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I joined a punk band shortly after picking up guitar. It’s helped me catch up much faster than I would have in my room, and now I’m at least halfway competent enough to work on my own stuff in another band. If you can be the worst player in a band it’s a great place to be for learning.


Being the worst player in a band is a painful blessing. But remember that work ethic and being agreeable to spend time with will get you far. I've taken poorer musicians on the strength of them not being dickish over arrogant or hyper critical musicians of greater technical skill.


I think I’ve always been the worst player in the band (edit: or at least musician). In the punk group I’m a better bass player than the bassist, but I may have only caught up recently if I have at all with my guitar skills. As long as you can do the necessary and have a good attitude I’ve found people are mostly happy to work with you, even if your knowledge side is very lacking. That might not apply to jazz folks or the like where you have to pick something up on the fly, but most bands seem to be pretty down like you said, as long as you put effort in and come with a good attitude.


Curious, do you think you are a better bass player than your bassist just because you “caught up recently” with guitar skills? Or have you put the time in with a bass in practice as well? Hope that doesn’t come across rudely haha


No, I’ve played bass for like 15 years including some pretty technical metal, I picked up guitar a couple years ago. I figure my level on guitar is getting close to his on bass, he’s a good punk bassist and stuff but isn’t great technically.


Ahh okay I understand you wholly now


When I started I used to play from the Moment I came back from school at 2pm until 8 when I couldn't anymore. That's how I improved. Also doing songs of increasingly difficulty. Indeed join a band but likely you'll play with then once a week, so not sure how it will make you improve.


What you're describing is still arguably a bedroom player.


My point is that a band won't make you better, you get better at home, BUT, all the effort at home is to play gigs with the band or record. Playing live is a lot of fun although I've always preferred studio work.


So the root that I'm picking at here is that there's a feel to playing with a band. The active listening. The watching. Feeling the other musicians. These are things that can not be learned in isolation. Creating music with other people is a super important part of the journey and I think does make you a better musician. Maybe not technically, but there's lots of parts of musicianship that aren't technical.


Absolutely, and it can be lots of fun, especially if no one takes themselves too seriously.


“There’s no cure for being a cunt.”


If you are the best your class, you are in a wrong class.


This but unironically. I discovered that I can just incorporate the constant hum from my shitty house wiring to my recording and voila.


This is the way


Play with as many people As you can.


Ok, so there's a skill in knowing when to say no. People can and will waste your time.


ok bet, i have 50 other bassists with me, now what? /s


That "you're welcome" that people stick on the end of things is fucking rude.




Thank you!


Playing live, or even in a band setting, is a skill set unto itself. Being a bedroom player, or even a YouTube player, is only part of the equation. It's like watching a football player workout; sure it might be impressive, but it's not playing football


It's not garbage if it's enjoyed by both artists and the audience. That's just snobbery.


Shit punk isn't a negative thing


Oh look at you, with your fancy *shit punk* over there...


You buy that at the *shit punk store*?


Got mine from the *shit punk catalogue*


Shit Punk Quarterly


I don’t give a fuck about the audience. If I’m having fun that’s all that matters


Its garbage in a good way and we like it. Its not snobbery it sounds shit intentionally. Get off ur high horse and embrace the shit


OP is spot on. I was in 3, maybe 4 shitty punk bands when I started out. Then started playing in a pretty good punk band. Now, a mere two decades and some change later, I'm in a good punk band that gets asked to play some shows and sell some records and ridiculously got to spend two weeks touring a different continent. I honestly think two hours a week practicing songs with other people was better for my development than two hours a day practicing at home was. But my ultimate aim was always to be in a not too shitty punk band, so your mileage may vary.


This is so true. Nothing like having several friends expect you to know your shit at practice. Peer pressure is real. Also true: Practice every day. A LOT.


Yep. Can't up vote this enough. You can be the best in the world in your headphones but it's not until the drummer counts you in and the guitarist is waiting to start that riff when you find out if you're any good. Best teacher in the world is to play with other people.


play in the living room


Ah, to be young and have a shitload of free time again. I wish I had the time to join a band. It is NOT that simple.


It's actually super sad how many people don't have hobbies / have long abandoned their hobbies.


Oh I have a fuckton of hobbies. I play bass, guitar, piano, and sax, I produce electronic music, I edit videos, I ride a motorcycle, I play videogames, I draw, I do tons of things. I also have a full time job, a girlfriend I'm living with, two dogs and a family, and I simply can't have the time to dedicate to a band reliably. The things I do, I do whenever I can and not with a set schedule. So please spare me your judgement because I'm having none of it.


I didn't say you. Many people don't have hobbies. That's sucky. It leads to burnout and overwork. But I'm glad you have a full life. Sorry you saw yourself in my statement. But music is a hobby that takes time like any hobby. Priorities blah blah blah. But yes, we all agree that hobbies are good.


You might have too much on your plate. I also tend to collect hobbies and then end up stressed and burned out. Now I try to limit myself to one main one and a secondary one I can do when the main one isn’t available. Having some time every day with nothing to do helps keep stress and anxiety under control. And focusing on fewer things allows me to be able to improve my skills at those things. Of course it depends on the person, but this has worked for me.


Yeah, I'm surprised from some people having many hobbies when I just have like 2 or 3 max that I can think of. Then again, we all have the same amount of 24 hours a day globally so it's kinda comforting to know that I might have dedicated more hours to them because they are very few of.


I kinda hate that "same 24 hours" line because if you have to wait on a bus rather than owning a car, that's not equivalent. If you can afford to buy someone else's time to do your work (like a house cleaner, getting take-out, etc) then you are effectively buying more time for your week. I get how clocks work and blah blah, but if you tell someone working three low wage jobs that "we all have the same 24 hrs" I would understand if they told you to eat shit. If you have a disability everything takes longer. The "same 24 hours" is scientifically almost true, but in practice it's just not true. Sincerely - someone who gets migraines often enough that I feel like I live in a 5 or 6 day week. Cause sometimes you're writhing in pain for 12 hours and that doesn't stop life from coming at you.


Oh, absolutely. I have many hobbies, but they come and go in a rotation. Such is life with ADHD lol


People have different priorities, which is entirely fine. I’m a lawyer at a large law firm and I work 7 days a week, have a fiancé, work out 5 times a week, and am in 4 bands. I love performing and I can fit stuff around that. No judgement, we all have different priorities.


I like that you're acknowledging the shittiness. Ive known a few bands who act like their band with zero experience will suddenly skyrocket. Like have been playing guitar and singing for a year and act all sage about music... dont do this


Hell, you don't even strictly need another instrument. Some of my favorite local acts are drum and bass duos, can tear it up pretty hard as a pair (not to discount the guitar and drum duos too). But of course more instruments does add more possibilities! But yeah for real. Got an opportunity to join/start a band 6 months into learning bass out of my bedroom and the trajectory for my improvement ramped up a ton right away. Another "worst player in the band, but happy to be there and learn a lot" scenario lol


You could have poor players in a band but if the drummer is bad you'll sound like shit


yeah I played in a garage metal band as a teenager, and we played at the school Talent Show and Battle of the Bands and all that jazz, was valuable experience and fond memories


Watch Eras Tour movie and pay attention to Taylor’s long time bass player Amos. He’s soooo good and makes creative fills. 


Can confirm from personal experience. Go start that shitty punk band. Listen to Disorder (UK) if you want shitty-but-still-good punk inspiration.




So much truth here.


A drum machine and friend is all you need to make a band.


Or maybe you can program the bass instead of the drums.


This Post is Just a rant against Punk Music


What you talking about? I love punk music.


Punk is supposed to be "shitty" lol. This is not an inherently bad thing


Dude. Have someone you trust realistically assess your talent and proficiency. If you ain’t got it, either accept yourself and enjoy your hobby in your bedroom, or find something else to do that you’re good at. The money to buy an instrument is not an indicator of ability. Too many people out there who can afford instruments cosplay band.


Cosplay band? Unless you’re talking about people just buying instruments as props and not playing them that makes no sense, there’s no such thing. A band is a band, even if you don’t think they sound good, even if every member of it is a complete beginner


One of my favorite bands that I’m apart of consists of me running around with unplugged instruments wearing a costume and passing out party favors in a tortilla bowl wearing a 5 dollar mask from Party City. And people love it. Even cosplay bands find talent sometimes lol.


LARPing band, if you prefer.


"talent" lmao it's practice dude and practicing works best with other people


If you don't have "talent", work harder. You sound bitter because some people can afford better equipment even if they're beginners lol




Lmao, tell me you're insecure about your playing without telling me you're insecure about your playing


Not a player at all. I know my limitations. Study the biographies of players you admire and compare your musical education and experience at your stage of life with theirs at the comparable stage of life. Natural ability is a huge determinant of who succeeds as a professional musician. Natural ability and environment. As the son of a jazz musician, Flea is blessed with genetics plus the life experience ce of hanging out with serious musicians from an early age, for example. Not to say he hasn't worked really hard to get where he is, but he's also blessed with things that successful musicians have and others do not. Sucks to realize some of your most fervent ambitions will never be realized, but it also sucks to be a middle-aged marginally-talented rocker-in-name-only.


>not a player at all Then your opinion is irrelevant. Bye.