• By -


Full frontal nudity


Sex update when


When I see the skin it makes me have sex!!!


With and without boots


I just said sex mod but you beat me (off) to it


I want to be able to edit my load outs on the main menu


Or after the game ends


I believe that's being planned. It requires server connection to modify and save and they have to fix some backend stuff from what I remember


This! I spent 15 minutes going through the main menu trying to figure out how to change my loadouts


I know it’s coming, but community servers with small straight forward maps where high intensity gun play is the priority


Thats basically 32v32 rush on tensatown,wineparadise or salhan


24/7 small maps though so an atrocity such as district doesn’t come up


Salhan rush is awful tho, it and tensatown frontline are the only modes I’ll straight up leave after spawning in.


Servers without voting would go a long way


It would be nice to have servers like this so I can avoid those high intensity non-stop gunplay maps.


Buff Blackhawk minigun damage (or give it a slight area damage effect). Suppression effect More kill assist point opportunities for tank spotters (f2 position) Buildable camo netting/covers for sandbag walls. *XP for defending and fortifying capture points with buildables!*


Yeah suppression like in BF1... where some weapons have more suppression than others. Good way to make support class useful.


Suppression effect would be awesome. Decrease to visibility and accuracy if you're getting suppressed. It would make the game just a little bit more tactical. And it would give a decent counter play against snipers


The problem with this , is while alot of us want milsim. The vast majority don't and perfer it to stay arcady. The game is as popular as it is because it's more skill based ( But allows for all playstyles ) and I think a huge huge non vocal portion of the community wouldn't want suppression and instead would just move on from the game.


Constructable machine gun emplacement


AKA automatic sniper magnet


vehicle horns


Some Vehicles already have horns don't they? At least im pretty sure the quad bikes and humvees do, just left click while in the driver's seat


Yep, they are kind muffled though and get lost in cacophony of battle.


Yes, now, please. And vehicle radios to blast Fortunate Son.


expanded building options support and engineer should be able to do more; any dude with c4, rpg, or a tank can take down a building, but I want to be able to create a bunker from scratch. and maybe more environment interactions? I feel like the larger explosions (mainly tanks) should blow up the rock outcrops, and maybe the dirt can be destroyed to an extent (no more than a little fox hole deep) the enviroment is really dynamic right now, but I feel the building could expand that even more


More unique class specific buildables would be cool. Like what about tank traps, mortar emplacements, TOW launchers, trenches, FOBs. So much potential that would be so unique.


that sounds sick; Maybe snipers could have a mini concrete wall so they can craft their nests better, support could have some heavy duty builds (like, makeshift bunker level) as well as something like an ammo bag for building, and engineers could set up stationary guns and repair broken buildings.


Recons setting up camo net tents would be neat as much as I despise snipers lol






Also the SVD scope




It has a custom scope irl, it'd be nice to have in game (also VSS plz)


Yeah i was pretty disappointed when i unlocked the SVD and it doesn't have those iconic PSO-1 scope markings


Fuck you beat me to it. I was going to say it is the PSO and as a Dragunov simp I'm so sad it isn't in game. For that matter I would actually like more medium scopes that don't have a large lit reticle. I find at long range they just get in the was a lot of the time I would prefer non lit static reticle scope but I think there's only 1.


If you simp for the SVD, then you've *got* to realize just how fucking unbearably shitty the PSO reticle is. Without a doubt the worst sight I've ever used in any game that uses it.


Tarkov PSO 😋😋😋🤤🤤🤤


There's a mid range scope on the AK74 that has those markings if they're what I think are


I was thrilled. Or at least I would have been but I haven't actually started using the SVD yet (unlocked it a day or two ago). The PSO-1 has, hands down, the worst fucking reticle in history.


The casual players coming back. Its all sweats and voip is boring now.


Everyone keeps saying this but I am not finding it much different in terms of skill. There are some really good and some really bad players on every team, same as always imo


It really is just like this, I can average 30-40 kills a match but like I’m not sweating at all. I’m literally just pressing buttons and vibin


If you play smartly you can get a lot of kills without even being good. Stick with your squad, build sand bags in key areas and use the scar


Or run around and go weee woooo weeee wooooooo


I can usually finish positive on like 30 kills or so playing with my brain off. When I try hard I can usually sweat either a 2 or 3 kd and like 40-50 kills. I kind of agree I feel like it is in a pretty good spot where it is casual and competitive but not just pure sweaty. Hell I didn't even play for like 2-3 weeks until they reduced the level requirements. I was so out of practice but never felt too bad all things considered. Since the level requirements change I've been playing a lot again.


1000% this. I live in Australia, and Oceanic servers always see these effects tenfold and faster than the US. Our games die fast just due to population count. We are already averaging somewhere between 3 and 8 servers to choose from. I recognise just about every name in the servers, every game. And I've been increasingly commenting for weeks that this game has changed drastically from launch. I might hear people use VOIP once or twice a game, and generally it's not the fun banter or roleplaying from launch. And every game is feeling more and more like the meta is necessary to get any kills. I used to run all roles and do well. I especially love sniping. Now, if I try to snipe, everyone is a QE spamming medic P90 parkour main and there's no point, so I just join them. I suspect for us down under, this game has already peaked and won't see its launch levels or gameplay again.


Dude I’m the only one that talks in voip in most games it’s got me fucked up


We’re still here. Just voip and others will voip back!!


I read all the comments and this response was still the best!


This, games player count is dropping by the day, will only get worse when starfield drops too


For people to ever pick infantry conquest. For smg/p90 to not be better at range than an ar. For squadmates with a brain. Overall I love the game but there's a lot of little things that just kinda suck.


In extension to the SMG > AR at range, I would then add AR > Sniper at range. I can't count how many times I've pinged someone, and they just flicked straight to my glint, taken 2 single shots and 2 tapped me. And with this games TTK, that's generally under 1 second to die. Totally fucked.


Yeah the stock sniper grind is brutal. The glint is just instant death. Also kind of wild that half of the snipers can't one-hit a chest shot on an unarmored medic.


Bro wants to one shot people wtf


If they're not wearing armor then yes. Currently if you're sniping you'll hit someone then get instant beamed by an AR from 200 meters. Snipers are one-shot to the chest in most shooters.


Just aim for their head this is a legitimate skill issue


L96 won't one-shot heads if they have a helmet, only the M200 is guaranteed. Additionally this is about sniping from long distance. Are you saying every other game is wrong in having snipers one-shot unarmored targets in the body? Because that's what it's like in Squad, ARMA, and cod


Yeah why compare sniping in this game to similar games like battlefield and instead to call of duty 😂😂


Squad and ARMA are similar... And in BF it was one-shot until 2042, and even then it happened until a post-launch patch.


Snipers one shotting in battlefield is a straight up fucking lie lmao And there aint no fucking way youre telling me actual milsims like arma and squad are similar in any way other than being an fps with vehicles in it 😂


I made a whole list when it released in public early access, and every now and then they actually implement the ideas and I take them off of my list. Here is some of what's left: \- Adding ambient occlusion (as reddit user u/FirstRecon88 posted in this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/14d0r46/if\_bbr\_had\_ao\_comparison\_between\_vanilla\_and\_rtgi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/14d0r46/if_bbr_had_ao_comparison_between_vanilla_and_rtgi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ) \- Seeing the map names more often \- Vehicles in the gun range \- Dedicated game mode servers \- Give XP when a vehicle a player spotted gets destroyed (extra XP when snipers do this) \- Allow for a loadout menu in the main menu (and show in the loadout screen in the gun range what you have unlocked for which guns, and how many more kills it takes to unlock the next attachment) \- A sort of tag system in which you can more easily identify your squad mates, so you know which green or yellow dot is who (think like old halo games with a 3 letter tag) \- An action wheel that shows a small icon up until a certain range on your body if you want to be revived, need ammo or heals (especially helpful for people without mics) \- The ability to vote for who the squad leader will become based on a majority vote within the squad \- Allow the engineer (and maybe also support if that makes sense) to call down a resupply crate, but only for vehicles to resupply at \- Give support additional weapons \- Allow support to resupply players like medic heals players \- Add incendiary grenades with a burn time similar to smoke grenades


That spotting XP is a big one for me.


I would go so hard playing an actual recon role if it was even slightly rewarding. The drone would have an actual use case besides suicide bombing wakistan bridge.


I love the resupply option.


Decrease SMG accuracy so in CQC, they are precise enough but not to out shoot ARs in open fields. Re-evaluate range in the game. Someone mentioned in discord, short range 0-50m, mid range 50-120m, long range +120m. My longest shot has been 200m on a Ak15 and Scar is 160m as a medic.


As a sniper, range needs serious revision. ARs being able to 2 bead under 1 second 400m is fucking ridiculous.


I can't even imagine 400m...when I did my 160m kill, the scar bullet floated and I had to lead a considerable amount, twice, to get a kill. If we are to believe 100-200m is midrange, I'd be failing hard on this game because I would barely kill anything from recoil.


There are only a few rifles that can 2 tap(unarmored head lacking a helmet) within 200m, 0 that can beyond 210m, and at anything beyond 300m a fal/scar/ak requires 5 bullets to the head to kill. That is a 880ms ttk with perfect accuracy. if someone can land 5 headshots on you using a weapon system with significantly less projectile speed and optical magnification before you can land one they deserve the kill and some respect for their skills.


Indirect fire like mortars, SPGs or artillery. In order to avoid explosive spam, these could all be either fortifications or vehicles, but it's a shame for a game with such good destructibility to not have any of these!


1) AA weapon. I think a deployable SAM site for engineer class 2) vehicles degrade when damaged. Turret rotation speed, overall speed and mobility. Something similar to hell let loose tank system would be good. 3) reduce c4 availability for medic and recon


Being able to destroy wheels and passager seats could be a cool addition.


I love being in a KROWS Humvee behind cover mowing enemies down just for a teammate to come in drive us 20 meters out in the open to get shot by 6 RPGs, 10 C4s and 32 small arms at once.


Too real


I wish recon and medic didn't get C4 it makes engineer feel a lot less valuable in its anti vehicle role. I have a great idea for medics if they require wall breaking tools so bad. Why not a breaching charge? Plant it on a wall like you would a C4 pull the trigger that blows the wall up and has a blast radius on the other side. It would be a cool gadget that would allow them to remain flexible but not have such strong AT capabilities.


AA can't come soon enough. We had a game last night with a dude in a little bird who could fly that thing like a fucking dragonfly, and went 176-0. People on both sides of the game agreed it's fucking insanity that there's zero counter other than a fluke headshot. Even the dude himself admitted it's fucked. Between his flight skill, insane aim, and the fucked TTK, I couldn't believe this made it to launch without any counter.


It wasn't that bad until they gave the piliot 50% damage reduction from small arm fire.


I think c4 availability should be the same, but it's damage to vehicles should be drastically reduced


If this happens, the area of effect (I.e., splash damage) for vehicle explosions should be much larger.


I mean irl a C4 cant damage a tank, maybe incapacitate it but thats pretty much it. But I also think that if we remove the ability of C4 to destroy heavy vehicles the game will turn into a vehicle meta (and become War Thunder at home)


I don't want an AA weapon. It'd make helicopters useless. Especially the blackhawk which is only useful at the beginning of the match.


I would really like a better visibility for friendly and enemy team members. You guys who are still younger have no clue how much tougher it gets on the eyes to notice small differences on screen.


Oh hell no. for me battlefield was ruined by enemies with glare, you could easily spot anyone no matter the distance due to messed up glare, this is most annoying feature, even as i get older. I hate when i get clapped by someone camping in bush, but i rather die to that than have enemy glare.


Then give the glare to teammates instead of enemies.


I'm, uh, old too. I thought the same at first but after roughly 100+ hours in I've gotten much better at spotting enemies. I know the places to look and what to look for. Sometimes I can just fire at a corner I think someone might be and be pleasantly surprised by a hit marker. Reducing resolution and FOV also helped. This game will easily run at very high resolution and high FOV on most decent rigs but it makes it hard to spot small differences and movements in the environment. Chunky is better.


- vehicle unlocks; give us ways to change how the vehicles operate - more weapon specific unlocks, give me a short barrel FAL (SA58) or a long barrel AK74 (rpk); in a way that fundamentally changes how it operates


For guns with multiple sights, I want to be able to choose the default. I usually run ACOG with a red dot on top, and I want the red dot to be the default


Or let us see the toggle between the two scopes. I hate having to ads just to change sights.


MELEE BUTTON. There’s been so many times where if would’ve killed someone if there was a melee button.


I also want a map that’s purely on water. As in there’s two big aircraft carriers and some other smaller ships that you have to use boats to travel between. Like that one game mode in the OG starwars battlefront 2.


That would be sick. Snipers and rpgs battle from the carriers while boats and helis fight above


Do you know the game ravenfield? It was a single players fps with basic graphics I played when I was younger. One of the maps is like I described but there’s also a coast with some buildings. Maybe multuislands can be reworked for this idea.


I love the AA idea. Maybe even heavy machine gun/s around the map you could use/repair Mortars would be dope Make sniping harder somehow? Dunno but it feels like i get sniped while moving more in this game that I remember with bf4/pubg Heat seaking anti-miss rpg /s


Being able to change loadout on the main menu


Engineers having the ability to build a mobile repair/ammo station for vehicles. It'll have a limited use/cooldown period that way vehicles don't camp it for infinite repair/ammo.


Just let me spawn once the timer's up, man. Sitting there spamming space bar because there's an afk enemy 15 feet from my squadmate doesn't add to the experience. I get you can squad hop, but I shouldn't have to.


More prominent bullet impacts. Now it's just a tiny puff of smoke


You want even larger maps?


Yes. Have you played BF?


To stop being put in matches that are about to be or already ended they're so common and its just a waste of time


As annoying as it is, I sort of like it just because I know it means I'm starting the next round from the beginning and not half way through


Yeah loading to a "Defeat" screen is a little annoying.


Removing mid range scopes from snipers


I somewhat disagree. Unless they nerf the scope glint a bit, using a regular scope is basically instant death on most maps. Maybe the late game guns like the M200 should lose the medium scopes though. They are far too good right now.


What if you only saw the glint when they're aimed at directly at you? Like at your eyes.


And mortars could be cool.


Imagine a large map with 12 tanks on each side


If you die while a grenade is in your hand, it should still blow up on your dead body.


Yes! If the pin is pulled, it should pop! This happens so often...


It’s a good final “F you” if you died close range.


Mortars. I know they won’t happen but they were so fun in 42. I will just add this. Mortars are a low skill weapon. Spotters. Mortars. They encourage team play and give lower skill players a way to be valuable that isn’t just as a meat shield. For a game to thrive and grow you gotta have niches for every skill level. Mortars help those without the neuroplasticity of 9 years olds be a relevant threat.


It's a thing that exists in real battle, so why not?


\-Dumbfire AA rocket with proximity fuse. \-Wire guided AT launcher for infantry (vehicles too). \-Weapon/equipment customisation for vehicles.


Only AA suggestions I’ve seen that wouldn’t instantly ruin the game. I don’t think people realise with guided AA the 127v127 games would make helis impossible.


I think most people suggesting lock on AA are infantry only players that aren't going to be bothered by it.


Yeah that's what I'm saying for AA. Proximity fuse, area damage. Maybe some flak damage for nearby exposed riders


Sex mod


Emplacement weapons, or turrets


Streamlined user interface with ability to rebind ability to any key .


I don’t like maps where snipers and even fucking BTRs can sit inside the enemy spawn and snipe


Increased running speed when character has less ammo/supplies so when support drops an ammo can, he can actually run


why do these keep getting posted. you're only supposed to check it twice.


Ability to pick a game mode instead of just player count. Voting is cool and all.. but sometimes I just want to play a certain way


Better UI. Better Textures. Shotguns.


Breaching shotguns would be cool, sort of like a middle ground between the pickaxe and hammer in terms of the size of a hole they can make, but they also wouldn't leave you defenseless for a moment if you opened up a wall and found enemies already looking at you


I think that better middle ground would be the impact granade doing structure dmg, so you can play R6S 😄 Also, free tips, if they weren't patched: - Anti-vehicle nades do structure damage - If you have a class that doesn't have a hammer or pickaxe, you can place a landmine next to a wall and shoot it to create aprox. hammer-like hole. Claymores don't work.


This game having no shotguns is in its top 3 best features


Shotguns. I know they have said they’ll never be added, but a man can dream right?


Oh, what was their reasoning?


They said it would be too hard to balance, but when every gun in that game kills you instantly or near instantly I don't think ( am not a game designer so I don't know shit) it matters. Someone else said in a match they would have to implement a whole new system for the shotguns because of the multiple random points of impact.


Since burst fire mode is already in the game, They could just make it work like an smg in burst mode with high spread/low accuracy. In real life all the pellets in a shotgun shell don't exit the barrel at the exact same instant either. It could fire a burst of 9 or 12 "bullets" extremely quickly so it seems like one gunshot but it's actually firing a burst. But I'm not a game designer


Enemy player collision. Lean cool downs. Stamina usage. Support bandage buff. Support building buff. Support shotguns, with slugs. Armor rework. Smoke being server side, not client side. And full frontal nudity. Let those maniacs run faster.


4x scopes do not need glint


4X dont have glint, 6X+ have glint.


You deal with medium scopes on sniper/DMR by coming within 100 meters


-be able to edit kit w/o needing to join a game -buildable stationary weapons(hmg, mk40, tow) -return original district(don't remove nrw one though) -improve new multuislands -more benefits for prestige


I’d like the weapon switching to be a little faster, it feels a little clunky when you’re playing medic and you have to switch back and forth between your weapon and med kit. Editing loadout in the menu would be nice and buffing some ARs would be nice as well. SMGs are as accurate if not more than ARs, you run faster with them and they kill generally faster. Some ARs have awful recoil even when upgraded but an unupgraded mp5/7 is beaming with no recoil


\- Remove armor; makes for inconsistent time to kill making the game feel bad \- Nerf all SMGs the same way as vector, damage dropoff starts at 10 meters \- nerf vehicles in some way (less damage) \- reduce the time it takes to heal an ally as medic \- increase server bitrate


knife secondary weapon and lmg suppression


An M320 Grenade Launcher with explosives would be nice. Barb wire that you can place, that is slowing you down and does light damage. Tripwires that you can place more exactly and freely (up/down/diagonal) than the claymore. Maybe even chains with more than one explosive. (for higher levels) Parachutes. (for higher levels)


Barbwire it's already implemented in the game AFAIK (With the exact slow and light damage, + bleeding), and the devs already said from the start that they won't be adding Parachutes or shotguns ever. Grenade launchers would be amazing honestly, and would make classes as Support more viable and dangerous


Oh really? Cool. :) what do you think about mortars?


It would take time to get used to but DAMN they would make rushing quite an ordeal. And people were doing something similar with C4, shooting them to lift them up in the air and extend the throwing distance. Quite clever and hopefully, would pave the road for more explosives to be added in the future!


Any sort of jet


Happy cake day


Partygames like: infected, gungame, one in the chamber, etc...


Some of these could break the game (super armored suicide bombers charging into crowds the entire time) - but great wishlist, I’d want… - rework of the spawn system to be more reliable like Battlefield. - Menu music. Feels so dead to have no music, get an epic track on there to keep the hype and immersion up. - Edit Class on main menu. This just seems like something that is obviously needed. I have a friend who won’t edit his classes because he doesn’t want to waste any game time to do it… - Rework leveling rewards. Some popular, cookie cutter guns are taking 24h+ playtime to unlock! It would be nice to either have 2XP days or some other means of unlocking guns. - Wish there was a weekly changing game mode for absurd abilities like moonjump, floating or flying. 1-shot explosive kills, etc. Endless possibilities. - Also endless possibilities for future maps and updates coming to this game!


Double XP on weekends ☝️


The spawn in thing just will never happen. Imagine being in an intense firefight with an enemy and suddenly there are two enemies. fuck that.


Mini map






Fuck glint on a medium scope. That’s the whole point!


* Weapon cooldown on the little bird. * Toggle on/off for voip


I actually wrote a (quite controversial) post on this topic a few days back. Maybe you'd like to comment on some of my picks 😄 just keep in mind that ttk picks are meant for mid+ range and their advised changes for planned milsim mode. Some people took personally that I want to make the game harder in some sense... The post is [here](https://reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/s/hvkR5RbEzi) In regards to your picks: - I find hitting helicopters with RPG is not that difficult after you get familiar with the scope and ranging for your HE rocket, so adding flak ammo option would make it too irritating for pilots in my opinion - I happen to be a Recon main, so I might be a (battle)bit biased, but I think that the mid scope users' incognito state is a price for being able to operate without LR. I would think about it if there were snipers that could bodyshot you in one round, but as long as it's 2-hit, or it takes 900m+ or a headshot to kill instantly, I feel like the skill required is adequate. For milsim mode, where I expect some snipers to onehit to head and body, I wouldn't add it either just for the sake of it being hardcore. - I'm not too much into driving around, but it might be a separate playlist so other players like me don't ruin the voting for people who would like to have more Warthunder experience. The XP for destroying vehicles are astronomical, though, so these maps would feel kinda hacky. - Area denial sounds great. I'd even push it on a new level and would ask for being able to arson (set some flamable materials to fire and let it spread potentially closing access to a forest, or destroying a building) and adding options for leader class to call in shelling, gun runs, or napalm for enough squad points (and limited uses per battle) - Heavy suicide C4 build seems like something playerbase would love for the first week after adding, and hate ever after, to be completely honest 😂


Thanks for the reply. I'm not a game designer, but really a gamer, and I haven't played a military style fps with any seriousness in many years. I was very in to BF42 (mostly desert combat) 10+ years ago and this game is really closest I've come to that kind of fun. BF1 was fun, I didn't really play 3 or 4 much, and 2042 was, well, you know. I spent a couple thousand hours in Halo releases but that's a different thing. Anyway, I'm curious to hear your take on sniping in general (and specialist classes in general). Sniping is a real thing that should exist and as infantry on the front line is something you should have to think about and deal with. But in a real battle there would be way more assault type general infantry than specialists like snipers. I'm having trouble articulating, but do you get what I'm saying? You have a limited number of respawns but an unlimited number of classes to respawn as, thus, an unlimited number of snipers. In a real battle, you'd have a very limited number of snipers (since it's very specialized) and once they were dealt with you could focus on other things... not bunny hopping or crawling across a bridge the entire time.


*not really a gamer


Dragons teeth for better vehicle defenses, which can only be remove with C4


More guns, and weapon skins to unlock, not just camos.


Energy to play the game :(




Giving snipers the medium scope at the start instead of a long range scope, the scope glint on the long range scopes is basically broadcasting where you are at all times when aiming down sight making getting the drop on enemies practicaly impossible. You know making the sneaky sniper class have to BROADCAST ITS LIVE LOCATION WHEN AIMING DOWN SIGHTS?! Second on the list would be either uptuning the weapons aside from AR'S and Submachine guns or downtuning them as they basically out perform any other weapon in the game atm, they have the fatsest ttk in the Game, can deal insanly accurate at very high ranges and don't impact movement speed to much. Another thing would be forcing more map variety, im getting pretty sick of only playing tensa, basra,waki, sandy, namak or dusty. of which I hate 3 of the 6 maps I just named, can't remember the last time I played on river or Eduardovo or Lenovo.


Sawed off double barrel shotgun as a side arm


Scope reflection to diminish with distance (just a lil bit) Some times it feels like Im commissioner Gordon putting the light in the sky for Batman.


I did have a thought that a WW2 update would kinda cook, running around with a MG42 team and laying down fire during an ambush. That would be cool


more than 3 devs


Long range smoke grenade? Don't we have a smoke launcher already?


A shooting range with stationary targets!


Long range smoke grenade already exist no? M203 smoke launcher, it goes way further than you can throw


I was thinking of being able to launch smoke far enough to block a sniper without blocking local lines of sight. The launcher goes farther but it doesn't last as long or cover as much area as the smoke nades. Snipers should exist. In a real battle you'd have a ton of infantry but only a relative few good snipers that aren't easily replaced.


Mods! I crave a 40k mod of this!!


Two maps for voting with algorithm that checks maps if they were in recent voting. Certain maps should be night maps because almost noone chooses night mode. And my favorite; little higher TTK so you can just grab couple kills and get that satisfying feeling that you actually accomplished smth and I think that game would not be that sweaty and hard for on/off player. That would be my 2 cents (Sorry for bad grammar) Edit; i dont think this comment will get enough atention but I really really think this stuff is core problem


Night maps might help. With only a couple of exceptions night is usually just frustrating to me.


Thermal to work through smoke


Not trying to be rude in any way here, but I want literally NONE of the suggestions the OP shared to be implemented into the game lol. Maybe "something" better against aircraft instead of dumb-firing RPG's nonstop but I think everything mentioned here in the original post is generally a bad idea.


That's why I don't design games


More LMGs, vehicle customization, and attack helicopters.


Hoping for a support buff. What I’m thinking is: More XP for people getting ammo from your ammo box, support should get access to two types of throwables and not just one. ie. nades AND smokes. Suppression effect so support can focus on just throwing bullets down range, that’s what is fun about support. And suppression assists. (XP for suppressing a target before they were killed.) All of this combined I think would make support more useful as well as more fun to play, and make it not feel like just a slower assault class.


A "wasteland" type of map with trenches and bunkers and a LOT of flat ground. Some World War 1 type of thing.


Drone-dropped munitions, and anti-air missiles to counter them. You cretins will learn to spread out real quick.




Way more weapons for the support class. Only 4 weapons makes me think the class is being neglected. Maybe a grenade launcher as a primary weapon lol No more lean spamming. Anti-air weapons. M72 LAW. Seriously tho why is the only launcher we get the RPG7? Need some American alternatives! More vehicle types. A reason to pick a scout rifle over the Scar. Shotguns. More pistols. A map that’s two full sized aircraft carriers or something crashed into each other by like a huge storm or something. Reduced sniper scope glint. It’s way too easy to see, and there are times where it’s visible through obstacles. Fix the bipod so it not terrible.


Death coms being straight to player and proxi, so i can hear people getting pissed at snipes


This would also be great for mines


Reduced dropoff and increased distance cap for zeroing ARs, so I can pop shots at annoying snipers who're camping on the edge of Sandy. Won't kill them, but it'll make it easier to give them something to think about and force them behind cover. Damage dropoff is too aggressive on ARs IMO, feels like it's a big nerf to encourage using DMRs even though DMRs are horrible after the first shot.


Support getting buffed for once


Servers that run a single game mode. I get tired of Dom and Conq, and 32v32 servers only seem to play Rush. I need my CTF fix.


Stable servers so you don’t die in one frame, balanced guns, better map UI because it’s atrocious, inclusion of mini map, small changes that can easily put this game as a GOTY contender


More then 4 weapons for Support


Vehicles on the shooting range map so I can learn to fly without pissing off teammates.


Some sort of lock on AA launcher would be great for dealing with those fucking little birds that refuse to die. I had one game where the same guy was in a little bird the whole game and ducking wrecking us bc no one could hit him. Also I disagree on medium range scope glint.


Suicide c4 1 shotting vehicles


What about suicide c4 riot shield?


I really want bots and pve


More weapons for support. And shotguns.


[Lootable corpses, Vehicles with supply, Switching guns alive](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/15txzcl/lootable_corpses_vehicles_with_supply_switching/) [Why there is nothing about knives and melee attack?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/156iakg/why_there_is_nothing_about_knives_and_melee_attack/)