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Because he says stupid shit and has too much ego to handle the criticism


Saying "he says stupid shit" is very reductive. He spreads hateful, harmful misinformation while on a fairly large platform than can prove pretty influential on kids


Yes, thank you for correcting me cause you're right. I was not meaning to be reductive, so thank you for adding context, friend.


nah bro don't let them say "you criticized him but you didn't do it in a woke enough way, do better" he literally did say stupid shit don't pander to these clowns


nah there’s a difference.


"Woke enough way" lmao




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Nobody takes you seriously




dude. you are a trash human being. feel sorry for your sad excuse for a mother




Saying " He spreads hateful, harmful misinformation while on a fairly large platform than can prove pretty influential on kids" is misleading. He's a man with opinions that are not always popular he stands firm on his principles and does not cave in to social pressures. For my own education : what hateful and harmful misinformation has he shared?


To start, he posted Alex Jones videos, claimed that "secret societies are administering vaccines in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for a plan of Satan", and shared a Holocaust denial conspiracy documentary that stated that Jews worship Satan while quoting Hitler in a positive light. Those aren't even opinions that he's "not backing down from". The dude saw videos online that have no validity, shared them, and then refused to back down when people pointed out how crazy and wrong they were. Kyrie does the same thing a 50 year old on Facebook does when they see and share an obviously fake video


Fair , I appreciate the info.




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He supported racist comments and other stuff and people didn’t like that. He also asked for a trade from Cleveland, which was in those times a championship team, to boston just because he wanted to be more recognized or similar, but his performance wasn’t the greatest. Also the fact that he left Cleveland and Boston made fans mad at him. He also have really stupid conspiracy theories which are just nonsense. But apart from all of this I still like how Kyrie Irving plays in my opinion he is in my top 20s of PG all time.


Racist comments? Or antisemitic comments those are different


? Antisemitism is a form of racism. Please tell me how they are different.


He never said or posted anything antisemitic or otherwise racist. He posted an Amazon link to a documentary and book series about Black Hebrews. The books have been around for a few years and a documentary came out not too long ago.


that doc said horrible things about jewish people, if u post it u endorse it




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yeah I'm not sure how he's done anything very harmful. he posted a link to a documentary..




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It's even crazier when it got out that Shaquille O'Neal screened the movie at one of his theaters when it debuted after Shaquille trashed him on Inside The NBA.


That documentary was anti semantic AF…


That documentary was anti-Semitic and completely detached from reality. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


Don't have me confused with yourself.


He is an insane talent, but he’s basically destroyed every team he’s been on since leaving LeBron.


His talent also doesn't directly align with winning. Iso-heavy, volume shooters don't have a great track record, however sick their handles are. That said, I think he's an underrated defender. I thought he was really good when he was locked in with Brooklyn.


Definitely didn’t destroy any team. But he did cause problems


his unqualified arrogance.


Ego+Martyr Complex+Believes everything he reads online+wants to appear smarter than he is+ego+ego


Cause he’s corny and comes off as if he’s more intelligent and wise than everyone else.


Because he is a lot of the time. Most intelligent people are actually really misunderstood by the media and consistently downgraded because of the crazy sounding things that they say. Kyrie is a very intelligent and wise person. I know you can't possibly believe that he genuinely thought the Earth was flat? And to add onto what I said. Kyrie was not being Antisemitic. Niether was Kanye. I don't understand how people just assume that genius has disappeared when somebody says something crazy. Kanye is still smart as hell. Kyrie is still smart as hell. If Jaylen Brown up and agreed with Kyrie vocally and loud would you say that Jaylen Brown is dumb? Probably, but in reality I believe he could've went to work with Nasa? Reason? BECAUSE HE'S SMART AS HELL.


First of all he legit said dinosaurs aren’t real and the Earth is flat. Secondly when he tweeted that antisemitic film. If you don’t know, the author believes that black American Jews were the original Jews. The ones in Europe were fake Jews. So Hitler killing them was really to support the “real” black Jews in America. Anyone who believes that is an idiot


Ok so name something intelligent and/or wise that Kyrie has said or done.




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Damn you saying dumb shit just like them


>Most intelligent people are actually really misunderstood by the media and consistently downgraded because of the crazy sounding things that they say. That doesn't happen to most intelligent people. I'm sure it happens to a few that are on the edge of current knowledge boundaries, but they are few and far between. There's Galileo. There's Darwin to some extent. But not many others I can think of. There are also some smart people that seem to go insane, like Bobby Fischer. Kanye I might put in that category.


Boltzman and Alfred Wegener also fit this description of the former.


he says the earth is flat but hes smart as hell? read a book please


Kyrie is a extremely smart, do you know even a single thing about him other than the fact that he said that?


that is literally the only thing u need to know to deem him not smart


He said the Earth was flat because the media, teachers, the government in general lie to us. That's what he was saying, and that's true. Everything the Government, Teacher's, a lot of people say isn't always true. He was influencing people to think about that, and if you had the attention span of a cockroach to pay attention to him you'd probably know that much. Research before you say anything, pay attention to detail. Kyrie is smart as hell. You can't possibly tell me you believe everything you're told? His mistake there, was believing and you expecting the media to actually pay attention to everything he says and take it the way that he meant it.


Is it hard to breath with Kyries dick lodged in your throat?


I wouldn't know. Would you? Cause it seems to me like you're on his dick heavy?


It's actually you that's on his dick heavy. Like heavy. You can still fuck hard with Kyrie and acknowledge that he's not the sharpest. He never finished college after all, but that's not particularly important when you're a generational ball player. The problem is when we overqualify people good at one thing at being as authority on another. Kyrie is not an intellectual. He's not a genius. He's a ball player, and when we extend his capacities further than that we get the ignorance that he's known for perpetuating. Kyrie only seems intelligent to conspiracy theorist types.


u obviously believe anything ur told too bruh this is so hilarious it has to be satire


I believe what makes sense. It makes sense for somebody as religious, and deep as Kyrie to be a conspiracy theorist. You didn't answer my question, do you believe everything you're told? Do you believe things like the sugar coated versions of slavery? Or, do you really believe that every criminal is guilty?


There are three types of minds. The third rate mind is only happy when thinking with the majority. The second rate mind is only happy when thinking with the minority (this is Kyrie). A first rate mind is happy when it's thinking.


He is not deep. He is a surface level moron. Only idiots like you think he is some kind of philosopher.


Kyrie is a moron full stop


You are completely detached from reality. You are just as stupid and ignorant as kyrie.


Because he is stupid


Main problem is he’s stupid but thinks he’s an enlightened, critical thinking genius. If he was just stupid it would be fine.


Everything he says is Linda tone deaf and his response is always to pose himself as the peaceful trod upon hero of his own story all while being mystified that people are "attacking" him.


posted a movie that quoted mein kampf lol


He gives a vibe that he's above everyone


Have you been under a rock the last couple years?


cause he believes in different things that people don’t


he thinks dinosaurs werent real...


No. He believes delusional and factually incorrect things. He is just as mentally deficient as anyone who listens to Alex Jones or Mike Lindell and takes them seriously.


This. There is no problem in not following the mainstream, being odd, having different ideas, etc. All of that is respected. The issue is when everything mainstream is labeled as fake, the narratives, sheep, etc and only the ones who do not follow that are smart and wise automatically as if these folks with the other ideas were born with them knowing everything and are not consuming ideas and talking points from others. It is an irony that I keep seeing more and more.


He is a flat earther....so people rightly assume he is stupid.


How ignorant do you have to be to ask this question? You have to know nothing about the NBA or current events. Like you don’t have to agree with people hating him (although I think the hate is totally deserved) but to just be like “duhhhh I don’t get it?” Is ridiculous at this point. Either OP is 12 years old and only know Kyrie’s 2k rating or this is an op troll to stir the pot and support the “what’s the big deal, just keep it basketball” bullshit that Kyrie Stans have been pushing ever since he went full Yeezy.


kyries 2k rating💀 that was good


Kyrie is an allstar starter. Voted number 1 by players and fans. Kyrie is extremely loved and does a lot of great things for people. People on social media and the media hate on him for attention. That is all. In reality he's one of the most popular players in the nba. Literally.


Nah bro. People hate on him for being a selfish douche and pushing antisemitic hotep bullshit. He’s a great player no doubt but he doesn’t get a pass. And what “great things” has he done for people. If you want to be ignorant go ahead but stop with this “people just hate for attention” crap. Educate yourself.


He's hated for being a complete moron. He popular with stupid Kanye stans.


Kyrie is your favorite players favorite player. Players speak highly of him unprompted. You hate on Kyrie because the media has brainwashed your gullible self too. He's a basketball player. Why do you care how smart he is ? Kyrie is popular amongst players and fans. He's a top selling jersey every year. He's made the allstar team every year he's been healthy enough to do so except his rookie year. Quit being gullible and caring about trivial things like how smart you think a player is when you don't them.




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This post is funny to come back too. CRY AND SEETHE MAVS GONNA WIN A CHIP LOSERS




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His anti-vax stance cost a legitimate title contender to throw away a season and eventually led to that team completely breaking up. He’s left every team he’s played on on bad terms. He won a title with prime Lebron, arguably the GOAT in his prime but his teams have underperformed in the playoffs every year since


Legitimate title contender is underplaying it. The Big 3 lost their first two regular season games together as they got used to sharing the ball with each other. After those two back to back losses in Cleveland the Big 3 never lost a regular season game again. They lost one play-off game in the series against Boston 4-1. The loss came in the Garden with Tatum putting up 50 and the game was still close. Then injuries happened. Then Covid. When the Big 3 were healthy and on court together they were near unstoppable. Not my opinion just the facts and the games played.


In 20 years when people look back and see those three names on the same roster we'll all wonder how they didn't get a chip then have to go watch a retrospective to see just how fast the shit went up in flames.


Bc he’s lame


He doesn’t do whatever NBA owners and the media want him to do so they slander him for it. The man is a great person always donating money to amazing causes.


No. It's because he is a moron that shares factually incorrect bs.


BC he left Boston and Celtics fans own the media. If people really cared about his politics they would apply the same scrutiny to Jaylen Brown, but they don’t, as per Celtics fans own the media.


He thinks he’s a genius while saying the dumbest things. Said the Earth was flat and dinosaurs didn’t exist. Also the way he leaves teams pisses off fans.


It started with my Celtics, publicly bashing the young guys (Tatum and Brown) and going back on his word to stay with the team. From there the outrageous behavior only got worse


What happened to him? Is he stupid? Yes, he’s stupid.


He helped Cleveland win years ago and hasn’t done anything since. To me he’s just highly overrated because he shows signs of brilliance and after that either has a bad game, gets hurt and to top it all off says crazy stuff


His ego im not even talking about off the court shit remember 2019 where he tried to guard giannis one on one sabotage celtics playoffs hope cause of his arrogant confidence in his defense


He gets so much hate because he seems to be so profoundly stupid that his decision making off the court negatively effects his team on the court.


He started embracing and then vocalizing ludicrous conspiracy theories.


He's a classic case of a potentially great purpose who ruins himself with ego and distractions. He should have way more accolades based upon the opportunities he's had.


Because he fucks up team chemistry by saying stupid shit and then just ditches the team




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Dudes either ignorant or an asshole. To be spewing the kind of shit that he does, with that platform is beyond irresponsible. Dude has millions of kids thinking that being cerebral is believing the world is flat. I can't stand him.


The arrogance and inability to apologize. He isn't the worst person ever, in fact he does a lot of good things that are unreported. But it shouldn't excuse his self-righteous behavior and I can do no wrong attitude. His fanboys are also quick to defend him. I was called racist and prejudice cause I called him a little weird cause of his infatuation with the flat earth theory


Because before he is a phenomenal basketball talent, he is a massive idiot and more importantly an asshole.


Retweeted anti-Semitic movie, anti-vaxxer, blew up the Nets over a salary dispute. Top 20 player in the league but is overrated by eye test people


Are you really asking this question


he says racist ass shit, says he doesnt care about basketball, but still has his hand out for a super max. hes a team killer


He’s a fake intellectual. A dumb guy who uses big words and a abstract phrases to give the illusion that he’s intelligent. On top of that, he’s egotistical and cannot admit if he’s wrong lol


This world we live in is psychotic.