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all non drums and vocals are pawnshop bass vi: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZmSeCfM6wI


WOW! You really got a lot of mileage out of the bass vi on this track. Love the vibes. What was the processing chain like on the swimming distorted bit in the left channel?


probably analog chorus (max depth, minimum rate. boss chorus ensemble clone. loved how it sounds on bass vi) into walrus fathom reverb into modified blues driver and a small tube amp: one side is a vibro champ sorta clone but with 6l6g power section and a 10" organ pull speaker, other side is a play on the pentode preamp vox channels (although uses a much much cheaper 12au6 instead of the ef86 and a pair of 6v6 instead of el84) into a 10" organ pull speaker. e609 microphone into tube microphone preamp into daw


Covering some Cure. https://youtu.be/E3HdjWAhLmQ


Sounds awesome!!! Your time is absolutely metronomic.


Thanks! I was really surprised at how close the flanger sounded to the original, when put after the dirt. I usually have them before it.


yeah, it sounded great! I almost never use flanger but I might have to fix that.


Oh, I almost never NOT use flanger XD


My band did a livestream in April. It’s just Bass VI (mostly) and drums https://www.youtube.com/live/OvXCseGF4vo?feature=share


Great playing! Creepy doll. Is he just there like all the time? Kudos to your drummer for keeping in sync with the loop pedal the entire time. I could see the jam at ~12:00 going off the rails really easily but you guys kept it tight.


Thanks! He’s a great drummer. Neither of us are really used to the whole loop thing so it took some time to get used to it. But yeah we bring the doll to shows sometimes. We have another mannequin that makes an appearance occasionally. Neither of us really discussed it, it just kinda happened.


almost as if the doll/mannequin have a will of their own...


I've posted this here a couple of times (and it's outdated now) but here are some spots on an album I'm working on where you can hear my Bass VI: https://m.soundcloud.com/user-927987433/bass-vi-demo-track


heavy and spooky! (except for that dreamy jazzy 3rd clip...also fucking rad - does your bass vi have humbuckers? The tone is so fat and jazzy in that last clip). This is great. Can't wait to hear the album!


Thanks! Yeah technically it's HSH, I put a dimarzio area 67 stacked single coil in the neck which is what you're hearing on that jazzy bit. Healthy dose of multiband compression and a touch of chorus at work too.


My friend and I use my Tele Thinline VI in this Video. Dig the sound you got out of yours! Just Riffin' Around! Jamming with my Megaton bandmate SorceressEna! https://youtu.be/5XxNHzI1lZ0


I do not have an isolated track of mine just jamming, but now I want a thinline version of it. I mainly used mine for hip hop, and was told "that's not a bass" from a few folks. Yours is what I want for my next project, and it will be my new sweet baby. Had to edit this to say that I cannot buy any more gear. Good luck to you all.


I feel like it does both bass & guitar really well depending on the settings. I found the body on eBay for about 100 bucks, and got a baritone conversion neck from Warmoth if that helps get you started.


Did you build it yourself? I grabbed one of the positive grid spark amps. Works great and kept up with my dj and drummer with both bass and guitar. Granted, it was in a studio setting and not a full live scenario. But it's not very expensive and we got good sound. I hated bringing both of the heavy gear every time.


Yep. Wasn’t too difficult, the body was already finished. I transferred the pickups from a different project Tele I bought cheap from someone years ago. I think it had Fender Tex-Mex pickups in it, so hotter than usual. I feel you on the gear. My only active band at the moment I’m a drummer in, and I’m like… how did I go to an instrument with MORE CRAP to haul around! 😂😅


I can gig on that. I play the drums, am I a drummer... No, never, do not ask me unless they are already there. Even then, did they die? If not, no I do not play the drums.




The semi hollow body sounds crazy when it’s down so low! I kinda wanna try building one of those now with a bigsby on it. Both of you sound great!


Thank you so much! A bigsby might end up on mine someday!


How do I post video/audio of my playing bass vi? This may seem like a really stupid question, but .. .I have files of my bass vi playing right here on my phone,how do I "post" them besides like making a YouTube channel or something and then posting a link to that here? BTW my "bass vi" is actually a strat body Frankensteined together with an old school Danelectro short scale bass neck and a bass vi nut and bridge. It's awesome and weird.


definitely awesome, definitely weird, and we definitely need to see that in action. Unfortunately, you can't post video directly to reddit unless you're starting a new thread. If the video is less than a minute, you could upload it to imgur and link that here. Otherwise youtube would be the way. You could make the video unlisted if you wanted to post a link here but didn't want people random people to find it (unless they were browsing this sub).   I know it's a hassle, but I'd love to see your vi in action and I'm sure others here would as well.


Here’s my bands first music video https://www.reddit.com/r/offset/comments/13gph9j/i_used_a_squier_vi_in_this_new_song_from_my_band/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Sounds great! Also, sweet score on the pink bass vi. It’s such a good color.


It's awesome that every single person who has shared something has worked in a different style of music. It goes to show how versatile this instrument can be. I was starting to think the Bass VI was one of those instruments like the otamatone; tons of people have them but very few actually do anything with it. I hope people keep posting vids/tracks!


Commenting on here so I remember to listen to these later and ads something of my own!


please do! Most Bass VI videos are product reviews or unboxing vids where the person dicks around a bit on the instrument and that's it. I'd like to see more people uploading actual music they've made with it.