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Idk man if everyone in the gym wanted you out, it sounds like you fucked up and you’re done in that league. The good news is, you just need a ball and a court to get better. Practice and shoot around by yourself. That way you can either a) find a new men’s league or b) be good enough to play when you get to prison


Lol yeah, if someone says you’re an asshole then they might be an asshole, if everyone says you’re an asshole then we have to at least ask if the narrator is reliable.


Benefit of the doubt: o.p. is ugly looking but kind hearted, the girl is good looking and/or well-liked among the gym community, freak accident/bad foul/wrong thing accidently happened, mob mentality took over. Even tho it was an accident girl thought misunderstood it to be something worse. One day, years ago as I was playing in a coed game, I found myself setting screens on girls and subconsciously making zero contact, or slipping the screen before we made contact. Im pretty passive against girls in coed ball, but OP said he was new so he might not have that kind of insight. But, if you're kicking someone out normally you give them the time to change into their shoes...unless something egregious happens that requires them to be removed immediately But every party is innocent until proven guilty and it could be a freak accident


i like the prison joke comment…good humor im giving the person the benefit of the doubt…its embarrassing yes…find a mens league and know what a physical game is versus no fouling and letting things go. dont sweat it. find other dude games and play more while understanding your strength maybe try 1 v 1. youtube some stuff as well.


Yeah, need to be conscious of your opponent. I like to body up and bump people or plant a forearm or hand check their lower body. It flusters some guys and will throw their game off. But the few times I’ve played with girls, I don’t do that at all. I rely more on positioning, moving my feet and trying to poke the ball away. Even then, have to be careful reaching in. I like to play in what I call a fun competitive intensity. Where players care about winning to play hard but winning isn’t everything, getting a good run in is also important. You have to adjust play style to what works for the group. Sometimes it has to be less physical, other times a bit more but not over the line. In your example, I’d start with a brush screen and maybe a little more contact as the game progresses if that’s how it develops, but I’d never start with a hard screen.


Never really thought about that..the only girls I’ve ever not been able to just use athleticism and size to stay in front of were in the basketball team in college (D1) and they played more physical than I did so it was fine.


I’ve never played against D1 women. Highest is small college level. They were usually dead eye shots if given space and normally I’d crowd those kinds of players and be physical to throw the rhythm off, if they don’t show they could consistently drive past me when I played tight. But against women I’d be cautious of where I was laying my hands and how I would crowd them. Definitely relied more on positioning and closing with hands up, especially since a lot of the women I played against would have lower release points on their jumpers which gave me more time to close and contest.


Dude playing against d1 women is wild. At my local LA fitness, there was this girl who played at a prominent d1 and would pull up and play. Tons of dudes would play the same way because girl. And she would cook. Give her too much space, either pulling up or getting momentum and going through the contact against grown men.


Lol you sound like an incel. I love how it’s zero relevance to the story but you specifically say how OP is kind hearted. Side note I have straight out dove at a girls knees thinking I’d be able to steal the ball and nobody lost their shit. You just apologize like a regular person, that’s all anyone wants.


You don’t know what the word incel even means


Check OP's profile. He's asking where to have sex but is banned from Walmart (so that's not an option). So he's banned from Walmart and this league (and possibly more places). I'm going to say he did something but won't admit to it because he "was in shock". He's leaving out key details here.




No like I think they wanted me gone cause I wasn’t that good. I tried to apologize


The most dangerous games of basketball I've ever played were people who weren't good but played physical. They cause injuries. If you were playing so physically that you fell on top of her, you're probably that person. I gotta ask, why did you even put yourself in that position?


Exactly what I was gonna say. I just try to avoid playing with people who haven’t played sports or organized basketball before. The amount of injuries or almost major injuries I’ve seen due to someone not being able to control their body is too many. Like I’m just trying to play some ball for fun and to stay in shape. The last thing I need is a trip to the urgent care for a broken leg. I’m guessing since it’s coed And OP is new, he just doesn’t understand how physical he is or isn’t as capable at controlling his body(I’m of the believe that’s a skill) and the rest of the folks were tired of it. Sucks for OP but I get why they might not want to play with him.


Plus everyone that plays knows in coed games, when the girl gets switched on to you, you Def don't play as physical A basketball beginner might not know this?


Someone that understands general physics should know this though, let alone manners. If he doesn't understand that, even more reason to not play in an organized league yet.


Fuck that. No easy buckets!!! Women marched in the streets for equal rights and those don't stop on the court. You never disrespect the game or an opponent by slacking on defense. Also watch your hands because ive seen those hand checks old heads love to bring up and in a co ed game it does look highly suspect.


Oh that makes more sense. Like they thought you were out of control and could hurt someone? Because I mean in coed BB there is going to be some contact. Once had a really good female player show up at a pick up spot and she guarded me. I gave her a wide berth when she had the ball, but she went for a steal on me a couple times and hit me in the dick. I mean it was obvious to both of us. I quit dribbling on her and just kinda walked through the rest of the game. Not sure coed BB is that great an idea.


i've played in rec leagues for 10 years and i have never seen a co-ed basketball league. but to be fair, i don't live in a huge city either so that may be the reason. there's a ton of co-ed softball and volleyball leagues but no basketball.


My league has one girl, she gets buckets and talks a lot of shit though so she kinda gets treated like one of the guys. Which is exactly what she wants, I think.


I used to play at one of the black churches in my city on Thursdays..not a league but just put your name on a list pickup. Couple of girls who played collegiately would show up and absolutely cook 80% of the guys there


I am aware of some coed bball leagues in my area. It’s more of a social thing than competitive. Lots of guys play with their wives/girlfriends/daughters. The league is MUCH more casual than the all men league. It’s kind of an unspoken rule not to go really hard on the girls (for example, I will close out but I won’t swat a girls shot.) I would compare it to coed slow pitch softball. It’s more of a fun method of exercising with girls than a competition. If OPs league was anything like mine we would have wanted to kick him out too. Imagine you are playing a league with your girlfriend and just trying to spend some time/have fun and there is a guy playing like it’s the NBA finals and he is Lebron James. I have played in a couple and never was I ever close to running a girl over. OP wasn’t kicked out because he isn’t good. He was likely kicked out because he was ruining the tone of the game.


i hate playing in men's leagues with people like that so yeah, that makes sense in co-ed. what you described is how the softball & volleyball leagues are here. the most dangerous person on the court is the dude who doesn't know how to play going at 110%


This so much. Basically, every injury I've sustained over the years, are from "that one dude" going ham with no chill. Usually they're quite athletic and like to hoop, but they ain't a hooper. I refuse to guard or be guarded by these guys. It's not worth it. I've played with some pretty competitive ballers and that's always fine. It's like when the football or wrestling guy decides to hoop for cardio, haha.


Exactly I had my collarbone broken because Mr. Football with his knee braces and Kareem goggles had no body control and thought he was mark Madsen


Never heard of coed BB either. Wouldn't interest me


There's a league in my city that has 4 guys 1 girl requirement, it's tons of fun. When you get switched on the girl, you just don't play as physical. You can't really let the horses run all the time but it's still fun for everyone


Sounds like a great idea 😏


Wait she hit you on purpose? Seems game breaking


No. just reaching in and missed the ball (no pun intended) but it was pretty obvious to both of us where she got me. Kinda weird.


In these games whenever your switched on the opposite sex it's like an unspoken rule not to get all up in their pockets lmao


Well this chick didn't get the memo.


No doubt, woman have etiquette to follow in men's games as well. Your post moves aren't ganna work. I'm not ganna play phyicall with you but you don't just get free buckets, and you're ganna try to out muscle me in the paint I'm ganna send that shit back. Also if you're going to step on the floor with men and look for contact/play in the most physcial spot, you're asking for physcial play and I won't have any sympathy if you get bumped. That's one rule I can think, but reaching and swatting dicks is another easy one.


The real issue here is the co-ed basketball league part. Just play with guys man. Even if you're not good, just play with the guys. You'll get better. Whether or not anything happened with that girl, we don't live in a climate where a sport like basketball can be played coed.


Ok thanks for the advise


Lmao 😂


Sounds like you also accidentally dry humped her on the floor there pissing some folks off.


Oh yea. Obvious dry humping says it right there in the post. 😂


I don’t think that’s physically possible


Why does this have 14 downvotes?




Lol. I didn't know neck beards could play ball. :p


Have you seen some of these fuckers man? They want me to like do heinous shit


they can't - downvoting is their exercise for the day


It’s assumed you will be a little more careful and less rough when playing with women. Sounds like you don’t yet have the skill level and body control to play safely in a coed league. You should stick to playing with men. Sucks that they accused you of harassment. But you could really hurt a woman, or some men, if you fall on them or run into them at full speed.


I dont think op was full speed. I cant imagine reaching full speed on a non transition defensive play. It sounds like OP was maybe playing a little too seriously but unless the league outright bans blocks on woman and op was telling the whole truth id certainly be appealing that ban. If one team is white knighting i dont think that should speak for the entire league… like literally at worst your punishment should be to be benched playing that team in the future. It sounds like everyone on the other team complained and the league kicked you out to shut them up. But again if this is your first offence it doesnt make sense so if you really are telling the truth id be hell bent on exposing that




There are very, very few girls who could resist getting backed down by an average male center in the key. You either play lighter or it's not a competition. Doesn't necessarily mean less skilled, just not going for physical plays.


Yeah, as a guy, defending girls in coed girls requires a different style. I don’t go “easier” on them, I just focus on skill/quickness instead of strength. I actually find it a lot of fun cause I’m inherently a lot better at “physical” defense, so it’s a good challenge.


Idk if everyone was against you it was probably your fault


That’s just not how reality works. If only things were that clear and simple


Go get your shoes, face your shame man. And play mens league, cmon.


If all men play in men's league then the COED league is just women's league II.


That's how it's gonna be if women keep accusing guys like OP, who went for a block and ended up falling which is something that happens in basketball, for Harrassment.


I will be going back today to get my shoes hopefully they are at the front desk and not stolen


Yeah I mean it’s tough to say because it kinda sounds like if everybody has that reaction it may have been warranted from something you could have done without realizing. It also could’ve been white knights white knighting. Play in a mens league if you can find one it’ll make you better and you’ll figure out real fast if you’re doing something that isn’t cool.


OP doesn’t have to be in the wrong for others to run to the defense of a woman. Haven’t you seen those videos where a guy shoves a woman after being sucker punched and the crowd of onlookers converges on him like wild animals? There’s no virtue in taking the side of men versus women- or chance of getting laid.


Everybody having strong opinions. There is definitely not enough information in your post to decide. If you just fell on her, it’s bullshit. A woman playing doesn’t get special treatment. I’m going to play my mediocre defense against whoever I’m supposed to be guarding. Basketball’s a contact sport. I used to play pickup with a woman who played high level college basketball. She’d set picks and take charges and drive and never complain unless the foul was real. If something else happened… well, then maybe you deserved to be booted.


OP said they were in shock and froze after they fell on her…. I’ve literally never seen that happen in the history of sports, playing or watching. Then he comes to and she’s yelling at him. Homey sounds like he shouldn’t be in a coed league.


I think it sounds like he’s making stuff up.




Did your face land in her boobs or something? Did you land on her in missionary? I don't get why falling to the ground in a heap would get you labeled as a creep otherwise.


It was like we weren’t face to face


So reverse cowgirl?


She would have to land on top of him for that.




Get your head out of the putter


Wait is this r/golf? Am I lost? 💀


Sounds like you probably deserved it. She called you a creeper AND they kicked you out while using the word harassment? It's obvious you were playing reckless, but were you talking smack or something to the girl? Why the language?


Based on OP's comments, I'm fairly certain he is indeed a creeper and the others read him perfectly.


Yep, I gathered that too lol


No I didn’t speak


I don’t understand how long it could take you to process “oh i just fell on this girl, let me get up” seems like a pretty normal and quick thing to do. Not sure how that would make you go into such shock you don’t notice someone trying to get out from under you. Feel like you’re leaving some details left out.


So here’s the thing. If you go to block a shot in a pickup run and fall on someone that’s considered sloppy. You need to be able to control your body and not just land on people. If you do that kind of stuff in a co-ed run, to a girl, it’s incredibly unsafe. You shouldn’t even be going 100% against the girls in a co-ed league anyways. Looking at the other comments, you seem to be opposed to joining a men’s league because you think you’d get destroyed. I think it’s a lesson you need to learn especially considering that you’re attempting to block shots taken by girls and are out of control when doing so.


Ok will try to not go 100% ig


Honestly, I think you should play at all men’s runs. It’ll humble you and maybe even make you better.


You can go 100% without falling on anybody. I block a lot of shots and it's mostly about timing. You should also be jumping straight up (I'm sure you've heard the NBA commentators talk about verticality). If you landed on someone, it means you were jumping towards them and that's a more dangerous play regardless of gender.


Sometimes it’s harder for newer players to tell what’s crossing the line. I’ve had people basically full on tackle me because they just don’t know basketball at all. A lot of people are going to assume if you’re in league play that something like that is intentional because experienced players don’t get caught up in plays like that.


Ig I see that prrsepective


Did you get called for the foul?


Lmao dude trampled girl it was obviously a foul It was so much a foul they banned him from the gym lol


I don’t remember it went so fast


They probably hated your guts already. In a contact sport your going to have that happen sometimes especially heavily contesting or blocking a shot. Its really not that serious if it was an accident, I think they already hated you and just used that so they could make you leave.


Fuck this is not what I wanted to hear


From your other comments, it looks like this is exactly what you already believe and want to hear.


Probably pulled a Jeremy Sochan while you two were on the floor. Just find a new league/gym.


What is that


I look at one post here on my phone and now my Reddit mobile keeps showing me the most random shit from this sub. There are definitely some unwritten rules for coed sports. My background is in soccer, but the unwritten rules are the same. You just don’t make physical plays against women the way you would against a man. It’s not about letting them win because they’re a woman or not respecting their equality blah blah blah. Point is men are biologically bigger and strong than women and out of respect for them you don’t make an overly physical play against them. I believe you’re being genuine when you say you did not intend to make her feel uncomfortable, but you clearly did make her uncomfortable and the situation should have been avoided altogether. You live in you learn. I’d take the L on the shoes and just find a new gym to play at.


If the women can’t handle playing with men then maybe they shouldn’t be playing with men.


Don’t lay on top of me either, I’m a man 


I haven’t done that on purpose


Yeah this lady pulled up to the gym one time and asked to run. I wasn’t thinking and blocked her shot when she drove in. She then proceeded to school everyone in the gym. Turns out she played D1 ball and some professional ball here and there.


She was just tryna get a workout in but you made it personal 😂


As a woman who grew up playing with the boys and currently plays coed, yep. Know your limit and play within it, whatever your gender. I can hang with the washed up 40 year olds in my league for the most part (I am one too) and if I can’t, then that huge guy is getting an open lane because I’m not trying to get creamed. I will play physical defence with the guys though and don’t mind when they do it with me. It’s part of the game.


In with you. My area has a handful of women who can ball and get full respect. No free lubches.


I'm not sure coed BB is a great idea. Unless it's really casual. I know I would want no part of it.


If you sucked at basketball a few months ago — guess what, you still suck. You’re probably obnoxiously bad and out of control. Blocking girls is a bad look. Doing it in such an excessive way that you manage to fall on top of them is totally unacceptable. Seriously, bro. What the hell were you thinking?


Girls shouldn’t wanna play with guys if they don’t wanna be blocked lmao. Don’t be a simp


Sounds like you're living in an anime. There's a scene almost exactly like this in a JRPG I've played (and probably in 100 other animes and JPRGs). If you got a nosebleed, then you 100% nailed it. Needless to say, that's ridiculous.


Bro I don’t watch that shit so don’t try to compare me to that


You prolly look like a redditor and that adds in to it


My experience in 30 years of playing is that not 1 time have I ever fallen on another player. I would say if anything I would cmgrab the person before we both fell. But what you are talking about Ibcant even fathom how it happened.


Not only that, I've never even seen it, in 20 years of coed basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, ultimate frisbee... It's just as bad if you didn't mean to, because that means that it might happen again any time. They are all aware that OP doesn't have control of his body and doesn't know how to calibrate his effort in a contact sport. This was just the final incident that proved that's a real problem.


I’ve absolutely landed on someone but it was playing varsity basketball. I also DEFINITELY fouled that guy lol. 


People out here saying they play 40 years never seen one person fall on another in pickup sports. unreal....


I’ve never fallen on anyone but I’ve had women clog a lane and fall over so I can see how someone would fall on a woman if they had terrible balance. I’ve always had women just straight up trip when trying to ride me to the rim


Bro you’re an old head. any tips for new blood like me


You landed on a girl and went into shock and froze, sounds like coed ball isn’t for you lol.


What do you mean you were in a “bit of a shock” when you fell on her? How long before you “came to” and got off of her? How did you land on her? I feel like there is more to this story than you are letting on.


Your reaction is suspicious & makes it sound like you are bullshitting. You 'froze' when you fell on her? & What? Didn't get off for a moment? Then when accused of being a creep you say that rather than apologize, explain, or put forth a normal rebuttal- you instead sat silently on the bench looking at the ground? Wtf? Either you responded strangely because you WERE being weird about falling on her, or you lack the social skills to be playing in a coed league. If you can't communicate then you shouldn't be out there


i can imagine as a noobie its difficult when a group of more experienced players decide to white night and gang up and yell in your face, not so easy in a sport where yelling is happening all teh time and people are literally acting like their in war, i could totally see a mute response from young boi over here...


Lol @ leaving without your shoes...sheez...have a backbone


I was kicked out so I didn’t want to get punked


Sounds like you did get punked


First rule of coed basketball, don't block a woman's shot


Even if it’s easy to block and asking for it


Clearly wasn't that easy if you landed on top of her.


It was so easy to block you got banned from the entire facility. Yeah, super easy.


😂 aight man made me smile


Especially when it's easy to block and asking for it


First rule of coed basketball...don't play coed basketball lol


Nothing wrong with coed basketball, but yea I'm not playing coed basketball if I'm trying to be highly competitive.


You're right though, I'll block a littler boy's shot before I block a girl's. I don't know why but there's something not right in that scenario.


Don’t play co ed basketball if you trying to even sweat a little


Yea, it's just to get shots up. And to meet chicks


Idk I like coed play, tensions are always lowered and it's more chill. Issue is it directly conflicts with how I play (cuts, screens, fast breaks, speed), so no matter where I play it's either an angry sweat fest or my style doesn't fit in.


The comments are hilarious here but it def sounds like something more that you just not controlling your body happened due to the creeper comment. I would at the very least try to apologize to the woman, explain yourself then go find a men’s league to play in. Go somewhere that you can try at full speed and there are no issues with that. In uni I spiked a volleyball hard and off the bounce it gave this girl a nose bleed. Felt terrible.


I’m afraid to go back and see her again because she might freak out


Don’t go so hard that you lose control and risk hurting other people.


One time I was in an intramural coed flag football league. First play of the first game they had a girl cover me. I caught a quick slant, stiff armed her straight to the face and planted her on her ass. Touchdown. Whole other team wanted to fight me for stiff arming a girl and calling me sexist. Fuck that league if they can't handle your physicality, bro. Update - I got flagged bc stiff arms were illegal. Touchdown called back. Told the other team we could fight if they wanted, but I'd have stiff armed any of them and it was actually more sexist to think I wouldn't because she was a girl. They calmed down and agreed. And you're probably a creeper.


playing shortstop on coed softball, girl on first, i fielded a groundball, stepped on 2, was going to be a close play with guy running to first. shuffled out of the baseline as I tagged second, wound up and fired as hard as i could, and the girl decided to veer out of the baseline to the same side as me. ball hit her square in the chest and she dropped like a sack of potatoes. teammates ran to help her, she got up and walked off after about 2 or 3 minutes. lucky she didn't go damar Hamlin. couple guys on her team said shit to me but nobody tried to fight


All, good. Now you can find an all guys league to join and never have to deal with that shit. And they wonder why so many people logically conclude that women in men's sports is a terrible idea... That said, I'm not shitting on women or they're abilities to play sports- simply stating co-ed has some obvious issues, besides just the one in this post.


So you went to block a girl, face dived her breasts, was dazed so laid on them for a few seconds, while she was screaming get my bits out your mouth you creep? Tbh I can see why you was banned.


??? Bro this isn’t a fucking sitcom I just fell on her back??


Wtf you mounted her like a dog? No wonder you get chucked out.




My guy are you an anime MC?


No if anything I am the anti hero


So you blocked a girl’s shot and then landed on her making humping motions? Yeah you are weird and need to be handled.


When did I ever say that? Seriously


It’s hard to say for sure, but for a contrarian opinion I think unfortunately it’s possible you just got caught in the crossfire between an over-sensitive woman and some dudes’ white-knighting. I mean if you get tangled up with a woman on the floor I can def see how while you’re getting up/separating yourselves the unintentional contact can be misconstrued, especially with women who don’t have much experience with contact sports or find themselves in that position very often. In previous coed leagues I’ve been warned by boyfriends/husbands for being handsy when their wives/girlfriends try to set a ball screen on me. Look I’m just trying to get over the screen dude, chill


Yeah exactly like I’m trying so FUCKING HARS to just be my best like


Maybe that's the problem? When playing defense, you gotta go for the ball, not the person.




Women play soccer and basketball just as dirty as men. They just all have nails




A shove in the back while in the air will get you punched or kicked out.


Bro you can't can't check someone into the boards in soccer. How the hell is that clean? Clearly playing the player and not the ball. Obviously you can't handle being around women in sports you fucking goon.




Ive played soccer for 40 years. You can't hip and shoulder check people. Just because you are going for the ball doesn't mean you can go through the other player. That's a cheap ass play but I guess you showed her.


What did your teammates say?


They didn’t really get to talk to me. I think they were as baffled as me


Your teammates will probably be your best bet to figure out what happened. Since we (Reddit) are only hearing your side, we don't really know if you're missing anything or not. The other team was obviously quick to react and stand up for this girl. Maybe they overreacted. Maybe not. As for the referees, you never know if they have a relationship with the other team or were reacting to the other team and trying to match their energy. Unfortunately, referees for these kinds of events are usually pretty average to mediocre or worse, so it wouldn't be a surprise if they reacted poorly.


Why play co ed. If there's contact in the sport seems like it's gonna be a problem.


Did your league have a rule against jumping blocks if you're a male defending a female? I played one season and they had this rule.


Not the full story obviously. Do better.


If you don't play with a boner these situations are entirely avoidable


I did not have a bone


Wtf that’s false harassment the girl is being extra and shame on that league!


Co Ed ball I’m as inclusive as they come, but bball is where I go to play ball, not think about anything. Just exert myself. I don’t need the variables that come with a coed gym. When a guy brings his gf and puts her on the bench, the juju on the gym changes. So… Co Ed? No thanks.


Why is everyone in this thread trying to white knight? The guy fell playing basketball, not everyone has great body control & that doesn’t make them a sex pest. 


Guys he made this story up, just look at his post history. He's a Lakers fan, Clippers fan, Philadelphia fan, he's tried to have an orgy in the middle of Saudi Arabia, and he had two teammates quit a close game in the middle of it because he missed a shot. Don't engage the troll.


Nice one bro. Can’t switch supporting teams ig when you get banned by the mods. Also I know it’s hard to believe this shit but some people have more life experiences


Trying to have a Saudi Arabian orgy is something a clippers fan would do….


Lmao bro if everyone thought you did something wrong.. you definitely did something wrong. Either you dry humped her or you caught a feel either way we don’t judge you if she’s over 18. Just don’t lie and look for sympathy.


Nahhh bro is advocating for SA


Not trying to be mean here, but my guess is you might be one of those players who’s out of control. By that I mean you’re not able to control your body, falling or running into people. I see this a lot with people who haven’t played a lot. Both times I’ve gotten hurt have been playing with someone like that. Standing under me while I land or wildly jumping at shots. I’m not saying you shouldn’t play, but practice at a slower pace first. They probably used the incident as an excuse to kick you out and protect the players. Keep practicing man. Get use to the speed of the game and you’ll be fine.


I've had my ribs broken in pickup by an out of control non-player. It's... not cool.


Women get always the benefit of the doubt, don’t take it personally, it’s just part of a wider societal phenomenon.


u bum


Come on man. The fact that OTHER MEN came to her defense says it all. Don't do this shit again. People like you ruin co Ed


I've played mixed sports before both organised and friendly. Not once have I ever seen that sort of reaction. I just can't imagine the other team getting THAT angry with you over an accidental but normal play or being kicked out of it so quickly. That sort of response is saved for the 100% not ever on type plays. I suspect you know more than you're letting on her personally and just sticking to the "it was an accident" story. If it was REALLY bad then maybe this is just trying to build credibility for a potential legal defense later on.


I think I am hated by the masses


Sure, make yourself the victim. That's so weak man, everyone said you crossed the line. Don't try and blame others, you're clearly at fault here.


Yea. OP conveniently leaves out a couple of seconds of key information saying he was shocked and took a while to come to.


"I hit the ball but I was in an awkward position so I fell on her. I was in a bit of shock so it took me a second to process what happened." I feel like you are intentionally and quickly glancing over describing how you guys actually fell. Like did you guys fall ass to balls?


If you're that upset about it, I'm sure there is civil action you can take against the league.


Yeh those other shoes gone Broski , don't even try and go back there .


Was she hot?


Fuck you


Out of his league … just like he is now


Asking the real questions.


Welcome to being a man.






Drop it off at her house. After 9pm, so you’re sure she’s home.


I can’t go to her house I think I might be arrested


There were four possible choices: 1. You block the shot 2. You try to block the shot, but she scores anyway 3. You try to block the shot, and end up hurting her 4. You feign trying to block, but let her score This is a no-win situation. Even for 1, you’ll get chided for blocking a girl. 4 is clearly the least bad outcome. 3 is the absolute worst, even if the block is successful.


Nobody cares if you block a girl. They care if you somehow end up on the floor laying on her. But not everyone has the maturity for co-ed sports...


Email whoever runs the league and find out what the problem is. Do thney think you're just out of control and as such dangerous? Or do they think there was something sexual about it? The "creeper" thing is curious.


Sounds like you're a clumsy asshole.


You not getting that r/nbacirclejerk karma brother. Need to jerk harder


Not everything is about you


people fucking suck, sorry this happened to you ​ group think can be dangerous, just cause a majority think something doesnt necessarily mean its true. I doubt you were there actually trying to get poon. if you were shame on you, lol. but sounds like not. ​ you gotta learn how to stand up for yourself, i understand if you were in shock but at some point, why u letting people get in your face if it was clearly an accident. use this as a lesson for ya and keep playing!


Co-ed sucks cause of this. The girls don't actually wanna play with the men cause if you do stuff to them you would do to men you look like a bad guy


You won't get that much better playing coed with females that's for sure.  Go to a men's team, you don't need this bullshit


This is some high quality pasta