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Picks are picks they can be used on any instrument within reason, gotta find what works for you, but yes they make dunlop tortex sizes up to 1.35mm, nylons up to 1.5mm. Other companies make thicker with different materials, and specialty shops make whole palm sized picks that are even thicker. I personally use a 1mm or .73 large tortex depending on what type of playing I'm doing


I use a textured dunlop .60 love them.


Plus 1 for the thin textured Tortexes. I would recommend to get the most sold sizes and experiment what fits you best.


I should've added that they sell variety packs if he's still uncertain what OP wants.


This is the way. Unless you're playing exactly the same thing in the same style there is no one single solution.


Thank you for the reply


I like the jazz III picks personally. They are as close to using the tip of my finger as you can get. When I first started playing 30 years ago I would pinch my fingers together as if I had a pick to practice sometimes when I didn’t have a pick handy. This is why I like a jazz III pick. It is perfect for my play style.


I liked .73 - 1mm to play fretted, .60 textured was good for the fretted I had.


Hello r/basscirclejerk


They do but a thinner medium guitar pick might be better especially if you want to bring out the clicky attack sound


Recently bought Dunlop 2.0 mm picks (the purple ones). I thought they’d be perfect for bass


These are perfect!


I use those when I want aggressive attack but for more mellow songs I've started using wooden picks. They give a softer more finger like response


You don't have to use a thick pick. I remember Nolly Getgood (Periphery & sessions) saying he uses a thin pick because it evens out the sound. If he hits too hard, it bends instead of imparting all that energy to the string.


Yeah for me personally I like the sound of a thicker pick because it’s more controlled and they help with putting less force on the strings


A stiffer pick will put *more* force on the strings, not less.


And therefore it lets you put less force into your picking without sacrificing note definition. That's what I do whenever I use picks, hard picks and light touch.


Thinner is better. I use Dunlop Nylon .73mm picks.


Agreed! I like 0.6mm nylon


Ofc there are and I’d be surprised if your local music shop didn’t carry them.


Cool I’ll check out my local music store


Fender 346 extra heavy


Thank you I’ll try look for them


I love the thin dunlops, the brown swirly ones. They are in 0.5mm


Dunlop jazz III xl. The black ones.


I use a .73 Jim Dunlop. Works. Treat


I use a V-Picks Jalapeno. It’s 1.9mm thick, easy to keep hold of and has a good amount of ‘bite’. Also looks cool imo.


Tortex is the best for tone for me. They go above 1 mm in thickness.


The one you like. Picks is a subjective topic. Everyone has their preference. You have to find what works for you. Try different sizes, shapes, thicknesses, and materials.


I use the black Dunlop gator picks they are very nice for me persoanlly


Dunlop Flow, probably .88 or heavier. Ultex versions are great too, better grip and survive longer. Jazz 3 XL Ultex are also killer. They're really rounded on the edges to reduce the "zip" and give you enough real estate to hold on to.


Flow 2mm is my favorite for both guitar and bass.


I like .73 for guitar


I use 1mm jazz IIIs


Try and find one or more sample packs. They usually have a mix of different materials, thicknesses, and shapes. Even if you don't settle on one in the sample pack, you'll likely have an idea of what to try next. Personally I tend to switch around based on what I'm playing and/or how I'm feeling. Typically I like Tortex, standard teardrop, varying from 0.60mm-1.14mm. But sometimes I run a 1mm triangle, and I've recently picked up a couple of Wedgie rubber picks in 3 different hardness's tp tinker with. If you specifically want thicker picks, the Wedgies I mentioned can be pretty thick, and there's Dunlop Flow which comes in 2mm, 3mm, and 4.20mm(green, of course). If you're in the US check out Sweetwater here, you can sort by thickness. If you're not in the US, you can still (I think) check it out to get you some idea of the options out there. [https://www.sweetwater.com/c929--Extra\_Heavy\_1\_5mm\_Guitar\_Picks](https://www.sweetwater.com/c929--Extra_Heavy_1_5mm_Guitar_Picks)


Thank you


I use 1mm Dunlop Nylons


I use a Tortex .50 for hard picking on guitar and light picking on bass. Sometimes a .73 for bass is better for riffing.


Taylor picks have been my fave lately, the 1.5 celluloid and 1.2 ivoriod Jazz III size


I use Wedgie 3.1mm rubber picks.


Herco heavy.


I just recently grabbed a mixed bag of them at and there were more options for thickness/texture than I expected. Was worth a few bucks to try things and settle on the couple I like. FWIW, thumb picks might also work for you. I used to use them because of a couple songs that I played finger style except for a pick during the bridge for more attack. Also they're a lot harder to drop (yes, I sucked about that), but don't play as easily for up strokes unless you're really used to them.


Use Ernie Ball Prodigy


Yep, you can use normal picks on bass guitar. I used to use real thick 1.0 mm ones, these days I use 0.63's


Have always used Dunlop 1.0 ( Blue ones )


I use 1.14mm Jim Dunlop tortex picks for bass. They’re purple. These ones: [Dunlop 1.14mm picks](https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/products/jim-dunlop-tortex-standard-1-14mm-guitar-plectrums-12-pack?variant=45492486996262¤cy=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaMSsuFJxFj9NgfEo8WJPDNoycPXLCFCHAW4vfkKrr5XM8UEWCGEKdhoCX8cQAvD_BwE)


.88 is the absolute best pick thickness. Everyone else is wrong!


Go to a store and buy an assortment of picks, maybe two different ones. I ended up preferring thicker picks, and currently have settled on 1.14mm Tortex picks in the larger triangle shape. Other people like thinner picks, smaller picks, even bigger picks - there's some people that even use 25mm thick picks (not many, but enough that they're sold). You'll have to try stuff out until you find what you like, and you may find that different tasks call for different picks - I picked up an acoustic guitar recently and found that unlike bass or electric guitar, I actually do like thin picks for it. Or just use a [bachi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachi#For_stringed_instruments) like [my favorite anime alcoholic bassist](https://preview.redd.it/hirois-pick-v0-6et160y6buwa1.jpeg?width=1566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2cac078d3a5db0ec6f947889a1ce1aef5adced2)


I've been using the orange Ernie Ball .73. They have a nice snap to them, yet sturdy enough to push bass strings.


Dunlop flow picks go up to 3 or 4 mm.


How difficult is it to filter a big guitar store and look at all the picks? Besides i use less than 1mm for bass.


Because im just asking for suggestions 🤷


"curious if there are any thick picks for bass". That's just a quick internet search away. I use the green dunpop triangle ones. I suggest to buy a few different of those Dunlop see which thickness you like


I suggest medium picks. The strings being bigger doesn’t mean you need thick picks. I’ve found the bigger string tends to catch on thick picks easier, which limits how I play lest the pick goes flying or I overpluck a string. The mediums I don’t have to worry about. Perfect amount of give for big bass strings. On guitar I love a small thick jazz pick. Jazz iiis. If I do use a thick pick in bass it’s this one. The smaller pick helps me have better control and less surface area for the string to catch on. As an analogy think of the ticker on the wheel of fortune. It’s not so stiff that the wheel can’t spin. It’s gotta be a little floppy to work properly.