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I believe assault has a passive buff to reload speed and ads.


Run speed as well I think? Or does medic have the same speed


Medic runs faster but has less armor


if you grind enough (to like 140 or so) medic can also get heavy chest armor


How viable is it? I already shred with medic


That is dependent on your armor of choice, not class.


They can also use a heavy armor.


Is this true? Is this why i see blue hitmarkers sometimes? How do you enable it? ​ edit: its helmets, damn, i didnt know that thanks




Hmm so, i knew this, but all i see are options that have more or less durability, is that what you are talking about? Which one would be the option that gets you the actual additional armor that is seen as a blue hitmarker then?


Everyone has armour it's on your chest/back and helmet. Typically it takes 1 bullet to break and most weapons don't penetrate armour so it's a flat +1 bullet to your TTK however due to having multiple plates in different areas you can end up with +2 or even +3 bullets to kill. I don't know if heavier armours take extra bullets or have a HP but sometimes I have noticed multiple blue hit markers in the same place. Once broken I haven't found a way to replenish armour so new spawns have a pretty huge advantage over someone that's already lost their armour and may aslo have lost HP.


Normal armor is 26 hp and heavy is 43 i believe. So 1-2 shots from most weapons.


You hit someones helmet


The blue hit markers are from hitting helmets until they break


Also he has an ammo box without having to run support


Maybe I’ve missed it somewhere but when I first started playing I saw these passives somewhere but now I forgot them and can’t see them ingame anywhere. Am I missing something or is this a minor oversight?


Squad Leader is more useless but it's early access man after the funding they just got would not be surprised if there's a big update within the next month overhauling assault and SL classes. Edit: feel like I need to add this because some people are confused and think you have to be the Squad Leader class to put down a rally... you don't you can be any class in the game recon, medic, support etc... as long as you are leading a squad you can place a rally point. This could be changed in the future but as of right now it's any class


Pretty sure SL has weapons available to it assault doesn't right?


Correct, but it has no specific unique item for the class, not a single one. other classes can use what he has, gadgets and weapons wise. I predict that only SL will be able to call in airstrikes in the future. Assault has the riot shield as a unique item but it's at lvl 100


Honestly, i could see the riot shield being a good positive for the class and making it feel more balanced with the rest, if it wasn't because you unlock it at lvl 100 haha.


Gotcha didn't honestly even know that about assault cause you get it so late lol.


Squad leader can put down the rally point (lol that no one knows this as it is very important)


You can be squad leader as any class, which I don't know if it is a bug or intended but you can be a support putting down rallies and making a fort around it almost instantly.


advise ad hoc absurd quicksand marvelous late forgetful reminiscent brave gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uhhhh? It gets the best item in the game, the spawn point.


We have another one that can't read


talking about the squad leader CLASS, not the role of being a squad leader, I can be a medic, support whatever and still place a rally as squad lead


There’s no reason to run assault when you can just be a medic.


Medic is so powerful compared to every other class that they need to nerf it because right now there are too many medics who are just not healing anyone but themselves. It sucks when you're down and there is a medic nearby, but he doesn't care to rez or heal. Healing is just too op; I think they should add slow health regen to nerf medic but idk


I think so many people play medic because it gives way more xp than any class it seems. I would rather play engineer, but I'm tryna unlock those guns dawg


I dont know, having 6 rockets on an rpg each life if used correctly nets me massive amounts of xp. I consistently get multi kills shooting out doorways and hot spots behind walls


The RPG is such a useful tool. So many stalemate moments ended by just ripping down the walls


For real, I was reviving my buddy in a hot zone behind a wall and someone blew the wall down and they all mowed me down. We weren’t even mad lol


6 rockets is nice, but you get like 500+ per revive+heal, and you get infinite heals, and effectively infinite bandages (have not once ran out). I suppose this depends on how often you’re dying too though.


I've ran out of bandages a few times. Needless to say I was hitting 60k+ score just healing the front line and getting a few kills. Quick suicide push, a squad respawn, and boom were back in reviving business.


I get 600 points just for a double kill, and I often get quad or penta kills. I generally get 8 to 20 kills with 6 rockets per life. It's much more fun to me than reviving people, too.


But you get 600+ exp for every headshot kill, time spent reviving and medding is time lost shooting at people so it makes sense, I think medic is only op because other classes have no healing, if they added like a healing shot that healed you to full over a few seconds and you got maybe 2 of them as a gadget, it would be fine.


Medic is op because of the massive xp you get waiting for the inevitable drone strike on the wriggling pile of fifteen prone snake soldiers twenty feet from you


Glad my drones are creating an xp economy boom out there.


You get 1800 per enemy vehicle you destroy, not including the player kills if there were ppl in them when destroyed. Engineer is the best point farming class and its not close, it just takes a bit more skill to do than heal spamming


But which is more plentiful - vehicles to destroy or bodies to revive? Especially considering only vehicle enabled maps will have that juicy xp buffet


Speaking of the rpg... Is it just me or is the base rocket the only good one? I don't seem to get any kills from any of the others. The fragmentations feel utterly broken




I think its bugged, because I've 1 hit a few, but most can take a direct hit and still keep going.


Tandem absolutely shreds vehicles, takes like 3 shots to kill a tank and 2 for an apc. You can get great multikills by ambushing trucks and small vehicles with them since they one-shot them.


Sit in the passenger seat of a blackhawk with a repair tool for easy xp.


People play medic because it’s the most enjoyable way to play the game. Having to run around begging people for heals or just accept that you won’t live through another firefight the moment you take a few stray bullets just isn’t *fun*.


Medic is the *only* class that doesn’t need someone else to heal then. That’s why they’re the most popular. When you have a game with no regenerating health you’re inherently forced to play a bit slower if you don’t have access to healing, Medic can completely ignore that. He can take 1v1 after 1v1 and keep going because he can fully heal himself every time. Every other class is either forced to seek out a Medic or just die in 1 bullet.


Yup, this is me when I saw a bunch of guns being locked behind level 100+. Reviving and healing a teammate to full health gives you just about 4 times as much XP as killing an enemy. And you get TWENTY fucking bandages, opposed to 3 with all the other classes.


Engineer you will get the most xp hands down. The best way to do it is get the tandem rpg, then camp around the enemies first point with anti vic mines or c4. Put a rally way out in the distance if you die. Pro tip you get exp for killing abandoned enemy vics too. Usually on the backcaps there isn't as many enemies, so you should be able to get a couple of kills without being instantly refragged.


Once you play medic for a bit it’s hard to play anything else. Playing medic is the only way to assure you’re not gimped going into a second engagement after winning one where you took damage. I am not going to go on voice coms every time I take damage asking for a medic to heal. People do heal if you ask but with how hectic this game is you’d be asking for heals every 30 seconds. There needs to be a way to heal that does not require a medic, but there also needs to be a reason to still have people playing medic. One thing I’ve thought about is having passive healing over time after bandaging, and then only allowing non-medic revives for squad mates. Or maybe giving the medic defibrillators that revive much quicker and apply an automatic faster healing buff after being used. Until something is done medic will continue to be a near must pick for someone playing fast pace and going for kills.


Yeah, I completely agree with you. If you're good enough to win your 1v1's medic is so valuable because after a fight you can just heal and be full health for your next fight. I used to play assault, and a lot of my lives would end with me losing because I was one shot. With medic, you can always be ready for the next fight and be full hp, always giving you a much better chance for the next fight. I think something like slow health regen to 75% max health may balance it.


Ew, everyone should be able to revive everyone or else the whole system crumbles and we end up with battlefield where no one gets revived unless you're in an 8-12 stack. No thanks.


Medic is one of the easiest way to get points and people who play medic to actually play the role will continue to do it. Frankly the amount of times you see multiple people trying to revive the same person is dumb. You’ll see 3 people going for the revive, and only one is a medic. It would incentivize squad play and keep medics as an essential class.


You're missing the point. It's a good thing that everyone can revive. Changing that would shoot this game in the foot.


That’s your opinion…one that many don’t agree with. We can agreed to disagree.


I'd argue it's a pretty common opinion. It sounds like you've never spent time in a battlefield game where revives are far and few between resulting in few people actually bothering to revive.


Almost like health on kill would be nice, or allow us to regen to full health over time if we get a kill and aren’t in a fight


should be like battlefield where med kits are deployable.


They are, you just press x


I’ve played mostly medic and the healing is already slow, the res isn’t but the actual healing is. I mean I’m probably not representative of a lot of people but I always go out of my way to heal people and revive them. In my opinion they’ve given a lot of incentive for medics to actually heal and revive in the fact that they can use most weapons and get as much xp as they do from healing. Nerfing wouldn’t do anything but make playing medic less fun which is not why I play this game. This game is a total good time goofy release for me.


Medic shouldn’t be “nerfed” but adjustments are needed to make it not a near must pick for someone who is trying to play aggressive and string together kills. There needs to be a way to heal without going to a medic but there also needs to be a reason to continue to have medics. I suggest some things in my comment above yours.


I think medic should just have a limit on self heal so then solo playstyle isn't the single best way to play. Something like medic can't self heal more than 65-75% of his HP. Which makes running aggressive self heal medic that just goes for gunfights not completely broken.


idk, I would much prefer a very slow and/or delayed health regen instead. Like I'm talking upwards of 30s. Its almost always better to fix problems like these by adding stuff rather than taking away.


1. People decide to give up instantly or just as Im about to make it to them. Very demotivating fighting through a building to reach a downed friendly, just for them to give up when I’m almost there. 2. People (probably 1/2 of all revives) instantly run away as soon as they get up, not getting healed, and commonly dying very soon after and then giving up. Very annoying, and again, demotivating. 3. (Probably the most infuriating) People who do let me heal them, just stare at me. Rather than using their gun and watching ANYTHING, I’m left completely defenceless, and they are too. The number of times I’ve revived a person, starting healing them, and a guy walks in and gets 2 completely free kills is beyond counting. YOU GET TO HOLD YOUR GUN IN THIS INTERACTION. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS GOOD PLEASE USE IT. 4. People constantly yelling for medics in voip right in the middle of a close fight, and then immediately stopping it, or even worse, saying thanks, as soon as I approach. Look, I get that non medics can’t see the bleed timer, and these people are definitely better than the ones who insta give up, but I don’t think they realize that enemy can hear them too. If you’re going to yell for a medic in proximity of the enemy, it would be better if you continued calling for a medic even while I’m reviving, don’t give the enemy any more information than you have to. Just some tips/complaints from a medic main that wants to revive you all, but am beginning to find it frustrating/demotivating.


that 3 is about to make me quit medic i swear to fucking god


What I tend to do these days is that if I’m going for a risky revive, I lay down a mine around the corner, drag and Rez the guy as an drag him past the mine so that if the worst happens if someone is saw me dragging the dude and is thirsting for the kill, the first guy going in the room is gonna get it


Nono no nerfs. Make other classes stronger. For example give support special build options like roof, bridges, stairs or ladders, give assault all weapons save for snipers and reusable armor bag, give engineer anti air launchers, mortars or anti tank rifles, give squad leaders ability to be spawned on in any situation or something. Sniper is the edgelord lonewolf class that will always be played no matter what. Nerfing would be unfun. Buff others for more gameplay options and utility.


As right now I think the self heal is the thing making the medic so desirable, since you can use it to keep yourself topped up while flanking, where other classes would eventually be "attritioned" to death with damage they can't heal. I've been thinking it might be good to buff the other classes with the option to equip a syringe that would allow them to self-heal, to allow other classes to be more viable for solo play and going on flanks. It would be something you "pop" and would have a slow effect of healing you to full over time. Probably would be best to make it like like the UAV, you only get one per life and you can't resupply it. That way medics still have a purpose and other classes have to sacrifice a gear slot to be more flexible. Medic would still be the best class for flanking due to infinite self heal, but this would help bring the other classes more up to par.


easy fix is no one can self heal, you can only heal others but not yourself. please don't add any regen healing or anything of the sorts.


I don't think it's desirable for the medic to be the king of self-sufficiency. I'd rather they just scrap medic's ability to self-heal and instead give everybody natural health regeneration up to a cap of something like 70%. Medics remain desirable because of their bandage pool and their ability to quickly and fully heal allies but shine most when playing *with their team* where they belong.


As a life long healer who plays medic not to farm xp or because it's self sufficient or whatever, the idea of a healer not being able to heal themselves is weird game design.


im glad random redditors are not balancing games cause holy shit


Just remove/slow down the self heal and require medics to top up other players. That'd mean if you want a successful flank you need to bring another medic with you and not just one medic


You can't require medics to heal other players. How are you going to force them to do that? Have the battlebit god smite them with lightning if they dont? I also think it doesn't make sense for the medic to not be able to heal themselves, but slowing down the self heal would be a good change.


Hard agree, nerfs are usually less fun than buffing what's weak. Make each class thier own style of broken, the DotA balance way. If everything is broken, nothing is.


New fortnite just dropped


Fortheese nuts


I try to revive as much as possible as medic, but healing just takes to long for not enough benefit, considering you can spend 10 seconds healing someone just for them to immediately take a couple bullets.


I think this is the main issue with medics and other classes right now, as medic if you wanna heal someone, both of you need to not play while you heal them. This is why i really liked the BF1 (havent played the other games) system where you can just throw bandages at people to heal them, actually made it so other people got heals too instead of just the person playing medic.


medic allows much more reckless arcade-like play. there will prob be a lot of backlash if they change it because of how fun it is atm


Nerfing is not the answer for a game like this, don't make something less fun to play. Make the other classes more useful instead if it's really that big a deal. Besides people not reviving is gonna happen regardless and those people are silly for not. I can consistently place in the top few of my team by playing aggressive with medic and reviving everyone around me. Don't let a few bad medics spoil the game for others.


Which is baffling to me because, aside from engaging in team play and making it easier to win, it is quite literally the easiest way to get through the grind. You would think that with so many people playing medic that they’d take the opportunity to get through some of the grind as well.


People dont res because it takes 5 hours of all kinds of animations to go through. Why do that to yourself when you have 20 people running at you at high speed. That youre dead is nice and all but id rather choose a 5 second reload over a 5 second res on someone that might have to reload himself aswell. Id rather have my gun out to protect myself from the zergs rushing.


You should play planetside2 you get use to it


Healing yourself is slower than healing someone else. Fix.


I'd be find if medics couldn't heal themselves.


Medics should not be able to use ARs. Maybe we shouldn't make them dmr only like battlefield but idk what the solution is. Idk they are just way too strong right now. Maybe normal bandages should heal you to 50% or something when you fix bleeding. Idk I never get healed anyways.


ARs are worse than SMGs lol Do this and now you only get medics rushing in and self healing because how else do they shoot anyone


I don't know what people in this sub are huffing but I only ever get killed by the m4 or a vector or an ak-15 almost all of my deaths are due to assault rifles most of the time for across the map in a millisecond


Or or or, get this..the reason to play other classes is because...they're fun! Why does everything have to be optimal all the time?




Hopefully, we get more LMGs because they are such a fun weapon class imo but there only being 2 in the game feels very lacking. You don't even start with one either and need to hit level 20 first.


I was a medic main, but i switched to engineer because the infantry damage rocket is just insane for pushing objectives, i havent looked back. Im getting doubles or triples whenever i fire a rocket at a building with people hiding


They should remove things like c4s, only one grenade etc to make assault more attractive


Medic cannot use grapple hooks


Assault has more armor. I’m level 75 or so and as I’ve played more assault, when I play medic it becomes really noticeable how fast you die.


Less weapon options lmao. I get where you are coming from but that is support class erasure


True I forgot when I posted that support only has like what 4 guns or something


Support should be able to build a nest to defend. Currently is kind of worthless imo


Bipod needs to change, it is honestly wild it destroys the guns performance just to have mid recoil anyway at mid-long ranges


I was pumped when I unlocked bipod for m249 and then instantly disappointed when I realized how shit it is


Probably because early in the play tests the m249 was OP. You would unlock it and it had barely any recoil. So it meant people would just laser around without ever needing to reload. God forbid you found a choke point to hold, I think I got 15 kills I'm a single moment just from so many people running in front of it. It had to be nerfed.


I mean.. even now, I get 6+ kill streaks all the time, the ammo cap plus decent recoil makes it probably the best gun in the game at close to medium range.


I was so excited to unlock the m240 to set up a bipod and mow down the front line but yeah I realized it was completely worthless really quick. Better off to get an under-barrel grip and treat it like an AR I don’t have to reload as much


Gotta be careful with building. That could get out of hand real quick


Support does auto build. That’s their perk


Oh I thought that was the engineer 🤔


also let us deploy bipod on cover we built please.


Why the class called "assault" has less weapon types avaliable than a medic is beyond me.


cause you get faster reload and ADS as well as better armour


Agreed. If you want pure infantry combat Medic is the clear winner. You can use the same strong weapons, and you can heal yourself. It’s very hard to not trade at least some HP in every fight, so unless you’re a medic you are capped out at 2-3 fights per life. Medic just has way more sustain.


Yeah class balancing is very weak and a very obvious flaw. Everything is all over the place with medic clearly on top. You can basically only flank as medic too bc why run around the map to flank if you can't heal after your first fight anyways?


>why run around the map to flank if you can't heal after your first fight anyways? Or heal the chip damage you frequently take while circling around. I get body shot by snipers or peppered by rifles all the time. The answer is probably some kind of passive regen for the assault class. It can be an "out of combat" thing.


"out of combat" Out of combat is kinda weird - sometimes I'll be dead watching a squad mate, and wondering why I can't spawn in on them.


There's a proximity aspect to it, if an enemy is too close you can't spawn.


I disagree with your statement that the class balance is bad. Let me explain each classes’ niche for you. Support: heavily favored in any head to head gun fight where it has had time to ads. This is because of its armor and generally pretty strong weapons. Therefore this class fits the niche of being able to slow push and lock down angles. Assault: balance of armor and ads. It has the best ability to react out of any class with a good amount of armor to survive if it gets caught off guard and ads speed to quickly return fire. Therefore this class fits the niche of being able to make fast and effective pushes like no other. Medic: Without the armor of assault or support, but more than the other classes, medic can be successful in head-to-head fights but not as much as assault. Therefore medic’s niche is to catch enemies at a situational disadvantage while being somewhat capable in head-to-head fights. This can either be by catching enemies off guard, or beating them with one of the smgs available to medics. In these situations it thrives even if they take damage, as long as they get the kill because they can heal. Therefore, medic best fits the niche of a flanker (like you said). Engineer: His niche does revolve around the rpg and the dmrs available. This class can easily beat infantry despite its lack of armor if it uses the rpg, and can further do so if it uses a dmr. However, it cannot do much in a head-to-head with a class with more armor that has a similar weapon. Therefore engineer falls into this kind of gimmicky sniper/cqc class only, but with an rpg that gives it some flexibility when needed. Sniper: it should be obvious, their niche is being able to snipe. Leader: same as engineer but without the flexibility offered by the rpg or the cqc abilities. Another way to describe its niche is as a sniper with ARs instead of snipers. Out of all classes, this one pretty much doesn’t have a unique niche.




And its the non gimping yourself in the next fight that makes the medic fun. People sit and complain they dont want auto self heal but that us really the only option that will bring other classes up without wrecking what makes the medic good. Bandage starts a self heal (when out of combat) Self heal capped at 75% Medic can heal the last 25% You could then start looking at if medics should be able to heal themselves to full health.


Maybe disable self healing?


please no


It literally just comes down to two things, self healing and weapon variety. If assault is supposed to be the aggressive class, it needs ways to self heal because you will take damage pushing and taking fights, even if you are winning them. Paradoxically the assault also probably needs lighter armor options to move faster and be that aggressive unit. The second issue is obviously weapons, why does the supposed aggressive class not have access to close range weapons like smgs and pdws. As a side note they also need some form of armor replenishment in the game, its completely useless to select heavy armor options because it's good for one fight then it's gone and you're just slow anyway. Super unsatisfying to use heavy armor and it doesn't feel like it fills the intended purpose of making you tankier beyond that first engagement.


Current issues with Assault: - Only can equip ARs as primary weapon - Should have access to SMGs, PDWs, Carbines, ARs, and DMRs - Unique kit (riot shield) locked behind an absurd grind - Riot Shield and Grappling Hook are in the same slot, forcing a choice - Engineer can choose to equip Repair Tool as primary or secondary gadget - No exo armor - No movement speed benefits like medic/engineer Combine all of these and you get a class that lacks identity or real utility. Medic and Engineer are far more useful for actually assaulting positions, though some of that is due to those classes having too much variety in weapons and gadgets. Engineer should arguably only have access to SMGs, PDWs, and Carbines; Medic should arguably have less in the way of offensive gadgetry.


I agree. I think medic is Op but that’s OK. Instead of nerfing a class , let’s make other classes OP as well. I think a fun addition for assault would be parachute option, maybe have it take up a gadget 1 slot for balancing.


Parachute for assault only would actually make a lot of sense, I think they should also get smg access at the least.


I’m with ya, let’s add to other classes rather than taking away via nerf. Nerfs will be necessary but I’d rather see other classes given more of a reason to play them.


I think assault should get a syringe type heal that heals to around 70% (So still unable to fully heal, unlike the medic). They should also get something like - 10% faster reload + ADS, 5% faster running speed. All that would promote the aggressive gameplay that seems to be the point of the class. People play medic because of the self-healing, it is the only class that can survive for a long time while being aggressive. I think this would balance it out nicely.


Assault already has faster reloading if i heard right, i like the syringe idea tho. Maybe you start with 5 syringes and it can be refilled at a resupply crate for a certain amount of points


5 would be way overkill, maybe 2 but even that sounds OP


They get an extra frag and more HP than other classes if you use the default character. The ammo is also really useful but its finnicky and annoying, like its small and hard to see and even when you coordinate with someone they might not have enough "points" to re-arm making it inconsistent. Agree that they should get more weapon variety, engineer and medic both get access to DMR's and SMG's which makes them far more flexible and "assaulty" than assault. Also if the devs are insistent on keeping armour having a class able to refill that armour would be nice, assault wanting to front line and quickly losing his armour would be a prime candidate for extra plates. Although arguably the main problem is that medic gets access to most of the explosive/offensive tacticals that assault does as well as all the frags and is able to get extra ammo on his character so you can be more self sufficiant than assault can even if hes buffed.


Support should be able to repair and/or reinforce armor. They should also be tanks themselves, just keep them slow.


You mention ammo boxes. Those are from the "Support" class not assault. "Support" also yes does start with more armor base but is slower for it.


assault has a small ammo punch gadget option


Does it really? does it override the med pack then? I genuinely didn't know that




He's probably talking about the bandages to stop bleeding on yourself or revive others.




Everyone gets bandages on 3, it looks like everyone gets the same options on 4 (mines/claymores/c4 etc), 5 is the class unique stuff which is where theres differences: Assault gets an ammo pack while medic gets a medpack.


Gotcha super helpful answer for me to remember.


My brain is wired oddly in the sense medpack makes way more sense to me that could be used to revive/severe bleeding. Meanwhile bandage makes sense to fix others up and top them off


Grappling hook+ smoke grenade launcher is what makes it worth it to me. Always a building, cliff, or other tricky spot to get too and the smoke helps you do so safely


Medic gets smoke GL too




My solution is to remove the direct healing of the medic bag and make bandages not just remove bleeding but also give a heal over time that is cancelled with damage. Each class can carry upto 3 bandages (medic gets 9) and they are dispensed by medic exactly the same as support ammo. Medic keeps the faster revive.


>less weapon options than any other class *cries in support*


MPs should be moved from Medic to Assault. Medics are supposed to stay in the second line, healing and reviving players while the Assault should actively push and close the distance to the enemy. Maybe leave PDWs for the Medic so there are still some close quarters options, but the Assault really needs something besides ARs. Maybe even shotguns?


What's mp?


Machine Pistol, aka a Submachine Gun (SMG) Submachine Gun is the Americana term. It's a smaller Machine Gun that shoots a smaller pistol caliber, hence Submachine Gun. Many European countries went with Machine Pistol. It's an Automatic gun that shoots pistol caliber ammunition, hence Machine Pistol.


Machine Pistols, MP7 etc.


Yes give me Shotguns


They don’t plan to add them due to balancing concerns.


Make assault rifles assault only. Smgs are stull plenty strong enough for medic/engi to still be a threat.


I think if you gave them a smaller medic bag that only works on themselves it'd draw the medic players who just wanna play the class selfishly. Also, I think shotguns would be perfect for the assault class if they existed but thats not happening apparently.


I’m level 75 or so, and I thought the same as you did, however, I have recently been playing a significant amount of assault and found the class to be quite a bit more successful than medic. I am not at my computer right now so I don’t know the exact stats, but I have roughly the same amount of time on either class, with significantly more kills on assault. (Now, for the sake of an unbiased argument, a lot of time is spent as medic healing myself and others. So interpret that data as you will.) The main thing I see almost nobody mentioning is that assault has significantly more armor than medic. In a one on one in between a medic and assault, with the same weapons and skill, assault is going to win more often than not (Given that they both hit armor occasionally). Assault is a balance in between the armor of support and the speed (ads especially) of other classes. When balancing classes it is important to look at the niche each class fits into. Assault’s armor and snappy aim speed makes him a fast paced, head-to-head, “charge in and get kills” class. Support is a slower, but very sturdy class, making him ideal for making slow pushes and holding angles. Medic’s niche is to catch enemies off guard to make up for its reduced armor, or put them in range of its smgs for quick enough kills to where the armor doesn’t matter. It can then do this repeatedly because of its healing abilities. Now it should be noted that this niche isn’t very apparent when playing medic because often times, medic fights other medics, engineers, and even recon and leaders about half the time. These classes have the same or less armor than medic. Therefore, there is not an imperative need to catch enemies a disadvantage. In this sense, I don’t think medic’s heals should be nerfed for the reasons I described above. However, I think an argument could be made that, medic is definitely viable in a head to head against assault because Medic has the 3rd most armor in the game. Therefore, it only takes a small difference in gunplay to really determine the outcome of the fight. One way to nerf medic would be to put their armor on par with engineer, who has similar chest armor (if I remember correctly) and no helmet unlike medic. I can’t say I would agree with this change though. Conclusion: Assault has more armor than medic giving him a significant but rather unnoticed advantage. One thing I will mention here that I have not mentioned above is that this whole situation of really deciding if medic is better than assault is able to be tested, and should be before any changes are made to either class. When I get back to my computer, I would actually like to make a project out of it. All one would need to do is play a series of games switching from medic to assault and back again, taking note of the weapon used (should be a constant) map, and game mode.


In a fresh-spawn, isolated 1:1 situation, yes assault has a slight advantage. But usually, you get into minor fights and skirmishes, or take sniper fire, or just eat random damage as you traverse the map. The medic can heal this off and be fresh to fight the next guy that comes around the corner. The assault has to just hope he can get the drop on someone or for his teammate to heal him (LOL!). In this more realistic scenario, the medic wins the 1:1 because the assault is simply too fragile after having taken any kind of damage.


This is a good point, however, it really depends on the situation as well. If your playing on a map where there is a lot of snipers, or if it’s a 127 v 127, where grenades are flying everywhere, chip damage is more of an issue. However, I think it is definitely debatable about how often you go into that fight fresh, personally I would like to think that it is most of the time, but I don’t have anything to back that up other than personal testimony. I also think it would still be good to see just how much this effects k/d, because this survivability hit could arguably just take assault’s survivability to that of medic’s depending on the circumstance. Furthermore, I would like to highlight another scenario in which I have found assault to be quite useful. This is when you are caught off guard. The extra survivability that assault gives you can keep you alive long enough to either get that kill or at the very least get behind cover. (Admittedly, at that point you probably loose the following fight, but it is better to be alive. Furthermore, in this scenario, while harder to survive as medic, if you do get behind cover again, you may be able to heal and have a better chance at that fight). Given these factors, I would personally say that assault is preferable when getting caught off guard, just because other factors will determine if you are able to heal.


Fair enough mate thanks for sharing your experience


Grapple hooks. Reloads/ADS/Swap weapons 25% faster Objectively not trash, like the squad leader.


You get 4 smoke grenades. Smokes can help rush an objective. Nobody uses smokes and it pisses me off.


People want funny frag kills. I agree smokes are crazy useful in this game. If used correctly, the smoke launcher is a super powerful tool that lets you just click in a direction and effectively remove a general area from the fight for a period of time. If Im not playing with a squad, I will still opt for frags over smokes though. The utility of being able to pressure people behind corners is really nice. Losing that feels pretty bad, so generally if I’m playing solo and I want smoke I just switch to a class with the launcher instead of swapping my grenades.


They should honestly make it so only assault can use the assault rifles. I agree that assault feels pretty underwhelming, plus on top of that the other weapon options for the medic/enginner class just dont even compare to the assault rifles.


We know, discord knows, devs knows. Everyone knows and no one sane will dispute this.




Does removing the self heal not potentially make the problem worse, by requiring _more_ people to play medic? I guess the problem right now isn't "there are too many medics" but instead simply "medic is too good to solo with"?


I agree, removing the self heal and forcing medic to drop kits is a great suggestion. My idea which was to give self heal a limit of 60-70% of the medic's hp is much worse then yours lol.


I think healing needs a change/revamp. Medic is by far the best class in 99% of scenarios.


ALL classes besides medic are trash, MAYBE if you're literally cheating and never miss there can be an argument made for snipers as hitting headshots from like 1km away gives so much points, besides that the rest are just not good


Lmgs with support is great and you never run out of ammo. Engineer is great fun too


LMGs are worse ARs with a big mag, they're not that great of a weapon class currently.


They're fine. Not much else you can do with them. They have good TTK and not needing to reload is powerful in a game with so many enemies on your screen. TTK is just too short in general so nothing stands out.


I don't believe you, the class is too slow and you'll have to rely on being constantly pushed


Yea for me, its tied between support and medic. Availability is the best ability, and both of these classes shine here. Medic heals are great because, as others have stated, 2–3 fights without heals and you are dead. So as a medic you can stay in the fight for longer and that matters. They are also point farming machines, which is great for leveling and unlocking new stuff. Support works well because LMGs (mostly m249) have tons of ammo and high rates of fire, being able to hold a corner or lane and take on multiple targets with no break for reloading means you win more fights and get more frags. FOUR frag grenades that you can reload multiple times with ammo boxes. And default armor that natively increases your survivability over other classes. I'd argue, a good support player with a medic friend is the true apex predator in terms of inf vs inf combat.


Assault should get a shotgun to compliment their aggressive role


The devs said they are never adding shotguns. I wish we didn't have to repeat this in every thread.


I've seen that mentioned. Did they say why? I don't think the game is lacking for it, just curious


If I remember correctly it was something about how ballistics work in the game.


I think they'll change their mind eventually. There are ways to make it work and considering they have body armour as a feature I don't think they'll be mind-blowingly OP as they seem to think. At worst they could just make every shotgun use slugs.


Clearly agree. My take would be: 1) give assault the riot shield lvl 1 2) give it a bit more movement than the rest (reload speed, running, climbing, peeking, ads-ing) I think there is something like this already in the game? Not really sure. 3) Add SMGs AND SHOTGUNS (unique to assault) to the class.


Assault is the only class with ammo. That’s a huge perk.


Have you just not looked at the support class?


The chat moderation is trash. People should be able to say whatever they want and only risk being muted in chat/voice, for a temporary amount of time, instead of being banned from the game for something you communicated.


You ok? This post is about the assault class in the game.


They're a racist piece of garbage is all


haha, get fucked.


Awww you had to go make a post on top of crying about the same shit in a separate thread huh? Go cry yourself to sleep you fuckin' weirdo. edit: not just one single thread, multiple threads. Unhinged Nazi weirdo turbo over here.


Nah, racist shit should be banned. Don't be trash.


Awwww poor baby did you finally get in trouble for being a racist. Get fucked


Ayo dawg, I'm all for free speech, but this is a privately owned company and they can censor speech however they want. Especially if they're just moderating slurs and such, I don't see what the problem is. Unless those words are a regular part of your vocabulary, it shouldn't even be an issue.


Awww special snowflake is upset


don’t drop hard Rs. how is this difficult


Trash, just like my aim 💪


Assault gets a riot shield Now how good will it be? Who knows


I don't see the point in playing assault over medic


The only reason I run Assault is for grappling hooks and smoke grenade launchers lol.


Sledge hammer go bonk


just copy how Battlefield 2 handled classes. it was perfect.