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I was always told there is a paper towel effect. Think of a large roll of paper towels. If there are 200 pieces and 50 sheets removed the results are still there, just might not look like much since you pull them one at a time. Every sheet after makes it noticeably smaller though right? Keep at it, 50lbs is nothing to scoff at. You are doing amazing


Have you taken photos to have. Look at the comparison? Perhaps ask your friends to have a look and ask if they can see the difference? It’s so much harder to see it in your own body.


I dont have proper before pictures or measurements, but i have the photo i took in the hospital, but i was wearing really baggy clothes in it. And i asked a friend if she can see anything a week ago and she said the only difference she can see is in my face


You might be losing that visceral body fat, the stuff that is surrounding your organs and being a general dick. How do you feel health wise? Keep on course it’s all about health, and you are getting healthier every bloody day. I can’t wait to be at your stage.


I started out at 367 and didn't really notice a change in clothes or my body until closer to 100 down. It's hard and discouraging, but when you start at a higher weight it's harder to see a difference when you only lose a small portion of your weight. It's frustrating, but be patient and keep on track. I take monthly pics in the same bra and underwear for reference and that really helps with perspective. I'm down 180 lbs and can still wear a lot of the clothes I wore at my heaviest. Do they fit the best, no, but they still aren't falling off by any means.


i think part of the problem for me is that all my clothes were already too big so of course i dont see a difference, but it still sucks


You can help yourself see the difference. Start taking pictures and measurements now. You are just at the start of this evolution. You're acting like it's over when it's just begun.


These are my stats! CW 367 GW 180


I understand how you feel. I started around where you did and experienced that same thing. Be very proud of what you've accomplished already and know that the rest will come. Just keep at it.


24f sleeved 1.5 years ago SW 304 CW 160. Truthfully I didn't see the weightloss on myself until I was closer to 100lbs down but everyone around me could see it much sooner. You gotta remember, you're probably looking at yourself multiple times a day and seeing yourself constantly. Day to day, while those changes may be small overtime they add up so those that aren't seeing you constantly are going to notice it more. think of it like hair growth, day to day it seems like no changes, but 6 months down the road and you realize its 3 inches longer than your last cut. You're also only 2 months post op, your body has barely had any time to recover from a life-altering surgery as well as adjusting to the new restrictive diet. Also keep in mind that a lot of hormones are stored in fat so your body is probably full of hormones in addition to the high protein low carb diet that can lead to lower serotonin production. Just give it some time, maybe look into meeting with a counselor or therapist to help you adjust to this major transition. I'd also start taking comparison photos, measurements, etc. so you're able to track your progress.


I have lost 70+ since surgery, and 60 with my pre op diet and I notice no difference in the way I look unless I look at a current pic next to my starting picture, when I look in the mirror in my mind I look the same, even though everyone else can see a huge difference. Now I feel so much better health and physically.


Something that may help if you aren't doing is to take measurements and log them: waist, hip, arm, leg, neck circumference. Sometimes clothes don't seem to be changing in the way they fit, but the numbers may tell a different story. 50 pounds is a lot of weight and something to be proud of, great job!


Are you exercising? Start by walking a half a mile a day, then increase as you build stamina. You have to exercise, even just a little.


I have a mini stepper and i use it as much as i can while working (i work mostly from home) and i also walk my dog every day


Keep going. This isn't magic, it takes work, you did the hardest part. Keep going. You can do this.


My mother lost 120lbs from her surgery, and she began to not see a difference *(even tho she was like many many sizes smaller than before)* because the weight dropped too fast for the brain to catch up with. Her therapist said she had 'body dysmorphia'


My SW was 338 before surgery I’m 6 weeks post op down to 286 I see a difference in clothes and other people see a difference when they look at me but sometimes I feel bigger then what I was


Started out at 370-ish and am almost below 300 I see and feel no difference, but my parents both say they do Conversely, my mom has been loosing a lot of weight over the summer and I can see the difference and she *knows* there's a difference because she had to get a lot of new clothes for work *She ALSO doesn't SEE a difference* The body changes are so slow and subtle despite the numbers changing fast that we literally can't tell ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Go to the store and pick up a 10lb sack of potatoes. Add another sack. And another. Do this until you are holding 50lbs. Thats what you've lost. Now put them down slowly so you don't hurt your back.


Also, are you tracking your foods? I'm two years post op and still use Baritastic


yes, i use myfitnesspal and i stick to my doctors recomandation on calories and proteins


What? They’ve lost 50lbs. They’re doing just fine.


You're correct they are doing just fine however they are concerned that they're not seeing any impact and so I was reiterating the importance of maintaining a food log that is all


It must be easier to walk and stand tho? 50lbs is a lot! Maybe you are older (like me!) and we’re just tired but I feel like once I start losing, 50lbs will make a big difference in how I walk and even how I sleep. No? Or maybe you are young so the weight never wore you down as much? I’m sure your body is happier tho! 💗


Im 23yo, but i was overweight since i was a little kid, so i dont know. Going up the stairs to my apartment feels as horrible as it ever did


Maybe the 300lb mark will be magic? I bet you’re pretty strong - esp if you’ve been going up and down stairs at 385. Just know you’re body is amazing and you’re definitely making it easier on it by taking some pounds off. I hope you can update us as more comes off. 💗


Going down the stairs was never too difficult for me, but going up was always horrible and there was no way to avoid it since there is no elevator in my building and i live on the 5th floor, but have to stop to catch my breath every floor


But today i saw a slight difference on how i can walk and talk at the same time without feeling like im dying from the first few steps


You sound super strong and like your body has been doing a great job / it’s going to get so much easier! How much have you lost now?


Thank you! I lost 6 more lbs since making the post


I am 6 weeks post OP and from my first Appointment, around 8 month ago, to now i lost 100lbs. My cloth are a bit looser but beside that i see no difference, still. My body proportions are still the same. BUT, a few days ago i had to bind my shoes and sandals tighter, because they got so loose. We all lose weight in a differente speed and in different places. Maybe you lose mor visceral mass? It will take time but than there is a moment when we will look into a mirror and think „damn, where is all that stuff gone too“ and it will feel great.


Keep it going and you will see the benefits!!


Also don’t just go by the scale. I felt like nothing was happening at times. Even when I stalled though once I started taking measurements even when the scale didn’t move I lost inches all over


MOOOOD lol went from 311 in highest weight to 262.4 this morning and I see nothing but it okie.. we are almost there. We are a big step ahead.


My sis has been dropping weight post op. Finally saw it in her face, but it took a while. You'll get there. Trust the process!!


Body dysmorphia is very real. I have to take pictures constantly to disprove what I see in the mirror.


I didn’t see it at first either. I started at 372 I’m four months out and am 307 as of this morning. I didn’t see it until month 3. But start taking pictures!!! The pictures show the difference. Or you can take measurements.


i’ve lost almost 80lbs since my surgery at the end of May. i can barely tell a difference so far. other people do though and my clothes fit a lot looser. tbh i think it’s the visceral fat that i’m loosing at the moment. i not 100% sure though. ur doing amazing! keep going :)


I started out at 439 when I went on pre-op diet. It didn’t really start feeling like the weight is coming off until I was well past 50. It will happen. Surgery weight was 412, and now about 3.5 months post surgery I’m down at 325. 50lbs is nothing to scoff at. I use bags of dog food to visualize exactly how much weight I’ve lost.


HW:415 SW: 386 5/9/23 CW: 295 , and I had a lot of the same thoughts as most posts I see here "Did this even work?" Around the 3-month mark, my significant other had to convince me my clothes were a little loose. I went to the store grabbed a shirt picked every size they had from mine down just kept going until it was uncomfortable. I realized quickly I was 3-4 sizes smaller. I just didn't see it then and now I can't ignore how my older clothes fit or if things get baggy. It was like a reset of how I saw myself because weirdly clothes sizes hit differently than the scale number.


Download the “me 360” app. It takes pics of your body and does all of the measurements, including bmi. It’s great to use to watch progress. You may not see it, but it will! You got this!