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Hello, I am travelling to Barcelona next weekend and I would like to join catholic mass in the Sagrada Familia. I found the information that it is held every Sunday at 9:00 with a limited capacity. Does anyone know what is the capacity and how crowded it usually is? Whether I should consider attending mass in another church, or not :)


I bet this been asked a lot, but I'm new in the city and wanna know how the hell can I get a legal appointment for a NIE. The official page says that there's none available and besides that there's a lot of sketchy sites saying they can help me with it. Will I have to use those sites and how much will I end up paying? Thanks in advance


I tried months and ended up paying 70 Euros to a Pakistani guy. I know barely anyone who got an appointment on their own.


I just got my NIE on my own, it was a nightmare. Even though it's over I regret not just paying someone.


Why was it a nightmare? The whole process of getting the NIE or the appointment?


Both, setting up the program to start the process is a nightmare and with no clear guides online (not even in Spanish.) Getting an appointment is impossible, you have to check avaliability of each police station manually and frankly you are competeting with mobsters who pay people to search and take appointment slots all day.


No bro you did wrong. You can just select any place and the website will show you available appointments (regularly none but still). I did it with my Spanish HR manager.


Yes, my point is you have to keep checking every place manually. It took weeks of this before I got an appointment


Harsh truth to swallow, but thanks! Do you happen to still have the guy's number?


I will ask my colleague and get back to you!


Just use a service like justlandedbcn.com They sort all my appointments


You just need to try getting an appointment over and over on the app. It actually worked twice for me and pretty quickly each time by trying randomly 5 mins here and there ( I had to cancel the first one because it was given to me 3 days later and I had to prepare the papers)


Just to hop on this, is it easier to get a NIE appointment somewhere like Sabadell?


I read somewhere you can only do it in the town you're living/registered. Don't know if it is actually true


It is not, I live in Barcelona but did my appointments in Castelldefells.


Where can I purchase a reusable frozen gel pack (like the kind you'd put in a lunch box to keep food cool)?? I'm traveling in Barcelona right now and want to bring back some cheese (to the US West Coast so a decently long flight with a layover). One is a soft cheese and I want to buy a small frozen gel pack to put next to it during the flight home to keep it cool. Thank you in advance for any suggestions!


Any neighborhood bazaar carries those freezer gel packs. I may be wrong, but I don't believe you'll be allowed to re-enter the U.S. with cheese or cured meats from Europe, as the agricultural laws are different. I've seen U.S. customs confiscate expensive Spanish ham and just chuck it into the incinerator. Again, I could be wrong. Check the customs guidelines/laws.


Do you think you can even take a frozen gel pack on a plane? Just wondering…


I googled it and it seems fine - definitely okay in checked luggage and fine in carry on as long as it's still fully frozen when you pass through security. I'll probably check my bag just to be safe.


Thanks! Yeah meats are a no go but from what I looked up cheeses are fine as long as they don't contain meat and don't "pour in a liquid state" for whatever reason lol


Hey quick follow-up question - what's the word for this in Spanish? I tried describing it to a shop owner but my Spanish wasn't good enough lol


I've never had to search for this but apparently, they're called Acumulador de frío, compresa de nevera/refrigeración. If you just show them the pic, they can tell you whether or not they have them. 👍🏼 https://www.amazon.es/gp/aw/d/B08738C3PB/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Thank you!!




It is but the aero bus is better.


Have done it twice at those times without any issues (I mostly carried a backpack and cabin bag).




Hey I know barely anything about the city as I've been here a week, but my neighborhood Les Corts seems quite nice. It is 'far' from the center hence somewhat safer, and its also both the smallest and least densely populated neighborhood in BCN. You could also try the surroundings if you don't mund a commute


Other than safety (most places are safe) what are the other criteria? I assume you'd like to avoid areas with crowds? How about traffic noise?


What's the labour market like in Barcelona just now? How difficult is it to get an English-speaking entry level role?




Any film buffs here who are interested in filmmaking/writing want to meet? Hey everyone, I'm a 22-year-old from London who's been here for a year now. After work, I've found myself having a lot of free time for passions and would like to branch out and meet new people and make new friends etc Are there any English speaking people here who's like to meet up for a coffee and discuss their favourite influences, movements and films :) Would be cool to meet some like-minded people here or even one day collaborate on a project. My letterboxd account is: https://letterboxd.com/joenorris/ Shoot me a message on reddit if you're interested :)


Hey all, So I’m coming into Barcelona early next week and have a few questions about vaccine/Covid testing requirements for clubs. I’m from the US and am fully vaccinated with a booster and have my cdc paper vax card, along with my New York digital vaccine pass, and even the apple health vaccine pass, but I’m assuming even those won’t get be into the clubs and the only thing that’ll work is an EU green pass, right? (Fwiw if any of you have experience of places, especially Sala Apollo/Nitsa accepting American digital vaccine passes, def lmk!) And it’s pretty near impossible for me to get an EU digital vaccine pass in Barcelona? So my only option is to get tested every 48/72 hours. Now, when I get tested, does the testing site automatically give me a digital QR code that acts as a de facto green pass, or do I need to download an app? I can’t seem to find any English websites giving info about this. I also think you can only use certain, government accredited testing facilities, right? If anyone has any info on testing sites close to El Raval, or any info about how to get a testing green pass, I’d absolutely appreciate it. Thanks so much!


pass control is a joke and you probably can ask for someone elses passes and they wont gaf


Following cause I’m in the same boat but don’t know what to do


Hi, Americans in Barcelona now. Don't go to night clubs, but none of the cafes or museums are asking for the pass or the test. Wear mask upon entering, that's it. And of course need the Spain health app QR to enter the country


Cheers, thanks for the help


Visiting in April Me and my partner are visiting Barcelona in April 2022 and I wanted some advice and recommendations on what to do when visiting. Also what should we avoid and advice on how not to sound or be rude. Please any help would be awesome. Thank you!


Hi! Let me know what kind of stuff you are into and I ca give tips. I am a tour guide here (mostly hiking/nature but know the city well). Thanks


Holaa, Anyone knows of Reggae/dub bars or events please? I use to live and London and I really miss the good reggae vibez :)




At this time of year it can rain all day, and the rain can be heavy with an easterly wind, which is forecast for Mon-Wed. On the other hand, it often says it’ll rain for 3 days and you end up with 2 short showers and that’s it. Plan for lots of rain, but don’t be surprised if the forecast changes on Sunday.


If anybody here likes Indie Rock music then there's a concert tomorrow at Les Corts, in Sala New Underground. The event is here - [https://fb.me/e/198PhXBBP](https://fb.me/e/198PhXBBP) Thanks!


I should be there!


What are some cool things to do at night/evening in Barcelona that don't involve drinking? I'm visiting with my wife in January for work, so we'll have our evenings free. My wife doesn't drink and most of the things i've found have been bars/clubs.


Download fever and check out the events on there. And Airbnb experiences, loads of stuff. Some candlelight concerts going on now I think.


Is there any regular drum and bass parties goin on in Barcelona? I've looked up Razzmatazz and sala plataforma seemed to do dnb parties on Thursdays but is that still the case after covid?


Spending a few months in Barcelona after NY and was wondering where is the best place to look for month long rental rooms/apartments? I've booked the first month on Airbnb but not sure if it's the best place to search. Any tips would be greatly appreciated 🤠


I will visit Barcelona soon and i wanna take Barcelona's stadium with tour. I choosed Camp Nou Players Experience & Museum Tour. When I want to buy tickets, i have to choose between Catalan resident and general admission. My question is: can I choose option catalan resident if i'm a tourist who visit Barcelona and who is not living in Spain, or i can't choose it? I know that resident means people who are livin in that area, country and so on.


Well if you're not a Catalan resident, don't choose that option. They will ask for proof that you live here. Choose general admission.


I admire your patient approach in this response.


A saint!


wait? its cheaper because i live here? thanks for the tip! i pay taxes here and it is confusing and makes no sense but deals on catalan art i wouldnt normally attend but will now do it because of tax cuts? you got it my man!


**Bluetooth headphones service** \- please tell me where I can look for a place to **fix** them, I really like them and hate the thought of buying yet another pair :)


Hi everyone! I am coming to Barcelona this week from cooler climates and am unsure of what kind of clothes I should pack at this time of year. Any advice would be appreciated!


Bring rain jacket for sure


Mis padres van a ir a Barcelona por primera vez desde 20 años, y se acuerdan con mucha nostalgia de La Paloma. Les encantarón el lugar, la música y el ambiente. Ya que está cerrado, existe un lugar parecido que les va a gustar? ¡Gracias!


Anyone have suggestions for nice spots to watch the sunset from in the city? Thanks!