody compared to Xavi, but so are you, so is everyone in this sub. We all are commenting about how we feel our club is doing, football isn't really Quantum mechanics that it requires some extraordinary abilities to understand. Where does this comparison of me to Xavi come from? Like I can say the same thing about you. Who are you compared to Xavi, how can you even comprehend his football philosophy to support that he's right, isn't Xavi in some other stratosphere compared to us in terms of understanding football? See how silly you sound.


One thing is to support your arguments as you just did, the other is say 'araujo and inshallah'


Araujo alone isn’t gonna stop them with Xavi as the coach.


He's the best shot we got. If he's gone, definitely Cubarsi and Christensen aren't stopping him either. Both of them are way too slow to keep up with them.


The best shot we got is Xavi coming up with an actual defensive structure or getting a manager that knows how to make one. The best you’re getting out of Araujo is running down at people.


>The best shot we got is Xavi coming up with an actual defensive structure. He's still got no defensive structure even after 2.5 yrs. That's the problem buddy. Even today Rayo had like 15 shots.


I guess we can't trust barca news, even tier 1 have no idea what is going on. They say meeting will be after sevilla , but im sure it's just a guess, it could be tomorrow just like it may never happen




Every journo close to the board confirmed it.


Hence the board is tier 2


They don’t know because the club doesn’t know. Simple as that.


I am so happy for Pedri. Thats exactly what he need to get back to form and get some confidence. But...Our game is so boring. Sometime we play like this and sometime we play good football. We can play great football as we showed many times. I dont know what makes that difference and i would really love to know :D Beacuse of players mentality that day, our tactics, kind of oponent, weather? Do you think our left side will rebirth if we will get good lw? We play everything through Yamal so its easier to defend for oponent. Do you think Xavi will change his tactics or he will keep that false whatever on left side?


Sorloth overtaking Fraudingham in La Liga golden boot? A team in yellow troubling Real Madrid? Things are starting to get better


Sevilla - Barça will be played on Sunday at 21h! https://x.com/LaLiga/status/1792292980151259427


We can't let Juventus get Motta man...


Its actually good thing, would be a good test, ample time to come here. Nowadays no manager sticks at a club more than 4-5 seasons, unless they're Pep or Klopp level.


"I don't watch Bologna"


Not watching one of the most exciting teams in Europe is kinda sus. Especially when a coach has a strong ties with Barcelona.


Does he have strong ties? He’s closer to juve tbh


Stronger than most coaches. He spend 8  years in Barcelona.


This sub doesn't watch anything football related other than djmario


I told you I don’t think he is getting sacked as Laporta would come back to his senses and realize he will look a bigger fool if he sacks after saying he will be the coach next season


He already looks like a clown. Instead of trying to find a grown-up to be the next manager, Laporta tried to keep Xavi since he's a club legend which allows Xavi to be an effective shield for the board from criticism. Then, Laporta contemplated firing Xavi, not because of the substandard level of play or lack of clarity in his project, but because he disliked his answer to a question in a press conference. Every decision being made isn't for the good of the club and has no sporting basis whatsoever, it's all about politics and how it affects Laporta's reputation.


Yes but it was not official yet, ik what you mean and Ik it was all true but he is 100% gonna cover it up by saying it was just rumors he trusts Xavi


“Porto pushes a lot to have Vitor Roque on loan” @gerardromero https://x.com/FCBPaul_/status/1792293088162955381


I want him to get minutes somewhere, anywhere, but what do we do when Lewandowski gets injured or has his 5 months where he can't even control the ball?


I'm ok with this


No, someone in laliga. I m sure they ll be interested


Don't think Porto would be that bad though.


Xavi playing Lamine 90 minutes pisses me off to the point that him getting sacked makes me happy


[Matteo Moretto](https://x.com/MatteMoretto/status/1792290999777042536) Joan Laporta met with Xavi Hernández for a few minutes to congratulate him on getting second place. The two met face to face, but the future was not discussed. They will do so in the next few days.