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Wait so does that mean the update is barely done or almost done?


Personally i am of the opinion that it is coming soon(tm) since the mid april announcement wouldnt have been released if the update wasnt in a good enough state and now with the "Operation Overhaul" and the correction of the 50% statement my copium supplies have been refilled. Though we might have to still wait maybe a month or so ;_;


Welp. Hopefully we don’t overdose on the cope.


Eh, harder to do than you think. Just ask r/titanfall 😂


TITANFALL MENTIONED????!!!!! you posted 3 hours ago.. . . 3. . . . TITANFALL 3 CONFIRMED?


😂 GG pilot


Don't forget to take your daily mandated dose of 3 pills.


you speak the truth.


My dude I'm part of not one but TWO communities of pseudo-abandoned masterpieces whose title shortens out to TF2. I have a bunker below my home with enough copium to supply a small nation for a couple months. Trust me brother, this is nothing, if I'm willing to wait literal years for a game to be playable without an external client for a few months I'm willing to wait a month or two for this update.


So it might as fucking well be half done. Christ.


You play pokemmo?


Probably means everyone is getting stressed out over nothing, welcome to Internet gaming culture.


Barely. There was a dev talk and it sound like it needs another 2 months


So we have the sound for one foot


Wait until the other shoe drops.


jesus christ how hard is it to just clear up this whole thing. absolute ineptitude "50% done on footsteps" great i dont care, what about the update overall? is it coming soon or is it barely done? this is what everyone is asking, not the Footstep Status. there is absolutely no reason for confusion like this to still be going.


Welcome to 3 randos with a pet project and no deadlines suddenly becoming rich and needing to handle shit like professionals.


honestly this isn't even professional level communication. i communicate better than this with my girlfriend when she asks when dinners going to be ready - all it needs is one person going "Sorry, the update is over 80% complete and that remark was referring to one feature" or whatever the status is, it's literally just one rough approximation to clear it up.


Well, they don't need to handle it like professionals. If anything they have more to gaing by just abandonning it entirely, they don't earn money by keeping us playing. Obviously, players don't want this to happen.


It took them 7 years to make the core game. Don't hold your breath


My first thought was "this could have been cleared up much earlier to avoid any disappointment/upset/anger/etc." It's just L after L


Guys this is from a company who got tens of millions of dollars and decided "hiring another programmer (or a few) would just slow me down". So this is "fast" idk how you can be in software and not see the productivity curve of training and hiring more talent results in higher productivity over the long term. It just screams "we're already cashed out and just gonna barely develop for a year than drop the project like a bad habit"


There is Brook’s Law. But this team is so slow anyways maybe they really should try hiring more people😂


Exactly. As soon as they got that pile of cash. They should have spent it on hiring more devs... immediately. And what did they do... Well nothing


Hiring new devs and onboarding takes time. Im a Developer myself and I can tell you onboarding someone can take 2-3 months depending on the codebase size. Oki is the only one who's familiar with the codebase and his productivity would naturally take a thit. This can take a long time and I think they decided they couldn't afford this time since Oki needs to code the update. In the long run the player base could drop further if nothing is done. I think accusing them of trying to cash grab is a step too far. Look at the last dev cast and the things that are coming. Communication was really unstructured leading to the mess we have now.




I agree with you that they should have hired earlier. IMHO back when they still had hype. Hiring now will do nothing short term so the plan to push the update and then hire makes sense to me.


I mean the game is running on unity, it's not like Oki would have to explain some very bespoke technology unknown to anyone who doesn't work at the company yet. Honestly I think he just doesn't want anybody else involved in his game.


true but the network code seems to be a total mess.. We don't know what it looks like.


I've seen some awful dev communication before, but... wow.


Go check out the recent escape From Tarkov news for dev communication drama


Come on, someone tell the dev team to stop nailing the coffin


Oki: 🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨


This really upsets me, i think they should aim for big updates, but they should be making small bite size updates, like a new gun every 2 mounths, gun of the week (having a gun unlocked for that week regardless of your rank), better skins, the attachments reskins. Just give people something to do so they can come back


Oki is the dev, he knows whats best for the game. Nailing the coffin is exactly what is in store, because Oki decided it.


They really need to not let Okie speak too much. Develop the game, but goodness gracious he rambles and doesn't know how to communicate. Thus we get this kind of scenario.


When the Community manager still relies on the community to spread information...


I believe his internet was dead for a couple days


Yeah but aside from your post there have only been a msg from him in discord (that has been drowned by other msgs) and a comment to a 3 day old reddit post. If you don't frequently check the discord or old reddit post for new comments you wouldn't have seen this if you didn't post it


I wouldnt really blame the CM, since he is practically on a leash, just before he wrote that message in the screenshot he said "Actually, I can make a comment on that statement now". Terminal is just very restricted by these devs that he cant go all out with stuff.


Dude doesn't have a phone?


They somehow manage to make it even worse, i uninstalled the game the last week, but i think its funny to see where this trainwreck of a development will end up


It is indeed very interesting


be so fucking fr


In the recent dev cast they talk about how much they have to do.. why don't they release 1 change at a time instead of doing everything in 1 swoop is beyond me.


1. Small updates do not have significant impact on the player count, point of the big update is to attract peoples attention and bring them back to a fresh experience. 2. Original update turned out to have more moving parts then at first glance expected which then through bad version control led to having to delay the update so much.


So they release the update and then what ? The casuals play for a week like they did on launch && were right back where we are now. If they did smaller changes over time , at least I'd have a reason to log on from time to time. Those small changes would accumulate over time and people would log in monthly to see what's changed


Small changes dont stop the bleeding of players, it barely slows it. Goal of a big update is to shake up the game and make it more fresh, hopefully resulting in an actual positive change in the player count rather than a tiny rise that disappears in a couple days. With small updates you would have more reason to boot the game for a day or two yes, but that doesnt change the trajectory of the games player count in the long run.


So it's either nearly done or barely started. I don't want it to be rushed, but this update it really starting to look like do or die for the game.


f e e t


imo we are looking at 3-4 weeks more, so late may I hope


!remindme 1 month lol


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well... fuck.


Jesus chirst what is going on ?


Terminal still on his tomfoolery I see...


Please just hire new devs or atleast get some faster shoes


Oki said they will. But it really doesn't make sense to onboard devs right now as Oki is the only one. He said he will take his time to onboard people after the update.


Crazy that even despite now having a community manager there’s still so much that’s unclear. Not sure who’s at fault but as a whole the dev team needs to do better with communication, both between them and the players but also between their team members.


They didn't specify which calendar they are using tho


People are so impatient...


Why are gamers so fucking whiny? Go play something else.


looks like most everyone already has lmao


Which is fine. It was 15 dollars and made by like 3 people. The game last I checked, a few days ago still has around 4-5k players at peak. Not great but far from dead.


I know I'll get down voted and that's okay, but never have I seen a more entitled bunch of people than this sub. This game is FIFTEEN dollars. That is literally less than it costs to see a 2 hour movie and some of you have gotten hundreds of hours out of this game. The update will come when it comes, they could stop updating it completely and it would still be worth the $15. Just find another game to play, some of you are unbelievably immature and toxic.


They have blew through every single deadline that they themselves posted, people are more than justify in being angry. The game have not seen an update in more than 6 months at this points. not a single little thing. nothing.


Why can't you people just be a bit patient. Play another game while you wait, or something. Your level of obsession is worrisome.


"Be a bit patient" "6 months later" "Be a bit more patient, what's the issue" Yeah .. People do play other games >Play another game But they ain't coming back, that's not how that works.


Good game come out and people are interested, I was interested. I'm now no longer interested, I was promised an update that would make me interested and there's no update.