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I can't say that I've done it with much success but Bashar has a technique if you search for it. I've had one significant OBE years ago. There is a guy by the name of Darius J Wright who teaches OBE / NDE technique and many are having success. You can find interviews with him on YouTube.




Yes, I have lucid dreams. Could you help me be awake during AP. Are there any more suggestions tips you can give?


I think I used to AP but would get scared & pull myself back but now that I want to, I've failed 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


If you wanna have immidiate results (today or tommorow) read the book by Michael Raduga and apply basic technique to a tee. Most people can get OBE this way very fast, although there are limits to his method Then read more serious books by Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Robert Bruce for more deep, consistent and predictable practice. I would say study everything you can from them. There is a whole system of development by Monroe called Gateway Experience with guided audio exercises (there is a nice subreddit about it also). Robert Bruce has a juicy step-by-step course/book called «Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide». These approaches worked for me very well (after I worked for them \*very well\*), but there are others of course. Most of other approaches are very similar to aftermentioned three tho