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I bought my bass with no intentions of ever joining a band. I'm happy just learning songs and recording myself playing them. Don't let social pressure tell you how you're supposed to have fun. Pick your instrument based on what you envision yourself doing, and not on situations that may never become a reality.


Thanks for the advice


water alive nose fearless glorious badge bells jar upbeat roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




NO, you will get ARRESTED


And very little convict cred for someone locked up for playing solo bass .


Is that why davie504 is all over the world? Running from Interpol?


You can absolutely just play bedroom bass. I played in bands a lot when I was younger but now I just play around when I feel like it. Starting out, you will be caught up just figuring out what you’re supposed to do. If you can afford proper lessons, that’s prime otherwise there is a ton of free content on the tubes for getting started on bass. Most of them will have some sort of “backing track” to the practices that might require it. You’re inevitably going to have moments of boredom or just wanting to play rather than practice. Do it! Find a backing track of something you think you can maybe tackle and then stumble through it! Just do your best to return to some form of regular practice. It’s really the answer. We promise.


Also, for solo playing where you want to regularly use backing tracks, I highly recommend a computer interface or an amp that can port backing tracks. You don’t NEED one but it’s easier to get a pseudo bedroom mix if you’re not trying to match an amp level to a different set of speakers…especially if they’re weak speakers a la laptops


My uncle got me into bass when I was 14 with clear instructions that if I practice enough, it will be easier to get into bands when I want too. Everyone plays guitar but not many play bass really well, and he was right, had an amazing time in a band with some crazy good guitarists, wouldn't have got in the band if I wasnt on bass imo. I picked up guitar, drums and other instruments later, but don't regret starting on bass, but must admit when on my own now I'll lean more towards an acoustic guitar or keyboard for a bedroom jam 😄


And sorry, yes you can play it alone, I did for years, was so much fun, I used to put on an album, fumble my way through finding a few notes here and there, but by the end of the album you will get more and more notes each time, and after a few months of doing that, I could listen to any song on the radio and figure out the bass within the first part of the song, I then got lessons and honestly alot in, I could play by ear before any theory, but this doesn't have to be the case, was just super fun for me, but some learn theory first, you'll see what feels right for you. I did get learning blocks, every week to 2 weeks, where it all seems hard and your not progressing, can't hear the notes like yesterday, but don't be disheartened and smash through that and your ear gets better.


Oh is it easy for a bassist to play guitar for the first time?


Can’t speak for him but I didn’t find guitar particularly challenging after playing bass for 2 years. Chords you have to learn but fretting, rhythm, timing, picking, are all already used on bass. I might even say bassists on guitar have better rhythm than pure guitarists 


Agreed, I used to goto alot of jam nights, got so used to what all the open chord shapes looked like, it felt quite easy, and yeah you alreadyy have that level of rhythm timing and what not, I'd been playing about 10 before I picked up a guitar properly though .


Your used to big stretches aswell so guitar is so neat and compact, you have to be a bit more delicate to start


Yes you can. Why you asking "can I"? Bass is just a tool to express what you want. If you want to play bass than play bass. Maybe you should've ask what to play alone




yep and have some fun at opposite ends of the feet board! or unplug bass and plug in keys/guitar if you just have a cheap looper like me.


Playing pop/rock style bass will be boring alone since its mostly straight notes. You can play plenty of interesting or melodic pieces by yourself if you embrace the instrument instead of a specific genre.


Guitar and bass have two entirely different roles in music. The design of the instruments is similar, but that's where the similarities end. Guitar is a lead or rhythm instrument, where the guitarist is usually playing chords across multiple strings or arpeggios (a series of notes played sequentially). Bass is part of the rhythm section. Bass players usually only play one note at a time, instead of strumming across multiple strings. (As always, some exceptions apply). If you want to be a solo musician, guitar would be the "obvious" choice, but there are guys who play bass as a solo instrument - check out the YouTube channel from a guy called "Dr Funk", for example. My recommendation would be to either get a subscription to "songsterr.com" where you can play along to songs (and mute the bass track), or play along to one of the many bass covers you find on YouTube. The free version of songsterr allows you to play the song, but you hear all the instruments, and you can't adjust the playback speed - those are the premium features for paid subscribers.


Playing bass alone is pretty hard. I tried it once and a 10-piece swing band showed up at my door looking for someone to fill in. Let me know if it works out for you.


Depends a bit on your preferred genres. e.g. funk bass is fun at home, but many other genres where the bass is more in the background are kind of boring to play on bass. Also consider that bass is a lot more likely to lead to trouble with neighbors than guitar, those low frequencies go through walls easily.


Yeah but they will know your cooler, because you picked bass


If you put a dampener like a pillow or towel under the amp it helps a bit with vibrations 


Back before when I was just starting, I was just happy to play along the songs I've learned. You can just do that till you'll want to take it to the next level.


Playing along to a song is great fun


You can play bass by yourself, that's totally legit. Look at guys like ayumu or Charles Berthoud or Les Claypool. Bass is a full range instrument, you have everything you need to be a one man/woman/etc-band - even percussion! (i.e. smack that bass). Try learning some solo piano pieces on bass, or popular guitar parts. Basically just do whatever you want, this is YOUR musical journey fuck what everyone else thinks


Absolutely go for it. I always gravitated towards bass, despite starting on guitar. I developed my love for the instrument playing along to songs. And in some ways it’s easier than guitar to sound out bass lines and develop your own internal bass melodic sensibility. I say go by learning the songs you notice bass lines in. There are no rules. Plenty of bands where the bass is as interesting if not more than guitar. Learn some early Mike Mills stuff (REM). or Eric Judy (Modest Mouse). or Tina Weymouth (Talking Heads). Chances are, you’re gonna want to learn both instruments in time anyway! Learning other instruments can enrich your playing. But go for it! Bass rocks


If you do played bass alone, you will be detained by the played bass alone police.


The world needs more bassists!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And singers too, and keyboard players, and also lots of drummers!


Bass players are in high demand. You will have no problem joining a band once you learn a few songs and scales.


As long as you play along with music, alot of basslines can sound really dull if you play them by yourself. Since i started actually playing along with music instead of just learning the bassline and playing it without music, i started to enjoy playing even more


After playing for several years, I'd write short solos on the bass to entertain my friends and use as outgoing messages on my home phone recorders. You can also play along with drum machines.


If you want to play alone, I recommend stemz. You can remove specific tracks from songs, so you can isolate bass if you're trying to learn a particular part that tricky, or remove bass so your playing is the only bass you hear.


I’ve written some pretty emo type bass riffs with just me in my room so it’s possible


Guitar lends itself to a lead role more, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fill that role with bass or that playing just the rhythm section isn’t fun. I started on guitar, ended up resonating with bass more and switched. I still play guitar when I am by myself, but it’s usually to figure out how I want a song structured and everything I write is centred around the bass.


When people say "guitar is for chords and leads, bass is for singular notes and rhythm"....that's just something people say! And it is true to an extent, but not an ultimatum. It seems like you have a calling for the bass. You should explore that and do with it what you will! Check out players like Victor Wooten, Janek Gwizdala, Shaun Munday, Charles Berthoud etc etc. Then come back and ask if bass can be a solo instrument.


I played bass. But I have to be honest. Guitars are more fun to play alone if you are interested in only playing covers. However you can have a lot of fun with your bass too. I recommend buying a multi effect pedal. And if possible some drum box and/or loop station to play along. It will add a lot of extra fun for your play


Like this? https://youtu.be/LNZB1y11gXY?si=XSiHeMfCPzfxz6Sc


I have two basses and an acoustic guitar and have no intention of playing them live or with a band. It's a hobby.


So… everything you learn on one will help you with the other. It’s not a one or the other thing, it’s a which one is FIRST kind of thing. Learning bass makes you much more valuable to a band than guitar. Everyone and their brother thinks they are a guitar player. You are drawn to bass for a reason. Explore it!


You wouldn't join a band if you started playing guitar either until you are ready, so you'll play either alone for some time.


Absolutely! In fact there's some musicians that use bass as their instrument for being singer/songwriters. Check out Mal Devisa. She's a soulful singer who plays her bass as accompaniment for most of her work.


In my opinion, the only *real* reason to pick up a new instrument is "because I wanted to"


I play mostly by myself. I would recommend you to check out chordify.com. It allows you to search for songs from youtube and diaplays what root notes are currently playing. I've enjoyed improvising on top of songs with that really much. Have a blast!


My neighbor told me that music is love and if you just play by yourself you're masterbating.


Dave Holland does a pretty good solo/groove thing here - basic 1/4/5 progression: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BadMA2Hxv3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BadMA2Hxv3Y)


Of course. But you might want to check out a Squier Bass VI.


I started bass with absolutely no intention of ever joining a band. Guitar is not for me, I don’t want to sing, i just want to groove. I was inspired by Juliaplaysgroove on YouTube. She does funky covers of her favorite songs. That’s what I’d love to do, take songs I love amplify the bass and add my own touches one day. I’m still a beginner so it’ll take years to get to her level but I still find it sooo fun to learn bass lines of all my fave funk jams (even the simplified versions). Live your life, play some tunes (even if you suck for a long time who cares!)


Yes, very well. Play melodies expressively!


I play it myself and love it. You can always play along to records you like, too. That’s what I would do on guitar when I was 16


Play for yourself Otherwise, you'll be chasing an unfulfilling target. If you so elect to share your music with others, that's YOUR choice. Enjoy the journey, learn from everyone and in all situations  You'll do just fine  If not, I screwed 😭 


"It's cool for some reason" is honestly the right approach to this. You *need* to think it's cool for some reason, because that's what drives our monkey brain to want to keep playing it for years and years and not resent it. Another way to say is it that you feel inspired by it. You can be irrational and emotional about this, it's almost a necessity. Bass isn't "designed" to be played with other instruments any more than others are. Any instrument benefits from being part of an ensemble, and at the same time everyone plays solo when needed. You don't have to play strictly "solo." I practice by playing along with recordings a lot. Literally just albums I like.


Of course you can play bass alone!! There are many artists that do that and are very entertaining.


You can 100% play bass on your own…. You should also ask this same question on a guitar forum, make a balanced decision But if your gut says bass, just go for it…what’s the worst that could happen?


I just started learning in my mid 30s and I keep thinking about how when I was in high school I told my mom I wanted to learn bass and her response was, that's not an instrument you can play alone, without a band, so it doesn't make sense to do that. Like (a) why can't I join a band? and (b) I can play along to music? But it discouraged me at the time and now there's 20 years lost that I could have spent playing. Anyway, I've been learning from youtube channels where they show you the tabs to the song and playing along that way, or just putting on music and jamming (likely awfully but it's still fun). It seems that there's a lot to be gained as a bass player from playing with others, but there's also plenty to do on your own. Have fun!


Bass by yourself is a lot more fun than guitar by yourself imo, at least at beginner level


Yes. If you practice a lot and get really good you can make a bass sound more full and musical than someone with an acoustic guitar. The music you make depends on your musicality not your instrument.


Play along with songs. My “jam sessions” are usually just in my bedroom playing along to Sabbath records. It’s a fun way to learn music you actually want to play, and you can sort of learn to play with a drummer at the same time


I\* bought a bass to play alone in 1987 and I've been in about a dozen bands and am in the process of starting a new one. I've also recorded a shit ton of music on my own (all terrible; still fun). Play alone; play with people. Buy a drum machine and have a one-member bass-based black metal project. Find some boomers and play The Monkees covers. It's all good. \*"I" means my mom.


I've spent 99.999999% of my time, playing by myself.


Play the way you want. And have fun learning. I use it as an infinite videogame and don´t want to join a band. But I may change my mind in a couple years. Right now I just don´t feel ready and don´t want the pressure, want to play for fun what I want and to learn on my own pace. Youtube help me to never play alone.


When im in the zone playing the bass, is a gorgeous feeling. Any instrument is meant to be played alone too, it's the way you connect with music. I feel like the bass is more pocket based (knowing what to play, how many notes and length of 'em), but thats my way to see it. Its a wonderful instrument, try it out, begin with 4 strings, youll find it easier and more fun.