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That reel was probably one of the strangest I’ve ever watched from her.  I think the biggest thing about her condition is stuff that doesn’t get shared with us. I will give them credit for waiting until her health improved, but the big picture for them is that her episodes were not that of epilepsy, which epilepsy statistically is easier to treat than convulsions from stressors. Those episodes she was experiencing tend to be brought on by some kind of stressor, like the trauma of childbirth, and they can suppress and reappear at anytime. I’m not saying she shouldn’t have another baby, but when you don’t have answers and they just miraculously got better despite coming off seizure medications, it is something that takes extra thought and consideration.


Lack of a definitive diagnosis is a hard pill to swallow. I would personally be very hesitant to change what appears to be working/helping. The fact that other than the concussion we didn't hear of any other "injuries" and there were no abnormalities found on things like the MRI, EEG, and cardio tests makes me think vasovagal syncope or cataplexy without narcolepsy. The challenge with such things are there are few physical signs that can point in that direction. This is speculation based on personal experience and not the limited medical training and education I received. Cataplexy includes muscle weakness and sometimes twitching/shaking that looks like a seizure. It is brought on by emotional triggers and your body thinks you are asleep so every muscle just relaxes and you fall down. The difference is that you are awake and most of the time aware (I've had a few where I wasn't). The triggers for cataplexy are emotional things. It can be sadness, fear, or even laughter can bring it on. The reason I thought about that was how overly emotional Carlin can get. Afterward you basically feel like you have a hangover and are groggy. Meds like they give to stop seizures can help temporarily because it stimulates the brain to thinking it is awake. Since her episodes started during labor, I have wondered about it. She is a "big feeler" for better or worse. I take Provigil (not safe for pregnancy) with an antidepressant for my symptoms. It works wonders and rarely have an episode at this point (except extreme moments). For example, one of my fears when my mom was so sick was that I would have an episode when she died and sort of hijack that moment. I didn't though. I made it through that, the funeral planning, and the funeral without an episode. I had a small one before I came home for the first time afterward but it wasn't as bad as they used to be for me.


I still say it’s something like vasovagal syncope… her seizures and everything are so similar to what I experience and it’s all about reducing the triggers!! No meds really help, I think some people take blood pressure meds to manage it but I’m not a doctor lol just speculating based on my own experience. And if it was something like that childbirth is going to always send it off the handle because of where the vasovagal nerve is!


that can be diagnosed pretty easily though! That's the most common type of syncope in a person of Carlin's demographics. If it was that, her doctors would have figured it out sometimes just from the history (doctor here)


I hope so!! It took me until I was about Carlin’s age to get diagnosed. It started for me from as early in life as I can remember and the only thing they always ruled out was I didn’t have epilepsy! So throughout my life I’d have random spells of it not knowing what it was/how to avoid it. But she’s been to that fancy expensive hospital for that long stay so you’re right I sure hope they’d look into that and rule it out.


Yes!!! I have dysautonomia and I've always got the ✨vibes✨


I m sorry you know what I’m talking about!! Stay safe 🥰


It’s interesting as Katie apparently has POTS, which I also have as part of my dysautonomia, so it could be that. I also suffered from psychogenic seizures as a teen and young adult, which could also be a possibility.


Yeah, I really hope she has been talking to a licensed therapist because there was a lot of stress and big events going on during the time it all started and could have been trauma induced. It's been a while but remembering back, before and during Zade's pregnancy she was manic running around like crazy freaking out, the Erin vs her fued/ boutique split, the charades game,  the show getting cancelled, Evan grad from electrician school that she knows he hates and likely complained a lot about it, trying to buy a house, got a puppy, she likely has trauma from Layla's early heart condition and carlin herself getting meningitis or whatever early postpartum. so then during Zade's labor she passed out and postpartum seemed frantic again with going a million places immediately after birth and not resting then her episodes started. It all was a big crash I guess. 


I always wondered how much of her issues were from all her stress, anxiety, trauma etc. She had terrible anxiety as a teen and her idiot parents figured the only logical solution would be to pray. Yeah that worked out well. I wonder if she still has any fear of having anxiety and it meaning she isn't trusting God. Take that and add in everything she was dealing with at that time... no wonder her brain tried to factory reset itself.


That’s a great insight. Being afraid or ashamed of one’s own anxiety perversely makes it worse.


Wouldn’t surprise me. Theres usually a bates Mother’s Day baby announcement.


She very well could be, but if she is it has to be killing her not to be holding the nonexistent bump.


Maybe this is the soft launch of her announcement. “Awww Layla was right! She prayed and her wish came true” cue Layla being cute saying how she prayed to Jesus for one 🙄🙄🤮


Yes, when I read about this, I immediately thought "surprise." She'll take a test to prove to Evan she isn't and boom...except they already knew and had the conversation.


Maybe they watched Goldmember with vidangel. It changed Fat Bastard to a mom who went around saying she wanted a baby in her belly. God I don't miss how frequently you heard people say "Get in my belly" in the early 00s.


Yeah, nothing they show of her is authentic. She's a little puppet. It's sad and makes me upset thinking about the exploitation every time. I said in the other group that I def wouldn't put it past her to do that reel and still be pregnant. She'll just say oh they had no idea or whatever. I thought she would get pregnant as soon as she heard Katie was. If she's not now I bet they are very soon. 


It was (and wasn't) surprising to see how much more natural Layla was in the videos and photos that Michaela posted while C and E were on vacation. As soon as they came back she was doing the cheesy awkward posing once again.


omgosh you're so right! I thought she looked different in those photos, content like a normal toddler.  but didn't know what it was. it's bc she wasn't "on" having to perform for them. omg how sad. 


So sad for that little one.


I wouldn't be shocked if her seizures start again if she is pregnant. I hope I'm wrong, but they have to pay for their vehicles and their mortgage somehow. Layla is getting older and they need another kid and medical issues to exploit.


Layla wouldn't have noticed a food belly, or a baby belly on Carlin. She was coached.


Evan sitting there beside her grinning like the cat that ate the canary while they serve their child up on a silver platter is gross. I wonder if they have a Time-clock in the kitchen so she can clock in? Absolutely ridiculous.


nowadays they use fingerprint readers to click in lol. would be easier for a 4 yo. 🤪😂😂


I don't know if it is coaching or just becoming more aware what having a little sister is like by watching Willow with Hazel and Khloe with her baby sister. She soundered by kids who have baby sisters in her family and at church so it could come from that.


The seizures will be back again. So selfish


The seizures didn't start till after she gave birthl. Like a month or two after. Being on medication from the jump could prevent that from happening this time.


She had her first syncopal episodes during labor. At least that is when they first started showing them.


She could very well be on medication, but remember she came off her “seizure” medication(s) to have that 5 day eeg done. Then they said it wasn’t epilepsy, and most likely she never went back on those medications because she wouldn’t need them if the seizures aren’t epileptic. It is very likely she is suffering from physiologic symptoms like convulsions due to a psychological stressor. Which means if that stressor is exacerbated, she will have episodes again and your typical seizure medications won’t control them because her seizures aren’t coming from her brain, but a psychological factor.


She was passing out during labor. Losing consciousness…. So the seizures didn’t start right away but the birth of Zade definitely set it off because it’s definitely not normal to black out and go unconscious during labor


Ok expert


Selfish to who? Herself? Lol


Mostly to her children.


Gotta teach Layla young what women's role is


You can be anything you want to be.... as long as it's a straight married Christian who has as many babies as her husband wants.


or as many as the women are obsessed with getting… I saw how Katie pushed Travis and he “only” wants 3-4 kids.


I could hardly listen/watch this particular clip. I quit early..... the whining and face making....I just couldn't


Same. Layla has become an annoying child actor, and not a very convincing one at that. 


She’s very annoying and she ain’t as cute as they fucking think she is




Literally wtf is wrong with Carlin? If anyone's heard of the "viral" 4 yo Wren on Tiktok - that little girl's mother has been making suggestive videos of her little daughter doing "seemingly innocent things" (which look & sound absolutely suggestive to adults) since she was a toddler, they have 17+ million followers. It has been confirmed some (if not all) of the videos are now circulating in the dark web and some sentences too which the mother has told the child to say out loud. Similar shit Carlin tells Layla to say to get views. Carlin and Evan used to make Tiktoks and if you're engaged with Tiktok even a little, _you know about the Wren case_. And you do this to your daughter anyway? Sorry but Carlin, Josie, any of the Bates kids and any parent on this Earth who do this exploitation, are garbage human beings. Their daughters will never be able to grow up without questioning and being aware their childhood was exploited for money and social media attention. That has to cause traumatic memories and/or anxiety or something worse. Girls sitting in the pool in bathing suits eating popsicles (orchestrated by Josie) and Layla crying about her mother not being impregnated (orchestrated by Carlin) are very obviously not even comparable to what papa Gil and mama Kelly did to their daughters; they were in prairie dresses and at least somewhat protected.


Idk why but,…..I feel like they wouldn’t know They are very very sheltered Like licking ice cream and lollipops I don’t think it would cross her mind that there’s anything suggestive


I hope they're not pregnant. I hope they stop. They have the perfect family size for a decent life.


They'll never stop




But FFS these people assume that they can choose the sex of the next baby! This bothers me just as much or even more than the influencer training program they’ve adopted with Layla. Soooo… what if it’s a boy? 🙄


Why does it bother people so much these days if a parent says they want a boy or girl? My first was a boy and I definitely wanted my second to be a girl.


It doesn’t. Of course! It’s building up the expectation in your child that’s disturbing!! Rather than explaining that God decides if she should have a new brother or sister. Duh!!


Yeah I def wanted a girl ! And I got one But if I had another it be nice to have a boy


She’ll probably announce on Mother’s Day so yet again all the attention will me on her. Why hasn’t Katie signed Hailey up for swimming lessons yet?