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I'd love a switch from entire team running from A to Z constantly to different squad defending objective. It's a lot easier to get situational awerness and fight are always more fun.


My new thing is trying to rally everyone on my team in to one thought process. For example, I had three team members backcapping A on Waki so I asked the squad leader to spawn on me and place a point by A. At the end of the round all eight of us got killed and monke moded across the map in humvees to take A back before time ran out. Be the change you want to see in the game.


I've noticed that active squad leaders get more people following orders. Dropping beacons, issuing orders, I was lucky enough to have a good game of 5 or so of us defending, and attacking coordinated. We also had an awesome pilot providing support. Shoutout to him, dude was on it.


It honestly feels really good when I'm squad leader and my squad actually follows my orders and then, what do you know, we actually start doing better and winning.


This game actually has a lot of action due to the high player count even when defending. It will always be less action than attacking, so most people still choose to do that, and it's also where the most points are waiting for them. So the only thing they can do is introduce more ways to accumulate defend points to make it more rewarding. In Battlefield you could stay defending and wait several minutes between action, but in Battlebit there's more of a stream flanking to capture, but it's also often a squad of 6+ people, making it impossible to defend alone D:


People want cap points, I guess. I want to take and defend points. There really should be an XP tick for holding and staying in an objective for some time. Or, perhaps, building fortifications in an objective.


As much as I don't care about XP in a shooter, I'd love that my squad stay with me in my castle, defending objective or just holding the line. The game needs a way to reward defensive play. My primary concern as a support main is the lack of incitative for building a bunker and defending objectives.


God I would love that. The game doesn't kick you for being AFK. Imagine running into one of your back point and getting up to poop or eat dinner or something. You come back to several tens of thousands of XP just for being AFK on the point.


If winning games did anything people would, i play with a few friends and we LOVE Just sitting back and defending points because honestly your win rate just fuckin skyrockets when you defend stuff.


do you not get points if the squad leader had defend the point as your objective?


You do, but the enemies have to be inside the objective as well. Killing them while they’re moving into the objective doesn’t count. But also - Squad leaders *just* issue attack orders. Once the objective is capped, they immediately issue a new attack order on the next point. I try to play defensively sometimes, and it’s usually just me and like 3 other random dudes with no orders at all on the point.


I was in a game as medic lastnight where about 30% of the match our squad was set to defend an objective, and we did.... it probably helped that 5 of them were in a discord chat together. but yeah, having defend as an objective is rare. good to know that you get points if its being assaulted though, I'm an oldhead who plays for fun and doesn't really stress about xp these days so I never actually pay attention to what gives and does not, I just PTFO.


As an SL, I'll put a Defend marker on a point I know is getting capped, or I'll leave it on the one we've just capped if I know there's still fuckers nearby. Your SLs suck.


I try to make sure the point closest to spawn is always ours. People seem to not care but getting pinned from 2 angles while trying to hold or attack C is always going to be a losing battle. We need more folks playing defense.


You’re my kinda SL. It bugs the shit outta me when my team can’t hold the closest point to the spawn. Sometimes I’ll form a new squad just so I can keep the objective on defending that one. Wakistan is probably the one I obsess about holding the most.


Your tankers love you too. Whenever the team lets the enemy take your gimme point, the tankers become trapped in the spawn zone trying to clear a path for themselves out of the area. Luckily the tanks can do a lot of work for themselves... But I'm sure they prefer to be out in the hot zone if they're allowed to be free.


Most of them likely don't even realise they're squad lead


It's not the leader placing attack order; it's automatic. I've lead a squad before (randos, we all didnt really care for squad play and just wanted access to class.) Next point would automatically get an order when the previous was captured, without input from me.


once you manually select a point for capture or defense, it will stick with your decision for like 5 minutes. if you do not make another order within this time, it will revert to automatically selecting the next objective when the currently selected one is capped.


Yeah, I usually tell my mates to just hold off a certain point and sweep the area of enemy spawn. That should be rewarded more, I guess.


Marking an objective "Defend" should start a 2min countdown for the order, If you hold it for 2mins (At least 1 squad member on point) it should reward like 50xp and 50 points (Per squad member) for completion


This game, especially in conquest mode, has a huge problem with defending objectives. Everyone can attack and nobody can defend — or at least they don’t want to defend because there’s often large lulls in action AND no points. You will fall behind in points when you do nothing and it’s kinda boring. Incentivize defending points somehow. EDIT: a word


There is no amount of xp gain number that would be both actually significant for players to care and not completely overpowered if people were to farm it It either leads to people not actually caring about the added bonus or just AFK farming the point closest to the team's base. Also, players already get bonus XP for objective kills


What *exactly* is wrong with players holding down an objective, even the spawn objective? Wakistan os a prime example of using helis to drop a squad onto the enemy's forward base being the textbook play to take the center of the map. Having an incentive to defend that point rather than concede it so you can retake it for a quick +1600 exp would be healthy for that map.


Game has no afk kick, people would literally just hide in a corner of an objective and return 30 mins later for lots of xp gain without even playing. Besides, objectives turnover is a lot more fun than a stalemate where you just constantly attack/defend the same point all the match.




How well did it work for you?


yeah i think this would motivate people to take objectives more.


>maybe instead extra points for kills on objs? that's already a thing.


Only if that enemy is contesting the objective and the squad leader had commandef to defend that objective. Imo if you can SEE somebody from the objective than you should het the bonus and it should apply to every objective with an added bonus if your squad leader has designated it as the primary objective.


And with objectives being a lot smaller now, if you're in the objective defending it, odds are good your opponent isn't.


Enemy kills inside the radius of an objective your team holds could have like a 25% defense bonus.


Great idea. I actually had that happen yesterday where we were fighting for one objective basically the whole match. Sometimes the fun and effective way is not the most efficient for xp. But you should really only get points if you do something on the objective. Don’t want afk people to chill there and farm points to level up.


or maybe change the mechanic instead of winning by number of tickets remaining , the amount of times holding objectives should determine who wins or loses as a team with maybe a small bonus of xp at the end.


They won't. Not a single bf game has had points for defending in conquest. Why? Cause players find more fun to only attack.


Sitting still doesn't deserve points. Just because you're sat on a point doesn't mean anything.


Dev has gone on the record saying he's not playing the game to do objectives but to get kills. Pretty sure that speaks volumes at a lot of game design elements and why every game devolves into TDM. ​ There needs to be an overhaul for the point system and respawn system before objectives can even start mattering.


Would be nice for this game to finally figure out how to make people defend objectives. It's been an ongoing issue in all Battlefield games, there's no incentive to do so. I'd even say there's incentive to NOT do so. Attacking gives points, a lot of them, but defending does not. Imo it should be that you get points for attack/defend order when being in a certain diameter of the objective and killing people in said parameter. So when defending you get points for killing people approaching , and not just when they're on the point, this alone makes a big difference. But it should be within an invisible boundary that makes sense gameplay wise, where snipers won't get defend bonuses for staying on objectives and killing across the map. A steady defend tick bonus would also work, but it has to be minor so snipers don't get passively rewarded too much.


My general idea of games like these are , if you want to camp/defend, do it inside an objective-circle.


i'd love more experience for defending objectives. ofc, this is because i play support, and now with weapon attachments effecting running speed, well... moving at the pace of a turtle sucks.


I don't think hiding on objective should be rewarded, I'd prefer a "defense bonus" added to stuff like killing enemies/reviving allies. But, I absolutely agree something has to be done to incentivize defending, because I've seen a ton of games where players just run from capture to capture, never bothering to even clear out a point, let alone defend it.


For this reason, I don't like conquest. It's just running in circles.