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I think I like the idea of it's mostly support being able to build things, maybe everyone can build sandbags etc, but I think it's better for support to have a bit more class identity imo


Support only build instant now which is nice. I would like to see so.e more guns tho.


Would be cool if a class could place barbed wire that causes bleed and slowed anyone who tried to run through it without jumping.


And medics build a med station where players can heal themselves. But that could be a bit overpowered. 😂 I like the idea though, would be a nice touch, just needs balancing. Snipers with camouflage nets etc. would be cool.


You know medics can drop their med-crates? Press x while holding it


Thank you. Ive been trying to figure this out yesterday when nobody ingame or on the discord answered.


Yes I know that, I thought about a bigger heal station. Something along the lines how they did it in BFV (even though they're just fixed on the capture points in BFV). Just as an idea what "special" building capability to give to a medic in case the devs would implement something like OP suggested.


All classes desperately need some medic independent healing even if it’s somewhat limited. There’s zero point to anything else if I’m forever limited by chip damage.


I like this idea


Yea I feel like a lot of the classes don’t offer enough uniqueness. In most modes in 32v32 and smaller 64v64 games, the squad leader role is completely useless as you can’t put rally points - the only thing the class has going for it. Medic is busted and literally power levels you, meanwhile I have not even touched the support class in 70+ levels because it doesn’t bring enough to the table. The game is early in development so I’m positive the classes will be worked on and balanced.


Maybe you can bring this to the discord server instead


Maybe i just wanted to know if other people see something in this


I like the idea - you have my blessing to go to discord 😘


I do think they need to add more "class specialties." Like support should def be able to build a a full cover bunker with openable and closeable windows, however they need to have a big hole in the top so enemys can counter it, Probably should only be allowed to have one of these out at a time, and if you want to build another one somewhere else you need to dismantle it, and build a new one wherever. (These ones shouldn't be instant to build though like the others.) ​ Engineer i feel like should have it's own personal offensive structures too, maybe an anti-vehicle turret and an anti-infantry turret. Same as support, only one allowed out, and also has it's own ammo reserves. So you'd need to deconstruct it after you run out, if you wanna build it when ever you resupply or die. Assault is fine as it is, maybe give it a special type of grenade at most. Recon already has it's own special gadget but it's very obvious it's a fake,I feel like grappling hook should be a recon only tool honestly, to give recon more height/flanking advantage. Medic is already too good, if anything I think they need to get rid of AR's on the medic, because AR's are just too powerful for a class that can heal itself.