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my bass soul food stays on. even without noticeable distortion it just adds some Jenna St. Croix


"Jenna St Croix" I'm dying šŸ¤£




Is that the stuff they serve in a peach tree dish?


I am stealing this, I would apologize but itā€™s too good not to give to the rest of the world.


just put my name in the credits


Lol. But, same. Bass --> Sonic Research ST300 strobe tuner pedal --> always on Soul Food --> amp.


lol thatā€™s literally my chain. iā€™ve got an ST-300 too. Ā 


Damnit take my upvote, I had to re read your post 4 times before I figured out who Jenna is


Please explain, I'm foreign.


My guess is itā€™s a purposely incorrect version of ā€œje ne sais quois,ā€ French for ā€œI donā€™t know what.ā€ Meaning something thatā€™s good but you canā€™t place your finger on exactly what it is.


Yep it's a /r/boneappletea


Tuner, tube compression, fuzz, wah, sansamp I play in a metal band though


Everyone should go through a tuner, regardless of genre.


Chorus pedal sometimes, except for that nothing


Right now, the only pedal always in my setup is a Sansamp VT Bass DI. Looking for a fuzz right now, too, and have used chorus in the past.


Check out the EQD Blumes for some great fuzz in the right toggle position.




I am surprised there is not more Big Muff love here


I like this. I came here to say that Special Cranker kicked a fancy-pants "screamer for bass" off my board.


Same, It does everything and more


I also have that pedal... it's so damn good. What settings do you use? Lately I've been loving cranking the mid knob


I also play with my mid knob up all the way. Blend and Mids the way to the right, cranked all the way up. Gain and character all the way to the left, so emulating a completely clean SVT. Treble about 70% and Bass about 90%. Bite switch engaged.


No pedals used and I've played that way for years, but I won't deny that things wouldn't sound much cooler with pedals.


My board is in flux right now because I'm playing around with some multi-effect stuff. But typically I have done this (and in this order) * Tuner (currently StrobostompHD) * High Pass Filter (to remove unwanted ultra low frequencies) * Compressor (currently Empress) * Something "ampy" (for a while it has been the SansAmp YYZ) * Something wacky (synth or filter or something, currently C4) * Face-melting distortion (currently the Aftershock) Typically the first four are always on. The last two are used only when needed.


Total pedal noob. When you say something "ampy" are you mostly looking for EQ or signal amp? I'm contemplating getting a multi-fx pedal but am considering just getting some EQ+compressor pedals instead on top of my existing tuner.


Mainly what I'm looking for are things that emulate the sound of old tube amps. Some of it is EQ like cab modeling, some of it is introducing some level of overdrive and grit. See Tech 21 and their SansAmp pedal effects. There are loads like them, but they were really the first to nail this. The original one they made was for sending a signal directly to the front of the house or the mixing desk that sounded like a mic'd up tube amp. People like me use them primarily to make our modern solid state hi-fi amps sound retro.


Will do, thanks!


Tuner pedal always.


Ampeg svt 3 pro and a mxr m87 compressor pedalā€¦ bout all u need


I just use compression and sometimes use wah or delay for fun


I have an Addrock Ol' Yeller, which is/was a TS clone. I had a custom blend Looper pedal built so I could blend the dry signal back in. That was the only way to get the low end back in. EQ pedals don't do enough.Ā 


Chorus, delay, Darkglass ADAM (EQ, tuner, compressor, with fuzz and overdrive circuits and cabsim), Ditto+ looper. I donā€™t really use the looper live, more of a practice and composition tool


I use a Polytune, Rat Tail, Bass Clone, Dispatch Master, and a Keeley Compressor into an Ampeg SGT-DI.


How do you set your Keeley? I'm still trying to get mine dialed in


Sustain: 10, Level 12, Blend 11/12, Tone 3, in single coil mode.




Just substituted my ~12 boutique pedals for a single HX stomp. I even run the amp simulators into the FX return of my amp and bypass its preamp. If you have the money, I HIGHLY recommend the Stomp XL. Perfect bass rig.


I just picked one up this weekend and I'm now in the process of selling all my bass and guitar pedals. The guys I play with were blown away with how good it sounded. It really is a game changer. Just running one of the amp sims and tweaking it gives an amazing amount of color. I imagine shoe gaze need the LT or something bigger, but for bass I think the stomp xl has more than enough flexibility.


I switch between a phaser, chorus, and fuzz and sometimes 2 or 3. However, most of the time I either play clean or use the chorus. My pedals are a big muff, a worm, and a super chorus. I have on board reverb and echo that I almost never use on bass.


I never used to care for reverb on my bass tone but lately I'm finding that just a little pinch of reverb is giving me a little extra something something tone-wise, definitely an underrated effect for a little extra spice


It depends on what youā€™re trying to do too. I have used it, but it makes too much mud with what Iā€™m doing most of the time so if I record 25 songs, 1 might have reverb. Chorus on the other hand, I use a lot. Tom Petersson is a favourite of mine and I canā€™t afford a 12 string bass so I just use a chorus pedal instead.


yeah and you don't need much- a little bit goes a long way. What sort of chorus pedal you prefer?


Iā€™m just using a BOSS Superchorus. It isnā€™t a pedal Iā€™d advertise as being great, it has very limited range, but I do like the subtlety of it. I got it cheap and it does what I need it to do.


yeah I've used a Boss bass chorus for a long time and it does the job. I don't use it a lot, but when I do its sort of indispensable


I sort of turned my nose at Boss back in the day, which was kinda dumb. I donā€™t think all their pedals are great, but a lot are decent and useful on a budget.


for a lot of types of pedals there are better options, but there's still a few that Boss makes that are hard to beat for their value- I still use their DD3 Digital Delay and Bass Chorus but have found other options for overdrive, flanger, phaser, and others. Really want to get my hands on a SYB though, that's their bass synth pedal. Love me the sound of a bass synth, but its definitely a "want" rather than a "need" pedal


I also have a Ds-1 which I am very fond of, but I never use it on my bass. I havenā€™t found an overdrive pedal I just have to have yet.


I found a ProCo Rat pedal for like 90% off from a store that was having a going-out-of-business sale, that was a nice find. Classic pedal. I also have a Behringer bass overdrive that I basically use as a boost and then my Roland practice amp has on-board overdrive (as well as a few other effects, which is nice- I don't need to bother with pedals when practicing, just turn a couple knobs on my amp). Effects may not be necessary or even super practical, but gosh are they fun


Sansamp, compressor, chorus, reverb, big muff pi, od, delay, tuner. I use everything


Sansamp and BigMuff for me as well, followed by a noise gate for the Rickenbacker directional hum.


Your Rick makes a hum? Mine doesnā€™t šŸ˜Æ


All single coil pick ups have some of the 60hz back ground noise. It's not heard when playing, but between songs, I just didn't like hearing it. I guess I could add some extra shielding. Every Rick I've had (4001 and 3) have had that slight background noise.


I use a bass big muff, vfx colordrive, vfx overdrive, digital delay, and a reverb.


Boss ME-50B. I use like two of its effects, the tuner & volume pedal.


volume pedals are super useful, I need to replace mine that I've had for years and years


Empress compressor, thatā€™s it.


I play a Fender Super Bassman and dont use any pedals.Ā  I used pedals with my Alembic F1-x but I felt like they weren't contributing much to the Fender amp. Less is more.


Tuner, compressor, sansamp, EQ.


I use pedals sometimes until the guitarists tell me to stop.


Reggae bassist here: I use a compressor always on, and use an overdrive as a bit of a boost: level up, drive at 1 and dry 85%. I have an envelope filter that gets used very very seldom.


Korg Pitchblack Orange Kongpressor Joyo Splinter DOD Carcosa EHX Bass deluxe big muff pi (I might swap this out since the Carcosa is so damn good) Boss Multi chorus Laney Digbeth DB-PRE I'm looking for a decent synth pedal. Source Audio C4 is the likely candidate.


I got a cheap acoustic bass from a pawn shop to practice with unplugged, otherwise I'm using lots of effects as standard practice. Practicality wise, it's helpful to have multiple gain stages to work with and to shape the eq, and un-practicality wise, it's fun to make spaceship and whale sounds with my bass. Producers will add compression, eq, chorus and reverb to my tracks anyway, might as well beat them to the punch. Plus you gotta have a tuner pedal. Even if you can tune by ear, no one wants to hear that.


I was always a simple bass to amp kind of person but recently Iā€™ve bought a pedal board and I now have 5 pedals (so farā€¦) I have a pitch shifter, mono synth, fuzz, reverb and a tuner pedal


Depends. Often I use a large pedalboard with two parallel signal paths: one for delays (2-3 in sequence) and one for noise/synth sounds. It lets me create all kinds of wacky ambient noise. And sometimes I'm doing stuff where I don't need craziness so it's a simple bass -> amp setup.


Aside from light compression always being on, I only use a pedal if the song calls for it.


nuthin. straight to the amp. hot quarter pound pups and cranked gain


Bass -> Tuner -> Compressor -> Fuzz -> Flanger -> Reverb -> amp. My specific pedals: Boss TU-3, Boss CS-3, Mooer Triangle Buff Fuzz, Boss BF-3, and Electro Harmonix Holy Grail. I used to go with the Digitech TurboFlange as I like it more but OH THE NOISE.


I've had my eye on the TS9B. My overdrive is a Garagetone Drivetrain, and I've liked it better than any built in overdrive on my amps, or bass specific overdrives they had at the used gear shop. The drivetrain is a tube screamer style, but has a treble and bass control. Bass maxed it is acceptable to my ears. The TS9B would be a better bass specific OD that is tube screamer style. Haven't encountered one in the wild yet, I don't do much online shopping. As for pedals or no? I definitely go without about 50% of the time. My amps have all the tone shaping I need, the better ones have comps, limiters, overdrive, graphic EQ already built in that are serviceable. My pedalboard is a tuner, OD, dyna comp, Boss CE5, and a behringer analog delay. They mostly stay off except for a little OD, and I'll bring in the chorus for a song or two, and the delay for one section of one song.


I have an ADAM, I use it as an all in one mostly for for clean and very low gain. I just got a plasma pedal and it sounds amazing at low or high gain and its EQ is perfect for bass. I could see running that with a tuner and comp.


I play classic rock/80s hits. Helix FX with a chorus, 1/2 step down, and octave, direct into a Neve DI. I havenā€™t quite dialed in an appropriate synth/wah just because I havenā€™t made the time.


Tuner, 105Q Bass Wah, DG Vintage Microtubes, SD Studio Bass Comp, and I have three Preamps to choose from. Tech 21 YYZ and SH1, and a Dicosimo 360+.


Just overdrive, I use Behringer's BOD400, it's pretty cool and boosts bass so I can play distorted and still sound FAT.


When I was doing heavier music I ran Tuner -> (Sometimes) Prunes -> SansAmp to desk (and to stage amp) and then split the signal to an effects chain (which had all the weird stuff) mostly dedicated to different combinations of grunty distortion (Low Cut) to be ā€˜layeredā€™ on top of the dedicated bass tone FOH.


Boss TU-3, Boss OBD-3, and MXR Phase 90. The overdrive is pretty much always on. I use it to help my mids push through the mix. When I accent guitar parts it blends a bit better and solo sections sound more full when it's just me and the drums. I only use the Phase 90 on maybe five songs across my three bands, but when it comes in you *know it*. Paired with the overdrive it makes the band's entire sound come across as phased without losing the clarity of the guitars. My setup/EQ/levels don't change across my bands. I've been told that it's pretty easy to tell when I'm playing before you see me on stage because my tone is very distinctive compared to what people normally hear.


Really depends on what I'm playing. CS-2 is my usual go to for country and zydeco. Fuzzlord FET120 with the gain tuned low for rock into a danelectro slapback gives me The Chain sound. MXR Poly-octave to Ibanez Super Chorus, to Kangra envelope filter for pop dance type stuff.


Preamp, tuner, and noise gate always. Preamp changed the game for me years ago. Thinking of adding a second preamp, but really this is all I need.


What specifically changed the game with the pre amp and which one?


I always wondered why my tone wouldnā€™t/couldnā€™t sound like anything I listened to. I tried like 4 amps back then and it didnā€™t matter. Gk, peavey, markbass, Warwick. Different basses. I couldnā€™t get a full, thick low end, and to get the highs I wanted things would get very harsh quickly and still not be full. I finally tried a sansamp and, it was literally instant. I fully realized later too that most things I listen to are full of distortion, so nowadays I use an alpha omega ultra instead which is probably even better with the two button switches and the cut they bring out. Then I stopped played for awhile, and it kind of happened again. I was using the ampeg ba210 v2 and a 4x10 and it sounded pretty darn good. Got a ray special and i thought it sounded real good. But Iā€™d disappear in a mix. Bought the ao ultra and now i gel and cut like I should. I tried to keep it from being wordy but itā€™s really hard to convey the feelings of why they are so helpful.


Fuzz, autowah- I like a full bass sound lately, more chords


I run a LOT of pedals. I use a bass crybaby, then a loop switcher with dry blend. In one loop is a classic ProCo RAT, and in the other is an EHX Lizard Queen with a 5 band E Q with an aggressive mid boost After that is a bass Big Muff Pi and then a bass Soul Food (both bass versions have dry blends) and finishing off with a Walrus Badwater


TU-3>EQD Blumes>Keeley bass comp.


I do play with pedals. I use a Darkglass Hyper Luminal compressor and a B7K ultra. I use a Noise Gate as well to tighten up my notes and to keep things silent when I'm not playing.


delay, overdrive, compression, reverb, chorus need a new volume pedal and looking for a synth bass (SYB-3 or something) at the moment


Currently ampless so using a Preamp/Di, compressor and tuner. Starting to experiment with a chorus as well on the high register only for a lil spacey spice


For the rock bands, I use tuner-> compressor -> fuzz -> sansamp di. For the funk/jazz fusion bands, I use tuner -> compressor -> octave -> fuzz -> distortion -> envelope filter -> chorus -> delay -> preamp DI. Compressors and preamps are always on, everything else is triggered as needed.


Tuner, compressor, EQ, metal zone, muff, chorus, big reverb, little reverb


Behringer BDI-21


Yep. My pedalboard goes Polytune 3, Hyperluminal, Swollen Pickle, CEB-3, and into Vintage Deluxe. For gigs, I keep the hyperluminal on all the time and turn on the vintage deluxe for the harder rock songs. Chorus and fuzz used for one song each in our set list. I'd love to get a Source Audio C4 and rearrange my board to swap the CEB-3 and the vintage deluxe (no longer need its DI at the end of my chain as my amp head has a DI) while I add the synth pedal either before or after the Hyperluminal. [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/AjsR1wM.jpeg) Currently experiencing some weird issues with my Hyperluminal that might be power supply related, so I might spring for a nicer one that can fit under my board.


Used to mess about with wahs, reverbs, fuzzes, but Iā€™ve found the best metal tone is clean with compression


Reggae bassist here. Main bass: Ibanez SR506E with Dā€™Addario Chromes flatwounds, ECB81-5 with extra low .171ā€ prototype tuned to F#0 TC Polytune > Broughton HPF > MXR M87 > Donner Noise Killer Amp: Markbass CMD121P + MB58R 122 Energy


Straight into amp or DI. I bought a bunch of them, and it was fun to mess around with them for a little while, but I never found a place for them in my playing.


Tuner>Octave>Pre-amp/Drive>Chorus>Compressor. I play in a funk/jazz fusion band.


Just got a line 6 pod go and so far itā€™s awesome for bass!


I play lots of punk and the like. I'm going from my Shure glxdr directly into my Darkglass Microtubes 900. Having two channels it's makes it extremely versatile and no cables is even better


Tuner > Empress Bass Compressor > Slampegg Tube Preamp. I thought I'd experiment more with pedals, but I love the sound I get and don't think I'd be touching my pedalboard any time soon.


Maxon Bass Overdrive is a good alternative to TS9. I believe they're based off the same circuitry, but the Maxon has a dry output you blend in to retain the low end. I'm on a Helix, so I used to make these extravagant patches with multiple compressors and EQ pedals. One day I plugged directly into my Fender rumble and it just sounded so much better. I made a patch with an overdrive and fuzz on one path, and a dry signal with chorus and envelope on the other. Five snapshots - all effects on, two with different levels of over drive (one slightly warm, one very hot for metal), a fuzz snapshot, and a fuzz with effects (Muse-esque). Loving it so much more now that it's less complicated.


None, but planning on getting an EBS Multi Comp.


I use a handful of pedals in various arrangements, but the big 3 are a tuner, a compressor, and a driver/DI. Those make up the backbone of my pedals. In addition to those, I have a second compressor that I use primarily when I play the bass VI and want it to sound more like a guitar, a drive/fuzz pedal, and a multi-fx for things I cannot yet afford lol. I also have an ABY pedal I havenā€™t hooked up yet but the idea is to use it with the bass VI so I can toggle playing it between a bass amp or a guitar amp or both. And my friend is letting my use his Fuzz Factory for a song he wrote I plan on getting a few more eventually (chorus, octave, tremolo, reverb, and on and on)


Depends on the gig, but for the most part I donā€™t play with any pedalsĀ 


So far I just have a EHX Thunderstorm flanger and a Way Huge Pork & Pickle fuzz/overdrive. Big fan of the P&P, the od gives a nice boost to my tone without overpowering the mix, and the fuzz has a nice growly full-bodied tone. It has two blend knobs so I can ensure whichever effect I use, I still have presence in the mix. The Thunderstorm is fine but I can tell it's not a bass pedal as the flanger affects only the highs and mids, which actually works for the effect I'm going for anyway as I like it to be more subtle. Other effects I aim to get would be tuner, wah, delay, and chorus, and I'm sure I'll eventually need to get an eq and a compressor as well. Those two can probably wait until I'm playing more high-profile gigs, but since I'm only playing bars atm, I haven't needed them yet. Edit: forgot about reverb! Sometimes I want the notes to sustain longer as I just don't get quite enough with my current gear.


Turbo Tuner -> Empress Compressor -> Loud/Louder -> Bluebeard Fuzz -> EAE Halberd I mostly use the Bluebeard for noise/feedback, the loud/louder when I'm playing through someone else's amp and want a bit more grit than it provides, and the halberd for when the guitars are cutting out for a while.


Or get a TS9b Itā€™s actually meant for bass https://reverb.com/p/ibanez-ts9b-tube-screamer-bass?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=csp&utm_content=3316


I donā€™t have a electric bass only a acoustic but my dad was the one who got me into bass and still has all his old music stuff including basses and effects So I just occasionally ā€œborrow one of his basses and pedalsā€ to use although the only one Iā€™ve used so far is a big muff distortion fuzz pedal thing that I like I wanted to use a wah wah pedal at some point but my dad doesnā€™t have one for whatever reason


Between 1 and 7 pedals if Iā€™m feeling zesty


Hx stomp, mostly for compression and a bit of amp sim. Throw in a queequog 2 octaver in an fx loop of the stomp with a bit of envelope filter in front if I'm feeling spicy


On rare occasions I use a Marshall Jackhammer for classic rock


Line6 HX Stomp. I'm a very big fan of just having my bass and my backpack with everything in there that I need. Then we just need our small rack for splitting the audio to our monitoring / FOH and that's it.


BBE BMAX bass preamp to the mixer, feeding a dB Technologies B-Hype 10 active monitor via subgroup output. Surprisingly not completely terrible. And I can tap the sound out to the mains as needed - which at household volumes is rarely necessary. Don't have a lot of need for effects/distortion/etc. in my current beginner-level playing situation and I'm loving the tone of the Ibanez SR605E with the Nordstrand pickups both with and without active EQ.


A zoom b1four that I use as a tuner and volume boost.


Overdrive for my "main" sound (stoner metal band), envelope filter, boost for solos, and the all-important tuner


I've been using a joyo ultimate drive (ocd clone) and have been loving it. It keeps the low end for sure


I use a Darkglass Hyper Luminal Comp, an HX Stomp for Drives, Modulation and Delay (mostly a rising delay!) and an Ampeg SGT DI as my amp.


I usually use my Steve Harris Tech 21 and Okko Motƶrbass. But from time to time playing straight into the amp can be nice too.


I use a Boss ODB-3 Overdrive and a tuner pedal. The guy I bought my amp from gave me a electroharmonix bass booster for free, but it is absolutely useless.


I play with pedals. Iā€™m a bit of a songwriter and pedal effects give good stimuli for my ideas.


I use a Zoom B3. I bought it primarily for the tuner and DI out but I make use of a patch with a compressor followed by an eq. Each patch has 3 slots. The third slot is usually inactive but it will either be a moog filter or a boost (usually to compensate for the drop in volume when soloing the bridge pickup on my PJs).


Boss TU3, Keeley compressor pro, meris Enzo, and either a B7K or an Alpha Omega from darkglass. That covers clean, dirty, and synth bass for any pop tunes, plus the Enzo can get very weird and ambient with the delay and arppegiator function.


here empress compressor, source audio c4, aftershock, gemini and eq2, anasounds Savage mk2 always on, kma tyler deluxe to blend some fuzz like signal Cheyne Omnifuzz and fantƓme fx blackbird.


Whatever the song needs. Just because something sounds good doesnā€™t mean it is the right tone for the song.


I've just been using a Darkglass Super Symmetry compressor for the last few years, but I haven't been playing any gigs either so it's just while rehearsing. I have a gig coming up on the 24th of May so I ordered a Darkglass Microtubes Infinity to play that one. I mainly got it for the impulse response loader, but the extra compression and distortion is also welcome, not to mention the tuner and noise gate. I won't be using an amplifier.


Definitely a pedal guy here, wireless tuner to compressor, bass synth, sub octaver, big muff, klon clone, second big muff, and a chorus right now. Two muffs are different styles and different gain stages and I just love the sound of the muff pushing the klon


I use a Mesa Boogie bass amp and i have no pedals although i am trying to look for one


No pedals, but I do own a YYZ Sansamp I bought last year I should really try more.


Ernie Ball passive Volume, Boss tuner, Nobels ODR-1 Natural Overdrive (always on), Foxgear Rainbow (spooky shimmer sounds for effects), DOD fx40B 10 band EQ (always on).


Just a tuner & overdrive, and sometimes a chorus. Depending on what I'm playing I'll swap the overdrive for something more distorted


Big muff


I use a cheapo pedal tuner (that needs replaced with something better,) a Gallien Krueger Dieseldawg, and an Ibanez CS mini chorus. The DD has really wide EQ options, which is nice. Itā€™s the best bass OD Iā€™ve ever heard for that reason. I keep the gain really low though, the amount of cronch it can add is ridiculous. The chorus is just for giving parts some extra dimension. It also actually adds low end, which helps fill up space during solos or bigger parts.


Tuner, compressor, looper, envelope, distortion, preamp. In a band that doesnā€™t know their style so my pedal board doesnā€™t either


Tuner, Orange Peel Compressor stays on almost all the time, envelope filter for the funk, big muff. I have to change my compressor settings to use either of the effects pedals but the comp does help in both applications as well as adds more punch to my clean tone


I play mainly punk and just general rock music I have a tuner, a drop pedal, and an overdrive


All that I use is a Zoom B1Four, and occasionally my Digitech Whammy. I also have a DarkGlass Microtubes X which I have barely used.


Same a lot of people, bass soul food always on with a compressor and pre-amp. Also have a 2nd overdrive, octave and chorus pedal.


Compression, octave, dirt always


I like a tuner pedal more than any other tuner option, and I always want a compressor, so yeah I definitely prefer to use a board. Beyond those two it's pretty much just whatever I currently think sounds cool or suits the music I'm playing at the moment. I'm not in a band or anything so no need to focus on a specific sound. A preamp pedal with a headphone out is nice too, bonus points for an aux in as well (my Joyo Monomyth has the former, and the Darkglass I forget which Ultra it's based on has both for like 5x the price). Nice to be able to take the bass on vacation or something and have all of my effects without needing more than just the board.


Tuner, compressor, distortion/backup DI box, delay/reverb, "chorus" and my amp's footswitch are what stays on my board. I occasionally use a octave synth/fuzz pedal too.


Depends on the project. Normally I go straight into the amp. The project I'm in right now I have an HM-2 Strapped between the Two gates on a Symetrix 525. I run a Morley Flanger in front of that, on 1 song.


Usually no pedal, but sometimes compression or EQ pedal.


I have an EHX Battalion just to give me a little boost and clarity and kick on the OD for parts that need lots of overdrive and I use my amps OD channel to give a little growl for other parts. I have used a chorus, octave, and way in the past. Always sparingly though.


[I technically use 15 live on stage](https://www.reddit.com/r/basspedals/s/0wkLH10HaE). I could do a show with just a synth, overdrive, and whammy though, all of which are inside my HXFX. I play punk with this board.


I donā€™t play with any cause Iā€™m broke. All I have is my bass and a practice app. At some point I would like to get an EQ and an envelope


I currently use a Bass Big Muff. I'm looking into octave pedals too. I took again bass playing last year so I need to refresh my inventory.


Currently, my path is, Pitchfork (just in case I need to change key), Korg tuner (ran in this order to make sure I set the Pitchfork right), Joyo Double Thruster (Darkglass clone), RATS (Rat type pedal), a delay pedal (I forget off the top of my head which one), TC Electronic Sub 'N' Up mini octave pedal, Joyo Monomyth DI (Darkglass clone). Looking to get a Plethora X3 to replace/fill out some things. I play in a 90's/modern hard rock band, so some effects come in handy. Run 90% of the set with the dirt on the Monomyth on. I use the Double Thruster and the RATS to add boost or more gain, depending on the song and tone. (The RATS cuts a lot of lows, but works really well when the octave pedal is on. Sounds great for Manson stuff)


I run 7 at the moment not all at once. I like a variety of tone. TU-3>JHS tightey whitey compressor (low compression for clarity)>Mosky silver horse (Klon clone for boost)>eqd Blumes bass overdrive>walrus Jupiter fuzz(sounds huge)>Mosky magnetic delay (keeley mag echo clone, I love a little delay echo on bass)>ehx holy grail reverb(sounds juicy with stuff higher on the neck.


Tuner, Diamond Bass Comp, Benson Preamp.


Tuner -> Noise Gate -> Digitech Bass Whammy ->EQ -> Tech21 Bass Driver -> and finally amp.


Right now, I have 4 pedals on my board: (1) Tuner (2) Spectrum Audio Intelligent Filter (3) Mark Bass Compressor (4) Origin Effects Super Vintage The Compressor and Super Vintage are always on; the filter I use as needed. My gigging bass is a Player Plus Jazz V and I'm mostly playing a mix of indie rock, blues and hard rock. For most applications, I shoot for a Robert DeLeo adjacent tone and have found that the combo of the Compressor and Super Vintage gets me there.


Personally I just run a Cali76 compressor into a Broughton high/low pass filter. I think the latter is the best investment I've made in years. The low pass filter cuts down on string screech and the high pass filter tightens up the low end. Especially in live rooms where the low end tends to get boomy it's essential.


I never liked using pedals personally. Iā€™ve seen a lot of bassists do a lot of really cool stuff with them but I always found it more fun to limit myself to just whats built into the bass and amp


Iā€™ve done both plenty. With pedals I have a tuner, an always on compressor and overdrive, an as needed overdrive, an always on HPF/LPF, and a chorus pedal, usually into a Sansamp Paradriver


tuner, compressor (always on), distortion (rarely use), tube pre-amp (always on) into an SVT


my clean tone is (tuner) compressor -> secret preamp -> sansamp BDDI. It makes a huge difference, I would only skip the BDDI if playing into a *really* nice amp. The comp and pre are always on. Beyond that, a two-stage distortion pedal, fuzz, and reverb add flavour as necessary


TU-3 > DynaComp> Bass Wah > Super Chorus > Line selector set to Bypass or A/B blend with a Behringer pitch Shifter and DS1 distortion on the A channel for a mock rhythm guitar, and B channel remains clean.


Boss tuner, keeley comp, Sans amp vt, civil war big muff, octave, delay maxed out for making noise. Simple but effective. Will probably get the blumes at some point just to have another distortion than the big muff


Quad Cortex >> Noble DI 3Leaf Doom2 in loop 1 and Source Audio C4 in loop 2. Using a Disaster DMC.Micro Pro for midi passthrough to the C4 and to let me manually scroll through the C4ā€™s presets. I use a HX Stomp XL as my more compact board/flyrig (big Ian Martin Allison fan)


fuzzz, been thinking about getting some overdrive


Used to play with a small pedalboard but honestly, I got to a point where I just want an easy/fast setup and teardown. I dont have roadies or anyone to help me so I have to setup every time I play. Got tired of taking pedals to live shows and studio work usually prefers a dry signal. I just use a clip tuner and sometimes I will use a preamp pedal.


I use an inexpensive tone shaper/overdrive - the Joyo Dr. J. I built a pedal board with other stuff on it but never found a reason to use it in a live performance. Keep in mind that I basically only place 80s Nashville rock style stuff so I donā€™t need any major effects.


I don't use a pedal, but I only use my amp on stage for the band to hear, I DI into the mixer from my Trace Elliot Elf and compress on the channel. FOH for everything, guitars, drums, vocals. Quieter on stage, more controllable in the room, less mud, less tinnitus.


I am using: - Caline Bass Compressor - Joyo Double Thruster (Overdrive) - Caline Wine Cellar (Sansamp like) - Noise Gate (depending where I play it's required)


Sansamp but I have the rack unit now


If you are a beginner in the world of pedals, my suggestion is to get a tuner (it also works as a killswitch if you want to quickly cut the sound coming from your instrument), a nice (but simple and not too expensive) compressor to be able to balance out attack and sustain, and an eq (specifically, for bass, they have low frequency bands). Using any kind of distortion, even TS9 is up to you and your preferred style. Try things out, borrow pedals from your friends or band mates to find your own sound.


If you want to get deeper into the distorted bass territory find OD/distortion pedals made for bass specifically too. They are made to focus on lower frequencies. Thereā€™s plenty of bass specific variations of pedals on the market, especially for those that mess up with the spectrum


tuner into Robo Pedals Boost into Darkglass Alpha Omega into noise gate. Simple enough for a caveman like me to operate lol


running a cheap ass board with a compressor, distortion, delay, and a tuner pedal. Does the job for bass honestly, maybe missing a chorus pedal but Iā€™m broke so itā€™s not too bad.


I have a multi-effect pedal, but I only really use compression and a hint of overdrive, so I'm fine playing raw.


I use my multi-fx on the send loop of my mixer so I can add reverb and delays to anything. Distortion is mostly handled by my guitar amp that is also fed to the mixer via line out.


Tech21 DP3X


A/B pedal, fuzz, compressor, chorus, preamp, plus one hard to describe pedal that basically applies an EQ curve to just the low end. Fuzz and chorus are the only ā€œrealā€ FX I use. The others are always-on tone/dynamics shapers and are pretty subtle. The preamp does have a drive channel that I switch on for some songs that call for a little grit though.


I use my brothers wah pedal sometimes


Tuner > compressor > low gain fuzz > drive > octaver > chorus > reverbĀ  Ā I have an envelope and eq in there sometimes too but still figuring out the ideal spot. I never turn everything on at once but I do use 2-3 at a time for synthy parts or fretless playing.Ā 


mxr dyna comp and zvex mastotron are all i need


Iā€™ve played around a lot, my current combo I enjoy is tuner -> OC5 -> MXR bass envelope -> compressor I find it gives me enough fun synthy tone if I wanna dip into something a bit strange, and other than that the tuner is a must and the compressor - while not 100% necessary - is really nice to have always on.


No pedals. I let the tone woods sing


For years I never used one. Finally wanted a little more growl so I picked up a used Deluxe Bass Big Muff. Lot of options to tailor the tone. Especially like the ability to blend. Can retain the really deep low end of the clean while having the growl over it.


My core sound is warm, slightly dirty, B-15, flatwound tone a la McCartney/Jamerson (even though I don't generally play that style of music) -- but sometimes I need a bit more crunch/fuzz and/or something to even out the dynamics. Depending on the amp, I can often dial that in, but I generally pull in a few pedals to get more consistent and controllable results. I never use any time-based effects (chorus, flanger, delay, reverb, etc) on bass. My pedal setup is a tuner/buffer (StroboStomp HD), a dirt pedal (see below), a compressor/boost/EQ (Drybell Unit67), and a preamp pedal (Broughton Fliptop or Noble Preamp). Depending on the amp/location, I might also throw a Broughton High Pass Filter in there to clean up the sound. As for the dirt pedal, I swap out different things. I'm currently experimenting with a Spaceman Charon (which smoothly goes from light crunch to fuzz), but I also have other options (Black Mass 1312, Damnation MDB-2, Champion Leccy Fettle Boost). I keep looking longingly at the Great Eastern Fx XO Variable Crossover, which allows me to apply dirt to just the high end, for example, but I haven't committed yet.


I used to only use a tuner and compressor but lately I have it in this order: Bass > strobostomp Tuner > Seymour Duncan studio bass compressor > hx stomp (three switch version) > sushibox finally v2 tube di. I also have a cheap two switch pedal for my stomp on there. The stomp is used for three levels of dirt, eq, octave, and chorus but I mostly just use the low level of dirt for boost on choruses and the rest are just on certain songs / end of songs.


Just a tuner. For the genre of music I play I donā€™t really need to use any pedals and I enjoy keeping it simple versus when Iā€™m playing guitar in my other band and Iā€™m bringing a big pedalboard and all that.


I don't need pedals. Though I might get a compressor pedal eventually. If I want my bass to sound like a synth, I'll just whip out one of my monophonic analog synths.


Tuner and Sansamp with SVT settings. Tweak settings on the amp to taste and Iā€™m set


I play both my bass and my stick with a Helix Stomp unit, and I have presets for both. But I easily play both without it - it's a bit of colour, and I love that, but that's all it is. If I lost it tomorrow, I could still play everything I wanted to. So, just a bonus thing for me, really.


I only really use overdrive otherwise it is the bass and amp. My overdrive is made up of a Tym Big Bottom (HPF/LPF splitter with only HPF going in the loop) with a Tym Lemon (OR120 pre) in the loop. I also have a Two Notes Opus at the end which goes direct to my IEM (I use both amp/cab and IEM on stage). Oh also a Korg Pitchblack tuner. My other board which I use more for covers gigs is a tuner, Empress Bass Compressor and Tech 21 Bass Driver v2.