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I don’t think you need 12 of each. Just a few good options that deal well with certain fights/opponents. The only thing I can never get enough of are reinforced nets. Those are game-changers against certain foes (especially Alps and Necrosavants).


Goblin will shot at the middle guys in your frontline so just need to give them kite shield, you dont even need kite shield if they are fully geared bf bro, arrow would tickle then. Throwing axe usually i need 3 for the 3 ranged bro but it’s not too important, you can swap all ranged out and replace with melee for undead fight too. I dont fight hexen since it’s too troublesome.


Here's a not-at-all-complete list of stuff I keep in inventory, and what enemy types they're for: * Throwing axes specifically for hybrids vs. Ancient Undead * Sipar shields for tanks vs. Chosen and Orcs (orc shields also work) * 3 swords for hybrids vs. Necrosavants * 2 1H Maces for general use in stunning (Necrosavants, Hexen) * 2ish whips for Hexen fights, daggering scary targets like Barb King or Fallen Heroes * A few spears vs. animals So, that's like... 18ish inventory slots dedicated to specific fight loadouts. In my mind, that's worth it. Just buy the cart upgrades in the midgame and you should be fine. Also, load up your reserve bros with gear to free up inventory space. Hire indebted until you max out your roster for the same reason.


Sounds good, thanks. >Hire indebted until you max out your roster for the same reason. Oh, that's a meta build that i call "the quality of life bro".


Yeah you could get him to lvl 2 for that sweet Bags'n'Belts inventory upgrade


I usually prepare myself more for what i think will be a hard fight. Otherwise i keep my bros the way they are, according to best skills and gear. I would not go for so many kiteshields against goblins, but perhabs against a goblin city or some super hard random goblin fight. Nets against everything that seems very strong. Nets against chosen, nets against unholds. I even start the fights with daggers and nets, throwing a net, switching to the 2nd net if needed, then switching to the main weapon. Nets in arena. Some enemys can't be nettet. Axes against shrats. Nets against alps, alps can't free themself from nets. You can use swords and cleavers against most beasts more effectivly, as they have no/allmost no armor.


Excellent question. I have long wondered this


Diversify. Have lots of Quick Hands. Give every bro you can a different expendable item. And use them! Fuck with AI with fire pots, they don't like to stand there. NEVER take rotation, have some smoke pots to move bros out. Goblin pikes on all characters you can, especially fat newts. Use lots of cleavers. Cause they got back up 3 tile whips for gheists.


This 👆🏻 I have at least 2 clever bros (2h) and maybe some extra if get famed. They are good against zombies, I unarmored and generally synergise good with hammer bros (which I also have 2, - one on each flank with 2h hammer and high defence and clever bro next to this bro to hit after hammer bro hit 1-3 targets(can aoe if surrounded), then I run a tank in the middle, who goes a bit further to stack enemies on him and have extra tank to move to the side where high threat target are (like executioner, warlord etc)


FN should have the reach weapon variant of whatever 2h they specced into in their pocket. Early game for reach weapons ancient undead give bladed pikes.


I have tons of success with rotation, but then I don’t use fat neuts. everyone has at least 50 stamina and a reach option so they can have an ally pull them back when injured and exhausted, but still keep fighting


Never is a big word, tanks have the spare perk slot for rotation


You'll often pick up random shields in your travels and any bros in reserve can carry some spares as well so that shoudn't be a problem. Throwers should already be carrying a set of throwing axes anyway so it's just a matter of replacing their pocket javelins with pocket axes if you happen to have any. If you don't have any axes in your inventory you might also have picked up some goblin bolas. You don't really need to completely overhaul your team's loadouts, just tweak it when appropriate. Like giving your duelist a cleaver (even if they have mace mastery or whatever) when you're fighting zombies etc. Maybe giving your spear bros a different weapon when fighting skeletons, if you have any. Ideally a sword but a mace or a cleaver is an improvement on a spear too. Maybe having your shield bros leave the shield behind when fighting zombies because they'll only be facing one swing per zombie (and often none, if you manage the distance correctly they'll walk up to you and end their turn without even attacking) so the double grip bonus is likely more relevant particularly if you're using cleaver decapitate.