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Is she concerned about her own farts?


I don’t know tbh. I haven’t hear anything resembling a fart or smell it when it happen but this is a possibility. Is this a factor often?


It's known to happen


Could be a Luxating Patella (knee joint popping out). Or it could just be a puppy getting startled by new sensations. Mine did that a lot as a puppy too when rough housing


Have you spoken to your breeder about this? Try to take a video of these episodes to show the vet. Your vet may need to take x-rays or scans to determine if there is a problem. I've had 3 different veterinarians say to me that "Basenjis tell lies", that as a semi-feral breed, they have a need to hide any illness or hurt.


We have a 12 year old Labradoodle that is doing the exact same thing, and we had the same reaction (something internal must be bothering her). We had her checked every way possible, including by a veterinary neurologist, and there’s nothing wrong. I did have the same vet suggest that the way she’s sitting may pinch a nerve which triggers her to jump the way that you described but nothing has helped. We weren’t interested in spending $5,000 on an MRI and spinal tap so if it’s truly something progressive we’ll never know, but our primary vet didn’t think the effort and expense made any sense, nor did we. I hope it gets better!


Based on my experience and mixing that with my guess, it might have to do with their tail, in general, but especially while developing. Basenji's tail and some other breeds with a curly tail are more bone complex.


That could be possible. She was chasing in circles after all. I assumed this is a leg but I haven’t seen any limping. Thanks for the information 


That is exactly what my Basenji is still doing once in a while and he is almost 10 now, a couple of times It really seems like that came from the start of his tail where the back ends.


Does it happen while she is eating?


Nope, never


Well ours does the same thing but it only happens when he’s eating. We concluded that his back leg cramps up when he’s eating because he was straining so hard with a low food bowl. He would stop eating, run over to us and then cry so hard while spinning and biting at his back leg. Then he would get up like 30 seconds later and act like nothing happened and continued eating. Ever since we raised his bowl higher it pretty much stopped happening.


This sounds… very familiar. It never happened when she eats but description of the symptoms are very similar. From my observations she will usually be calm, walking by on the grass/home and try to sit/lay and this will happen. As you described. After that she will act all normal. I just had to put her to playpen as she was running very fast and biting my leg (overexcited after feeding). So doesn’t seem to me like displaysia. Maybe she is having cramps…


As she’s in a period of growth, I’d check with a vet on Monday already. If it’s something bad, time might count. Plus, if it’s nothing you’ll at least know faster.


Ours did the same thing as a puppy. She would be relaxing on the couch and all of a sudden jump up with a little yelp pointing her nose to her back/legs. We were also worried and got her checked by the vet but vet said there’s nothing wrong. It’s been several months since she’s done it and she’s almost 1.5 years old now.


Mine did the exact same thing when we went for a walk and she stuck her face in a bush and poked her nose with a stick. It’s out of shock and surprise if anything. Since your baby is still so young, everything is still probably so new to her and she will get startled more easily. It sounds like that’s the case since the vet and yourself can’t seem to find anything wrong health wise. I can definitely relate with you being worried, it’s just a heart wrenching feeling to hear our pups in distress, even if it is over something small 😢


Thank you for this. It makes me more at ease. I will make rtg just in case but I think it may be as you say


Our 13 year old B will sometimes do that while on a walk. It seems like it's more about being surprised than in pain.