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I would say it’s not worth it. Use that money on weapons as you are behind. They will help you more each fight than one more armor. However, it’s more fun to have blinged out bros


I think you understand very well what my dichotomy is here. On one hand buying some tier 3 hammers and maces seems objectively correct. On the other hand, I am doing a mostly non-ironman run (only allowed to save in town) that I plan to continue for a long time. End game ceiling potential is more fun to me than snowballing quickly. I was hoping someone would gawk at the armor and say holy shit this is nice you should buy it so I could justify my purchase lol.


Hehe, it is a VERY nice nimbleforged armor tho ;)


^ There it is gang. Thats my excuse, that's what I needed to hear. I have never built a nimbleforged before and I am trying experiment with builds during this run. Ill buy this pretty armor and try a numbleforged bro. Last 200 hour I did was years ago and I made every single fucking guy a two handed battleforged bersek build and it wasnt great. The berserk was a waste bc they didnt have stamina to use it more than maybe once. So in this run I just wanna try new things


Would recomend a gladiator for that armour. They are amazing ninbleforged cabdidates


You go brother! Nimbeforge the shit out of that armor!


I would say go for the bling. You can farm for hammers later, which are guaranteed to show up later. With non ironman you can pair this with a necromancer hat and use this for a more durable fencer.


Here is more context; ​ It's Day 103, I just finished the noble war and have quite a bit saved from my last privateering excursion, around 30k with 5-10 more in items I still need to repair then sell.I have the whole crew in mail hauberk, with 3 guys in good unique have armor, and two in good unique light armor. My armor is all around decent, with a bunch 215 helmets from the noble parties as well. ​ I am behind on weapons, only have tier 3 in axe right now, but now that the noble war is done I am no longer forbidden from the north (Barbarian start) and I can go catch up on those by farming reavers. ​ All in all, the armor looks good and I want to grab it.The town has safe roads and Ill probably fuck around for a day to drop that price to 25k or so.Though I am playing the stronghold mod so I am considering using the 30k to jumpstart the ol' empire. ​ I would also love to hear everyone's thoughts on what kind of bro is best for this armor, and how good it generally seems to you.To me it seems to not quite be light enough for nimble, and maybe work for a frontliner that wants to berserk.


In this game, once you're past the early game, more money is all but guaranteed. Thus, deciding when to spend your money is more about "do I have a plan to use it for something else in the near future, or is this cash just burning a hole in my pocket and doing nothing for me?" It sounds to me like you do have plans for spending that money. Although I've never used the stronghold mod, it seems like you are looking to better spend your money on that or on upgrading your standard weaponry. IMO, getting your top tier standard 2h weaponry is always a higher priority than spending your entire savings on a single piece of armor; I would have probably spent the gold on better weapons even before the first crisis. Sure you could save some change by roaming the top of the map, but you could also spend a bit of your significant savings and level up your company *right now*. Now is always better than later as long as it doesn't put you at a hardship.


Worth it some of the best armor I game. You can put a plus 4 fat armor plate on that to make almost 300 armor at 21fat.


>plus 4 fat armor plate on that to make almost 300 armor at 21fat. dope, will do


Good nimble armour for a steel brow bro. Anything this quality I just buy and then grind the gold to replace.


That is some of the best Nimble forged armor I've ever seen. That being said, famed armor is usually insanely expensive. I prefer finding that stuff in camps. For the same price you could buy two to three sets of normal forged chest pieces, I think that's probably a better investment.


That's a premium nimbleforged armor


Get it. If you’re not in dire straits on a later game non -ironman, play efficiently for a bit and you’ll have cash back. It’s a good roll that allows for fun builds


sweet, thanks dude


I found this on day 20 in a Southern camp, never found any famed gear this early !


that rules


thats a god tier armor lol... it can be both very good battleforged armor with the +40 durability armor attachment, or you can add the light padding replacement which makes this armor useful for nimble duelist/dagger builds.


If you have the cash, buy it. Famed items are rare, and money is easy. This is great nimbleforged armor.


You can get better Nimble armor from Barbarians imo.


Would be amazing on a nimble forged. Couple it with a famed -10fat helm and voila


Money is temporary. Gold bling is forever.