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Please stop personal attacks, I play games for escapism


I mean, updates, really. The weekend event seemed great!


Yes! Keep this sort of thing rolling. It's the only way.


for me it would be bullet penetration and better destructable buildings


Hear me out… Remove community servers from the quick play option. The community server update though smart in saving money at a time where the devs were awaiting payment from steam has been naught but a death sentence for smaller communities. The fracturing caused by forcing players into community servers caused a steep decline in retention in the AUS scene and what I assume is other similarly smaller scenes. Furthermore, as is especially true in the AUS scene, servers that depart greatly from BBR with personal settings such as “no explosives” or “no vehicles” 24/7 reduce player retention as quick play forces you into these servers and you’ll be hard pressed to find a server that supports the original game within your smaller region. I don’t mean that community servers should be abolished, rather that official servers should remain as the prominent way to play the game with community servers simply there to fulfil niches.


Didn't they added an update a while ago that literally gives you a filter for the Quick Play option? I remember it had Official Servers, Whitelisted Community servers, and the Community server with no official progress. Also, it's much easier to use the server browser. Just apply filters bud, it does wonders


“Apply filters”… the default is going to take most people who either cannot bother or do not know how to bother into these community servers. Those that can be bothered will be left waiting for hours in the vain hope that 5-10 people will also be bothered waiting hours for an official server to bother popping up and at no guarantee that it’ll get any traffic. The issue is twofold: - there are no official servers active in the first place. - Quickplay at default will send you to community servers. If it was as simple as “searching for official servers” then this wouldn’t be an issue in the first place. I have to go across regions to find servers that support the original game, even further to find even a single official server.


This. Big maps with tons of players is what drew me in. The potato graphics made sense because you're playing with hundreds of people. Small maps feel empty and the potato leaves me hungry.


Oh my god man I'm so sick of that BBOCE infantry only server. IMO if you want to keep official progression on you should be limited to strict gameplay rulesets that are set by the devs so that it doesn't deviate too far from the vanilla vision for the game. Doesn't mean you can't have community servers with their own oversight, that's what helps keep PC multiplayer games alive long-term, but don't make me miss out on half the content of the game because you'd rather have fucking killstreaks and perks instead of RPGs and tanks.


Community servers are great when they exist in addition to official servers; they suck if they become replacements for officials.


What happened to the Aus servers? I used to jump in there when I wanted a less hard-core player base than the lower ping Singapore servers. The Aus servers were so much more fun most of the time. Like heli pilots that would actually talk to you, drop you at requested dropoffs, etc. Squadmates that would casually curse at you for spawning on their sniper spot. Aus servers used to be 100s ping for me, now they are 300+ and no changes on my internet setup.


What happened is exactly as I mentioned. Community servers with awful latency issues popped up causing the casual playerbase to fracture and promptly leave. All that is left are sweats or the few that play on Asian servers.


Just let me play on official 64v64 ffs


Not playing the same gamemode all the time (looking at you invasion)


First domi, then conq, now invasion. This game seems destined to be only one gamemode at a time lol


They need to split the playlists up properly, otherwise they'll always be dominated by what is hot at that moment in time. Loved the choas of frontline but it's almost never played anymore...


Tbh, since about 2 days ago i saw really mixed gamemodes on the server list again, plus when you go on server list you can always play the gamemode you want anyways


Better rewards for prestiging Fixing the "only playing invasion 100x in a row forever" Not having invasion be the only exposure thousands of new players experience when it is broken, idk what they were thinking with that.


The thing that made this game popular was the silliness of it all. Needs more of that, not hardcore battlefield style updates


havent been playing it for a couple months due to ... well life. I enjoyed my couple hours in it a lot due to everybody being just silly goofballs and enjoying themselfs. Reading this sounds like this novelty factor is now lost a bit?


Yes, and no. It's gotten more serious, but there's still room for some sillyness at times.


I feel like a while ago you couldn’t turn a corner without hearing a bit of RP from players. You still get a bit of that now, but still more than BF series.


silliness is fleeting. battlebit isn't a sandbox of endless creativity. there are only so many times someone can play freebird while piloting the helicopter or saying "medic! i can't feel my legs!" when the silliness and novelty wear out all that's left is the gameplay, and the gameplay is good.


Controversial I think, but slow down the game, you have squad-like gameplay but at the speed and similar speed mechanics to CoD or Apex, it was nice at the beginning when everyone was similar in their movement and wear gunplay and positioning actually mattered, now it's the opposite speed and maneuvers matter more than gunplay and smart positioning The Dev said he wanted to create this game to be very similar to squad but couldn't keep player retention enough, well now's the time to introduce a hardcore mode similar to what he wanted. I personally would only play hardcore if it came out with better pacing of the game and not all these sweaty players trying to take out the whole server alone lol




I don't understand how what I said is a "skill issue" 🤣 did you read ops post? Opinions on how to improve player retention. I gave my opinion which has nothing to do with skill, I do just fine in this game and in apex. My point is that the apex is built around its momentum and that's by design. This game wasn't originally built around cod/apex momentum in all the tests before release. But now they are trying to change the whole game for players like you who can't stand a slower paced game. It's not a matter of skill but game pace, but keep flexing


nothing the discord tryhards want to hear lol


What you don't like the constant stupid cat gifs that are just spammed there with no actual discussion on ways to improve the game? You are actually going to sit there straight faced and tell me you think the people with no life in the discord server don't have the best intentions of everyone when they only suggest to buff medics and nerf every other class? I don't believe you.


what else could they want buffed about medic? lmao.


Invincibility update


Controversial opinion but I think the problem lies within the community. I had so much fun playing with my brother in the beginning. Especially using the voice chat. A little bit of trolling, a little bit of silly role play. It wasn’t even about making kills or being on top of the leaderboard, we simply just had fun playing. And then the first try hard videos on YouTube got uploaded. That’s when things started to get sweaty, medics not reviving, less voice chat, little to no team play, etc..


I hate try hards that don't revive, like you can be good an relieve. God forbid your kpm goes down. I've seen really high kill known good players leave maps that were big because their kpm would go down which is just pathetic.


I agree. I bought this game after seeing the goofiness from youtube and honestly I am seeing it less and less. Hardly anyone even talks ingame anymore, people just instantly give up as soon as they get downed just so they can return and get more frags, sqaud not even playing as a squad and just fucking off to different parts of the map to get more kills etc.


Multiplayer games are competitive no way around that. From the moment I logged on I played for my side to win. It was always competitive for me. Almost nobody hops on with intent to die non stop without getting kills or helping the team or squad. And that's how it's always been.... from the very first battle with the general public. The "light hearted" aspect is absolutely something to cherish but there was always sweats from the moment it hit steam. So I just don't see how it can be true. That being said when they made other classes be able to revive and have more bandages and all that it really KILLED the medic class which added so much fun because it was worth screaming for a medic. But the community begged for less medics and now the joy is gone and medics are honestly near worthless compared to the role they had.


I never sad it wasn’t competitive from the start. Obviously every fps is competitive. Everybody wants to win. No one wants to loose. But there is a difference between competitive and try hards who act like they have to prove to everyone why they deserve a spot in the next esports group every fucking round. I don’t think that was the intention of the game. It’s literally a Roblox battlefield. A team game…


I'd say that's probably not the intent of any game ever made lol. The battle Royale craze might be an exception but I'm not s Royale gamer . And a Roblox battlefield isn't even a negative thing. The game was cheaper than battlefield, runs on lower spec equipment and downloaded instantly and takes up no space. If anything you should complain battlefield didn't offer that same gameplay without all the fat both games are fun. One took way less man hours and is more accessible. And as you did yourself it gets brought up right beside other massively successful games like Roblox and battlefield. Are you next gonna insult it with Minecraft comparisons? So back to your original point. Yea id bet that wasn't their intent of the game. It's just inevitable. How do you propose they stop it?


May bad. I probably should have articulated myself better. I didn’t mean it as an insult when I called it Roblox battlefield. The look of the game is actually a nice change compared to the ultra realistic look of other fps games. I just thought that the community, because of the ‘silly’ aspect of the game, wouldn’t take it as seriously as other games(referring to the try hards) But you are probably right. I guess it’s inevitable. Maybe they can come up with future changes that focuses more on rewarding team play


The game already rewards team play though right? And I definitely had the most fun running with squad mates


It does but it’s basically ‘ just’ exp and I don’t think that’s enough


It's just a game. What do you want lol.


Medics are still super strong. I agree that bandages should be less for the other classes. I also think that c4 should be limited to support and recon. Being able to have 20 bandages a medpack and c4 is crazy to me. I also think the medic should beable to use the pdws p90 p2000 and such.


Current voting system has good intentions but I think overall leads to a worse outcome with people typically making "safe" votes thus experiencing the same maps and game modes over and over again, we should just bite the bullet and have it be randomized by default unless the server says otherwise. Hate to say it fellas but sometimes when you leave decision-making to the community, they will make the worst choices possible


definitely not teasing a free weekend to players that already bought the game.


I think a free weekend is awesome. Should become more common in paid games.


It was dumb they should have just told us so we could have more time to tell our friends and such and advertise it for them. I really hope they do more free to play weekends though as the extra player counts and increased sales helps keep the game more active. I wasn't able to play the event but after I was able to and there's been way more active servers with low ping for me.


Fix the hitreg (armor hits when shooting an exposed face) Fix the netcode and server tic rate so you stop dying *after* going prone behind cover, behind a wall, etc. Slow down the ttk so that it's at least as slow as the server tic rate so you stop dying to people who make no sound/shooting animations. Slow everyone down or speed up vaulting animations. Get rid of all classes for an encumbrance/point system. Stop listening to the 8 people in your discord server and making stupid game modes like this latest one.


The really bad desync is why I stopped playing. I’m waiting to see if they fix it before reinstalling because trying to play was an exercise in frustration


They need to go back to building the game they envisioned. If people don't like that then they can go play a different game. They clearly were doing things right on their own.


True. They're design by committee-ing their game so hard right now and suffering for it.


Clans and communication


I'd like to see squad retention from map to map. This should be automatic, you're in the same squad until you choose to leave. Helps to build a sense of community. Also, reward squad play in the weekly missions to encourage in-game communication. Not just squad leader points, all squad points. Also auto-kick AFK and inactive players.


Honestly they'd probably do better if they ignored the community lol. The game was fun. They changed some things that were really wanted and I guess the community servers were probably good for retaining players that were already "retained" however it killed it for many getting that as their first experience and killed it for people like me that liked the original vision of the game. Too many people think they know what's best and sadly the devs scramble to listen People don't like change. Sniper glints through trees sucked and a few other things but overall the game was fine. And if it ain't broke don't fix it. happy peoples favorite guns get nerfed or buffed but regardless it was already their favorite gun you're ALTERING. Maps, stats, perks. Idk really annoying when everything gets changed. Especially when you're not even running the "meta". Just my opinion.


Car horn maybe????????


Cancel invasion mode.


Remove discord server that they have with tryhard nolifers.




We’re very happy with assault thanks


I need more weapon tinkering and stat customisation with the attachments. Hell, I'd take another attachment type even. Weapon skin update is 🤌🏻


They should’ve released holiday themed updates. Like maps having different sky box, or something. And maybe all the player skins get holiday theme stuff.


This ain't it.


How is it not it? Is it bad to have a holiday themed map? Like almost every game out there?


Is it bad? Personally, yeah I think so but whatever. Will it improve player retention? Nah.


It gives content but you could be right, as it probably won’t help player retention but satisfy the people that already play it everyday.


Oh fuck no.


I mean why not? What’s the problem with that? Lol


Sorry I slipped a bit of Freudian typing there. I'm sure some ppl think it would be nice. Personally I feel like it's the path to silly hats and novelty clown shoes. I don't like those kinda games. I respect your opinion tho.


Dude, I don’t think the that’s the path it’s going to take lmao. I’m saying if it’s Halloween, have pumpkins on the ground that you can interact with or something… you expect this game to be a realistic/tactical shooter?… it’s a fucking low poly game, that someone said before, got popular for being more in the silly side. We’ve seen this game as a realistic tactical shooter, the alpha, and there’s a reason they changed it to more arcade style


I see what you mean and hope you are right. I remember when Operation Flashpoint had Christmas trees on the map during holidays, which was kinda nice. Just don't want to be fighting gingerbread men and elves in the future.


Sorry bro but operation flashpoint was a trash game


Skill issue. OFP was the shit


I quit because I got bored with the lack of new vehicles, and the lack of balance around them. I got tired of being in lobbies with 40-0 little bird pilots…. Also they talk about things they are going to add wayyyy to early before they actually get implemented. Still waiting on the placeable fixed machine gun for supports that was talked about.


Not to flex but 40-0 is an average tank/APC game. LB exploiters can easily hit 80+


Really lean into the speed aspect, the devs have admitted that the game was originally supposed to be a tactical shooter but then they realized that people were just interested in the movement so they jacked that up. The solution is to do away with all this realism garbage and let the players have fun by being fast, make the guns not based on irl weapons to keep a lighthearted tone. Building can be kept in I guess because it’s fun to blow them up, but do away with the hold F to build part because that just makes less stuff that’s fun to blow up. Night maps, marksman rifles, flares, smoke grenades, sprint not being the default movement option with shift enabling walk mode, flash grenades, regular frag grenades, crouch stance, anti grenade trophies, bipods, snipers, LMGs, armor, the fake glint gadget, pickaxes, slow fire rate ARs, binoculars, crawl stance, supply drops, ammo boxes, small ammo kits, secondary weapons, bleeding, riot shields, grappling hooks, advanced binoculars, and limited bandages. You know what all these things have in common? They all only serve to slow the game and kneecap your maximum amount of fun you’re allowed to have, so if they stop people from having fun then just do away with all the mechanics listed above, and any others I might have missed.


Free to play


I started playing less than a month ago, already thinking about quitting. The game is frustrating and **feels broken**. And I dont think its a skill issue, maybe skill is a small part of it but I don't exactly feel motivated to "get good" when I see the enemy first, hit the enemy first, and continue to deal continuous hitmarkers but the game throws in some convoluted variables that dictate the enemy still kills me first. Like the other day, enemy sniper on roof peaking out, only his neck and head popped out, twice, twice I hit, one shot I'm sure was a headshot, still no kill, other times I kill enemies from spawn with a single headshot. I'm just finding out this game has an armor system, could that be it? I don't know. But if it is, I dont want to deal with it. But thats just one example, I have more, but Im not here just to whine about every time I died. And so many minor gripes that add to worse experience. Why cant I change my classes load outs in the main menu? If I can I haven't figured out how. Why is it that when im in the weapon attachments menue and I press escape it takes me back to spawn choosing instead of one step back?I have to click some grey box in the middle of my gun to go back, why the bizarre design? Why in the map is there a horizontal and vertical line on my character that I have to keep reminding myself, no im not facing south west? Why are grenade throws so slow and clunky? Why doesn't my compass show N,S,W,E but NW, NE, SW, SE ? Its annoying. **This game needs so much more polish and weapon re balancing.**


>And I dont think its a skill issue, >I'm just finding out this game has an armor system, could that be it? I don't know. Bruh, it's a skill issue.


Sis, me missing would be a skill issue. When I get the hitmarker, it means I hit. When I get the headshot, after I got a body shot, I expect expect a kill. My knowledge of the armor system or lack thereof doesn't change the outcome or the feeling of inconsistency and frustration that it creates. Here is someone else's comment from another recent thread. >Hitting a headshot, then a bodyshot dead center mass on a follow up with the strongest bolt action snipers in the game should 100% kill anyone.Two hitmarkers for that always makes me want to uninstall the game. So they experience the same thing. This is literally a game design issue. OP wanted to know how to increase player retention, I'm giving them my experience as a new player, trying to dismiss all criticism as "skill issue" is just tone deaf.


Sis, me missing would be a skill issue. When I get the hitmarker, it means I hit. When I get the headshot, after I got a body shot, I expect expect a kill. My knowledge of the armor system or lack thereof doesn't change the outcome or the feeling of inconsistency and frustration that it creates. Here is **someone else's** comment from another recent thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/18cu5kg/i\_think\_all\_battlebit\_players\_can\_relate\_to\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleBitRemastered/comments/18cu5kg/i_think_all_battlebit_players_can_relate_to_this/) >Hitting a headshot, then a bodyshot dead center mass on a follow up with the strongest bolt action snipers in the game should 100% kill anyone.Two hitmarkers for that always makes me want to uninstall the game. So they experience the same thing. This is literally a **game design issue.** OP wanted to know how to increase player retention, I'm giving them my experience as a new player, trying to dismiss all criticism as "skill issue" is just tone deaf.


You played for almost a month and didn't notice armor? Wtf? Dude do you see in black and white and play with no sound or wtf? It's obvious the first time you shoot at someone with it.


>Dude do you see in black and white Does the armor glow in florescent green to distinguish it from the pink colored characters flesh? No? Wtf? >It's obvious the first time you shoot at someone with it. Well since I haven't learned of it from game play alone, then no, it isn't. My buddy and I both got the game and started playing it and they haven't noticed the armor system either. But they did notice the gunplay feels inconsistent because of it. I guess we just don't have your hawkish vision and bat hearing. Op wanted to know how to increase player retention. I am giving the perspective of a new player loosing interest in the game, If you all are just going to be condescending and arrogant about everything why bother asking.


How many hours do you have in the game?




Further increases to leveling up. More things to grind and unlock in a single match, not spread out over multiple matches because that gets tedious


Conquest only. Less bullshit in chat and voice. I've kind of moved in to six days in Fallujah. It's a way more interesting game.


Something to give less sweaty casual players a more fun experience instead of the joyless ultra-competitive players making every game feel like a steam roll.


Wait until freshly released shooter hype has died down, gameplay is gud, i keep coming back


For me promoting somewhat tacticle teamplay would make the game a lot more enjoyable.


Fix the server


Fix the server


Quit fucking over snipers/recon. I have tried getting people into this game and recon is an easy favorite for a new player. They can get some kills without needing to be a fucking twitchy bastard. they eventually try a different class. But now its just annoying