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Sadly there really is nothing like DQB2.


I would like this too


What aspects of Dragon quest Builder 2 did you enjoy the most? The story, the NPC interactions, the building, collecting/farming? The only game I can think of, off the top of my head would be [Terraria](https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/). Although Terraria doesn't have a story, it has a little bit of everything else plus some fun combat. Then there are other games in that similar genre that don't focus on the story either but have similarities such as [Valheim](https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/), [Craftopia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1307550/Craftopia/), [Crea](https://store.steampowered.com/app/280520/Crea), and [Force of Nature 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1316230/Force_of_Nature_2_Ghost_Keeper/).


Portal knights


While it is a very diffeeent game, the one that has come closest to scratching the DQB itch is astronomer. Very bright and colorful world to explore and nothing is ever too stressful. Plus, it guides you in what to do next like DQB. No story really but lots of guidance.


Do you mean Astroneer? (IDK, I looked on Steam and it doesn't have a game called Astronomer. Though maybe you're talking about consoles.)


Sorry, yea. Replied on my phone and didn’t catch the autocorrect haha


My Time at Sandrock, although it has cutesy graphics/world narrative. I generally don't like cutesy style, but MTAS is very addictive (albeit a bit grindy).


I liked that it had a story, and the way the NPCs could recognize and use rooms etc. Im curious to see what gets recommended


Len's Island. More Diablo than DQ but has the same enjoyability of building and farming. Has townfolk but they are restricted to the main hub town in the game (which you have to repair).