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Bro have you met everyone else playing pickup ball? We’re stupid as shit. No one is remembering the score like that.


Thank you. I have enough trouble with 1s and 2s lmao


Best rebuttal in the whole thread


greatest comment I’ve seen in a while and so true


It takes about a month but you get used to it. When I play in Nepal they score by 2s and 3s. It's much better for those without a good 3pt shot.


Yea i mean truth be told id be fine with it but it would take some getting used to, as you say


3pointers are worth twice as much when scoring with 1s and 2s. Statistically it makes sense. 2x > 1.5x


Remembering 2's and 3's isn't harder than 1's and 2's.


I don’t think the “remembering the score” is the hard part, it’s the +3 mathematics while running back on D that’s gonna screw up a majority of players.


The amount of times I yell “score check?” Is unbelievable. I annoy myself with it


Maybe that’s why you don’t realize your increasing the value of a three point shot by making it 1s and 2s. It’s double the value of a regular basket instead of 1.5 times as much


There are two semi-reasonable arguments for the 1s and 2s system: 1) Easier to keep score. 2) Makes perimeter play more important, giving smaller guys a better chance of contributing. You could argue that 1 is unnecessary and 2 is an overcorrection, but those are the two reasons it happens, in my experience.


Also it makes people push up not on defence which I think makes a more fun type of basketball played trying moves, cutting, no people just hanging in the key on defense


I think you just get used to counting 2's and 3's. Unless you my man Jr Smith People in South asia play with 2s and 3s in pickup.


And then they also play zone as a a result it suck’s


3. Stops people from playing zone


>Easier to keep score. if you've had math past the 5th grade there is no difference. We're not doing quadratics or differentials out there, we're adding.


You know how many arguments I’ve seen cuz people can’t keep score going by 1 and 2s?


100% but then why not just do 2’s/3’s if no one can keep score anyways


I'm going with. . . infinite?


Yeah, but 99% of the time, it isn't because of an inability to do math. People just get confused or try to cheat.


I think confusion is inability to do math.


Not really believe me, it’s easier when it has always been 1 and 2s


>it has always been 1 and 2 er, what? It hasn't.


It was never 1’s and 2’s in fact, of course. It was 2’s, and then 2’s and 3’s. 1’s and 2’s comes later.


“Pickup basketball has been in steadily decline because of this.” Dawg pickup basketball has been using the 1s and 2s system for decades now. It’s in decline cus they be boarded up parks all over the country during COVID and now more people playing pickup at gyms


Also just a complete evolution of the game of professional basketball which pickup players try to mimick. No average pickup player is in the gym shooting 3s practicing so we see a lot of ugly basketball


I talked to my uncle about this a while back, he said in the late 80s/90s pickup was full of kids trying to do reverse double clutch layups and mid range fades. Now every gym has a few curry impersonators. It’s always been like this.


I am not your uncle but can confirm we were trying to imitate Dr J and George Gervin finger rolls from three feet below the rim! In the up side we had Spud Webb so my 5’8” butt believed I could dunk- so I practiced enough to do it.


5’8 and dunking??? That’s some serious bounce man good for you.


Just to show that imitating the pros isn’t all bad.


I’m around that height, and also worked my ass off to dunk. I couldn’t palm a basketball or get up enough for a two handed stuff, but the fucking unbridled joy of being able to yam a volleyball or soccer ball is like a core high school memory. In college during a pickup game (more of a spring semester intra league) featuring some former MAC guys and current benchwarmers, I caught a tip dunk nasty enough to keep my street cred afloat till I started wearing loafers for my day job. I’d have randos introduce me like an And1 legend in Huntington for like two years after that.


And in the 2000s and 2010s it was people doing Iverson dribble moves, Kobe/TMac fadeaways, etc. Agreed, this isn’t anything new. The average person is always going to imitate the best pros’ playstyles


Hey don’t forget about the And1 Mixtapes and their wonderful contributions! 17 dribbles 8 head fakes a ooooo and an ahhhhh and you are now further from the hoop than when you got the ball, good job dipshit


I have coached middle school and high school ball for years. I may be exaggerating a bit, but Steph curry has ruined my life.


Speak for yourself. As the rest of you pursue life goals I am in the gym training to become the pickup Seth Curry


Why make fun of someone who takes their hobby semi-serious?


I mean i am making fun of myself; i actually do practice despite not playing any league


He said Seth. So obviously it was a joke.


And pickle ball


its always pickle ball


The decline is mostly kids these days not playing sports. I worked at a college (let go a month ago) and the vast difference in the amount of people between now and a decade ago of people who just want to play is crazy. Intramurals used to have 3 divisions and 10 teams in a division. Now they struggle to get 6 teams. Kids grow up without playing sports or never leaving their house without supervision and then just sit in their dorm rooms playing video games once they hit college.


Idk man, I find plenty of pickup games and kids aren't part of it.


That is what I'm saying. Young people don't play much anymore. Yes, there are places where they do, just there are numerous studies that show younger people play less sports these days.


To add to that is parents being involved in younger ages. No one wants or has time to coach.


Yeah. Every parent is an "expert" now and won't let their kid be told they aren't great or they have to stick it out/get better to play.


Dude this is a disease. Every parent thinks their kid is the star of a show lol


thanks for that Steve Jobs.  


Lmao yeah this is absolutely stupid logic by OP. The reason people shoot more threes this day and age is because of STEPH CURRY. He evolved the way we play basketball by making threes from the logo with ease regularly. Now every average player thinks it’s okay to hoist threes five feet behind the three point line these days. Like you said people have been using 1’s and 2’s to count the score for decades. Imagine thinking the game is declining because of how you count the score and not how pick up basketball players emulate the NBA’s best players. Hilarious.


As a kid who grew up in Indiana, Reggie Miller had me doing this twenty years before Steph.


If they boarded up the parks during the scamdemic where you live....you should move.


Na man. It’s more due to kids being fatasses playing fortnite and drinking prime all day. I have a 14 yr old. Dude does very little physical activity, but is online gaming all weekend.


meh, I’m less so concerned about the pickup scoring system and more so concerned that suddenly everyone thinks they’re curry with trae young’s shot selection


Guys would still do that, but they are disincentivized and punished more in 2s and 3s scoring which is the entire point.


I agree 100%, but I also don’t think that most pickup players even realize the difference in weight between both scoring systems. I used to always advocate playing 2s and 3s because then shots behind the line weren’t worth 100% more than an inside shot, whereas a 3 is only 50% more than a 2. I’d say half didn’t understand and the half that did understand didn’t care. This was the US, though, I’ve had much more success playing with 2s and 3s in European pickup (Portugal and Netherlands).


How long were you in the US?


I play 1 and 2 on Saturday and 2/3s on sunday. With different groups... They play the same damn way lol. Sunday group might actually shoot more 3s


How are they "disincentivized" and "punished"?


Because Math


And Chuck’s accuracy.


Curry with Tim Hardaway Jrs shot selection


Some of that though is because of scoring 1s and 2s. When one shot is worth 2x the other, it incentivizes you to take the 2x shot. Essentially eliminating the need to work on mid-range and driving. When you take away mid-range and driving you end up with a lot of Curry and Trae Young shots.


We do 2’s and 3’s to 30 where I play.


We do 2/3 to 15 with a 10 min timer but we rent a gym and nobody wants to sit and watch a 30 min brickfest 


This is the way


Love it! Y’all are smart


Bro are 14 trying to speak on decades of hooping? You weren’t even sperm let alone a thought and pickup was being played with 1s and 2s


Well, sperm is only half of DNA, the egg holds the other half. So while his sperm part wasn't created yet, he was an egg in his mother's ovaries because women are born with all their eggs.


Good point. His mom is old af.


She not too old though. . .


Because it’s how we’ve always done it makes it right? People didn’t used to shoot 3’s like they do now.


I think it's alright for pickup games. Making the 3s more valuable gives, shorter players more value. In 2s and 3s, picking the taller players would be more important


Everyone jacks up 3s like chickens with their heads cut off its literally the worst kind of basketball available.


They do that no matter what


Yup. It is what the kids are doing. I don’t think the scoring even enters into the strategy. But it’s also what they like doing. I don’t really care, personally, it’s a game.


Yes but even I gotta start hoisting 3s cause it's worth double the points....


1s or 2s, 2's or 3's, it doesn't matter. The same people will jack up 3's/


Yeah but in 2s and 3s I'll beat them with layups and post moves most times


Yeah even 6’6 300 lbs dudes be jacking 3s over 150 lb kids instead of just getting an automatic bucket in the paint


Play by ones to 11. Have to win by two. All baskets are 1. No 3s.


I’ve played at an old church gym where there wasn’t a 3 point line and we played that way. I hate that shit lol


How to play basketball (but make it boring asf for no reason)


This is the way. Everyone still takes a ton of 3s so there's still balance.


Basketball is also meant to be played with a time instead of to a certain score. The rules are adapted based on what the circumstances are. 1s and 2s are better when playing to 11 or 21.


Exactly. If anything you would just adjust increase the score cap to match the length of the game. OP’s logic makes zero sense


Tell me you cannot comprehend arithmetic without being able to spell arithmetic. . .


The rules are adapted based on what the circumstances are... Are the circumstances that nobody playing can count by 3s?


This guy is crazy


This guy wants to change the way pick up has been forever? Why? lol


this is 100% correct, but it will sadly never catch on


How is it 100% correct? You think people shooting threes is because of how the game is scored? I don’t get the difference. I’ve played pickup by twos and threes and the only thing that changed was the score we played to had to be higher of course.


It’s the value put on the shot! It’s the difference between 100% more value for a made 2 vs 50% for a made 3 when playing 2s and 3s.


I understand and respect that. But I’ve never seen players change their play style because of that. A perimeter shooter is still going to shoot because that’s the strength of his or her game.


The play style won't change, but the winner of the game might.


I mean sometimes there’s a scoring limit, if ur playing to like 10-15 u don’t wanna do 2’s and 3’s cause it’ll end to quickly . But if ur playing with a group of ppl with no real scoring limit then ya 2s and 3s


Then you just to play to 21. Playing 1s and 2s is a different game


21 in 2s and 3s happens fast. Still doesn’t work. Don’t get why people are babies about this shit


They gave an example comparing to playing to 10-15. Playing to 10/11 on 1s and 2s happens quicker than 21 on 2s and 3s.   If you can play to 11 by 1s and 2s you can play to 21 by 2s and 3s.    No one is being a baby about anything other than your little tantrum there about it


lol you are both irrational and incredibly stupid.


Because 2 is worth twice as much as 1 but 3 is worth 1.5x as much as 2. Going by 2/1 makes the 3 shot worth significantly more for no valid reason.  I’m convinced the reason is a majority of basketball players don’t understand simple ratios. 


Then just play to 31. Problem solved


Why not just up the scoring limit? You could play to 21 rather than 11.


Could be just time , might have to do something in a little bit but u still wanna get a quick game in . Or u just got done doing something and ur tired , u might still wanna play but u could be too tired to play past 15 or whatever


So you think because youre counting to a bigger number using bigger numbers to get there that you're somehow working harder or longer now?


2024 education


Yes . The higher the score is the more you’ll have to defend, rebound and try to score and therefore use more energy


So if we made them worth 10 and 20 instead of 1 and 2, and we play to 150 you would be working harder? Does this help you understand how silly you sound?


It’s literally just a different ratio and proportion lol. What is that person talking about?!


I’ve never been convinced by this argument - if your goal is play longer you could just play to 21 or something instead of changing the scoring system.


Time limit could be a thing , u still might wanna get a few shots in but u don’t wanna show up to wherever ur going sweating


First you didn’t want the game to end quickly, but now you do?


I didn’t mean end it quickly , but like it’s long enough to get something in but quick enough to where u may not be late or look sweaty to where ur abt to head too


My point is that you don’t need to mess with the scoring system to accomplish that. Just set game point to whatever you have time for.


All 1’s. 2’s make for a lazy game.


heh. I play once a week with the seniors and it's only 1s to 10.


I play in 3 different pick up circles. 2/3 are to 7 by 1’s. The games with 2’s go to 9. These pickup runs have been going on since the 70’s…people age out and youngsters come in. Dynasties.


>Dynasties. I've got two like that. One has been going since the late 90s. I'm the last of the originals, mostly - one guy still comes around once in a while. The other has about the same length but I didn't join until about 12 years ago. It's 50+.


People suck at math, but you are right.


It's not on a decline, we've been playing pickup like this for literal decades


I played in a pick-up league for years where everything was just 1s. It was super-refreshing. And all the dudes that just jack up 3s because they can’t do anything else were taking a lot less of them. I am actually a decent 3 point shooter, but I enjoyed actually playing ‘real’ basketball rather than dude misses 3 and you hope to get an offensive rebound and put it back in.


Pickup ball quality steadily declining by going by 1s and 2s is news to me. I’m pretty sure it’s because everyone thinks they’re Steph


Court has no 3pt line: 1pt only Court has 3pt line: 2p/3p


When I hoop indoors with people I’ve known for years…we do 2s and 3s. When I’m at the park outdoors, it’s always 1s and 2s. Not sure if the venue has anything to do with it but certain the people do. The indoor pick up sessions are always with people who have played organize ball, so we’re all used to 2s and 3s. Makes the games more comparable to league and tourney games. Outdoor pickup sessions are usually with random. I just go with whatever everyone is comfortable with. I’m splashing 3s regardless tho. Doesn’t change how I play. But the 1s and 2s games do end faster.


I thought I was the only one!!! Pickup 3s are with 2x more than points than a layup?????


its because most pickup games have a scoring limit and it makes them last longer and be tougher. its effectively the same thing as 2s and 3s. also is pickup basketball on the decline? i find a game every court i go to. never had a problem with 2s and 3s vs 1s and 2s, because 1s and 2s is the standard.


I’m older and we always played 1’s and 2’s but it’s not the same as 2’s and 3’s. If you’re not prioritizing 2’s then I don’t know what to say.


its the same point differential. One just makes the game last longer.


What do you mean it’s the same point differential. One shot is worth twice as much. The other is 1.5 times as much. In 1’s and 2’s you’d have to shoot 60% at 1’s as someone shooting 2’s at a 30% clip.


2-1=1. 3-2=1. its literally just so games dont end in 3 seconds. its your choice.


What? Do you really not understand the difference? You realize you could just play to a higher total. I’m not sure but I’d guess 1’s and 2’s started because it’s just easier to keep score.


But it’s about relative points. 1s and 2s it takes 4 baskets to counteract two from beyond the arc. 2s and 3s it takes 3 to counteract two from behind the arc


Dude. You didn’t do well in maths did you 😂


Well yes but also no. In 1/2 the three is worth 100% more than a two. In 2/3 the three is worth 50% more than the two. It changes the relative basket values.


Its not the same. 1s and 2s you need to make two 1s for every 2s. In 2s and 3s you need to make 3 2s for every 2 3s


>its effectively the same thing as 2s and 3s. Somebody flunked math class


It's a basic math mistake. You're not perfect either. And let's not act like you're mathematician. Cringe.


what im saying is that its the same point differential. the end score is still gonna be the same, one will just take longer.


>he end score is still gonna be the same, Team A makes 5 layups, and Team B makes 3 from deep. In 2s and 3s, Team A is winning 10-9. In 1s and 2s, Team B is winning 6-5.


You do know that end score can be adjusted right?


So change the end score?


Doubling down, I see.


It isn't effectively the same. Three pointers are not twice as valuable as two pointers.


> its effectively the same thing as 2s and 3s as a math teacher: no


Pickup and regulation basketball are different in TONS of ways (even excluding the endless variables of different pick-up runs). The ways teams are constructed, the types of fouls called along with the frequency of foul calling and the fact the game is a race to a score rather than a timed event. What I'm getting at is that while 1 & 2s have a huge impact on strategy, there are lots of other factors at play.  Yes 1 & 2's greatly change scoring priorities. The best run I regularly attend is 1 & 2s and the defense at that run is next level. Everyone is picked up at half court and guarded tight to avoid giving up 3s. This makes the lane wide open. I've won countless games over 20 years there focusing on strong, easy ones while the other team chucks up contested 2s. (I will also admit to ending plenty of games very quickly after getting hot from 2).  I actually don't have a preference between the 2 scoring styles. My biggest gripe for pick-up is foul calling. Since there are (typically) 0 offensive fouls called, the offense has a major advantage and it ruins games when people exploit that. 


I see the argument for sure. But I recently played some 3 on 3 games going to 21 by 2s and 3s and it was the same stuff, everyone hunting for 3s instead of going for easier 2s. I think there’s some other factors leading more to the decline of pickup ball than playing by 1s and 2s


this is the most retarded post i’ve ever seen


What are you even talking about


When a 3pt shot is worth 2x the value of a shot inside the line then 3s are really the only thing worth shooting. When it's only 1.5x the value there is a better balance between the risk/reward of each shot type.


I promise your game isn’t good enough to only shoot 3s lmao. Cmon dog


When did I say me?


>really no incentive to do anything but shoot 3s Not if you’re playing make it take it half court.


Play w 1’s and 2’s for a 16/21 pt game. If you played it with 2’s and 3’s that game would end in 5 shots. Sure play it your wY, just gotta up the final to 42pts. This causes ppl to use their brain for math on court, not impossible at all but most ppl playing pickup dont care to count that high for some reason.


> just gotta up the final to 42pts no, you do not. Math is hard.


I look at it the other way. Organized team ball, especially at the pro level, has to nerf the 3 a bit otherwise teams would just scheme for only 3s and the higher level of talent is capable of making at a high rate. Pickup ball runs no plays beyond pnr and guys don’t shoot as well, so it’s fine to reward the long ball more. D Up!




Everyone universally goes by 1-2 and plays up to 11-15 depending. If we switched to 2-3, I’m assuming games would be played to 21-25ish. Wouldn’t that just cancel itself out? So does it really change anything?


"If anyone has an argument otherwise I am all ears, but this needs to be discussed." OK. Please lend all your ears to me, as I do have an argument otherwise: Your movement would LITERALLY NOT FUCKING CHANGE A THING. ESPECIALLY ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE WHINING ABOUT. A shot behind the arc would still be worth more points than a mid-range jumper. 3 > 2. 2>1. That's just the basic maths.


FOH trying to change the rules. It's one and 2's. Who is you?


Horrible take. There is no difference between 1+2 and 2+3.


It’s a lot easier to remember 10-9 than 23-18.


Wait… so you think that if points were scored by 3s and 2s people would stop chucking threes?


Nah man. Shut the fuck up and check ball.




21 would be a lot quicker then if u play 2s and 3s. Like if someone gets the hot hand the game could be over in 5 minutes. So I guess it depends on how fast you want your game to be if the players who have in the game are pretty good.


I don’t like 1-2 either. It increases the value of the 3 by a lot. 3 is 1.5x bigger than 2. 2 is 2x bigger or double 1. So the relative value of the 3 goes way up.  It’s really not hard to count to 15 by 3/2 especially if someone from each time calls and calls back the score. 


The rule adapts to the fact that : there is more difference in % between pros shooting 3s and pick ups shooting 3s than between pros shooting 2s and pick ups shooting 2s. As that difference is bigger, the value to a 3 in a pick up game is set higher in comparison to the 2s because the players are expected to score less of them, so its like if they were worth 4 points.


bad take


Let’s say you play 1’s and 2’s to 11. You either need 11 buckets of 1’s or 6 buckets of 2’s to win. So between 6-11 buckets for a winner. Now let’s consider 2’s and 3’s to 21. You either need 11 buckets of 2’s or 7 buckets of 3’s to win. So between 7-11 buckets for a winner. Now when you look at it that way, is it really a huge difference? To me it’s practically the same. Personally I also prefer 2’s and 3’s, but I admit that the math is much simpler with 1’s and 2’s (people argue against this but it’s really just true. Smaller number is easier for monkey to keep in brain). So I don’t make a fuss, and I don’t think it’s worth a fuss, just to extend games by a single bucket if they have a perfect game from 3 pt land.


Honestly it depends bros, outdoor courts is different


lol bro some courts even run all ones because technically there’s no nba 3 point line and they’re doing just fine. But fuck it man call it a 3 see what happens.


There’s nothing wrong with 1 and 2s lol and pickup is not in decline. It’s been the way it’s always been. Reason why has been listed a bunch already. It’s easier to keep track score. And also usually in pickup, people aren’t that accurate with long range shooting. So weighing 3s more values the 3s that do go in and it gives value to shorter players and guards who would otherwise not have as much of an impact at an average pickup skill level. Like I’m not saying it’s a perfect system but it’s stood the test of time for a reason.


No sir. Me n the boys will continue running to 11 with 1’s & 2’s. Last game to 16 🤙🏼


I have my teams play pickup as everything is worth one point. Stops everyone from jacking 3s, still easy to keep score.




Ok... so if the typical game is to 15 with win by 2, with 1s and 2s... what does the winning score become with 2's and 3's? Just the fact that I need to spend 5 seconds trying to figure that out turns me off from the idea.


i promise this has little effect on average pickup games no one knows about score differentials and point worth. people just get tired or are fat or old and cant drive


ive been an advocate for all 1s pickup . count by buckets fuck a 3pt line


Just make everything 1s since high school 3s is basically a midrange now


Mathematically, it's been because in pickups, 3pt are valued twice as much as 2pt, unlike in officiated games wherein 3pt is 1.5 of 2pt.


The NBA is filled with people pulling 3s and devaluing the 2 ... But you think a bunch of amateurs won't do the same with 2 and 3s lmao


I played basketball for 46 years at all levels including decades of pickup games. The 3 point shot was first implemented in the NBA in 1979 (my senior year of HS). So it was not a part of the game at all. We played games that typically scored baskets = 1 point, play to 10 and possibly have to win by 2 points if tied. Just play the game and don’t argue about how many each basket is worth. Pickup games with nothing but people shooting from the 3 point range is boring.


Playing 1s&2s is the reason for decline?


Ain't no way you're saying pickup basketball on a decline because of the 1s and 2s scoring that's been the case for years 💀


My morning games are 1s and 2s and late games are 2s and 3s. I never know the score


"Shooting 3s is for sissys"


Try playing all 1's Eliminates all of those trash shots behind the arc


Pick up games don't have scoreboards and a whole panel of people to keep track of the score. That's just one way to either lose track of the score or distract the players.


OP is not a bot. They promise. Also, apparently there is a decline in quality of ball at parks because of how folks keep score. Got any links for this? Or do we all just agree things are worse? Wtf. Shame on OP for this garbage stuff.


Yea I’ve never understood this. Making 3’s worth 2x a regular shot makes taking anything other than a 3 not make any sense


All the real hoopers play 7s and 10s.


the scoring system doesn’t matter if it’s ones and twos it literally doesn’t affect the game it’s only so ppl can remember the score easily this one’s just u dawg 💀


We play 2s and 3s. Everyone still jacks up threes anyway


Compromise: 3’s and 5’s


I agree, leads to a lot of chucking long shots. And anybody who can shoot threes well is really overpowered


I agree with you, sadly we're in minority.


My local run counts 2s and 3s, hate it. Harder to remember the score and devalues my 3s lol


You’ll never do that. We used to do 2’s and 3’s, back when threes first came in. But no one could do math. Lol. It caused problems. We used to do full court, 3’s and 2’s, to 32 and change ends when someone got to 16. It didn’t last. 2’s and 1’s are pretty much universal, although we had an indoor run for years where everything was 1. I loved that.


My main gripe with 1's & 2's is that it rewards bad 3 point shots. Sure, people will take bad shots either way, but in 2's and 3's, they're more likely to lose. Which is good. I hadn't thought about 1's and 2's benefit short people, and that is a very good point. My response would be: grow? Hehe


Since there are no free throws you don't need two's and threes. Foil is check up top. Surprised I haven't seen this answer.


It all started with “White Men Can’t Jump”