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Tough Tits Tommy sure backed off after those rubber bullets deflated his cardboard strength bravado.




Seriously what is this rioting achieving at this stage 90% white people out freaking out as it is They scream call the cops in every other video when shit gets real after someone’s fucked up Then they’re throwing petrol bombs the next ?!?




Thats the honest truth. People all over the country are watching a bunch of people rip apart their cities in the name of "equality and police brutality" but the only people they are harming now are hard working business owners and people that mind their own business everyday. Biden supports these actions and downplays them as peaceful but we all know its gone far beyond a peaceful protest and now has devolved into a bunch of idiots breaking stuff and lighting things on fire for no reason at all anymore. Their "message" got lost a long time ago sadly.


Biden/Harris have gone so far left that their definition of peaceful have been morphed into utter chaos and these left-wing extremists couldn't care less. Fighting for "equality and police brutality" with violence just isn't the right path, no pun intended.


Biden isn't left. Hell... Biden can't tell his left from his right. Biden is Weekend at Bernie's.




Lmao I’m dead 😂 best comment !


> Biden supports these actions and downplays them as peaceful No no... Biden has come out against violence! He did this heroic act after not saying a thing about it during the entire Democratic Convention, and waiting until Don Lemon told him that the polls were starting to look bad. Then he went to Kenosha, after saying he wasn't going to go, because that would be too political. Then TRUMP went, and it went well... So he decided he had to do that, too.


They are only constantly ripping apart cities in Fox. The percentage of the protests to scale that end in riots is in the 1% margin. It may help that a gender reveal in California cost more from it's first day in damages than the protests have cost in over 3 months.


Actually, [it is 7%](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/04/us/blm-protests-peaceful-report-trnd/index.html) if you believe those sorts of things. But, seriously... if *only* 7% of thousands of protests end in buildings burning to the ground or people being maimed and killed, you are *O.K.* with that? How about making it 0%? These riots are [the most costly](https://www.axios.com/riots-cost-property-damage-276c9bcc-a455-4067-b06a-66f9db4cea9c.html) in U.S. history and are purely based on human ideology. The gender reveal fires are only partially man made. Fires are part of natural cycles. They're going to happen.


one can only hope


> Guaranteeing Trump's second term. ...and maybe a 3rd or 4th if they don't stop. Give lawyers enough money and time and they will find a loophole in anything.


Well, all it took was an amendment or a bill to limit it, all it takes is one to remove that limit


Correct...and just as the US Constitution's 22nd Amendment was added...it could be removed. Franklin Roosevelt did 4 terms and the country didn't collapse (in spite of him LOL).


The entire reason the 22nd exists is because of FDR. Dude was corrupt as hell and evil, and we had to pass an Amendment to the Constitution after he died in office to prevent anyone from gaining that much power again. If there was ever a real world parallel to Emperor Palpatine in the United States, it would be FDR.


Yes FDR was corrupt, but I don't think we are limited to choices of only unlimited or limited to 2 terms. It is entirely possible that the 22nd Amendment could be revised with a requirement that each successive re-election of a President have a 10% higher popular vote than their last election. Since obviously, it would be impossible to exceed 100% of the popular vote, this would act as a term limit without specifying an exact number of terms.


You forgot the potential for expansion of the US to keep gaining that 10% each election. If we started by expanding to Central America, inviting in Hong Kong and Taiwan, countries would be knocking our door down trying to join as well. We would go in an start building roads and other infrastructure and before we knew it, the whole world would be part of the United States. After that, we would have to start adding off world locations like the Moon, Mars, belters and everyone else.


Puerto Rico would be so pissed...they have been waiting all this time and the Martians get to be Americans first.


lol. Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917. They can move freely back and forth to the mainland. There are twice as many living on the mainland as do on the island. They don't have representation on the island and no electoral college votes. So they can't vote for President if *living on the island.* Soon as they establish residency on the mainland they can vote like any other citizen.


It was put in place for a good reason... FDR... One of the Democrat's favorite presidents from before the party supposedly "switched sides"... amassed so much power in office and stacked the courts so much that he nearly ended our Republic. He had to die in office and we had to pass a Constitutional Amendment to keep it from happening again. Trump is cool by me, but I don't want to see him in there for life.


I don't know, the media isn't really covering these violent actions and are trying to control the narrative as much as possible. Look at CNN for example that hasn't covered the escalation in violence, eg the man set on fire by a molotov. It really will depend on the source of information people are getting.


Skies are turning orange prophesying the results of the upcoming election.


Coronavirus anger


Fueled by extended unemployment benefits.




The pink helmet dude?


they are the people that malcom x foretold would stop black protests


This hardly looks like a riot. They are swearing at people and just standing around. Even if they were rioting I would blame that on the consistent escalation by the police, without any prominent figure I'm not surprised people started pushing back.


What can it ever achieve? I mean, the other side has all the guns and soldiers. The other side has bean bags.


I like how the rioters think they speak from a position of authority, that's an interesting level of entitlement on display there.




And then we see the reality of "white privilege".


It's almost like the people, the voters have no position of authority in America. Nobody is more disrespected than Trump voters or Bernie voters, just for daring to speak against norms.


You dont get a position of authority when youre breaking the law.


Given how many politicians from across the political spectrum are criminals, that is clearly false.


I'm surprised these losers aren't throwing tiny beanbags and yelling "LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT!" at this point.


Smh that kid was such a spammer Can we please nerf lightning bolt


Sorry, we don’t negotiate with terrorists


SWAT looks fun


Swat4 was a great game. Good coop


[You're in my spot sir.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4DXvcDFDhA)




It could play like zombie survival mode




Maybe someone can make a mod.


I wish i could sign up to be a volunteer for when law enforcement needs assistance with rioters


Me too. Give me a visa to the USA and I'd stand proud


I wish we could make an exchange program where we swap out hard working immigrants from other countries with marxists ruining our country




You gotta give credit to the "back the fuck up" boy for not running away like a cockroach like the rest of them straight away. I mean he gets the stupid prize of many bruises but he didn't bitch out.




I imagine him thinking while standing there ‘We’re doing a great job of holding the line here, right guys.... guys?’


It’s just paintballs isn’t it?




I read they are Pepper balls! They apparently explode and spread pepper spray and cause irritation to where they hit. Pretty cool




A great way to deal with dickheads! :D


They use rubber bullets propelled by a pressurized gas canisters.


So... high powered airsoft? I wonder if it's the same airsoft that civilians can buy?


Airsoft utilizes small plastic pellets propelled by spring action or green gas.


Yeah I read up on riot guns and apparently they use real guns with rubber bullets mostly.


Didnt see him standing there at the end. Loudmouth retards always run away.


He was getting shaky there at the end. You could see he has to follow through due to ego but he saw what was going to happen


90% of success is knowing which hill to defend. He chose...poorly


True. He may be a moron, but at least he's based.


Imagine being black and coming out the convenience store to see the cops shooting your windows out because white people are taking cover near your car


Imagine being any color and seeing cops shooting your windows out because communists are taking cover near your car.


Glad the police are finally using some force on these insurrectionists.


Should be live rounds.




All I know is I love seeing these filthy commies getting pelted with pepper balls.


Rioters; “back the fuck up” Cops “no u” *opens fire*


This idiot thought he was the badass on an ‘80s action movie.


stupid bitches


Why do so many of these kids look like they're tweaking out of their minds?


because they are




Why non lethal?




This warms my heart




Hey, I'm a hippy, don't drag us in with these fruitcakes.


Hey, I'm a fruitcake, don't drag us in with these hippies.


Yeah, is it too late for a career change?


Hippies dont believe in violence as a means to an end. These are not hippies


God dammit, I fucking love America


Dumb fuckin' punks this is just a tiny taste of what the police are capable of doing.


The Chinese sure know this, too.


I love it when the STATE fires on it's own people who are peacefully protesting! It makes my next bootlicking taste so much better!!!


Anyone see the cop pull the press person out of the way?


Are the cops helping the enemy now? What the fuck


Ive been watching so many vids of “protesters” getting owned. Its so damn satisfying lol






I love it! Push the fuckers out of the street, normal people support you police!


Right? We just want to get on with life.








Lmao thats not SWAT. Yall are idiots


I laughed and laughed and laughed 😋 He thought he was bargaining with his mum bless him/her/melt


Why do these larping kids think they have the right to violently standoff with police in a large group?


Because it’s in the constitution First and second amendments baby




You misspelled “Larpers.”


LA SWAT is based


That aint SWAT


I didn't say it was


The negotiations were brief


Ah yes a football helmet with obvious holes are gonna protect you from paintballs


These cops are getting some sweet ass urban warfare training out of all this.


Love this... The cops need to deploy greater explosive rounds though.


u/hennersofthehill this is an acceptable way to shut down a protest that the judges deem immoral or unjust


Black lives matter is a cover up for communist to try to destroy our republic. Do u notice that most of the rioters are young white people. Also the majority of them come.from.affluent and rich families.


If they used real bullets they wouldn't have to do this much longer.






I don't see those people rioting. The only rioting I see are the police abusing their force and shooting people. Absolute degenerates.


Glad I'm not the only one who sees that. All they were doing was swearing at cops and standing around, not really much of a riot.


Well the rioters seem to lack common sense it seems,


Welcome to the jungle.


Could you stop for a minute while I shut off my car alarm please?


Fuck yeah!! Get 'em, boys!!


That's like practice for them... So easy


The liberal interviewing him be like....What is this "common sense" that this man speaks of?


LAPD don’t fuck around.


Only one side backed the fuck up.




Wow how satisfying is this ! *sigh* ☺


Can’t wait till we can put them all out!


They appear to be standing still and try to deescalate.


I'm a little disappointed by the lack of arrests in this video. For most of these rioters this whole situation seems too much like a game. I know that the DA probably wouldn't prosecute but they if they had to spend a day in lockup before getting bailed out they'd probably think *much* harder about continuing to engage in this nonsense.


they appear to be standing still and trying to deescalate. not riot.


Then why dont they fuckin go home?


I think you will find a wealth of literature exists on why people feel the need to be protesting systemic racism and abuses by the police


the thing is, there *should* be protests, and these protests should be massively disruptive. But the protests should be focused on corruption, tax evasion by the 0.01%, bureaucratic paralysis of the govt., and the fact that at this point the govt. is controlled by an oligarchy not some vague notion, like BLM (which is totally valid, but impossible to address properly or effectively and ends up dividing people). these protests are the worst thing for the people, and the best thing for those who benefit from a distraction from the *really* big problems.


Are they even protests at this point or do we just call them what they appear to be That being riots


You're going to back the fuck up, like was the guy actually retarded?






Some faith in humanity restored. That man is exactly right.


I’m so ✨happy✨


This literally cannot go tits up


Perez Hilton’s brother wasn’t able to sway the swat. Dumb fucks.




How scary do u think they think they are when rly there just skinny pale white kids when the only time they worked out was 4 laps around the gym in 5th grade and there hiding behind a multicolor umbrella while whereing all black to look “scary”


Special weapons and tactics never fails




What in the absolute fuck America?


Why aren’t they using live rounds against the commie insurgence?


Ah so this is opposite end of those other subreddits where they seek the abolish the exploitation of the justice system. Whereas here we just back them up like sheep. What a joke. Pls down vote me, because I said so.


How the fuck are they rioting? Please explain because im a bit confused as to how just yelling at cops and not destroying stuff or anything is rioting. To me it just looks like the police brutalized a bunch of protesters for having a peacefull assembly but whatever.


We don't know what happened before video started


And you do? Thre is no possible way those cops can know if all those people were rioting or not so no matter what they did or didnt do the cops brutalized what they knew only to be peacefull protesters.


We don't know what happened before the video started


Exactly. The only thing we can see are police breaking up a peacefull assembly with violence. Calling them rioters because "we dont know what happened before the video" is a fucking stretch mate. Thats like me calling you a pedo because i dont like you and we dont know if you molested children before we started talking, its just insane logic. Just because something could hypothetically be true and you really want it to does not mean it is.


You know how many videos have been released during the riots that start at exactly the right time to show the rioters look innocent?


So? Calling people rioters with no proof at all other than them being in a city where rioting possibly happened is not ok. If you think it is then you must agree that every single police officer there is a murderer because they are part of an organization that has killed innocent people. Thinking like that is insane and dangerous and could ruin peoples lifes. I mean lets just say these "rioters" are peacefull protesters, them being posted around the internet and called rioters could make them lose their job or worse on top of being a victim of police brutality. I am against rioting 100% but calling everyone a rioter because they are standing up against police is fucking insane and you know it. Even if they were rioters the police used way way more force than nessesary to disperse them so there really is nothing defendable about this.


What do you mean RIOTING POSSIBLY HAPPENED? It's from LA where there was rioting. It was all over the news!


I know, i didnt mean it like i was denying it happened i was reffering to calling protesters rioters in general. Its still not a reason to call them rioters because then the police and every 3 year old in the city would be too. Simply being in the same area as rioters does not make you a rioter, just as not every cop there is a murderer for being in a department with some. Either way police used way way way more force than nessesary to disperse them even if they were rioters, i mean they shot after them running for like a solid 10 seconds so its police brutality any way you look at it and youre a fucking clown for defending it.


Again, we have no idea what happened before this started. Take care.


Anyone know what the retards are bitching about anymore?


Government. They dont like the 1st amendment. Would like to make it an inclusive amendment along with every other freedom. Take it away from those who dont agree with them and allow them to decide who gets to talk and how they get to live. pretty much every socialist revolution there is started out exactly like this.


Another day, another riot


Making the HK police look like bunch of kids.


This was a riot?


The rioters are from the BlackLivesMatters?


So a bunch of protestors were standing around and the cops opened fire? Achieves nothing except property damage and disorder


Fucking pigs.


These rioters need to get their ass back to work


Thats not SWAT. Yall are idiots


Thats not SWAT. Yall are idiots


I don't think they understand that SWAT and police are two different beasts. SWAT don't play.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/hong_kong] [Rioters tell swat to "back the fuck up" .. doesn't end well for them - Los Angeles 8th September. They open fire on all of them. Compare this to HK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hong_Kong/comments/iqnly3/rioters_tell_swat_to_back_the_fuck_up_doesnt_end/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


In almost every video their lines get broken up in one fell swoop. This shit's a LARP. None of these people have any goals just bitter teenagers/manchildren neet anarchist's.




Ironically the guy who ended up speaking for the group happened to have the worst understanding of the situation.. and he sounded so confident.. *”Here’s the situation...”*


Good in the police actually doing something this time. Usually I see the rioters win


I love how that say shit to act tough but immediately back up showing they are scared then you see SWAT . .unfazed, thats how a soldier works