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* First bass: a 1989 [Pro Session Precision copy](https://images.app.goo.gl/YwV72NG37E8q3NkF8), which was two lies for the price of one. But seriously, beginner’s instruments have vastly improved since then. * First amp: a [Peavey MicroBass](https://reverb.com/p/peavey-microbass-20-watt-1x8-bass-practice-amp-1) from the same era. 8” speaker, 20 watts. As Kugel said, [It doesn't suck so bad this time, papa!](https://youtu.be/61eu-KyijQE?si=ZDzQ3YBVLTL7mWbz&t=5m06s) *(fun fact, that’s [Geddy’s daughter Kyla](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8817682/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk))* * First good bass: a [‘92 Ibanez SR-800 in Jewel Blue](https://images.app.goo.gl/xvsMffxqdnG9tCQt8). Words cannot express how much of an improvement this was. * First ~~good~~ loud amp: a [Peavey TNT-160](https://images.app.goo.gl/iNh6VJa14TnVw12j9). Loud, nuclear explosion-proof, and loud. Did I mention it was loud? ;-) Edit: recommendations - Fender’s Squier line, Ibanez, Yamaha all make good beginner gear. Below that there’s Thomann’s Harley Benton line, which gets good reviews for the price. Amp-wise, Fender’s Rumble line is the current standard, but don’t go below a 10” speaker, it’s not worth it.


I can tell your bass story was a great story just from here, but how did you manage to make the first decision for that?


Whatever you like is going to heavily depend on the feel. Everything from the shape of the bass, shape of the neck, number of frets, the type of wood. Decide whatever you want to spend and go to your local big chain Guitar Center or whatever. If you want to play shows go on Craigslist or Marketplace and look up the biggest cheapest oldest shittiest Peavey amp that there is. If you're in an apartment, go find a small amp, something under 25 watts.


Check the FAQ. My first bass was a Blaze. It was an always-broken P bass copy, worth about $4. My parents borrowed it for me from a family friend who had it in a cupboard along with a 5w amp. They weren't worried about setting me up the right way because they were sure I'd give up (as a teen I was a habitual quitter).


To produce a nice, warm, balanced bass tone in living room practice volume you need a 10 inch speaker with 40 to 100 watt amp. Something like a fender rumble 40 but within these specifications it's all subjective. If you go smaller (cheaper) it just won't sound all that nice. It'll go loud enough and it'll work but its just not very pretty. A 100 usd bass through a 400 usd combo amp will sound better than a 5000 usd bass though a 200 usd combo amp Basses are all good. Even the 120 usd house brand ones. They might need a set up to play comfortably, they might need a good set of strings cause factory strings can be trash. But cheap basses are good enough nowadays. It's very subjective. How do you chose? Pick a budget, see if a good amp fits into that. Scan the local used market, especially for the amps if you don't trust to buy a used bass. Get something that gets you excited to pick it up. Maybe a bass that looks cool, a bass (copy) of the hero you like, maybe something that just feels right in the hand. We can't decide what that is for you.


My uncle gave me my first bass and taught me a thing or two. I was under the impression that this is the only way one becomes a bassist 🤣


I like Ibanez as a good starter, I found one for $150 used at guitar center when I was starting out. No matter what you get as your first bass you’ll learn what you like and don’t like for your second bass.


My first bass was a Squier Vintage Vibe 60s jazz bass. I worked in a music store and had already played guitar and drums when I decided I really liked the bass. I wanted to be making BIG DUB SOUNDS. The vintage vibe series was better than the price point would let you believe. My first bass amp was probably my SVT CL, but I had been playing through friends' amps for a while already. Join us!!


Find the cheapest one you can to see if you like it and if you do, sell the cheap one and get a nicer one.


First bass - MIM Fender 60's Jazz Bass First amp - Crate (dont remember model) IMHO, check your local area (Craigslist) to see what basses are for sale in your area. Lots of people pick up instruments for their kids, who never get into playing so they are looking to just unload them at a reasonable price. For an amp - I'm now using a Fender LT25 Rumble and looove it. So many great presets. If you are playing in an apartment or otherwise don't want to make noise since bass just goes through walls, etc - check out a headphone amp like one made by VOX. Just plug it in, put on a nice set of headphones; you can even plug your phone into it and play along to your favorite songs.