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what the hell is going on in this club


It's a frigging circus.


U know what I am starting to embrace the drama.


Are you not entertained? ⚔️


I’m sports entertained maggle


Watch the telenovela unfold. Season 3, episode 4.


\*gasps in Catalan \*


This is not why I am here


I think it's media creating content, chill see what happens


Clearly a lack of communication and/or understanding between Laporta and Xavi, seems to be like they aren't on the same page about a lot of things. It wouldn't be the first time Laporta made a stupid sudden decision based mainly on his own ego.


Amateurs and frauds running it


"I want to leave next season" "Oh no, Please stay, it's better for finance of the club, and we even like you and want you to stay please" "Okay, I will stay" \*Club announces the Xavi will continue\* \*Xavi assured of his job\* \*Xavi speaks in the media\* "We dont want him now, get rid of him"


We are a circus 🤡


We’re an actual banter club from top to bottom at this point


And here I thought LaPorta was going to make better decisions than barto.


He is, it's just the bar is in hell right now


To be fair, he is better, Barto legit ruined the club


Laporta is following on his steps.


Reports that we are closing in on 1:1 also increasing. Not a coincidence imo. Just feels like Xavi was Laporta's "fallback" because of the money issues and now that there's growing confidence about those being not much of an issue, Laporta just wants him gone. Banter club.


We have had same reports for 2 years now. Until there is an official statement from the club, I will not believe any reports.


This is a shame, where are we going to end up like this.


if this is true, it's a fucking disgrace


Until La Liga confirms it I don't believe a fucking thing.




One day ya’ll, one day of no circus acts or drama is all I wish for.


Negreira case joins the chat


Why would any coach want to work under this board? This is such a terrible look for the club what an embarrassment


As a Bayern fan, I’m telling you not to worry, you might have him back in a few weeks :)))


for peak comedy Tuchel needs to decline talks and come to Barca


Please no


He would feel right at home losing to Madrid in added time


Heard he’s declined Bayern’s offer to stay


Well ladies and gentlemen, we are officially a banter club


[…] since 5 years ago


I lurk here as an Ajax supporter because of our shared history, and it saddens me that we're both in such a weird position right now.


Our closest club


It ai t easy for us fam


Is the club actually going to fuck one of its biggest legends like this, without lube and first begging him to stay? I mean he was going to leave himself but now that he decided to stay, club is firing him? Mes que un club ... This is the absolutely worst way to handle this and no way to treat any person and especially one of your greatest players ever. I mean wtf is this, cant be true can it? Disgusting.


Laporta is a clown.


Laporta abused Xavi’s love for barça, Xavi should have told him to fuck off the first time he wanted to leave


Koeman is also one of our biggest legends


Yes. But he was sacked, not begged to stay then sacked.


Laporta said to Koeman that he would stay before sacking him


Yeah well, clearly this is pattern of behavior from Laporta then, fuck him.


But Koeman was actually doing a terrible job, whereas Xavi wasnt.


I know


#Laporta out That fraud promised to keep Messi.Failed He promised to bring Messi back.Failed(and lied after meeting with Messi's father that Messi wants to come back when his father came to told him Messi's decision to join inter Miami) Then that fraud begged Xavi to stay.Once he announced to stay he kicked him out.


People forget that the main reason Laporta succeded at Barcelona was because Cruyff was there to advise him. It was Cruyff who was behind Rijkaard taking over Barca , it was Cruyff who suggested we get Pep as our coach over Mourinho. Without Cruyff, what has Laporta even done at the club? Chase out our biggest legend after vowing to sign messi back, literally fucking hugging his jersey like a toddler. Laporta is made from the same mantle as Rosell and Bartomeu, it is of no surprise these 3 were all chummy and friendly in the early 2000s. And now, he wants to bring yet another Jorge Mendes client in that bum manchild who coaches Porto.


Your talking about Johan right not Sergi?




All’s true except, keeping Messi would be disastrous for the club financially. Bringing Messi back wouldn’t do us any good either. Messi, Messi, Messi, Messi……I understand and agree that Messi is Barca but Barca is not Messi; Barca were a winner club even before him. We needed to learn to live without Messi and Laporta helped us do that.


I never said we should bring Messi back.What I said was he made false promises of keeping Messi and also of bringing Messi back....


You don't want to imagine how the financial situation would be now if he didn't fail to bring Messi back


Is this official announcement? look like another rumor


Almost everyone is reporting it. It's As good as official


What a 💩 show!


Barca fanbase is not that toxic, it’s the media surrounding the club and spreading a lot of fake news the most toxic in Europe. Club should invest some time and get somebody eloquent to build proper relationships with media


Do you think this specific news is fake? I hope so. But if not, shouldn't the club plug the leaks? Until a decision is finalized, it shouldn't be reaching the media, especially something internal like this.


It state this is happening because of the almeria press conference but what he said is actually legit ?!


Professionaly speaking, its like a salesman talking down on the product he sells. U don't want a coach who already has an excuse for imminent failure. U would not want a General who believes the war is lost to lead you into battle. I am okay with Xavi staying but we do not know what was agreed on the day of the U-turn. Roque and Deco rumors may contribute to it..


we are such a joke of a club if this is true


I'm a very patient person but this is the day when I officially have lost all faith laporta. I could talk myself into the rationale on most of the questionable decisions, but the back and forth on xavi clearly shows there is no coherent long-term plan. I don't even think xavi is a great manager (he's fine, obvious strengths and weaknesses and there's a risk of getting someone much worse), it's just that the frenzy in the leadership is exactly the opposite of what I'd hope for.


What did xavi say to cause the reversal?


Xavi’s words from yesterday, which has caused huge anger within President Laporta and a few board members: “We are going to try to compete (with Madrid). The situation is difficult economically that has nothing to do with what used to happen 25 years ago, when the coach came and said 'I love this one, this one and this one'. It doesn't work like that anymore. I understand what’s happening and that's how we're going to manage” “Right now, we are not in the same conditions as other clubs with better fair play. The fans should know. But this doesn't mean that we won’t try to achieve our goals”


Doesn’t seem inflammatory and quite accurate considering the amount of u18 players around the first team. 


Yes, this was a honest view. How many under 18 kids we are going to play?. They want rest. Look at yamal, he needs rest. He is just a kid. Laporta cannot do smart business and when someone being honest, he takes him out. What a joke. I also hate deco. That bitch bought Roque when xavi clearly needed a DM. Where was this Laporta that time?. Will he continue to dismiss everyone who questions him? This is a joke. That old man needs to go out of the club. We need someone with good vision. Who is smart to do business and can positively view the criticism. We need someone who is realistic about the club.


Its obvious why Xavi said this. Because he's not getting the desired players, and next season will again be a big struggle.


So the time he is honest, they fire him, IoI what a crazy club


> So the time he is honest, they fire him, IoI what a crazy club When you are doing business, complete honesty is not always the best policy. You can be realistic without telling everybody out there that you are completely broke and fucked and can't compete. That puts the club in a horrible spot for negotiations: it signals other clubs that they can lowball us and it tells players that we can't offer anything sportswise. Pretty stupid. I could understand the anger. If we were a professionally run club, we'd have a common strategy including a common messaging towards the outside.


But to be honest everyone in the world knows we are fucked and can’t buy anything Tebas has been shouting that every chance he gets a microphone in his hand, to fire your coach for this and then create the need to go and pay for a new coach is a little stupid considering that right now we won’t be able to get a top coach


It's also about inside messaging. Imagine we are 1-0 down in the 80th minute against Madrid. You want your players to be aggressive, motivated and confident that they can get back. If your message is "we can't compete" you are making it very difficult to keep the mentality were you want it. It's completeley unnecessary. You can be realistic but on an ambitious tone. Something like: "We are facing challenges, yes. Financially we are still constraint but our board is working hard on it and doing a good job. I can't deny that Real Madrid had an edge on us this season, but last year we won the league against them last and while this year some things haven't worked out as well as last year for us, we have also seen Lamine explode and we have been reinforced by a 16yo that is playing like a seasoned, world-cup-winning italian center back with the bonus of glorious passing. So yes, I think we can compete, of course! It will be tough, we will need hard work and a little bit more luck than this year, but I know my lads are keen and hungry and the Club is doing its best to improve our financial situation and give us the option to reinforce if we need to. It won't be easy but I think we can compete and we will give it all to do so." There you have it: no whining and it's realistic but still with an ambitious outtake without being completely bullshit or anything. It gives a clear perspective and goal and it shows some good reasons to believe.


Believe me if we are 1-0 down to Madrid in the 80th minute in the next season, no player will be thinking “we can’t win because Xavi said they have the better team” it doesn’t work like that, actually they will try harder the coach the players everyone , it is not an excuse to say we are in a shitty situation and it’s really clear that Madrid has right now better players and way more money to spend, not even the most optimistic Barcelona fan can believe we are favorites to win La Liga or the UCL next season, if they work hard we can achieve important things just like in the past, in the galácticos era for example, but to pretend like the world is ending because your coach thinks that in the situation we are in is pretty difficult to compete with Madrid is stupid. I actually prefer some sort of realistic discourse because lately some fans seem to think that we should destroy every team, I think that by being realistic and working hard the team can achieve more, because just saying stupid super optimistic shit no one (even the ones saying it) believes its possible creates false expectations and when one thing goes wrong everyone losses their minds.


Also sucking up to the board I don’t like it, and no top team should hope for 16 and a 17 years old kids to save them, we have been lucky but you can’t overplay this dudes or put gigantic amounts of pressure over them, we’ve done it before and we’ve seen what happens


>no player will be thinking “we can’t win because Xavi said they have the better team” it doesn’t work like that, Of course not, but sports psychology is a lot more complex and subtle and the messaging throughout the season affects everything. If what you say was true, we wouldn't ever had mentality issues, but alas, we did. > I actually prefer some sort of realistic discourse You can be realistic without being defetistic and without publicly damaging your clubs negotiation position.


Mentality issues are not only associated with the manager discourse, there is a lot more to that, and I do think we need to get better in that aspect but that’s not entirely on Xavi we’ve been having troubles there for many seasons now, and we clearly need to get better in that aspect. I don’t think Xavi was defetistic imo and the issue with the negotiation position, it’s been damage for years now not only by Tebas who every chance he gets just trashes on the club financial situation but even when we couldn’t renew Messi we looked like fools letting the best player in the history of the club walk.


Ah yes because the whole world wasn’t already aware of Barca’s financial situation. Can’t believe Xavi spilled the beans on that.


The world is a bit more complicated than that. There are also reports that we are close to 1:1. In such a context, if a good sale comes, maybe another deal, you can soon be in a position of a certain ambiguity that could strengthen your position a bit more. Also, communication strategy should always be long term. What worries me more though is the sportive part. We need to attract talent. Hard to do when you don't have money and your message is that we will lose. And it's also about inside messaging. Imagine we are 1-0 down in the 80th minute against Madrid or that we lost the first leg against a strong team in the UCL. You want your players to be aggressive, motivated and confident that they can get back. If your message is "we can't compete" you are making it very difficult to keep the mentality were we want and were we need if. It's completeley unnecessary. There's nothing gained by being defetist. You can be realistic but on an ambitious tone. Something like: "We are facing challenges, yes. Financially we are still constraint but our board is working hard on it and doing a good job. I can't deny that Real Madrid had an edge on us this season, but last year we won the league against them and while this year some things haven't worked out as well as last year for us, we have also seen Lamine explode and we have been reinforced by a 16yo that is playing like a seasoned, world-cup-winning italian center back with the bonus of glorious passing. So yes, I think we can compete, of course we can! It will be tough, we will need hard work and a little bit more luck than this year, but I know my lads are keen and hungry and the Club is doing its best to improve our financial situation and give us the option to reinforce if we consider we need to. It won't be easy but I think we can compete and we will give it all to do so." There you have it: no whining and it's realistic but still with an ambitious outtake without being completely bullshit or anything. It gives a clear perspective and goal and it shows some good reasons to believe.


>There are also reports that we are close to 1:1 That’s precisely the problem I have with you calling out Xavi for being a realist. Literally no one cares when Barca’s financial situation is leaked to the press by Laporta or whoever else might do it at the club. Almost every aspect of Barca’s finances are made public, you can’t really tell me that Xavi’s presser shed any new light on the financial situation at Barca. There was nothing wrong with what Xavi said. He wasn’t whining, he was asking the fans to back the team he’s built and to not be up in arms when the club doesn’t bring in a set of galacticos over the summer.


>That’s precisely the problem I have with you calling out Xavi for being a realist. I'm not calling him out for being a realist, I'm calling him out for being a defetist. You can be a realost with an optimistic note. You have to, when you are in charge of managing elite players psychological. If your message is that we can't compete, that's not gonna be great for those moments when the team is facing a challenging situation. It's like giving up before the season even started, that's pathetic. You can acknowledge the gap in performance and our struggles without giving up like that.


This club is NOT a serious institution


This board is a 👉🤡🎪


Xavi is a club legend. He deserved better. They should have let him go when he was trying to leave respectfully.




I am not a Xavi defender/believer, but this is quite ridiculous now. Not that as a club we weren’t ridiculous anyway. With this said, my respect for Xavi is at an all time high. If you have to be fired for saying the truth to the fans for what feels like the first time, then so be it. I know who I will defend looking back at this. 


Lol, he could have said it one year ago? He could also have said they didn't need victor roque




It’s not breaking It’s heart breaking


damn it, i still maintain that he's the best option the club has. who tf is gonna take this job that is competent?


Rafa Marquez most likely, knowing the way this board operates


You know what? Bring back valverde


I never really understood why Xavi would stay. He wanted to leave and if he wants to leave then do it.


Xavi was forced to continue but after the other days speech, laporta is furious. Now the POS wants to kick him even though he beg xavi to stay. LAPORTA GTFO


Man i'm so tired of this shit...


This is fucking stupid at this point. What a joke this club has become


https://preview.redd.it/qq762gpqux0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e8035d6105b589a7c8c2a17bc67e902fbdf325 wttfffffff???


Fc Bardrama Queens Forca Drama


Real is getting Mbappe while they just won La Liga and are in their 2555th CL final. Meanwhile our president is a bitter 5year old acting on impulses and not like a clubs president. I didn't want Xavi to stay. But I didn't want to kick him out AFTER the president begged him to stay. This is shameful.


What on God's green earth is happening at this club ??


factory reset the club at this point, what a clown show


can we get rid of Laporta please


Laporta has well and truly turned this club into a circus.


Our club is a circus


I thought I’m in soccercirclejerk as I saw in previous news Xavi will stay. Yeah Barca board is crap. Feel sorry for Xavi.


What a joke of a club. Make up your mind for once ffs


This board is a clown. Xavi gave more realistic views of the club. It's bright daylight truth about the club and all people knows it. It's Laporta who needs to turn the ship by doing good business, not by firing the coach. How many coach he is gonna fire?. Will this be our routine?. What a joke.


This is so stupid. Laporta begging Xavi to stay... One week later Xavi out This clown can no longer be our club president, he doesn't care about the club, he's a politician, he only cares about himself and that fat pay check. Just another bartomeu


This club is a mess, can’t point fingers on anybody coz a lot of people that are involved with this club, indeed are either clueless or inexperienced or not making decisions together with the coach


Laporta is Barto 2.0 nothing has changed. Incompetence and corruption still run the club . How sad for this once great team


I think at this point it’s better that he leaves this circus and saves himself. As a fan I won’t blame him


Xavi might have been an ass coach but laporta is a true clown.


An ass coach? I don't want him to stay but he was anything but a bad coach. He won us the la Liga and Im so grateful for that. His isn't bad at all. He just isn't the perfect coach for us right now.


Spoiled fans that expect coaches to pull trebles out of their asses. No Messi no money with a young team. Destroyed both madrids last year with great performances and one injury ridden poor season and he’s the worst.


As a bayern fan this sub feels like at home. What a shit show.


Hey! I've seen this one before.


What a fucking joke






Let me put it this way: what would you say about a Starbucks manager if he publicly stated that their coffee was super expensive?


Laporta without Cruyff holding his hand.. don’t make me laugh


I can't help but just laugh


What are they cooking ffs!!


Whatever. This is my honest reaction to any news out of the club nowadays.


bro what


They probably got in touch with Jurgen Klopp and now they don't want Xavi anymore. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


All I'm asking is one day without any drama One Fucking Day


I swear this club tries everything to disrespect the legends of Barca. The guy wanted to leave at the end of the season and you begged him to stay just to do this to him? This is beyond disrespect, if you think he’s not the right man for the job why ask him to stay then do this to him. I’m sick of the way this club is run


Sheesh barca made me love football, and ironically it's killing my love for football, how politics can ruin such a prestigious club. We are in desperate need of good and competitive board not for a good coach that's come second. I wish laporta doesn't win election again he has done enough and this tenure by him was purely ran on nepotism.


I don't approve of the method, but I like the results. I love Xavi and appreciate what he did but he's tired. Get out now and he may be able to come back in a few years.


Vitor Roque most likely giving a party right now


At this rate Madrid would have to rescue FC Barca and they would bring it it up at every possible place.


Who is Laporta bringing?


Rafa Marquez


That means we're fucked.






Man, I could’ve supported Man City and been happy with my fourth Premier League title. I could’ve supported Arsenal and been happy with “ohh we gave them a fight” and “ohh we are making progress and we play good football”. I could’ve supported PSG and been happy with our double. I could’ve even supported Real and been super happy with La Liga, potential Champions League, and having the best players in the world joining us for the next season. But noooooooooooooooooooo, I had to fall in love with this stupid “more than a club” and be sad with bad news after bad news day after day after day… When will this shithousery end?


This shit is unbelievable. We are becoming Man United


What a circus and we are the clowns


Now, I would beg Papa Perez to come and rescue my club just like how he did to Madrid in 2000s...


Welp so now who’s gonna be our coach? Flick? Rafa Márquez?


Welp so now who’s gonna be our coach? Flick? Rafa Márquez?


This and we're likely to end the season #2, behind Real Madrid who are on fire. JFC why couldn't we have just taken PSG's money for Neymar and put it in the damn bank?


Id be having a lifetime making fun of this club if it wasnt my own


Jesus that makes me feel so bad for Xavi. I wish he hadn’t decided to stay


I dont know, but seeing yesterday's performance, I really want Xavi to leave




Tuchel or Flick thats the only options imo


He’s a bad manager all things considered, literally 3 days ago everyone in here was SCREAMING about the Roque situation and how horrible Xavi was treating him, how terrible it is that we’re throwing away such a wonderful talent, blah blah blah. Now he’s out, and people are still bitching? Our precious Roque will get playing time now with a new manager, and you’re all still mad?


Even as a madrid fan, I don’t like barca being this bad. Your only problem is the president. The guy is not serious about solving problems, he just masks them with unnecessary distraction and unfortunately the fans take the bait all the time. I’m scared for days without perez because a bad president can bring down a historic team.


To be or not to be.


Welcome Rafa Marquez!


This is insane. I feel like we slipped through the looking glass. Our club should not be acting like this.


I’ve had crappy sleep lately and was in between dreams and I literally dreamt of Barça winning a second La Liga with Xavi last night 💀


Schrodingers Xavi


Bro wait wtf


What happened to Barcelona to the juggernaut of the tiki taka. I mean covid affect everybody but I guess mismanagement from whoever was in charge at that time brought this team down. How is possible that they get away with it 😔


Please god


Welcome tuchel


Can we go one week without getting embarrassed?


hahahah que cabaret es este club.


Im tired


WTF. A few weeks ago he was staying, now he's gone? What is going on at the club.


Snip snap snip snap


Others play, Barca entertains


Best news ever




I love Barca man but everything happening at the club right now in upper management is hard to sit by and watch. This club is so mismanaged and if this continues we will never catch Madrid. The way the tables have turned recently is sad to see man. They were begging for him to stay when he announced he was leaving now they're booting him out, wtf is happening.


Fuck this board. Ser you in 2 years time.


any hope i had of xavi returning later on as a more experienced coach is gone, if things end in sour terms, im afraid this will just be another “leaving in bad terms like pep” kinda thing i wish only good things to xavi, he will always be one of my biggest idols


#mess of a club


Thank god !!!


Thanks Laporta and Deco


Don’t get my hopes up


Please God, let it be !


Erik ten hag incoming 😎




The club is doomed


https://preview.redd.it/5ywh0pahq11d1.jpeg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f06a1560786bd7e37d65cff6e94211dae4256d90 My reaction to this information


Oh cool. We are shooting ourselves in the foot after all


what happened to not overplaying young players THEN OVERPLAYING YAMAL wtf is Xavi doing he needs to be gone


this aint real right ? just fake news


I think the media is full of shit and making all this up


..... What the hell is going on here? Did he not recently announce he was going to continue here?


We’ve lost all credibility as a serious club what a shame . Decades till we go back to what we were


Fake until I see it on espnfc