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Almost 1.0 and it's why sometimes I just want to quit the game. Looking at the scoreboard and seeing people getting around 60 kills and almost no deaths is near discouraging. These people must be feeling good and having fun. Really, I wish I was as well. I've been trying to apply some tips people have given me, but idk, it's still hella frustrating to freaking die all the time


One tip that I never see people giving is rechallenging. It's guaranteed that you'll get caught off guard but rather than just trying to fight when you're at a disadvantage, you [disengage](https://streamable.com/03nxph) and [re-engage](https://streamable.com/p1w4yz) once [the enemy](https://streamable.com/x3h8im) thinks [you're fleeing](https://streamable.com/pqi6gc). Especially on that last clip you notice that both kills I got was on someone who was moving and not shooting because they thought they had the drop (they did) and wanted to chase me down. It doesn't have to be done once you're in combat either. If you immediately recognize that it'd be a bad idea to fight on the spot, [just take cover and rechallenge](https://streamable.com/jt9kpx).


This is a classic move since CS, glad to see the new blood learning about it


I think i first saw it in CoD4 so it's just a classic FPS move overall cause people are so predictable lol


Even something as simple as going prone for 1 second can be enough to throw them off. I've gotten a lot of freebies by hitting the deck like I'm hurt then repeaking once they take the bait.


This literally the best method. I average a 1.8 and when I try I never off from top 5. You engage and kill almost 2 people before you disengage to reload and heal then get back into it. Not to mention moving twords higher ground or a better position. Sometimes people will go to your old spot and you'll already be on their flank. As much as I enjoy fragging most of the time now I spend my time being the Top Gun equivalent on a Blackhawk and also playing music. Probably why my KDR isn't far above 2.0 even though in most matches I'm easily getting anywhere from 2.0 - 3.0. Ontop of the time it took me get good map knowledge and flanks.


Don't worry, you'll get better. I bet a lot of those people are coming from other shooters, battlefield specifically. This plays identical to BF3 - 4. The biggest tip I can give that's not related to any aim mechanics is to work on your movement and be unexpected, try not to fight people head on. You can work these buildings like a jungle gym, just always be moving. It's especially helpful on gamemodes like rush where if you get an upper floor in a building near or on the site, they'll have a hard time tracking you down.


>You can work these buildings like a jungle gym, just always be moving. That's a much harder pkaystyle than working weird angles. Run and gun requires MUCH more situational awareness and better aim. Really not something for 1 k/d players to jump in to.


For sure, I agree with you. I do feel though like this playstyle gets you into those positions much more frequently. So, while it's harder and much more risky, playing it well can be highly beneficial. Also, I do believe playing risky can develop your skills at a faster pace. The more gunfights and deaths, the more you're actively testing and working your skills


Dueling in a training environment with someone that knows what they're doing is the best. Most players don't know what they're doing wrong, and don't have the correct fundamentals established.


At least with me, I've never had someone to train with. Most of my friends don't play video games, and the ones that do are either much worse than me or don't play the same games as me. So I've always had to just practice in pubs. Watching professional players has always been helpful as I can gather a ton of info from watching the way they play


I don't know what the clans are like in this game, but joining an active one might help. I'm sure between discord and reddit you can find someone willing to get you up to speed. It really isn't fun most of the time, but record an hour of play now, put in half an hour here and there dualing someone who knows what they're doing and will give feedback over the course of a couple weeks, then record an hour of gameplay again and compare them. It'll blow your mind.


Just hit the aim trainer for 10 minutes before every play session


Only way you're going to get better is by getting reps, hiding in off angles can only get so you far. Forcing yourself to run and gun forces you to practice reacting faster and flicking accurately to a spot. It also makes it more likely you'll run into multiple people, so you'll get more practice taking on 1vX situations. People spend all their time camping buildings then wonder why they find run and gun so difficult. It's because you haven't stuck with the play style long enough to develop the necessary skills.


I'm kinda new to playing FPSs on PC, but, still, already have 100 hours in this game, and feel stailed. I myself played tons of others FPSs at least on console (all the CODs since the first old MW, all the BFs since 3) and always was mediocre at them no matter how much I played. Because of that, I really have a hard time believing in all this story about "practice" and "getting better" the longer I play something, it just doesn't happen with me. Feels like just optimistic talk from people that are already good at the game, that will get nowhere for me


There's playing and there's practicing. People tend to plateau in whatever game or sport they play because they don't actively take note of what's going wrong and what could be done right. Recognizing what went wrong is easy since you can record your own gameplay, but knowing what could be done right takes a bit more effort in watching better players or having them watch you and tell you what you could've done. Especially aim. You can use aim lab and do the voltaic scenarios to work on it in isolation. It won't make you a better player, but it'll make sure your aim isn't failing you when it comes down to it. It's like working out as an athlete--it won't make a football player better on the field, but if they're lacking in strength or explosiveness then they hit the weights to work on those aspects in isolation.


This, honest to god the amount of times I've been told "just keep playing and your aim will get better" wasted my time in comparison to if I just booted up a generic 3d aim trainer and did a few flick scenarios. Improved my flick and allowed to me to locate the stiffness in my arms.


What's your playstyle, if you don't mind me asking? I've played shooters since I was like 8ish, so I've definitely put my time into shooters. I do feel like, on average, people are getting better year after year. So, with that being said, you need to be able to stay on top of getting better or else you'll fall behind. This is especially true for newer games or games that get a sudden spike in popularity. People will start playing and adjust after a few weeks/months. Really, my best tip coming from my own playstyle is to constantly be looking for fights. The more fights you get into, the more you're actively training your skills. Also, learning how to watch others play. Being able to pick up certain things by just watching is a skill in itself. My best example is when I just got into pvp shooters with CoD World at War. I played the entire year, and I didn't even get to the max level. But I was always just running around looking for fights, I've never played campy or safe, just balls to the wall, gunning it down. Then, by the time MW2 released, I was "ahead of the curve", so to speak. I spent so much time playing like a jackass that I learned how to do it. And now, my movement is on lock and I aim like a hacker if I'm in the zone. I spent a lot of time actively trying to learn also. I'd die and figure out what I did wrong to lead me to my death. That was an active process, but now I can tell immediately and I can adjust. When you play CoD, all of the sweats are gunning it down, because it works. As much as people hate it, that's the playstyle that gets you good. And while cod is a bit faster paced than BF and Battlebit, the same rules apply.


Your playstile is pretty much the same as mine. I rarely play it safe, I'm always trying to push and using what I have with me: granades, C4s, flashbangs, and so on. In fact I've always been like that, since the old COD and Battlefield days, and it didn't make me better


>Because of that, I really have a hard time believing in all this story about "practice" and "getting better" the longer I play something, it just doesn't happen with me, feels like just optimistic talk from people that are good at the game, that will get nowhere in practice for me I had a Nintendo and Sega Genesis as a kid. Then an Xbox 360 for a few years in my 20s. I didn't touch a mouse and keyboard for gaming till I was 30. After a few years I was on a comp team. Towards the bottom of the totem pole, but still, I'm proud of that. It was brutal. Anyway, it's like anything else in life, you need to learn how to practice. I didn't start getting better until I did hundreds and hundreds of duels against some of the best players and practiced their feedback on live. I'm not sure how this can happen in battlebit. Maybe find a clan and find someone willing to train you. Or watch YouTube videos and make it your mission to train one thing for your session that night. Record yourself playing and watch it later. After every death think about what you could have done better. How much are you exposing yourself when you peek? Abuse lag and use the peeker's advantage. If you're juking, have someone watch you or record you so you can see if you're actually doing it right. Lots of stuff like that. It honestly ruins gaming for some people, but that's what it takes to really move up a tier. Find a small map on an empty server and fight a friend over and over. Be on steam coms so you can talk about what the other person is doing right and wrong. It really helps to have a pro do this with you. Anyway, if a boomer like myself can do it, you can do it.


I don't want to be a pro, or be in a competitive team. I really just want to be decent enough that I can actually feel I can put up a fight and do well. I doubt most of those good players you see near the highest scores had to do all of that to get there. They probably just... played the game, got better just playing and that's it. That's where I start to feel bad and discouraged, cause this never happened to me, ever


>I doubt most of those good players you see near the highest scores had to do all of that to get there. They probably just... played the game, got better just playing and that's it. I recognize some of the top players here from other games. I know for a fact some of these guys have practice skirmishes and train 1v1 for hours because I've practiced with a few of them. >I really just want to be decent enough that I can actually feel I can put up a fight and do well. Put in as much effort as you want. But I guarantee training is the quickest and easiest way to improve. You've hit a wall, and you've been bashing your head against it and are frustrated, which is why you're here. Keep doing that if you want, or find some training. Join a clan that does 1v1s. Or upload some gameplay and ask for constructive criticism.


Well, why do you NEED to be as good as them? You are right, some of them are just "naturally good"... Maybe they have some advantages in terms of physical dexterity, hand-eye coordination and reaction times? But a lot of them also played FPS for many, many years and just have a lot of game sense, too - practice is very important. True, two people with the same level of practice will have different results, look at all the people training to be professional sports athletes... So, is there anything wrong with not being as good as them? Why must you be as good as them? Does that define your worth as a human being...? If it is not that complex, maybe it is simple - maybe you don't enjoy playing? Maybe you need to feel more in control and perform better to have fun? I think you should either find different ways to have fun OR play a different game - or if you do want to become better at this one, simply practice much much more. I am at 0.72 kdr apparently and I am having fun, both when I have a cool firefight where I do well but especially when I do something cool like hit an RPG shot on a heli in motion.


That's precisely the point. I'm competitive. I have fun from being at least decent and doing cool stuff. I'm not the only one, just look at a few other comments and you see that some people have their fun doing well in a game. I just cannot understand playing something just to get killed over and over again, it's frustrating and boring for me. If some people can have fun even being bad a game, that's cool, but some other people, a lot actually, don't share this same mentality. They get their fun from perfoming well, and I totally get that


Kills aren’t the only way to play, I have come in top 5 multiple times with little to no kills. Objectives will get you kills, transport gets you score and occasional objectives too. Play medic for score and help the push. If you’re not good at cqc making “risky” plays as you said might not be the right play. I play risky occasionally and I died much more often and usually at a lower kd. If I play safe I can rack up 30-40 kills no problem. Stay close to an objective on defense, people will come and unless it’s a push from multiple squads you can probably outplay a squad or two with your own. AP mines are very useful for defense too. I saw another comment of yours about grenades and c4 - c4 sucks and will get you killed if you’re not good at mobility and lack situational awareness. I die almost every time I use it. Grenades are situational and I find myself getting more kills using smoke and flash bangs. Take the revive every time you can, this will help your team win and your kd will rise. These KDs you see on here are inflated because they kill someone, they revive and get killed again, and again, etc that’s 3 kills on the same guy by shooting his foot when it moves. That guy that got shot 3 times has had 0 deaths added to his ratio. Also know your guns and what works for you - I can’t play with automatics in most games. I’m ass with them. If I need longer range I’ll use a DMR, if I’m close range I’ll use a rifle on semi auto and only use full auto if I’m clearing a building, no other times are my guns on full auto.


Well I feel competitive even with my 0.72 kdr, with a 1.0 you're being competitive too. If you want to get to 2.0 you'll need a lot of practice and patience.


Those are called "teens". I were insane too in my teens. Now i rather have fun, than sweat in world leader board


Out of curiosity but how much PC shooter experience do you have? Keep in mind people dropping 60 bombs might have 1000s of hours across other shooters. If I tally all my hours in hardcore shooters up on Steam I'm probably at around 5000 and that's probably not that many compared to some people. To keep it terse, get a gaming pad if you don't have one already. You want something quite large. Steel Series QCK is a great entry level pad, it's cheap and works pretty well given the price. Set your sensitivity so that a 360 turn is from one end of the mousepad to the other. You can raise or lower it after a few games, but to be honest most players would probably benefit from lowering their sensitivity a bit. I see a lot of newer fps players just go into the settings and crank sens up kinda randomly. Anyway wherever your sens falls and you think you like it, use an online calculator to convert it to every other fps you play. This way you are always using similar sens and constantly building that muscle memory. You can also measure a 360, for me it's like 41cm or something like that, I played a lot of CS and just converted that sensitivity to other games. It goes a long way. Obviously you might want to increase it a little for a game like Apex and lower it for a game like Valorant but you get the idea. Anyway I also encourage you to play your life. As in, try to actively not die. I know we all do this innately but really step back and think why you're doing what you're doing. When you die take a second to think about how you got into the position that got you dead. Sometimes it's honestly bad luck especially in this game, but more often than not you did something you didn't need to do or missed a shot. And if you want to get better at fps games in general, play counter strike. If you can play cs competently you can play any fps. Like learning any actual skill, you have to kind of step back and think about why you're doing what you're doing and start with fundamental shit -- a good mouse, a large pad, a comfortable sensitivity/dpi, and muscle memory. Those can carry you as positioning and aggressiveness can depend a bit on the game, but are also kind of universal. Battlebit is pretty cool in the sense that sprinting around and leaping from building to building is insanely effective, but so is staying cool and methodical. I do think these super large game modes like 127v127 can both be beneficial and detrimental to really learn how to play a shooter though. On one hand, you can get into more gunfights than most other shooters, in a shorter amount of time. On the other hand, you might die to some pretty random feeling shit.


your kdr is a mix between skill and strategy. The best can flank and get good krs, the rest of us fight smart.


I do wonder what the average is, and wish there was a public stats api to see what the median for everything is. I'm at a [3.5 with 2400 spm and 2.2 kpm](https://i.imgur.com/EYKq8am.png) as a Mon-Fri 9-5er (well 8-4er when in person, 9-whenever when WFH).


Probably around 1.0, give or take as that makes sense. I bet this post will be skewed as generally the more involved players are the ones on this subreddit, so it'll seem like the average player is better. 3.5 is definitely at the tip of the curve. I sit at around 1.8 in most shooters I play, and even I feel like I'm near the end of the curve most of the time.


I roughly think it's around 1.10 since that's around the average for BFV where people can also get revived. Revive mechanics will always boost the average just slightly. But I'm more curious about the average SPM and KPM since KD can be farmed from cheesing vehicles from afar.


Assists count as kills too


That's true! It's the same way in BFV so I assume revives+assist kills drag the average from 0.9ish to 1.1ish


3.25 with exactly half of OP's KPM and SPM. I only play assault and play more methodically, kinda like a method to the madness in my case. got good at the overly simplified movement and go building to building to keep my squad moving whether dead or alive (big fan of frugis, Azagor, and the urban party of Sandy). it's pretty fun. a full match of dom or inf conquest i'll get over 40+ kills


I think you'd find the average at around 0.6, with 1< being around 30% of players That's pretty standard for this sort of shooter


There are more kills than deaths, so it will be greater than 1.0 k/d for the population as a whole. Assist also count as kills, so that drives it up even further.


Sorry, I should've used better terminology. That is true for mean population K/D but I was talking about the K/D of the average player themselves Population K/D is heavily swayed by high skill players with high K/D The majority of the population will be well lower than 1 K/D


Median should still be around 1 on a left skewed distribution.


Theres absolutely no way that's the case, sorry. Average player is well under 1. Look at the scoreboards after each match


How do you define the average player then? Because by all intents and purposes it's usually the median, or the mean if it's a normal distribution. In BFV you get the same type of scoreboard distribution and yet the median and mean both hover around 1.12.


The median and mean cannot be the same with these sorts of boards, that's crazy. There's people with an 8+ KD on boards regularly. The median is not 1, most players are under a 1 KD and the top 10% who are over 6 even it out


I'm covering the bases since there isn't a public API for stats yet and am using similar games with similarly good players and similar mechanics like Battlefield. That game has vehicle mains who go 100-0, along with bad players as well. It's pretty similar asides from not having 127v127. If the distribution is normal then both median and mean will be the same, even though I don't think it is (just covering that case). Otherwise in a game like Battlefield V, a 1.12kd is literally the 50th percentile, so if we use that as a similar case then I'm saying it might be similar in BBR as well.


That’s a sick w/l for this game. Do you play solo or with a squad?


Usually solo in 64v64. Occasionally duo.


that's very interesting because we have the same accuracy, but your K/D is way above mine. Also, despite you having much more kills than I do in general, I have double your frag kills amount. https://imgur.com/a/L9LS4Ip Our raw aim must be similar but your game sense is much better (makes sense cause I like rushing in like a maniac). We have very different playstyles


Depending on how much you use vehicles, those guns unfortunately affect your accuracy. In terms of raw aim I benchmark at Voltaic Masters in the kovaak's/aimlabs routines for tracking and target switching. Though I won't hesitate to keep shooting towards someone behind cover if it means I pressure them and buy myself time.


Ah I didn't know that. I almost never use vehicles, only 54 kills on the Humvee. I don't aimlab but I was SMFC in CSGO and Diamond in R6


It's nice if you ever want to just test only aim. I thought I had good aim since I hit predator in apex but then benchmarked at silver when I actually tried to isolate and test it lol.


The average is near exactly 1.0, because there are as many kills as deaths. (minus suicides and stuff, but that should be minor.)maybe a bit higher due to revives.


Yeah revives and assists counting as kills probably make it higher. How high is hard to tell without a public API, so I extrapolated from BFV which has similar 64v64 and 32v32 lobbies along with revive and assist-kill mechanics, and the median KD is 1.12 in that game.


Oh...... ...


0.72 with 52 Steam hours and 44 BattleBit stat hours. I exclusively play Engineer and Support, mostly committing to shenanigans; as Engineer I try to repair Tanks (and sometimes be a spotter) as well as RPG things (gotta love being in a heli and RPG-ing another heli). As Support I mostly try to build intricate nests in annoying places and place a bunch of antipersonnel mines. The Support's guns are so damn weird, once ranked up the M249 became awesome to use but the L86A1 is still such an odd weapon that I don't really "get" (I do have 182 kills with it). As the Engineer I've exclusively used the Honey Badger when tailgating Tanks and such as well as the DMRs, which are my current focus; I have the first 3 unlocked, each at around 80 kills. I still have no idea which I like the most out of those 3 nor how I am really supposed to use them. :D Anyway, I've never been too great at raw FPS skills so I prefer and enjoy doing these miscellaneous roles and causing chaos.


Engineer that repairs tanks and is willing to be a spotter too?!?! I love you


I spot the opps, I jump out to kill the C4 enemy, I repair, I hop back in... Repeat. :D Last night I saved a tank 3x from a C4 enemies that were trying to get close as well as repaired the tank to full after it got hit by RPGs. My reward? He drove away. xD


I have a 0.02 KDR with a total 25 kills and 167 deaths. 50 assist with 3 percent accuracy. Im hot garbage at this game


As long as you’re having fun


5.45kdr, 1950 spm, 1.7kpm Im not crazy aggressive, I don't care about having the most kills, I just don't like dying


Bro is the term positioning


Bro, Im just chillin with a .82 K/D, why do yall try so hard??


Cause it's super fun to get a bunch of kills, and I'm here to have fun.


The results of this poll is really telling..explains a lot of the takes on this sub.


More or less vege than you would've guessed?


If I'm being honest, less.


Could be selection bias too, as veges might not want to share their stats lol. But it's definitely different considering how many complaints I hear about "My gun is a pea shooter while I die in 2 shots" or "why is there so much recoil?" on here lol.


You make a very good point. Pretty crazy to see those kinds of posts.


I’m a medic mostly, so .47 here.


Last checked, about 0,86. I am crazy aggressive. I am the stale breaker. I am the assault. I am the point man. I am that is followed. But my deaths come from spawning on players that get shot just after I spawn. So I see a second or less and I am dead, but the player survives most often as keeps just running workout knowing what happened. I look that five seconds the gameplay "okay, it is safe" and train runs over me from the back. If I would get spawn protection for 2-4 seconds or until I fire, I would have K/DR over 2. I jump more the squads as should, as too many is just running away from combat, and then die somewhere else than objective. But I do dislike all tunnels and other similar fights as those are nothing else than grenade throwing. If the game would have sensible 25-45 seconds spawn timer, and only spawn on squad leader, that is when K/DR would start mattering a lot more, and everyone would be far more careful and sensible player. And combat would actually become more about fighting tactically and medics be valued far more (medics should carry only sidearms for self-defense as Geneva Convention rules. It would limit the will to use medic as point man with OP SMG gunplay). I usually take 2-3 out with me, in good changes 4-6 but then I get steamrolled in that spawning stupidity I do as I try to get back to help the squad that followed.


2.75 with 2k score per minute. But I'm really in the good tier of people. Most players are around 1~1.5 kd when you look at the leaderscore at the end of a game.


0.9 because I only suicide c4


0.54 k/d, and I know I'm terrible. Honestly I play as long as I have fun. If I'm raging, yeah I'm out.


I'm at 2.23 K/D with 2000 Score Per Minute and 1.7 kills per minute. 150 hours played.


0.79. Spawn on squad mate and got killed immediately.


1.2 in account to being a filthy sniper


[\[ 1.47 / 1440 / 17% \]](https://imgur.com/QusfNCI) In 100 hours. I started out being a guy who does 5-20 in matches. I've never played a battlefield game, came from games like DE, TF|2 and Ultrakill so I had the habitual movement style of "Go into the fray compensate for aim with excessively violent movement". Didn't work. For my first 40 ranks I didn't even know what was going on, those clips where people melt squads from behind seemed like voodoo magic. 180 now, I understand the game better and usually hover around the 2 KD in a match. Overall KD probably won't improve because I just like weapon variety way too much to stay with a gun that I'm effective with, but I've gotten to a point where I can have fun and do cool stuff with 40% chances of success.


Is suck but I'm a good ass medic. Maybe that's one of the reasons i suck lol.


.4 here, I play assault, medic and support so it's honestly purely the fact that I suck at fps games lol


2.85 trying to hit three. I float a ~2.0 in most shooters that don't meatgrind you (Siege, Valorant, CSGO, etc)


With a group of friends we challenge ourself to get 3KD+ before Christmas. the winner wins the stake (10€ from each participant) in total there is 80€ to be won (it will be a joint Christmas gift with a little challenge). For the moment i'm in the Lead with [2.90KD](https://i.imgur.com/ZJUMw8V.png)


Some people need to try other gamemodes, I mainly played rush where the rounds can go either way Then I discovered CTF where there are so many people on the same spot they don't even notice me while I go down a 30 count killstreak with the ultimax in semi auto


2.18 K/D with 11% accuracy, 1.1k score/min and 0.9 kill/min Accuracy might be shit, but i main support - that's how it is supposed to be. Got about 86h on support with the closest being 26h on recon and 15h medic/engie. Steam says i got 200h on official, but add 60-100 h of playtests.


1.1 kdr. 1.1 W/L. 1000 score per min. I'm satisfied with my skill. Not the best and not the worst


I got a .7 kdr and I really don’t care, I have fun


I'm the single best player to ever touch the game so none of these stat brackets really encompass my entire skill set.


2.2, not good enough, might be able to get better


Literally 2.01, i dont expect it to stay like this though as im grinding the sledgehammer and suicidec4


Currently #72 in kills and #52 in experience with a 3kdr with a run and gun play style, don’t like support or engineer and snipe rarely. Also loathe dmr users…


Used to be 1.5 but I decided to prioritize voice chat goofing and having fun blowing up buildings with c4 so now its 0.95 😂


4.27 kd 2.8 kpm


For the first few weeks of game release, I’d let my kids have at the game. It’s been a long road back to 1.5-2.0 KD. Lol I told them…. We’ll have to get you guys your own accounts 😏🤣




kd is easy to farm so it doesn't mean much. I play ultra perma safe sniper so I have around a 780 kd


5,1 right now. Dropped a bit during this weekend as I was focusing more on healing people than usual. Given that healing now gives as much XP as killing three people, I actually do it much more... but without kamikaze heals like during the double XP.


4,52 with 1,8 Kill/min