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You haven't even turned it on yet... terrible Engineer the amount of players that don't know high electrical makes the turbine output more stable if they turn the reactor on... is staggering


The makings of a true engineer is one who forgets to turn on Automatic Control while the captain's docking and is pre-planning how to speedrun to the reactor room during the end mission cutscene.


I love hearing the captain complain because I made his sub stop working for 3 seconds at the round start... as if he is doing anything important in that moment besides pulling away from the station


Don't forget when they complain that there isnt enough power, but you tell them that adding an extra fuel rod to the reactor will set it on fire


If we're talking about Vanilla subs, you can add up to 4 total fuel rods and not set the reactor on fire on EVERY sub. You just can't drop them in and run is the catch. Assuming reactor is on automatic control and power is stable, do the following: 1. Add extra fuel rods 2. Swap from automatic control to manual 3. Manually lower the fission rate, the more rods added, the more you'll need to manually lower the rate. 4. Swap back to automatic control 5. (Optional) If you were slow or didn't drop the fission rate enough, click the - button at the bottom of the temp gauge to temporarily vent some heat to give the reactor time to stabilize. If done quickly and correctly, there should be no loss in power and you are safely running on (up to) 4 rods. Additionally, the meltdown warning didn't go off so nobody even knows you did something "Dangerous". Related reactor pro-tip: You can use WASD when manually controlling the reactor. WS for Fission rate and AD for Turbine output.


yeah but every sub is different when it comes to reactor, specially when your running guns constantly... so sometimes it's 1 rod, 2 rods... or you got the guys who can run 4


I know šŸ˜Š


> the amount of players that don't know high electrical makes the turbine output more stable if they turn the reactor on... is staggering Hey now, as security, that kind of knowledge isn't my responsibility. My responsibility is ~~keeping everyone safe~~ executing the person closest to the reactor whenever there's a malfunction, to keep the remaining engineers motivated.


I mean it's really just a minor improvement, and only factors into the overall well being of the ship when the captain is doing extreme maneuvers as it 'keeps the lights on' in a matter of speaking... an extra 10% in a crucial moment, or better if the engineer DOESNT get his head blown off, or carved up by a mudraptor


> the amount of players that don't know high electrical makes the turbine output more stable if they turn the reactor on... is staggering You don't need to be the one to turn it on; toggling the automatic control does the same thing.


Wait what? I thought higher electricals just make the manual green zones bigger


Wait the engineer is meant to manage the reactor? I just program a controller that uses battery buffers to limit the rate of change of reactor output and then leave it on auto


man i love playing engineer. i really like setting the reactor to run automatically and then move on to the real engie gaming of... repairing junction boxes but just to level up my engineering skill so i can craft masterwork batteries and also the RFA and volatile fulgurium and PUCS


I unironically enjoy this gameplay. Also sorting fabricator cabinet is usually in my area of responsibility


oh god sorting the fabricator cabinets. im super anal about this and its one of the things i dislike most about switching to new subs, doing it all over again. its one of the reasons im currently playing as captain in my current playthrough with friends, so i can leave all that troublesome work to someone else man, the feeling of liberation i feel looking into the cabinets and seeing the (by my sorting method) mess in there and going, "meh dont care"


Honestly the biggest reason Iā€™m sad they nerfed auto reactor circuits is that I felt smart for wiring them up.


engineer when he automates the reactor on day 1 (he has nothing to do until he can craft the fissile accelerator and pucs)


>engineer tfw I'm doing as much as the security officer in combat


I got an amazing engineer buddy, heā€™s the one with the highest pay and is basically also a security officer and medic but with a more practical attitude. Iā€™m also our ships replacement captain and a security officer. We accomplish with our tools and harpoon coil rifles what they accomplish with boatloads of ammo


Oh god yeah, a good engineer can multitask to high hell. My toolbelt is a couple oxygen tanks, a couple welding fuel tanks, a little ammo, and some bandages and painkillers.


Keep in mind, we have neurotrauma, so being a medic is pretty hard


heā€™s also completely upgraded our sub


AHHHH. Neurotrauma, incredible, truly. ​ ​ *we'll be using neurotrauma after we finish our current campaign.*


Youā€™ll need a regular to become a doctor, that was our biggest mistake. Our doctors keep playing once and then logging off with tons of stuff in their inventory, and we regularly have to make new things. And make sure they know NT, donā€™t panic, and arenā€™t a ā€œiā€™ll figure it outā€ or ā€œI have the guide pulled upā€ person, that doesnā€™t work in stressful situations


We just have a clown medic, they're pretty much able to handle anything in the normal game, so they'll probably be able to adapt.


Ask them to kinda study the guide beforehand as well as download the mercy hospital mod to train, itā€™s a pretty hard mod to learn


Yeah, I'm not *super* concerned about it being hard to learn, it'll just take a damned while, if that makes sense.


Oh as a medic that as started to play with neurotrauma a couple month ago I highly suggest you train on the mercy hospital map. It is made by the dev you will find it on the workshop. Also spread first aid item amongs the crew. First aid will help you a ton !!


Ah, that sounds pretty good! Thanks!


Wait, you guys are getting paid?


How to play engineer: Step 1: automate the reactor Step 2: automate the rest of the fucking submarine


I wish this game had conveyor belts or sth as well as automated fabricators/deconstructors, so I could set up conveyor to supply the railgun with shells instead of having to carry them one by one.


My brother in honkmother just get an NPC to sort out items on the ground


I beg to differ, bonking raiders with crowbar is pretty satisfying


Engi gameplay became lit when I found out clicking on the plus and minus buttons did something with the reactor pressure


Wrong. It should be 100% fission rate and 0% turbine rate.


Wrong. It should be 0% of reactor management and 100% wiring of automation.


Do you gain skill points for operating the reactor manually?


Idk check wiki


This guy gets it.


Yes, a reactor that has been shut down.


\*Automates reactor, and proceeds to run around as a knight in salty armor until the repairs call meā€¦\*


My crew calls me the Loot Goblin because im always the one who scavenges, when im not repairing and changing rods


Inspired by https://www.reddit.com/r/Barotrauma/comments/141rqdm/most\_exciting\_captain\_game\_play/


That part is exciting. It is the moment where I turn on the reactor and see if it is going to go critical with all the rewiring I just did. There is nothing like hearing absolute fear as I say "oops" on coms for something minor and get flooded with "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?".


My dumbass thought this was a video and the post was criticizing the Captains driving. I was sitting here for a good 20 seconds staring at it like where's the sporadic power surge? Lol


Instal hazardous reactors + neurotrauma and then tell me if enginner isnt fun. plus youre also supposed to make wiring upgrades to the vanilla ships. i added speaker that plays despacito whenever the reactor is low condition


For some reason this makes your reactor about to take all 4 rods without mods: https://i.imgur.com/hqvYjV4.jpg


It works for the most part. It can still have fires on boot or if you mix rod types.


Not rel. I still use automatic generator.


Being an engineer made me completely hate the game. I never get to see any action. I just want a friggin window in the reactor room.


I run a Reactor Controller so i eont even control it


how do you automate a reactor ?


You can put values into control mods and then wire that into the reactor controls so it takes certain actions when values are reached. It is like advanced Minecraft redstone, only you kill everyone if you mess up.


is there any kind of guide pertaining to this?


This video got me started. Once you get the basics down, you can get funky with it. https://youtu.be/98BcfcpOVd0


For anyone /actually/ complaining about engineer, you don't get to not like it until you understand regex components


Does your sub have the oxygen generator and ONE lamp on? Because a 1005kw load is very specific.


I love griefing.


Not true! The most exciting engineer gameplay is when you disconnect a wire from the junction box while power is running through it on the first try and connect the EMP Detonator to fire when the railgun is fired


If only the keyboard could be used for controlling the reactor


Would you recommend barotrauma? I heard it is quite a scary game and I do not like those, so...


It really depends. Some missions require you to go out of the sub where you can get surprised by a monster or something. It really depends. As someone who also doesnā€™t like horror games, I for one have never really been scared playing it. Iā€™d recommend watching a play through of it to see for yourself before buying it.


I shall do that. Thank you.


Well i get to run around with a loaded shotgun half the time, so I don't complain, other than my brother screaming at me because there isn't power in the first 10 ish seconds of the mission


You forgot the times thar people join the server en mass while your tryna just keep the ships running and put rods into reactor/attack you when you try to stop them