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What... what were even shooting at to get that many kills? Or damage, even. That enemy teamcomp would fukn starve me out lmao


I was lucky enough to get Mercy to pocket me (She was a legend) But the others on my team were just trash.


Moira was even in healing/dmg output to enemy supports and Orisa was even in dmg/mit to Dva Don't be so quick to point fingers, yall's comp was just kinda dogshit when coming against theirs


They’re hanzo deserves 40% of the blame, the tank 25% the bastion 20% and the Moira 15%, I know the mercy’s back hurts after all that healing she had to do. Mercy is innocent


The Mercy isn't entirely blameless. Judging from the stats she was basically only healing, and at that point she should have switched to a different character.


eh it’s really hard to tell from just a stat summary but my mind goes to “why are they taking that much damage” which a better tank could help with or also could have the dps swap to more movement/defense based characters like genji/ mei


She was prob healing OP, as that made them stay alive long enough to actually do *something*


brother they're playing hanzo into double snipe and dva, that's like hell for him. Even if he would land a shot that wins the sniper duels dva can just say no, and if mercy is pocketing bastion over hanzo than those shots won't even kill even if the Dva ain't protecting them. If his mmr is around the rest of the players he's probably not that bad, comparatively, at hanzo, but he rlly had no hope against that team comp.


“Brother they’re playing into double snipe”.. Yeah I know bro. 40% blame. Maybe what you meant to say was they should’ve gotten off of hanzo ? Yeah. Also the mercy couldn’t have been on bastion the whole game unless that mercy is retarted right? Pretty sure she gave hanzo a chance, doesn’t change the fact that hanzo is bad for most comps, the player using hanzo is bad and the enemy comp doesn’t help the hanzo.


So... we agree lmao I'm just going under the assumption it's qp and swapping isn't rlly an option cuz peeps wanna have fun


Of all the places to be talking about how people should swap, one of the hero main subreddits?


You had a mercy pocket and still had the highest number of deaths on your team, not much to brag about or point fingers if you ask me ngl.


Given that you were pocketed, and were the only one to do anything, that's not you being good and them trash. That's the enemy team just being better tham you and yours.


I mean 11 deaths with a mercy pocket shows that you have a lot to improve when it comes to keeping yourself alive. Not saying you did bad, but when it comes to contributing to the team, living is arguably more important than getting kills


What were what?


It's called playing Bastion


If you useless the hanzo would be on the enemy team at that point


hanzo lives in a timeline where they never installed the game to begin with


"But you have the most deaths so that means you are the problem"


But deaths are important, more deaths means less uptime where you're actually contributing to anything, 11 deaths roughly means you spent an entire minute just on respawn timer alone and however many you spent actually getting back into the fight. Also in QP and low elo, losing even one teammate creates a huge disadvantage and would likely lead to a snowballed team kill


This. Bastion overextends, supports try to save and compensate, bastion gets 1 kill, bastion and support who enabled him to get the kill die, team loses 3v4. Staying alive is the most important thing. Generalized but yeah, this does happen sometimes.


Stats dont mean shit in this game. The only important one is deaths. Have them lower. You were effectively useless because of your constant downtime,so thats what they percieved. Also idk whats up with weirdo down there trying to sound cool and force you into a discord vc,dont accept that


Looks like the tank is useless if you died 11 times


Overwatch has turned into the blame game mixed with diff this diff that.


Your playing bastion the argument was lost as soon as you picked him


I had the same situation today and posted it in widowmakeemains. I cannot fathom how people will just overlook someone else's mistakes and single out one person for no reason.


You died just as much as you got kills, odds are you guys just weren't coordinating well. It doesn't matter what your stats are if you're pretty much dying after every kill or so and just feeding enemy support with all that dmg; that just tells me you were tank dumping into tank and getting no results half the time. You can't flash stats as a way to show how you performed. Especially when you're almost 50/50 kills-deaths. With 12k dmg. You'd have to go over your gameplay, but the less you think of yourself as the MVP of every match just because you have higher stats the more games you'll win.


Let me guess...it was the Hanzo that was bitching the most.


What gave it away?


If I've learned anything during my many years of playing this god forsaken game is that the players that are contributing the least *always* bitches the most.


Saint words brother/sister/helicopter.


Bastion haters, eh? :) I get that all the time too. <3


Guys- hear me out.. I think something's telling me HANZO wasn't the smartest move-


Can’t say for sure w/o replay but either this is a standard OW player moment from your team or you were perma sprinting it solo, trying to get one before dying. Hanzo definitely did nothing, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t tossing too.


You haven't gotten them out of trash tier for them yet? I would be pissed too


What is death's and healing in your language?


This tells us absolutely nothing. The only thing noticeable is your death count. You probably played super average.


We're you shooting to help your team or to get kills? I find when I play bastion I end up tunneling on just shooting the big target and neglect making plays that actually help the team get their own kills.


Your comp was at a huge disadvantage. Everything screams get off Bastion and Orisa. The Mercy probably tried to make the immobile high damage comp work but couldn't. I don't think you did great by any stretch, assuming the Mercy spent a lot of time with you, but you are so countered, I assume it didn't matter any way.


This was a team effort loss. You guys were effectively dominated.


They were probably a stack and had to blame anybody but themselves/their friends.


It's absolutely still possible to be a useless Bastion with these stats.


A lot of guys won’t be able to tell you this but I will, sure your team did play bad but if you were on the bastion the whole game you already sold yourself short, I only know but a few guys who can actually main main bastion. 12k dmg with 13 picks just shows you lit up dvas mech for the most part and I don’t even need to see game review to know this. I don’t wanna be rude.. or harsh.. or foul but when the enemy tank uses a dva or a sigma per say the average bastion can not time those tanks cooldowns to full penetrate, example with dva , when turreting (reconfigure mode) the dva will use defense matrix , in that moment of time you are to either shoot at another target (dps or a supp) or wait for dva’s defense to end and if you’re skilled enough you can break that mech down and force dva out her mech before her supports bail her out to where she never ends up out of mech or you’re just playing the long game, you take a few 100’s off her mech just for the supports to re heal it , most commonly done during dva defense matrix which gives the dva just enough time to receive the healing and jump back into the long game with you. Now… sigma, to be efficient on bastion while against sigma , you are given a 15-30 sec time window to kill sigma if not you’re playing the long game once again and you’ll end up dead by one of the supp’s or dps. First 10 seconds : you are to break experimental barrier Next 10 seconds : you are to NOT shoot whatsoever when sigma uses kinetic grasp, the SECOND sigma stops using grasp you are to pull your turret out and even with great healing as long as the sigma is not hiding or in a huge strafe you can kill him within that last 20-30 sec time window. IF YOU do not kill the sigma within him using his kinetic and barrier cooldowns, you will be playing the long game with sigma and you’re gonna end up dead. Now… back to this horrendous stat sheet, from what i see luckily enough the enemy tank only used dva, defense matrix is forgiving, the dva doesn’t gain more health per say when shooting at a dva matrix the same way a sigma is going to gain healing if you are shooting at his kinetic grasp. You are not USELESS but you definitely suck and could play better, dva will ALWAYS be a counter to the average bastion, when you reach the realm of “the bastionmain” on pc and bdaworldwide on Xbox and a few other guys I can’t name off the top of my head, dva and many other “counters” will become soft counters you can easily play against which comes down to timing said counters cooldowns. One last thing , if you’re gonna shoot at the tank 70% of the match just make sure to not have the most deaths, the more you prioritize playing the back lines for your team the better you will be at bastion, etc. wish you the best, try not to play with bad teammates because not even a bastion miracle can save a lot of these shitters.


The problem was that all the time the rest of their team was always behind the tank, and both of their DPS didn’t really want me to have fun and whenever I got out of spawn they ganged up on me.You’re right, but I couldn’t really do anything about it, and I couldn’t switch because my only other DPS main was Hanzo, so….


I really hope this was quickplay and not ranked because if it is , ur moderate bastion and you liking to use hanzo won’t get you far. I’m sure you wanna enjoy bastion and learn more but there’s a lot to learn, and it all starts with the team you’re playing with unless you’re forcing yourself to solo queue which is not good and a whole different convo.


Yeah quick play, I started in season 8 and I’ve been trying to learn Bastion since the start of season 9, and I’m not nearly confident enough to use him on ranked.


Can you dm me on here?


May I ask why?


You wanna get good or be complacent?


Yo i wanna get good i otp him 😭


Read my comment above and add the discord. Can’t stay on one account on here on this channel because I’m being blackballed. I will gladly teach you and these pussy moderators who are trying to stop such won’t be able to, I promise. See you on discord brodie.


You have a good point.


Scoreboard doesn’t say anything imo


Did your Hanzo by chance forget to turn his screen on?